Esempio n. 1
from Herwigpp_i.Herwigpp_iConf import Herwigpp
genSeq += Herwigpp()
evgenConfig.generators += ["Herwigpp"]

genSeq.Herwigpp.Commands += ["set /Herwig/Model:EW/Sin2ThetaW 0.23113"]

Esempio n. 2
## Job option script for POWHEG with Herwig++
## Riccardo Di Sipio
## See bottom of this file for an example POWHEG config


# ## Control log levels
# svcMgr.MessageSvc.OutputLevel = DEBUG

## Add H++ to the job list
from Herwigpp_i.Herwigpp_iConf import Herwigpp
topAlg += Herwigpp()

from Herwigpp_i import config as hw
## According to Paolo Nason, using NLO PDFs for ME and LO for PS/UE is okay
cmds = hw.energy_cmds(7000) + hw.base_cmds() + hw.lo_pdf_cmds(
    "cteq6ll.LHpdf") + hw.ue_tune_cmds("CTEQ6L1-UE-EE-7000-3")

# TODO: Check that mass resets (to match POWHEG) are approved.
cmds += """
setup /Herwig/Particles/t     6 t    172.5 1.4 14 0  2  3 2 0
#setup /Herwig/Particles/tbar -6 tbar 174.2 1.4 14 0 -2 -3 2 0
set /Herwig/Particles/u:NominalMass 0.320
set /Herwig/Particles/ubar:NominalMass 0.320

set /Herwig/Particles/d:NominalMass 0.320
set /Herwig/Particles/dbar:NominalMass 0.320

set /Herwig/Particles/s:NominalMass 0.5
set /Herwig/Particles/sbar:NominalMass 0.5
# Number of events to be processed (default is 10)
theApp.EvtMax = 1000
# Algorithms Private Options
from AthenaServices.AthenaServicesConf import AtRndmGenSvc
ServiceMgr += AtRndmGenSvc()
## ServiceMgr.AtRndmGenSvc.Seeds = ["PYTHIA 4789899 989240512",
##                                  "PYTHIA_INIT 820021 2347532"]
# ServiceManager.AtRndmGenSvc.ReadFromFile = true;

from AthenaCommon.AlgSequence import AlgSequence
job = AlgSequence()
from Herwigpp_i.Herwigpp_iConf import Herwigpp
job += Herwigpp()

#herwigpp = job.Herwigpp
cmds = []


job.Herwigpp.Commands += cmds

#sj#from TruthExamples.TruthExamplesConf import DumpMC
#sj#job += DumpMC()

# start my own
#from HepMCAnalysis_i.HepMCAnalysis_iConf import HepMCAnalysis
from HepMCAnalysis_i.HepMCAnalysis_iConfig import HepMCAnalysis_i