def __init__(self, master, _ControlPoint, NumTrimmer, _commESP): ######################################### self.allure = 0 # Initially stopped self.CTE=Constante("common.h") # From self.CTE.ParseFile() self.commESP = _commESP # get the liste of Server, contain only communicationa artefacts self.ControlPoint = _ControlPoint self.NumTrimmer = NumTrimmer = Toplevel(master) # Link with master window # Dp Not display empty window self.CreateTrimScale(
def __init__(self, CtrlServerLst): i = 0 # Get the constant from 'common.h' file active. CTE = Constante("common.h") CTE.ParseFile() # Get the host IP address. # if your PC / Host have several Ethernet/IP port, # you might not get the IP address you want !!!!!!!! self.ipLocal = socket.gethostbyname(socket.gethostname()) # The list of Server from self.ServerLst = [] # Array of server with IP, Port and name self.UDPClientSocket = [ ] # Array of the socket created: one per server. # Assigned the port for each server, then create the socket associated to each server for i in range(0, len(CtrlServerLst)): CtrlPt = CtrlServerLst[i] BYTES = CtrlPt.ip.split( '.' ) # Socket Port number as port = 43150 + the fourth digit of the IP Address Byte4 = int( BYTES[3] ) # ==> For the port will be 43150 + 100 ==> 43250 CtrlPt.port = CTE.PORT + Byte4 self.server = server(, CtrlPt.ip, CtrlPt.port) self.ServerLst.append(self.server) sock = socket.socket(family=socket.AF_INET, type=socket.SOCK_DGRAM) # Use full trace print("Create socket for",, "IP:", CtrlPt.ip, "PORT:", CtrlPt.port) sock.bind((self.ipLocal, CtrlPt.port)) sock.setblocking(0) self.UDPClientSocket.append(sock)
0] # Read current value minVal = key.getElementsByTagName(TagMin)[0] oldMinValue = minVal.firstChild.nodeValue # Get previous values oldMaxValue = maxVal.firstChild.nodeValue print("Replacing minValue:" + oldMinValue + " by new value:" + str(MinValue)) print("Replacing maxValue:" + oldMaxValue + " by new value:" + str(MaxValue)) minVal.firstChild.nodeValue = MinValue # Assign new values maxVal.firstChild.nodeValue = MaxValue with open('ControlServer_test.xml', 'w') as f: f.write(self.doc.toxml()) f.close() break return CtrlPoint if __name__ == "__main__": CTE = Constante("common.h") # From CTE.ParseFile() CtrlServerLst = [] # ControlServers without the HMI aspect XML = XMLConfig(CTE.XML_cfgFile, "Locomotive", "TrackSwitch") CtrlServerLst = XML.ParseXML() XML.UpdateTrackSwitch(CTE.XML_cfgFile, "", 0, 11, 111)
class ChangeTrim: def __init__(self, master, _ControlPoint, NumTrimmer, _commESP): ######################################### self.allure = 0 # Initially stopped self.CTE=Constante("common.h") # From self.CTE.ParseFile() self.commESP = _commESP # get the liste of Server, contain only communicationa artefacts self.ControlPoint = _ControlPoint self.NumTrimmer = NumTrimmer = Toplevel(master) # Link with master window # Dp Not display empty window self.CreateTrimScale( def SetTrimValueLeft(self, value): print("==> LEFT", value) self.ControlPoint.TrimLeft[self.NumTrimmer] = value self.commESP.MsgForkLeft[1] = self.NumTrimmer+1 self.commESP.MsgForkLeft[2] = int(value) self.commESP.SendData(self.commESP.MsgForkLeft, self.ControlPoint.numCtrlPoint) return def SetTrimValueRight(self, value): print("==> RIGHT", value) self.ControlPoint.TrimRight[self.NumTrimmer] = value self.commESP.MsgForkRight[1] = self.NumTrimmer+1 self.commESP.MsgForkRight[2] = int(value) self.commESP.SendData(self.commESP.MsgForkRight, self.ControlPoint.numCtrlPoint) return def ValidateRight(self): print("ValidateRight") return def ValidateLeft(self): print("ValidateRight") return def CreateTrimScale(self, master): Head = Canvas(Toplevel(master), bg='light blue', height=600, width=800, borderwidth=5) Head.grid(row=1, column=3, sticky='NW', padx=4, pady=4) frameTitre = Frame(Head, width=1200, borderwidth = 3, height=30,bg='dark blue', relief="sunken", highlightcolor="red", highlightthickness=2 ) frameTitre.grid(row=0, column=3) LabelTitre = Label(frameTitre, text="*** Set the minimum and maximum values of the servo motors ***", font="Arial 12", height=2, bg='light blue') LabelTitre.grid(row=0, column=3) Trim = Frame(Head, width=1200, borderwidth=5, height=30, bg='dark blue', relief="sunken", highlightcolor="red", highlightthickness=2) Trim.grid(row=4, column=3, rowspan=1, sticky='NW', padx=4, pady=4) SetTrim = Frame(Trim, width=1200, height=50, borderwidth=6, bg='light blue', relief="ridge") SetTrim.grid(row=3, column=5, sticky='NW') Label1 = Label(SetTrim, + '\n' + self.ControlPoint.ip, font="Arial 12", height=3, width=15, bg='light blue') Label1.grid(row=1, column=0, rowspan=3, padx=3) TrimmerRight = Scale(SetTrim, variable=self.ControlPoint.TrimRight[self.NumTrimmer], resolution=1, orient=HORIZONTAL, length=600,bg='light blue', showvalue=1, from_=0, to_= 90, tickinterval=5, command=self.SetTrimValueRight) TrimmerRight.set(self.ControlPoint.TrimRight[self.NumTrimmer]) TrimmerRight.grid(row=1, column=1, columnspan=3) TrimmerRight.config(state='active') TrimmerRight.lower() TxtButton2 = 'RIGHT: '+str(self.ControlPoint.TrimRight[self.NumTrimmer]) LeftButton = Button(SetTrim, text=TxtButton2, bg='light blue', command=self.ValidateLeft) LeftButton.grid(row=1, column=4) QuitButton = Button(SetTrim, text="QUIT-SAVE", command=self.QuitSave) QuitButton.grid(row=2, column=4) TrimmerLeft = Scale(SetTrim, variable=self.ControlPoint.TrimLeft[self.NumTrimmer], orient=HORIZONTAL, length=600,bg='light blue', showvalue=25, from_=90, to_=180, tickinterval=5, command=self.SetTrimValueLeft) TrimmerLeft.set(self.ControlPoint.TrimLeft[self.NumTrimmer]) TrimmerLeft.grid(row=3, column=1, columnspan=3) TrimmerLeft.config(state='active') TrimmerLeft.lower() TxtButton1 = 'LEFT:'+str(self.ControlPoint.TrimLeft[self.NumTrimmer]) RightButton = Button(SetTrim, text=TxtButton1, bg='light blue', command=self.ValidateRight) RightButton.grid(row=3, column=4) print("Fin CreateTrimScale") def QuitSave(self): print("QUIT SAVE") minValue=self.ControlPoint.TrimLeft[self.NumTrimmer] maxValue=self.ControlPoint.TrimRight[self.NumTrimmer] print("ControlPoint:"" NumTrim:",self.NumTrimmer) print("TrimLeft, min value: " , minValue) print("TrimRight, maxValue: " , maxValue) XML = CFG.XMLConfig(self.CTE.XML_cfgFile, " ", "TrackSwitch") # def UpdateTrackSwitch(self, xmlFilename, ip, NumSwitch, MinValue, MaxValue): XML.UpdateTrackSwitch(self.CTE.XML_cfgFile, self.ControlPoint.ip, self.NumTrimmer, minValue, maxValue)
class UDP_comm: CTE = Constante( "common.h" ) # The message codes are store in the common.h file (shared with server C Code) CTE.ParseFile() # Parse the file and initialize the CTR class. # Liste of message of for Power Control (the bytes set 0x00 might be changed by the HMI) MsgPowerOrder = bytearray([CTE.PW_CHANGE, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]) MsgLightOn = bytearray([CTE.LIGHT_ORDER, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]) MsgLightOff = bytearray([CTE.LIGHT_ORDER, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]) MsgStopOrder = bytearray([CTE.STOP_ORDER, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]) MsgStartOrder = bytearray([CTE.FWD_ORDER, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]) MsgBackwardOrder = bytearray([CTE.BWD_ORDER, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]) # Liste of message for Swith Control (the bytes set 0x00 might be changed by the HMI) MsgForkRight = bytearray([CTE.FORK_RIGHT, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]) MsgForkLeft = bytearray([CTE.FORK_LEFT, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]) MsgForkMiddle = bytearray([CTE.FORK_MIDDLE, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]) MsgForkSetPos = bytearray([CTE.FORK_SET_POS, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]) def __init__(self, CtrlServerLst): i = 0 # Get the constant from 'common.h' file active. CTE = Constante("common.h") CTE.ParseFile() # Get the host IP address. # if your PC / Host have several Ethernet/IP port, # you might not get the IP address you want !!!!!!!! self.ipLocal = socket.gethostbyname(socket.gethostname()) # The list of Server from self.ServerLst = [] # Array of server with IP, Port and name self.UDPClientSocket = [ ] # Array of the socket created: one per server. # Assigned the port for each server, then create the socket associated to each server for i in range(0, len(CtrlServerLst)): CtrlPt = CtrlServerLst[i] BYTES = CtrlPt.ip.split( '.' ) # Socket Port number as port = 43150 + the fourth digit of the IP Address Byte4 = int( BYTES[3] ) # ==> For the port will be 43150 + 100 ==> 43250 CtrlPt.port = CTE.PORT + Byte4 self.server = server(, CtrlPt.ip, CtrlPt.port) self.ServerLst.append(self.server) sock = socket.socket(family=socket.AF_INET, type=socket.SOCK_DGRAM) # Use full trace print("Create socket for",, "IP:", CtrlPt.ip, "PORT:", CtrlPt.port) sock.bind((self.ipLocal, CtrlPt.port)) sock.setblocking(0) self.UDPClientSocket.append(sock) def SendData(self, Msg, numLoco): # # The ESP32_SendData function is sending data to a given server using UDP # After sending the data, the procedure is looking for some acknowledgment message. # However there is no error or 'retry' procedure if such message is not received. # # The 'cpt, cpt1' variables are only there for debugging purpose cpt1 = 0 cpt = 0 DestAdr = self.ServerLst[numLoco].ip port = self.ServerLst[numLoco].port self.UDPClientSocket[numLoco].sendto(Msg, (DestAdr, port)) print("Dest Adr, Port:" + DestAdr + " - " + str(port) + " Msg: " + str(Msg[0]) + " - " + str(Msg[1]) + " - " + str(Msg[2])) time.sleep(0.100) try: msg, addr = self.UDPClientSocket[numLoco].recvfrom( self.CTE.SIZE_MESSAGE) print("<===", msg, cpt) except BlockingIOError: # print("IO error") cpt1 = cpt1 + 1 time.sleep(0.100) try: msg, addr = self.UDPClientSocket[numLoco].recvfrom( self.CTE.SIZE_MESSAGE) print("<===", msg, cpt) except BlockingIOError: # print("IO error") cpt1 = cpt1 + 1
highlightthickness=2) frameTitre.grid(row=0, column=14) LabelTitre = tk.Label(frameTitre, text="*** Network view ***", font="Arial 14", height=2, bg='light blue') LabelTitre.grid(row=0, column=14) x = 2 index = 1 cptServo = 0 for _row in range(1, self.Line): for _column in range(1, self.Column): b1 = tk.Button(frameTitre, text=' ADJUST ', bg='light blue') b1.grid(row=_row, column=_column, sticky='NW') if __name__ == "__main__": CTE = Constante("common.h") CTE.ParseFile() root = tk.Tk() hmi = AnimatedIHM(root, 10, 20, 400, 800, "NETWORK") root.mainloop() # img1 = tk.PhotoImage(file='Montagnarde2.png') # can1 = tk.Canvas(root, width = 200, height = 200, bg = 'white') # photo =can1.create_image(150,150,image=img1) # can1.pack()