def ScriptMain(cell=None): editor = None if globals().has_key('__editor'): print ' o Editor detected, running in graphic mode.' editor = __editor Cfg.Configuration.pushDefaultPriority(Cfg.Parameter.Priority.CommandLine) Cfg.getParamBool('misc.verboseLevel1').setBool(True) Cfg.getParamBool('misc.verboseLevel2').setBool(True) Cfg.Configuration.popDefaultPriority() errorCode = 0 framework = CRL.AllianceFramework.get() padHeight = DbU.fromLambda(400) # TODO padWidth = DbU.fromLambda(200) # TODO coreSide = DbU.fromLambda(1450) # TODO # Cell must be loaded *before* opening the UpdateSession. print ' o Placing <coeur>.' modelCoeur = framework.getCell('coeur', CRL.Catalog.State.Logical) try: modelCoeur.setAbutmentBox( Hurricane.Box(DbU.fromLambda(0), DbU.fromLambda(0), coreSide, coreSide)) # Cannot place a rail if at least one instance is placed. # (to compute the orientation of the cells rows) #placeandroute.pyAlimVerticalRail( modelCoeur, coreSide/DbU.fromLambda(5.0*2) ) except Exception, e: print e errorCode = 1
def computeAbutmentBox(cell, spaceMargin, aspectRatio, cellGauge): sliceHeight = DbU.toLambda(cellGauge.getSliceHeight()) instancesNb = 0 cellLength = 0 for occurrence in cell.getLeafInstanceOccurrences(): instance = occurrence.getEntity() instancesNb += 1 cellLength += int( DbU.toLambda(instance.getMasterCell().getAbutmentBox().getWidth())) # ar = x/y S = x*y = spaceMargin*SH x=S/y ar = S/y^2 # y = sqrt(S/AR) gcellLength = float(cellLength) * (1 + spaceMargin) / sliceHeight rows = math.sqrt(gcellLength / aspectRatio) if math.trunc(rows) != rows: rows = math.trunc(rows) + 1 else: rows = math.trunc(rows) columns = gcellLength / rows if math.trunc(columns) != columns: columns = math.trunc(columns) + 1 else: columns = math.trunc(columns) print ' o Creating abutment box (margin:%.1f%%, aspect ratio:%.1f%%, g-length:%.1fl)' \ % (spaceMargin*100.0,aspectRatio*100.0,(cellLength/sliceHeight)) print ' - GCell grid: [%dx%d]' % (columns, rows) abutmentBox = Box(DbU.fromLambda(0), DbU.fromLambda(0), DbU.fromLambda(columns * sliceHeight), DbU.fromLambda(rows * sliceHeight)) cell.setAbutmentBox(abutmentBox) UpdateSession.close() return abutmentBox
def doLayout(self): if not self.validated: return self.cell.setAbutmentBox(self.chipSize) for i in range(len(self._powerRails)): xBL = self._westSide.getAxis(i) yBL = self._southSide.getAxis(i) xTR = self._eastSide.getAxis(i) yTR = self._northSide.getAxis(i) self._corners[chip.SouthWest].append( Contact.create(self.getRailNet(i), self.getRailLayer(i), xBL, yBL, self.getRailWidth(i), self.getRailWidth(i))) self._corners[chip.NorthWest].append( Contact.create(self.getRailNet(i), self.getRailLayer(i), xBL, yTR, self.getRailWidth(i), self.getRailWidth(i))) self._corners[chip.SouthEast].append( Contact.create(self.getRailNet(i), self.getRailLayer(i), xTR, yBL, self.getRailWidth(i), self.getRailWidth(i))) self._corners[chip.NorthEast].append( Contact.create(self.getRailNet(i), self.getRailLayer(i), xTR, yTR, self.getRailWidth(i), self.getRailWidth(i))) self._northSide.doLayout() self._southSide.doLayout() self._eastSide.doLayout() self._westSide.doLayout() UpdateSession.close() return
def ScriptMain ( cell=None ): editor = None if globals().has_key('__editor'): print ' o Editor detected, running in graphic mode.' editor = __editor Cfg.Configuration.pushDefaultPriority(Cfg.Parameter.Priority.CommandLine) Cfg.getParamBool('misc.verboseLevel1').setBool(True) Cfg.getParamBool('misc.verboseLevel2').setBool(True) Cfg.Configuration.popDefaultPriority() errorCode = 0 framework = CRL.AllianceFramework.get() padHeight = DbU.fromLambda(400) # TODO padWidth = DbU.fromLambda(200) # TODO coreSide = DbU.fromLambda(1500) # TODO # Cell must be loaded *before* opening the UpdateSession. print ' o Placing <coeur>.' modelCoeur = framework.getCell('coeur',CRL.Catalog.State.Logical) try: modelCoeur.setAbutmentBox( Hurricane.Box( DbU.fromLambda(0) , DbU.fromLambda(0) , coreSide , coreSide ) ) # Cannot place a rail if at least one instance is placed. # (to compute the orientation of the cells rows) #placeandroute.pyAlimVerticalRail( modelCoeur, coreSide/DbU.fromLambda(5.0*2) ) except Exception, e: print e; errorCode = 1
def place ( self ): center = self.area.getCenter() self.placeInstance( self.topBuffer, center.getX(), center.getY() ) trace( 550, '\rplace top level\n' ) self.usedVTracks += [ getRpBb(self.topBuffer, self.bufferIn).getCenter().getX() ] self.childs[0].place() UpdateSession.close() return
def doFloorplan ( self ): if not self.validated: return self.cores[0].getMasterCell().setAbutmentBox( self.coreSize ) x = (self.chipSize.getWidth () - self.coreSize.getWidth ()) / 2 y = (self.chipSize.getHeight() - self.coreSize.getHeight()) / 2 x = x - (x % self.gaugeConf.getSliceHeight()) y = y - (y % self.gaugeConf.getSliceHeight()) self.cores[0].setTransformation ( Transformation(x,y,Transformation.Orientation.ID) ) self.cores[0].setPlacementStatus( Instance.PlacementStatus.FIXED ) UpdateSession.close() return
def connectLeaf(self): trace(550, '\tConnecting leafs.\n') leafsByBuffer = {} hyperMasterClock = HyperNet.create(Occurrence(self.masterClock)) for plugOccurrence in hyperMasterClock.getLeafPlugOccurrences(): trace(550, '\tAdding leaf <%s>.\n' % plugOccurrence) position = plugOccurrence.getBoundingBox().getCenter() self.addLeaf(position, plugOccurrence) self.childs[0].connectLeafs() sys.stdout.flush() getPlugByName(self.topBuffer, self.bufferIn).setNet(self.masterClock) UpdateSession.close() return
def doLayout ( self ): for plane in list(self.planes.values()): plane.doLayout() UpdateSession.close() return
def connectClock ( self ): if not self.useClockTree: print(WarningMessage( "Clock tree generation has been disabled ('chip.clockTree':False)." )) return if not self.cko: print(ErrorMessage( 1, 'Cannot build clock terminal as ck is not known.' )) return blockCk = None for plug in self.path.getTailInstance().getPlugs(): if plug.getNet() == self.cko: blockCk = plug.getMasterNet() if not blockCk: print(ErrorMessage( 1, 'Block <%s> has no net connected to the clock <%s>.' % (self.path.getTailInstance().getName(), )) return htPlugs = [] ffPlugs = [] for plug in blockCk.getPlugs(): if plug.getInstance().getName() == 'ck_htree': htPlugs.append( plug ) else: if plug.getInstance().getMasterCell().isTerminal(): ffPlugs.append( plug ) if len(ffPlugs) > 0: message = 'Clock <%s> of block <%s> is not organized as a H-Tree.' \ % (blockCk.getName(),self.path.getTailInstance().getName()) print(ErrorMessage( 1, message )) return if len(htPlugs) > 1: message = 'Block <%s> has not exactly one H-Tree connecteds to the clock <%s>:' \ % (self.path.getTailInstance().getName(),blockCk.getName()) for plug in htPlugs: message += '\n - %s' % plug print(ErrorMessage( 1, message )) return bufferRp = self.rpAccessByOccurrence( Occurrence(htPlugs[0], self.path), self.cko ) blockAb = self.block.getAbutmentBox() self.path.getTransformation().applyOn( blockAb ) layerGauge = self.routingGauge.getLayerGauge(self.verticalDepth) contact = Contact.create( self.cko , self.routingGauge.getRoutingLayer(self.verticalDepth) , bufferRp.getX() , blockAb.getYMax() , layerGauge.getViaWidth() , layerGauge.getViaWidth() ) segment = self.createVertical( bufferRp, contact, bufferRp.getX() ) self.activePlane = self.planes[ layerGauge.getLayer().getName() ] bb = segment.getBoundingBox( self.activePlane.metal.getBasicLayer() ) self.path.getTransformation().getInvert().applyOn( bb ) self.activePlane.addTerminal( self.cko, Plane.Vertical, bb ) UpdateSession.close() return
def prune(self): self.childs[0].prune() UpdateSession.close() return
def route(self): self.childs[0].route() UpdateSession.close() return try: modelCoeur.setAbutmentBox( Hurricane.Box(DbU.fromLambda(0), DbU.fromLambda(0), coreSide, coreSide)) # Cannot place a rail if at least one instance is placed. # (to compute the orientation of the cells rows) #placeandroute.pyAlimVerticalRail( modelCoeur, coreSide/DbU.fromLambda(5.0*2) ) except Exception, e: print e errorCode = 1 # For the geometrical modifications to be taken into account, we must # close this UpdateSession now. So the chip will see the core correctly. UpdateSession.close() if errorCode: sys.exit(errorCode) print ' o Placing <chip>.' amd2901 = framework.getCell('amd2901', CRL.Catalog.State.Logical) if editor: editor.setCell(amd2901) try: chipSide = 11 * padWidth + 2 * padHeight # TODO: Le chip est carre, avec 11 plots par face. abutmentBoxChip = Hurricane.Box(DbU.fromLambda(0.0), DbU.fromLambda(0.0), chipSide, chipSide) amd2901.setAbutmentBox(abutmentBoxChip)
try: modelCoeur.setAbutmentBox( Hurricane.Box( DbU.fromLambda(0) , DbU.fromLambda(0) , coreSide , coreSide ) ) # Cannot place a rail if at least one instance is placed. # (to compute the orientation of the cells rows) #placeandroute.pyAlimVerticalRail( modelCoeur, coreSide/DbU.fromLambda(5.0*2) ) except Exception, e: print e; errorCode = 1 # For the geometrical modifications to be taken into account, we must # close this UpdateSession now. So the chip will see the core correctly. UpdateSession.close() if errorCode: sys.exit(errorCode) print ' o Placing <chip>.' amd2901 = framework.getCell('amd2901',CRL.Catalog.State.Logical) if editor: editor.setCell(amd2901) try: chipSide = DbU.fromLambda(3200) # TODO: Le chip est carre, avec 11 plots par face. abutmentBoxChip = Hurricane.Box( DbU.fromLambda(0) , DbU.fromLambda(0) , chipSide , chipSide )
def px2mpx(editor, pxCell): global framework if pxCell == None: raise ErrorMessage( 3, 'px2mpx.px2mpx(): Mandatory pxCell argument is None.') mpxCell = None print '\nProcessing', pxCell try: if pxCell.getName() != 'padreal': mpxCellName = pxCell.getName()[:-2] + 'mpx' else: mpxCellName = pxCell.getName() + '_mpx' mpxCell = framework.createCell(mpxCellName) if editor: editor.setCell(mpxCell) Left = 0x0001 Right = 0x0002 Middle = 0x0000 AllSpan = Left | Right ab = pxCell.getAbutmentBox() mpxCell.setAbutmentBox( Box(ab.getXMin() * 2, ab.getYMin() * 2, ab.getXMax() * 2, ab.getYMax() * 2)) for instance in pxCell.getInstances(): masterCell = instance.getMasterCell() if masterCell.getName() == 'padreal': masterCell = framework.getCell('padreal_mpx', CRL.Catalog.State.Physical) originTransf = instance.getTransformation() mpxInstance = Instance.create( mpxCell, instance.getName(), masterCell, Transformation(originTransf.getTx() * 2, originTransf.getTy() * 2, originTransf.getOrientation())) mpxInstance.setPlacementStatus(Instance.PlacementStatus.PLACED) for net in pxCell.getNets(): mpxNet = Net.create(mpxCell, net.getName()) if net.isExternal(): mpxNet.setExternal(True) if net.isGlobal(): mpxNet.setGlobal(True) mpxNet.setType(net.getType()) mpxNet.setDirection(net.getDirection()) for component in net.getComponents(): layer = component.getLayer() dupComponent = None print ' Processing', component if isinstance(component, Contact): dupComponent = Contact.create(mpxNet, layer, component.getX() * 2, component.getY() * 2, component.getWidth() * 2, component.getHeight() * 2) elif isinstance(component, Horizontal): dL, dW, mW = getDeltas(layer) dLLeft = dL dLRight = dL skipComponent = False bb = component.getBoundingBox() if component.getSourceX() > component.getTargetX(): component.invert() if isinstance(layer, RegularLayer): if layer.getBasicLayer().getMaterial().getCode( ) == BasicLayer.Material.blockage: print ' Blockage BB:%s vs. AB:%s' % (bb, ab) if layer.getName()[-1] == '2' or layer.getName( )[-1] == '4': state = 0 if bb.getXMin() <= ab.getXMin(): state |= Left if bb.getXMax() >= ab.getXMax(): state |= Right if not (state & Left): print ' Shrink left.' dLLeft = dL - DbU.fromLambda(1.5) if not (state & Right): print ' Shrink right.' dLRight = dL - DbU.fromLambda(1.5) if layer.getName( )[-1] == '4' and state == AllSpan: print ' Skipping component.' skipComponent = True width = mW if component.getWidth() > mW: width = component.getWidth() * 2 + dW #print DbU.toLambda(bb.getWidth()), DbU.toLambda( dLLeft-dLRight) if bb.getWidth() * 2 > abs(dLLeft + dLRight) and not skipComponent: dupComponent = Horizontal.create( mpxNet, layer, component.getY() * 2, width, component.getDxSource() * 2 - dLLeft, component.getDxTarget() * 2 + dLRight) print ' Copy:', dupComponent else: print ' Horizontal component too small *or* skipped, not converted' elif isinstance(component, Vertical): dL, dW, mW = getDeltas(component.getLayer()) dLTop = dL dLBottom = dL dX = 0 skipComponent = False if component.getSourceY() > component.getTargetY(): component.invert() if isinstance(layer, RegularLayer): if layer.getBasicLayer().getMaterial().getCode( ) == BasicLayer.Material.blockage: if layer.getName()[-1] == '3' or layer.getName( )[-1] == '5': state = 0 bb = component.getBoundingBox() if bb.getXMin() <= ab.getXMin(): state |= Left if bb.getXMax() >= ab.getXMax(): state |= Right if state == Left: dX = DbU.fromLambda(-2.0) dW += DbU.fromLambda(-2.0) elif state == Right: dX = DbU.fromLambda(2.0) dW += DbU.fromLambda(-2.0) elif state == 0: dX = 0 dW += DbU.fromLambda(-4.0) if layer.getName()[-1] == '5': if state == AllSpan: print ' Skipping component.' skipComponent = True else: dLTop = DbU.fromLambda( 120.0 ) - component.getDyTarget() * 2 if dW < component.getWidth() and not skipComponent: width = mW if component.getWidth() > mW: width = component.getWidth() * 2 + dW dupComponent = Vertical.create( mpxNet, layer, component.getX() * 2 + dX, width, component.getDySource() * 2 - dLBottom, component.getDyTarget() * 2 + dLTop) else: print ' Vertical component too small *or* skipped, not converted' else: print '[WARNING] Unchanged component:', component if dupComponent and NetExternalComponents.isExternal( component): NetExternalComponents.setExternal(dupComponent) if editor: except ErrorMessage, e: print e errorCode = e.code
if dupComponent and NetExternalComponents.isExternal( component): NetExternalComponents.setExternal(dupComponent) if editor: except ErrorMessage, e: print e errorCode = e.code except Exception, e: print '\n\n', e errorCode = 1 traceback.print_tb(sys.exc_info()[2]) UpdateSession.close() return mpxCell def ScriptMain(**kw): global framework global padrealCell helpers.staticInitialization(quiet=True) #helpers.setTraceLevel( 550 ) pxCell = None if kw.has_key('cell') and kw['cell']: pxCell = kw['cell'] editor = None