def test_getsharedarealoc_notfound( self ):
   with patch('%s.Operations.getValue' % MODULE_NAME, new=Mock(return_value=[])), \
        patch('%s.os.path.exists' % MODULE_NAME, new=Mock(side_effect=[ False, True ])), \
        patch('%s.DIRAC.gConfig.getValue' % MODULE_NAME, new=Mock(side_effect=['a', 'a', '', ''])), \
        patch('%s.os.path.isdir' % MODULE_NAME, new=Mock(return_value=True)):
     result = getSharedAreaLocation()
     assertEqualsImproved( result, '', self )
Esempio n. 2
  def execute(self):
    """ Look in folders (Shared Area and Local Area) and try ot remove the applications specified.
    self.softs = self.step_commons.get('Apps', None)
    if not self.softs:
      return S_ERROR('Applications to remove were not defined')

    self.platform = self.workflow_commons.get('Platform', None)
    if not self.platform:
      return S_ERROR('Platform, formerly known as SystemConfig not defined')
    self.apps = self.softs.split(';')"Will delete %s" % self.apps)
    failed = []
    for app in self.apps:
      if not app:
      appname = app.split(".")[0]
      appversion = app.split(".")[1]
      appDir = self.ops.getValue('/AvailableTarBalls/%s/%s/%s/TarBall' % (self.platform, appname, appversion), '')
      appDir = appDir.replace(".tgz", "").replace(".tar.gz", "")
      mySoftwareRoot = ''
      localArea = getLocalAreaLocation()
      sharedArea = getSharedAreaLocation()
      if os.path.exists('%s%s%s' %(localArea, os.sep, appDir)):
        mySoftwareRoot = localArea
      elif os.path.exists('%s%s%s' %(sharedArea, os.sep, appDir)):
        mySoftwareRoot = sharedArea
        self.log.error('%s: Could not find neither local area not shared area install' % app)
      myappDir = os.path.join(mySoftwareRoot, appDir)
      #### Hacky hack needed when the DB was in parallel to the Mokka version
      if appname.lower() == 'mokka':
        dbloc = os.path.join(mySoftwareRoot, "CLICMokkaDB.sql")
        if os.path.exists(dbloc):
          except OSError as x:
            self.log.error("Could not delete SQL DB file : %s" % (str(x)))  
      if os.path.isdir(myappDir):
        except OSError as x:
          self.log.error("Could not delete %s : %s" % (app, str(x)))  
        except OSError as x:
          self.log.error("Could not delete %s: %s" % (myappDir, str(x)))
    if len(failed):
      return S_ERROR("Failed deleting applications %s" % failed)"Successfully deleted %s" % self.apps)
    return S_OK()
 def test_getsharedarealoc_notadir( self ):
   with patch('%s.Operations.getValue' % MODULE_NAME, new=Mock(return_value=[ 'testLocation135', '$MANY_MORE_LOCATIONS' ])), \
        patch.dict( os.environ, { 'MANY_MORE_LOCATIONS' : '/abc/def/ghi'}, True ), \
        patch('%s.os.path.exists' % MODULE_NAME, new=Mock(side_effect=[ False, True ])), \
        patch('%s.DIRAC.gConfig.getValue' % MODULE_NAME, new=Mock(side_effect=['a', 'a', '', ''])), \
        patch('%s.os.path.isdir' % MODULE_NAME, new=Mock(return_value=False)):
     result = getSharedAreaLocation()
     assertEqualsImproved( result, '', self )
Esempio n. 4
 def test_getsharedarealoc_notfound(self):
     with patch('%s.Operations.getValue' % MODULE_NAME, new=Mock(return_value=[])), \
          patch('%s.os.path.exists' % MODULE_NAME) as exists_mock, \
          patch('%s.DIRAC.gConfig.getValue' % MODULE_NAME, new=Mock(side_effect=['a', 'a', '', ''])), \
          patch('%s.os.path.isdir' % MODULE_NAME, new=Mock(return_value=True)):
         result = getSharedAreaLocation()
         assertEqualsImproved(result, '', self)
Esempio n. 5
 def test_getsharedarealoc(self):
     exists_dict = {'mylocation123test': True}
     with patch('%s.Operations.getValue' % MODULE_NAME, new=Mock(return_value='mylocation123test')), \
          patch('%s.os.path.exists' % MODULE_NAME, new=Mock(side_effect=lambda path: exists_dict[path])), \
          patch('%s.DIRAC.gConfig.getValue' % MODULE_NAME, new=Mock(side_effect=['a', 'a', '',''])), \
          patch('%s.os.path.isdir' % MODULE_NAME, new=Mock(return_value=True)):
         result = getSharedAreaLocation()
         assertEqualsImproved(result, 'mylocation123test', self)
 def test_getsharedarealoc( self ):
   exists_dict = { 'mylocation123test' : True }
   with patch('%s.Operations.getValue' % MODULE_NAME, new=Mock(return_value='mylocation123test')), \
        patch('%s.os.path.exists' % MODULE_NAME, new=Mock(side_effect=lambda path: exists_dict[path])), \
        patch('%s.DIRAC.gConfig.getValue' % MODULE_NAME, new=Mock(side_effect=['a', 'a', '',''])), \
        patch('%s.os.path.isdir' % MODULE_NAME, new=Mock(return_value=True)):
     result = getSharedAreaLocation()
     assertEqualsImproved( result, 'mylocation123test', self )
Esempio n. 7
 def test_getsharedarealoc_notadir(self):
     exists_dict = {'testLocation135': False, '/abc/def/ghi/clic': True}
     with patch('%s.Operations.getValue' % MODULE_NAME, new=Mock(return_value=[ 'testLocation135', '$MANY_MORE_LOCATIONS' ])), \
          patch.dict( os.environ, { 'MANY_MORE_LOCATIONS' : '/abc/def/ghi'}, True ), \
          patch('%s.os.path.exists' % MODULE_NAME, new=Mock(side_effect=lambda path: exists_dict[path])), \
          patch('%s.DIRAC.gConfig.getValue' % MODULE_NAME, new=Mock(side_effect=['a', 'a', '', ''])), \
          patch('%s.os.path.isdir' % MODULE_NAME, new=Mock(return_value=False)):
         result = getSharedAreaLocation()
         assertEqualsImproved(result, '', self)
 def test_getsharedarealoc_overwrite_via_config( self ):
   exists_dict = { 'testLocation135' : False, '/abc/def/ghi/clic' : True }
   with patch('%s.Operations.getValue' % MODULE_NAME, new=Mock(return_value=[ 'testLocation135', '$MANY_MORE_LOCATIONS' ])), \
        patch.dict( os.environ, { 'MANY_MORE_LOCATIONS' : '/abc/def/ghi'}, True ), \
        patch('%s.os.path.exists' % MODULE_NAME, new=Mock(side_effect=lambda path: exists_dict[path])), \
        patch('%s.DIRAC.gConfig.getValue' % MODULE_NAME, new=Mock(side_effect=['a', 'a', '/myotherpath/hereissharedarea', '/myotherpath/hereissharedarea'])), \
        patch('%s.os.path.isdir' % MODULE_NAME, new=Mock(return_value=True)):
     result = getSharedAreaLocation()
     assertEqualsImproved( result, '/myotherpath/hereissharedarea', self )
Esempio n. 9
  def execute(self):
    """ Run the module
    result = self.resolveInputVariables()
    if not result['OK']:
      LOG.error("Failed to get the input parameters:", result['Message'])
      return result

    if not self.applicationLog:
      LOG.warn("Log file name missing, reverting to default")
      self.applicationLog = "AnalyseWN.log"

    info = []
      info.append("Host is %s" % socket.gethostname())
    except EnvironmentError:
      info.append("Could not determine host")
    size = getDiskSpace()
    if size>0:
      info.append("Local disk is %s MB"% size)
    fileName = '/proc/cpuinfo'
    if os.path.exists( fileName ):
      with open( fileName, 'r' ) as cpuInfoFile:
        cpu = cpuInfoFile.readlines()
      nCPU = 0
      for line in cpu:
        if line.find( 'cpu MHz' ) == 0:
          nCPU += 1
          freq = line.split()[3]
        elif line.find( 'model name' ) == 0:
          cpuModel = line.split( ': ' )[1].strip()
      info.append('CPU (model)    = %s' % cpuModel)
      info.append('CPU (MHz)      = %s x %s' % ( nCPU, freq ))
    fileName = '/proc/meminfo'
    if os.path.exists( fileName ):
      with open( fileName, 'r' ) as memInfoFile:
        mem = memInfoFile.readlines()
      freeMem = 0
      for line in mem:
        if line.find( 'MemTotal:' ) == 0:
          totalMem = int( line.split()[1] )
        if line.find( 'MemFree:' ) == 0:
          freeMem += int( line.split()[1] )
        if line.find( 'Cached:' ) == 0:
          freeMem += int( line.split()[1] )
      info.append( 'Memory (kB)    = %s' % totalMem )
      info.append( 'FreeMem. (kB)  = %s' % freeMem )
    fs = os.statvfs( "." )
    # bsize;    /* file system block size */
    # frsize;   /* fragment size */
    # blocks;   /* size of fs in f_frsize units */
    # bfree;    /* # free blocks */
    # bavail;   /* # free blocks for non-root */
    # files;    /* # inodes */
    # ffree;    /* # free inodes */
    # favail;   /* # free inodes for non-root */
    # flag;     /* mount flags */
    # namemax;  /* maximum filename length */
    diskSpace = fs[4] * fs[0] / 1024 / 1024
    info.append( 'DiskSpace (MB) = %s' % diskSpace )
    sha = getSharedAreaLocation()
    if not sha:
      info.append("No shared Area found here")
      info.append("Shared Area found: %s" % sha)
      sha_list = os.listdir(sha)
      for item in sha_list:
        info.append("   %s"% item)
      sha_size = getDirectorySize(sha)
      if sha_size:
        info.append("It uses %s MB of disk"% sha_size)
    if os.path.isdir("/cvmfs/"):
      info.append("Has CVMFS")
      of = open(self.applicationLog, "w")
    except OSError:
      LOG.error("Could not create the log file")
      return S_ERROR("Failed saving the site info")
    return S_OK()
Esempio n. 10
    def execute(self):
        """ Run the module
        result = self.resolveInputVariables()
        if not result['OK']:
            self.log.error("Failed to get the input parameters:",
            return result

        if not self.applicationLog:
            self.log.warn("Log file name missing, reverting to default")
            self.applicationLog = "AnalyseWN.log"

        info = []
            info.append("Host is %s" % socket.gethostname())
        except EnvironmentError:
            info.append("Could not determine host")

        size = getDiskSpace()
        if size > 0:
            info.append("Local disk is %s MB" % size)

        fileName = '/proc/cpuinfo'
        if os.path.exists(fileName):
            with open(fileName, 'r') as cpuInfoFile:
                cpu = cpuInfoFile.readlines()
            nCPU = 0
            for line in cpu:
                if line.find('cpu MHz') == 0:
                    nCPU += 1
                    freq = line.split()[3]
                elif line.find('model name') == 0:
                    cpuModel = line.split(': ')[1].strip()
            info.append('CPU (model)    = %s' % cpuModel)
            info.append('CPU (MHz)      = %s x %s' % (nCPU, freq))

        fileName = '/proc/meminfo'
        if os.path.exists(fileName):
            with open(fileName, 'r') as memInfoFile:
                mem = memInfoFile.readlines()
            freeMem = 0
            for line in mem:
                if line.find('MemTotal:') == 0:
                    totalMem = int(line.split()[1])
                if line.find('MemFree:') == 0:
                    freeMem += int(line.split()[1])
                if line.find('Cached:') == 0:
                    freeMem += int(line.split()[1])
            info.append('Memory (kB)    = %s' % totalMem)
            info.append('FreeMem. (kB)  = %s' % freeMem)

        fs = os.statvfs(".")
        # bsize;    /* file system block size */
        # frsize;   /* fragment size */
        # blocks;   /* size of fs in f_frsize units */
        # bfree;    /* # free blocks */
        # bavail;   /* # free blocks for non-root */
        # files;    /* # inodes */
        # ffree;    /* # free inodes */
        # favail;   /* # free inodes for non-root */
        # flag;     /* mount flags */
        # namemax;  /* maximum filename length */
        diskSpace = fs[4] * fs[0] / 1024 / 1024
        info.append('DiskSpace (MB) = %s' % diskSpace)

        sha = getSharedAreaLocation()
        if not sha:
            info.append("No shared Area found here")
            info.append("Shared Area found: %s" % sha)
            sha_list = os.listdir(sha)
            for item in sha_list:
                info.append("   %s" % item)
            sha_size = getDirectorySize(sha)
            if sha_size:
                info.append("It uses %s MB of disk" % sha_size)

        if os.path.isdir("/cvmfs/"):
            info.append("Has CVMFS")

            of = open(self.applicationLog, "w")
        except OSError:
            self.log.error("Could not create the log file")
            return S_ERROR("Failed saving the site info")

        return S_OK()
Esempio n. 11
    def execute(self):
        """ Look in folders (Shared Area and Local Area) and try ot remove the applications specified.
        self.softs = self.step_commons.get('Apps', None)
        if not self.softs:
            return S_ERROR('Applications to remove were not defined')

        self.platform = self.workflow_commons.get('Platform', None)
        if not self.platform:
            return S_ERROR(
                'Platform, formerly known as SystemConfig not defined')

        self.apps = self.softs.split(';')"Will delete %s" % self.apps)
        failed = []
        for app in self.apps:
            if not app:

            appname = app.split(".")[0]
            appversion = app.split(".")[1]
            appDir = self.ops.getValue(
                '/AvailableTarBalls/%s/%s/%s/TarBall' %
                (self.platform, appname, appversion), '')
            appDir = appDir.replace(".tgz", "").replace(".tar.gz", "")
            mySoftwareRoot = ''
            localArea = getLocalAreaLocation()
            sharedArea = getSharedAreaLocation()
            if os.path.exists('%s%s%s' % (localArea, os.sep, appDir)):
                mySoftwareRoot = localArea
            elif os.path.exists('%s%s%s' % (sharedArea, os.sep, appDir)):
                mySoftwareRoot = sharedArea
                    '%s: Could not find neither local area not shared area install'
                    % app)
            myappDir = os.path.join(mySoftwareRoot, appDir)

            #### Hacky hack needed when the DB was in parallel to the Mokka version
            if appname.lower() == 'mokka':
                dbloc = os.path.join(mySoftwareRoot, "CLICMokkaDB.sql")
                if os.path.exists(dbloc):
                    except OSError as x:
                        self.log.error("Could not delete SQL DB file : %s" %
            if os.path.isdir(myappDir):
                except OSError as x:
                    self.log.error("Could not delete %s : %s" % (app, str(x)))
                except OSError as x:
                    self.log.error("Could not delete %s: %s" %
                                   (myappDir, str(x)))

        if len(failed):
            return S_ERROR("Failed deleting applications %s" % failed)"Successfully deleted %s" % self.apps)
        return S_OK()