Esempio n. 1
def compute_through(epoch_2, epoch_3, break_points_12, break_points_123):
    """Computes the matrices for moving through an interval.

    :rtype: list[matrix]
    through_12 = [None] * len(break_points_12)
    through_123 = [None] * (len(break_points_123) - 1)

    def state_map_21(state):
        return frozenset([(123, nucleotides) for (_, nucleotides) in state])

    projection_21 = projection_matrix(epoch_2.state_space, epoch_3.state_space, state_map_21)

    # Through epoch 2
    for i in range(len(break_points_12) - 1):
        through_12[i] = epoch_2.probability_matrix(break_points_12[i + 1] - break_points_12[i])
    through_12[len(break_points_12)-1] = \
        epoch_2.probability_matrix(break_points_123[0] - break_points_12[-1]) * projection_21

    # Through epoch 3
    for i in range(len(break_points_123) - 1):
        through_123[i] = epoch_3.probability_matrix(break_points_123[i + 1] - break_points_123[i])

    # As a hack we set up a pseudo through matrix for the last interval that
    # just puts all probability on ending in one of the end states. This
    # simplifies the HMM transition probability code as it avoids a special case
    # for the last interval.
    # noinspection PyCallingNonCallable
    pseudo_through = matrix(zeros((len(epoch_3.state_space.states), len(epoch_3.state_space.states))))
    pseudo_through[:, epoch_3.state_space.state_type[(STATE_E, STATE_E)][0]] = 1.0

    return through_12 + through_123
Esempio n. 2
def _compute_upto0(isolation, migration, break_points):
    """Computes the probability matrices for moving to time zero."""
    # the states in the isolation state space are the same in the migration
    state_map = lambda x: x
    projection = projection_matrix(isolation.state_space,
                                   migration.state_space, state_map)
    return isolation.probability_matrix(break_points[0]) * projection
Esempio n. 3
def _compute_upto0(isolation, ancestral, break_points):
    """Computes the probability matrices for moving from time zero up to,
    but not through, interval i."""
    def state_map(state):
        return frozenset([(0, nucs) for (_, nucs) in state])

    projection = projection_matrix(isolation.state_space,
                                   ancestral[0].state_space, state_map)
    return isolation.probability_matrix(break_points[0]) * projection
Esempio n. 4
def compute_up_to0(epoch_1, epoch_2, tau1):
    """Computes the probability matrices for moving to time zero."""

    def state_map_32(state):
        def lineage_map(lineage):
            population, nucleotides = lineage
            if population == 3:
                return 3, nucleotides
                return 12, nucleotides
        return frozenset(lineage_map(lineage) for lineage in state)

    projection_32 = projection_matrix(epoch_1.state_space, epoch_2.state_space, state_map_32)
    return epoch_1.probability_matrix(tau1) * projection_32
Esempio n. 5
    def __init__(self, isolation_ctmc, middle_ctmc, ancestral_ctmc, p, q,
                 middle_break_points, ancestral_break_points):
        """Construct all the matrices and cache them for the
        method calls.

        super(AdmixtureCTMCSystem12, self).__init__(
            no_hmm_states=len(middle_break_points) +

        self.no_middle_states = len(middle_break_points)
        self.middle = middle_ctmc
        self.no_ancestral_states = len(ancestral_break_points)
        self.ancestral = ancestral_ctmc

        self.through_ = [None] * (self.no_middle_states +
                                  self.no_ancestral_states - 1)

        for i in xrange(self.no_middle_states - 1):
            self.through_[i] = middle_ctmc.probability_matrix(
                middle_break_points[i + 1] - middle_break_points[i])

        xx = middle_ctmc.probability_matrix(ancestral_break_points[0] -
        projection = projection_matrix(
            middle_ctmc.state_space, ancestral_ctmc.state_space,
            lambda state: frozenset([(0, nucs) for (_, nucs) in state]))
        self.through_[self.no_middle_states - 1] = xx * projection

        for i in xrange(self.no_middle_states,
                        self.no_middle_states + self.no_ancestral_states - 1):
            ii = i - self.no_middle_states
            self.through_[i] = ancestral_ctmc.probability_matrix(
                ancestral_break_points[ii + 1] - ancestral_break_points[ii])

        pseudo_through = matrix(
        pseudo_through[:, ancestral_ctmc.state_space.end_states[0]] = 1.0

        projection = admixture_state_space_map(isolation_ctmc.state_space,
                                               middle_ctmc.state_space, p, q)
        self.upto_ = compute_upto(
            isolation_ctmc.probability_matrix(middle_break_points[0]) *
            projection, self.through_)

        self.between_ = compute_between(self.through_)
Esempio n. 6
def _compute_through(migration_ctmcs, migration_break_points, ancestral_ctmcs,
    """Computes the matrices for moving through an interval.

    :param migration_ctmcs: CTMCs for the migration phase.
    :type migration_ctmcs: list[IMCoalHMM.CTMC.CTMC]
    :param ancestral_ctmcs: CTMCs for the ancestral population.
    :type ancestral_ctmcs: list[IMCoalHMM.CTMC.CTMC]
    :param migration_break_points: List of break points in the migration phase.
    :type migration_break_points: list[float]
    :param ancestral_break_points: List of break points in the ancestral population.
    :type ancestral_break_points: list[float]
    def state_map(state):
        return frozenset([(0, nucs) for (_, nucs) in state])

    projection = projection_matrix(migration_ctmcs[0].state_space,
                                   ancestral_ctmcs[0].state_space, state_map)

    no_migration_states = len(migration_break_points)
    no_ancestral_states = len(ancestral_break_points)

    # Construct the transition matrices for going through each interval in
    # the migration phase
    migration_through = map(
        ComputeThroughInterval(migration_ctmcs, migration_break_points),
        range(no_migration_states - 1))
    last_migration = migration_ctmcs[-1].probability_matrix(
        ancestral_break_points[0] - migration_break_points[-1]) * projection

    ancestral_through = map(
        ComputeThroughInterval(ancestral_ctmcs, ancestral_break_points),
        range(no_ancestral_states - 1))

    # As a hack we set up a pseudo through matrix for the last interval that
    # just puts all probability on ending in one of the end states. This
    # simplifies the HMM transition probability code as it avoids a special case
    # for the last interval.
    # noinspection PyCallingNonCallable
    pseudo_through = matrix(
    pseudo_through[:, ancestral_ctmcs[0].state_space.end_states[0]] = 1.0

    return migration_through + ancestral_through