Esempio n. 1
def _atmos_ (atmFiles, outFile=None, commentChar='#', extract='*', where=None, zToA=None, pRatio=None, zGrid=None, format=None, saveVMR=False, pT=False, verbose=False):

	if isinstance(where, str):
		# replace acronyms with names used in namelist file
		where = atmos_short2long_name(where)

 	profileList = get_profile_list (atmFiles, commentChar, extract, where, verbose)

	if zToA or pRatio or zGrid:
		profileList = reGridProfiles (profileList, zToA, zGrid, pRatio)
		if verbose:
			for prof in profileList:  print prof

	atmos1d = Atmos1D(profileList)

	out = open_outFile (outFile, commentChar)
	if format in ('namelist', 'nml'):
		write_atmos_namelist (out, atmos1d, saveVMR)
	elif format=='xy':
		write_atmos_xy (out, atmos1d, pT, saveVMR)
		from pprint import pprint
		pprint(atmos1d.__dict__, out)
	# close the output file (if its not stdout)
	if outFile: out.close()
Esempio n. 2
def save_optDepth_xy (vGrid, optDepth, outFile=None, atmos=None, nanometer=False, yOnly=False, flipUpDown=False, commentChar='#'):
	""" Save optical depth (vs wavenumber or wavelength) in ascii tabular format. """
	out = open_outFile (outFile, commentChar)
	nLevels = len(atmos.z)
	nGas    = len(atmos.gases)
	if flipUpDown:
		if len(optDepth.shape)==2:  optDepth = np.fliplr(optDepth) # swap columns
		comments = ['altitudes [km]:  ' + nLevels*' %10.1f' % tuple(unitConversion(atmos.z[::-1],'length',new='km')),
	                    'temperatures [K]:' + nLevels*' %10.2f' % tuple(atmos.T[::-1]),
	                    'pressures [mb]:  ' + nLevels*' %10.4g' % tuple(unitConversion(atmos.p[::-1],'p',new='mb'))]
		comments = ['altitudes [km]:  ' + nLevels*' %10.1f' % tuple(unitConversion(atmos.z,'length',new='km')),
	                    'temperatures [K]:' + nLevels*' %10.2f' % tuple(atmos.T),
	                    'pressures [mb]:  ' + nLevels*' %10.4g' % tuple(unitConversion(atmos.p,'p',new='mb'))]
	comments += ['gases:           ' +    nGas*' %10s'   % tuple(atmos.gases),
	             'vcd [molec/cm^2]:' +    nGas*' %10.2g' % tuple(atmos.vcd())]
	if nanometer:
		if yOnly: 
			writeArray (np.flipud(optDepth),                  out, comments=comments, format= '%10g')
			comments += ['%10s %10s' % ('wavelength','optical depth'),  '%10s' % 'nm']
			writeArray (np.flipud(paste(1e7/vGrid,optDepth)), out, comments=comments, format= '%10f %10g')
		if yOnly:
			writeArray (optDepth,              out, comments=comments, format= '%10g')
			comments += ['%10s %10s' % ('wavenumber','optical depth'),  '%10s' % '1/cm']
			writeArray (paste(vGrid,optDepth), out, comments=comments, format= '%10f %10g')

Esempio n. 3
def write_crossSections_xyy (crossSections, outFile=None, linePositions=None, interpolate='3', commentChar='#'):
	""" Write cross section(s) to output (file) in tabular xy format.
	    (All cross sections of a given molecule (i.e., data for all p,T levels) 
	     are interpolated to a common wavenumber grid and written to a single file) """

	out = open_outFile (outFile, commentChar)
	if outFile:
		# print a summary
		molecules = tuple([xs.get('molecule') for xs in crossSections])
		sameMolec = np.alltrue([molecules[0] == other for other in molecules[1:]])
		if sameMolec:      out.write ( '%1s  %-16s %s\n' % (commentChar, 'molecule:', molecules[0]))

		lineShapes = tuple([xs.get('lineShape') for xs in crossSections])
		sameShapes = np.alltrue([lineShapes[0] == other for other in lineShapes[1:]])
		if sameShapes:     out.write ( '%1s  %-16s %s\n' % (commentChar, 'lineshape:', lineShapes[0]))

		if isinstance(linePositions,np.ndarray):
			out.write ( '%1s  %i %s %f ... %f\n' % (commentChar, len(linePositions), 'lines in ', min(linePositions),max(linePositions)) )
		# extract pressure and temperatures
		nXS = len(crossSections)
		pressures    = tuple([unitConversion(xs.get('p',0.0),'p',new='mb') for xs in crossSections])
		temperatures = tuple([xs.get('T',0.0) for xs in crossSections])
		out.write ( commentChar+'  pressure [mb]:  ' + nXS*' %10g' % pressures + '\n')
		out.write ( commentChar+'  temperature [K]:' + nXS*' %10.2f' % temperatures + '\n')
		out.write ( commentChar + '\n' )

	# select an interpolation method
	if   interpolate.lower() in 'sb':
                try:                      from scipy.interpolate import splrep, splev
	        except ImportError, msg:  raise SystemExit, msg
                else:                     intMethod =  'Spline interpolation (scipy splrep/splev)'
Esempio n. 4
def write_voigtLines (positions, strengths, gammaL, gammaD, pressure, temperature, molecule, outFile=None, commentChar='#'):
	""" Write Voigt line parameters (strengths, Lorentz and Gaussian widths vs line positionsp. """
	out = open_outFile (outFile, commentChar)
	out.write ('%s %s %s\n' % (commentChar, "molecule:", molecule))
	out.write ('%s %s %-12g\n' % (commentChar, "pressure  [mb]:     " ,  unitConversion(pressure,'p', new='mb')))
	out.write ('%s %s %8.2f\n' % (commentChar, "temperature  [K]: ", temperature))
	out.write ('%s %10s  %11s %11s %11s\n' % (commentChar, "position", "strength", "gammaL", "gammaG"))
	format = '%12f  %11.3e %11.3g %11.3g\n'
	for v,S, gL, gG in zip(positions, strengths, gammaL, gammaD):  out.write ( format % (v,S,gL,gG) )
	# close the output file (if its not stdout)
	if outFile: out.close()
Esempio n. 5
def write_strengths (positions, strengths, strRef, temperature, tempRef, molecule, outFile=None, commentChar='#'):
	""" Write line strengths (for two temperatures) vs line positions. """
	out = open_outFile (outFile, commentChar)
	out.write ('%s %s %s\n' % (commentChar, "molecule:", molecule))
	out.write ('%s %s %8.2f %s\n' % (commentChar, "temperature T_ref:" ,  tempRef, "K"))
	out.write ('%s %s %8.2f %s\n' % (commentChar, "temperature T:    ", temperature, "K"))
	out.write ('%s %10s %23s\n' % (commentChar, "position", "   S(T_ref)    |S(T)- S(T_ref)|"))
	format = '%12f  %11.3e %10.2e 0\n'
	for v,S0,S in zip(positions, strRef, strengths): 
		#out.write ( format % (v,S0,S) )
		if S>S0: out.write ( format % (v,S0,S-S0) )
		else:    out.write ( format % (v,S0,S0-S) )
	# close the output file (if its not stdout)
	if outFile: out.close()
Esempio n. 6
def write_crossSections_xy (crossSections, outFile=None, linePositions=None, commentChar='#'):
	""" Write cross section(s) to output (file) in tabular xy format.
	    (Cross sections of a given molecule (i.e., data for all p,T levels) are written to a individual files) """

	# extract attributes like pressure and temperatures
	nXS = len(crossSections)
	molecules    = tuple([xs.get('molecule') for xs in crossSections])
	pressures    = tuple([unitConversion(xs.get('p',0.0),'p',new='mb') for xs in crossSections])
	temperatures = tuple([xs.get('T',0.0) for xs in crossSections])
	lineShapes   = tuple([xs.get('lineShape') for xs in crossSections])
	if isinstance(linePositions,np.ndarray):
		lineInfo =  '%i %s %f ... %f' % (len(linePositions), 'lines in ', min(linePositions),max(linePositions))
		lineInfo = ''

	for l, xs in enumerate(crossSections):
		if isinstance(outFile,str) and '.' in outFile:
			outRoot, outExt = os.path.splitext(outFile)
			oFile = '%s_%2.2i_%gmb_%.1fK%s' % (outRoot, l+1, pressures[l], temperatures[l], outExt)
			oFile = '%s_%gmb_%.1fK.%s' % (molecules[l], pressures[l], temperatures[l], 'xs')
		out = open_outFile (oFile, commentChar)
		# print a summary
		out.write ( '%1s  %-16s %s\n' % (commentChar, 'molecule:', molecules[l]))
		out.write ( '%1s  %-16s %s\n' % (commentChar, 'lineshape:', lineShapes[l]))
		if lineInfo:  out.write ( '%1s  %s\n' % (commentChar, lineInfo))
		out.write ( commentChar+'  pressure [mb]:  ' + ' %10g' % pressures[l] + '\n')
		out.write ( commentChar+'  temperature [K]:' + ' %10.2f' % temperatures[l] + '\n')
		out.write ( commentChar + '\n' )

		# extract cross section spectra and save in list
		yyy  = xs['y']
		nxy  = len(yyy)-1
		xLow, xHigh = crossSections[0]['x'].limits()
		xLo,  xHi   = float(xLow/nxy), float(xHigh/nxy)
		# and write cross section vs wavenumber
		out.write ( '%1s%12s %15s\n' % (commentChar, 'wavenumber', 'cross section') )
		format = ' %12f %12.6g\n'
		for i,y in enumerate(yyy): 
			x = i*xHi + (nxy-i)*xLo
			out.write (format % (x,y))
		if outFile: out.close()
Esempio n. 7
def print_lines(outFile, Lines, dataFile, molecule, format="", commentChar="#"):
    if "hit" in lower(dataFile):
        xUnit, TRef, pRef = "cm-1", 296.0, 1013.25
    elif "sao" in lower(dataFile):
        xUnit, TRef, pRef = "cm-1", 296.0, 1013.25
    elif "geisa" in lower(dataFile):
        xUnit, TRef, pRef = "cm-1", 296.0, 1013.25
    elif "jpl" in lower(dataFile):
        xUnit, TRef, pRef = "MHz", 300.0, 1013.0
        raise SystemExit, "unknown database type!"

    # check if output file extension indicates the format
    if outFile:
        outFileExt = os.path.splitext(outFile)[1]
        if not format and lower(outFileExt).startswith(".vs"):
            format = outFileExt[1:]
            print "format automatically determined from output file extension ", format

    if lower(format).startswith("vs"):
        if molecule:
            write_lines_xy(outFile, Lines, dataFile, format, TRef, pRef, molecule, commentChar)
            if outFile:
                print "\nWARNING:  specified output filename will be ignored!\n          (lines will be saved to files with names defined by molecule and format)\n"
            lineLists = split_molecules(Lines, dataFile)  # actually this returns a dictionary!
            for molec, lines in lineLists.items():
                outFile = molec + os.path.extsep + format
                write_lines_xy(outFile, lines, dataFile, format, TRef, pRef, molec, commentChar)
        # save line extract in original format
        commentChar = "00"
        if "hit" in dataFile:
            if lower(format).startswith("g"):
                raise SystemExit, "\nERROR --- extract:  no format conversion hitran -> geisa"
        elif "geisa" in dataFile:
            commentChar = 5 * commentChar
            if lower(format).startswith("h"):
                raise SystemExit, "\nERROR --- extract:  no format conversion geisa -> hitran"
            if lower(format).startswith("g") or lower(format).startswith("h"):
                raise SystemExit, "\nERROR --- extract:  no format conversion ??? -> hitran"

        out = open_outFile(outFile, commentChar)
        if "hit" in dataFile.lower():
            if len(Lines[0].rstrip()) == 100:  # old hitran versions <=2000
                    % (
            else:  # new hitran versions >=2004
                    "%3s%12s%10s%10s%5s%5s%10s%4s%8s%15s%15s%15s%15s%6s%12s %s7%7s\n"
                    % (
        for line in Lines:
        if outFile:

Esempio n. 8
def write_lines_xy(outFile, lines, dataFile, job="vS", TRef=0, pRef=0, molecule="", commentChar="#"):
    """ Print 'core' line parameters, i.e., positions vs strengths, and optionally energies, airWidths, tempExponents. """
    # open an output file if explicitely specified (otherwise use standard output)
    out = open_outFile(outFile, commentChar)
    if molecule:
        out.write("%s %s %s\n" % (commentChar, "molecule:", molecule))
    # reference pressure and temperature of database
    if TRef:
        out.write("%s %s %8.2f %s\n" % (commentChar, "temperature:", TRef, "K"))
    if pRef:
        out.write("%s %s %8.2f %s\n" % (commentChar, "pressure:   ", pRef, "mb"))
    # extract most important numeric line parameters
    positions, strengths, energies, airWidths, selfWidths, tempDep, isoNr = core_parameters(lines, dataFile)

    # some statistical information
    nLines = len(positions)
    out.write("%s %-30s %12i\n" % (commentChar, "number of lines:     ", nLines))
    out.write("%s %-30s %12.3g%13.3g\n" % (commentChar, "min, max line strength:     ", min(strengths), max(strengths)))
    out.write("%s %s %s\n" % (commentChar, "format:", job))
    if "a" in job:
            "%s %-30s %12.3f%13.3f\n" % (commentChar, "min, max airbroad.  widths: ", min(airWidths), max(airWidths))
            "%s %-30s %12.3f%13.3f\n" % (commentChar, "min, max selfbroad. widths: ", min(selfWidths), max(selfWidths))
        out.write("%s %-30s %12.3f%13.3f\n" % (commentChar, "min, max temp. exponent:    ", min(tempDep), max(tempDep)))
    if outFile:
        print "%-8s %8i %s %11.3g %s %-11.3g %s %s" % (
            " lines with",
            "< S <",
            " writing to file",
    if job == "vSEani":
        format = "%12f %11.3e %11.5f %8.5f %7.4f %3i\n"
            "%1s %10s %11s %11s %8s %7s %3s\n"
            % (commentChar, "position", "strength", "energy", "airWidth", "Tdep", "iso")
        out.write("%1s %10s %11s %11s %8s %7s\n" % (commentChar, "cm-1", "cm-1/cm-2", "cm-1", "cm-1", ""))
        for l in xrange(nLines):
            out.write(format % (positions[l], strengths[l], energies[l], airWidths[l], tempDep[l], isoNumber[l]))
    elif job == "vSEan":
        format = "%12f %11.3e %11.5f %8.5f %7.4f\n"
        out.write("%1s %10s %11s %11s %8s %7s\n" % (commentChar, "position", "strength", "energy", "airWidth", "Tdep"))
        out.write("%1s %10s %11s %11s %8s %7s\n" % (commentChar, "cm-1", "cm-1/cm-2", "cm-1", "cm-1", ""))
        for l in xrange(nLines):
            out.write(format % (positions[l], strengths[l], energies[l], airWidths[l], tempDep[l]))
    elif job == "vSEasni":
        format = "%12f %11.3e %11.5f %8.5f %8.5f %7.4f %4i\n"
            "%1s %10s %11s %11s %8s %8s %7s %4s\n"
            % (commentChar, "position", "strength", "energy", "airWidth", "selfWidth", "Tdep", "iso")
        out.write("%1s %10s %11s %11s %8s %8s %7s\n" % (commentChar, "cm-1", "cm-1/cm-2", "cm-1", "cm-1", "cm-1", ""))
        for l in xrange(nLines):
                format % (positions[l], strengths[l], energies[l], airWidths[l], selfWidths[l], tempDep[l], isoNr[l])
    elif job == "vSEasn":
        format = "%12f %11.3e %11.5f %8.5f %8.5f %7.4f\n"
            "%1s %10s %11s %11s %8s %8s %7s\n"
            % (commentChar, "position", "strength", "energy", "airWidth", "selfWidth", "Tdep")
        out.write("%1s %10s %11s %11s %8s %8s %7s\n" % (commentChar, "cm-1", "cm-1/cm-2", "cm-1", "cm-1", "cm-1", ""))
        for l in xrange(nLines):
            out.write(format % (positions[l], strengths[l], energies[l], airWidths[l], selfWidths[l], tempDep[l]))
    elif job == "vSEa":
        format = "%12f %11.3e %11.5f %8.5f\n"
        for l in xrange(nLines):
            out.write(format % (positions[l], strengths[l], energies[l], airWidths[l]))
    elif job == "vSE":
        format = "%12f %11.3e %11.5f\n"
        for l in xrange(nLines):
            out.write(format % (positions[l], strengths[l], energies[l]))
        format = "%12f %11.3e\n"
        for l in xrange(nLines):
            out.write(format % (positions[l], strengths[l]))
        # close the output file (if its not stdout)
    if outFile:
Esempio n. 9
	from command_parser import parse_command, standardOptions
        opts = standardOptions + [  # h=help, c=commentChar, o=outFile
	       {'ID': 'i', 'name': 'isoNr',  'type': IntType, 'default': 0},
               {'ID': 'm', 'name': 'molNr', 'type': IntType, 'default': 0},
               {'ID': 'S', 'name': 'strMin', 'type': FloatType,   'default': 0.0, 'constraint': 'strMin>=0.0'},
	       {'ID': 'x', 'name': 'xLimits', 'type': Interval, 'default': Interval(0.0,99999.9), 'constraint': 'xLimits.lower>=0.0'}

	files, options, commentChar, outFile = parse_command (opts, 1)

	for opt in opts:
		if opt.has_key('name') and opt.has_key('type'):  exec opt['name'] + ' = ' + repr(options.get(opt['name']))
    	if options.has_key('h'):
    		print __doc__%globals();  raise SystemExit, " end of hitran help"
	elif molNr or xLimits.size()<50000.0:
		# Read lines from HITRAN line parameter file
		lines = extract_hitran (files[0], xLimits, molNr, isoNr, strMin)
		print len(lines), ' lines'
		# at least molecule or wavenumber range needed
		raise SystemExit, ' ERROR: neither molecule nor wavenumber range specified!'

	# open an output file if explicitely specified (otherwise use standard output)
	out = open_outFile (outFile, commentChar='00')
	# print extracted lines
	for line in lines: out.write (line)
	# close the output file (if its not stdout)
	if outFile: out.close()