def make_field_chooser(x, xs, y, ys): """Choose values for x and y. """ xd = Dropdown(description='%s:' % x, values=xs) yd = Dropdown(description='%s:' % y, values=ys) container = VBox(children=[xd, yd]) return container
def status_printer(_, total=None, desc=None, ncols=None, img=None): """ Manage the printing of an IPython/Jupyter Notebook progress bar widget. """ # Fallback to text bar if there's no total # DEPRECATED: replaced with an 'info' style bar # if not total: # return super(mytqdm, mytqdm).status_printer(file) # fp = file # Prepare IPython progress bar try: if total: pbar = IntProgress(min=0, max=total) else: # No total? Show info style bar with no progress tqdm status pbar = IntProgress(min=0, max=1) pbar.value = 1 pbar.bar_style = 'info' except NameError: # #187 #451 #558 raise ImportError( "IntProgress not found. Please update jupyter and ipywidgets." " See" "/user_install.html") if desc: pbar.description = desc if IPYW >= 7: = 'initial' # Prepare status text ptext = HTML() timg = HTML() if img: timg.value = "<br>%s<br>" % img # Only way to place text to the right of the bar is to use a container container = VBox([HBox(children=[pbar, ptext]), timg]) # Prepare layout if ncols is not None: # use default style of ipywidgets # ncols could be 100, "100px", "100%" ncols = str(ncols) # ipywidgets only accepts string try: if int(ncols) > 0: # isnumeric and positive ncols += 'px' except ValueError: pass pbar.layout.flex = '2' container.layout.width = ncols container.layout.display = 'inline-flex' container.layout.flex_flow = 'row wrap' display(container) return container
def __init__(self, model=None, model_config=None, *args, **kwargs): # RUN HTML self.model = model or Spectrogram( **(model_config or {})) #Need to access spectrogram if defaulting... # Create alert widget (refactor into its own function?) alert = Alert(description="Alert or something") link((self.model, "message"), (alert, "value")) # Create a GUI kwargs["orientation"] = 'horizontal' kwargs["children"] = [ HBox([ VBox([self.INOUT_panel(), self.model, alert]), VBox([ self.plot_panel(), self.slicing_panel(), self.unit_panel() ]), ]) ] super(SpectraGui, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._dom_classes += ("spectroscopy row", )
def make_vgroup(children): container = VBox(children=children) return container
def INOUT_panel(self): # create correlation controls. NOTE: should only be called once. incheck = Checkbox(description='Import') link((self.model, "inbox"), (incheck, "value")) outcheck = Checkbox(description='Export') link((self.model, "outbox"), (outcheck, "value")) #loaddata = Checkbox(description="Testdata") #link((self.model, "load_spec"), (loaddata, "value")) #testdataset = Text(description = "") #link((self.model, "testdataset"), (testdataset, "value")) filename = Text(description="") link((self.model, "file_name"), (filename, "value")) loadbutton = Button(color='black', background_color='AliceBlue', description="Load") loadbutton.on_click(lambda x: self.model.load_from_ns()) boxi = HBox([filename, loadbutton]) #link((self.model, "load_spec"), (specbox, "visible")) # loadfile = Checkbox(description="NB Variable") #Test Data # link((self.model, "load_file"), (loadfile, "value")) # filebox = HBox([loadbutton, filename]) #link((self.model, "load_file"), (filebox, "visible")) #boxi = VBox([ #HBox([loaddata, loadfile]), #loaddata, # specbox, #filebox, # ]) link((self.model, "inbox"), (boxi, "visible")) saveplot = Button(color='black', background_color='AliceBlue', description='Save Plot') saveplot.on_click(lambda x: self.model.save_plot()) savespec = Button(color='black', background_color='AliceBlue', description='Export Dataset') savespec.on_click(lambda x: self.model.save_to_ns()) savespecas = Text(description="") link((self.model, "save_spec_as"), (savespecas, "value")) boxo = VBox([ savespecas, HBox([saveplot, savespec]), ]) link((self.model, "outbox"), (boxo, "visible")) #reset = Button(color='white',background_color='violet',description='Reset Defaults') #reset.on_click(lambda x: self.model.) #redraw = Button(description="Redraw") #redraw.on_click(lambda x: self.model.draw()) return ControlPanel( title="Import/Export Dataset", children=[HBox([VBox([incheck, outcheck]), VBox([boxi, boxo])])])
def slicing_panel(self): """ create spectrum controls. NOTE: should only be called once.""" model = self.model #For readability # ALL WIDGETS ARE CAPITALIZED. #AXIS = RadioButtons(values=[0,1],description="Axis") #link((model, "slice_axis"), (AXIS, "value")) SPECSTART = FloatSlider( description="Spec Start", min=model.specslice_position_start) #Will not try to update link((model, "specslice_position_start"), (SPECSTART, "value")) link((model, "specstep"), (SPECSTART, "step")) link((model, "specslider_start"), (SPECSTART, "min")) # Start end values (IE slider_min / slider_max) link((model, "specslider_end"), (SPECSTART, "max")) SPECEND = FloatSlider( description="Spec End", max=model.specslice_position_end) # Will not try to update link((model, "specslice_position_end"), (SPECEND, "value")) link((model, "specstep"), (SPECEND, "step")) link((model, "specslider_start"), (SPECEND, "min")) link((model, "specslider_end"), (SPECEND, "max")) # SPACING WIDGET SPECSPACING = IntText(description="Spec Sample by", value=1) link((model, "specspacing"), (SPECSPACING, "value")) TIMESTART = FloatSlider(description="Var Start", min=model.timeslice_position_start) link((model, "timeslice_position_start"), (TIMESTART, "value")) link((model, "timestep"), (TIMESTART, "step")) link((model, "timeslider_start"), (TIMESTART, "min")) link((model, "timeslider_end"), (TIMESTART, "max")) TIMEEND = FloatSlider(description="Var End", max=model.timeslice_position_end) link((model, "timeslice_position_end"), (TIMEEND, "value")) link((model, "timestep"), (TIMEEND, "step")) link((model, "timeslider_start"), (TIMEEND, "min")) link((model, "timeslider_end"), (TIMEEND, "max")) TIMESPACING = IntText(description="Var Sample by", value=1) link((model, "timespacing"), (TIMESPACING, "value")) speccheck = Checkbox(description="Spectral Axis") link((model, "specbox"), (speccheck, "value")) SPECRANGED = VBox([SPECSTART, SPECEND, SPECSPACING]) link((model, "specbox"), (SPECRANGED, "visible")) timecheck = Checkbox(description="Variation Axis") link((model, "timebox"), (timecheck, "value")) TIMERANGED = VBox([TIMESTART, TIMEEND, TIMESPACING]) link((model, "timebox"), (TIMERANGED, "visible")) return ControlPanel( title="Slicing/Sampling", children=[HBox([speccheck, timecheck]), SPECRANGED, TIMERANGED])
def plot_panel(self): # create draw mode controls. NOTE: should only be called once. cbar = Checkbox(description="Colorbar") link((self.model, "colorbar"), (cbar, "value")) interact = Checkbox(description="Interactive") link((self.model, "interactive"), (interact, "value")) plug_select = Checkbox(description="Line Selection") link((self.model, "selectlines"), (plug_select, "value")) autoupdate = Checkbox(description="Auto Update") link((self.model, "autoupdate"), (autoupdate, "value")) plugin2 = Checkbox(description='Cursor') plugin3 = Checkbox(description='plugin3') fwidth = FloatText(description='Plot width') fheight = FloatText(description='Plot height') link((self.model, "figwidth"), (fwidth, "value")) link((self.model, "figheight"), (fheight, "value")) f = Text(description="Function:") link((self.model, "user_f"), (f, "value")) fapp = Button(color='black', background_color='AliceBlue', description="Apply") fapp.on_click(lambda x: self.model.apply_userf(name='apply clicked')) #plugins = HBox([plugin1,plugin2,plugin3]) #more = Checkbox(description="More Options")### LINK IT #link((self, "moreopt"), (more, "value")) #popmore = Popup(children=[VBox([HBox([plug_select,plugin2,plugin3]), # HBox([f,fapp]), # VBox([fwidth, fheight]) # ])], # description='Advanced', button_text='Advanced') more = Checkbox(description="Advanced") link((self.model, "advancedbox"), (more, "value")) popmore = VBox([ HBox([ plug_select, plugin2, # plugin3 ]), HBox([f, fapp]), HBox([fwidth, fheight]) ]) link((self.model, "advancedbox"), (popmore, "visible")) cmapcheck = Checkbox(description="Colormap") link((self.model, "cmapbox"), (cmapcheck, "value")) cmap = Dropdown(description="Colormap", values=self.model.COLORMAPS) link((self.model, "colormap"), (cmap, "value")) link((self.model, "cmapbox"), (cmap, "visible")) colorcheck = Checkbox(description="Color") link((self.model, "colorbox"), (colorcheck, "value")) color = Dropdown(description="Color", values=self.model.COLORS) link((self.model, "color"), (color, "value")) link((self.model, "colorbox"), (color, "visible")) kind = Dropdown(description="Plot Type", values=PLOTPARSER.keys()) link((self.model, "kind"), (kind, "value")) return ControlPanel(title="Plot Settings", children=[ VBox([autoupdate, kind]), HBox([cbar, interact]), HBox([colorcheck, cmapcheck]), HBox([more]), cmap, color, popmore ])
def __init__(self, model, opt, maxiters, verbose=False, current_iteration=0, ipython_notebook=True, clear_after_finish=False): self.verbose = verbose if self.verbose: self.model = model self.iteration = current_iteration self.p_iter = self.iteration self.maxiters = maxiters self.len_maxiters = len(str(maxiters)) self.opt_name = opt.opt_name self.model.add_observer(self, self.print_status) self.status = 'running' self.clear = clear_after_finish self.update() try: from IPython.display import display from IPython.html.widgets import IntProgress, HTML, Box, VBox, HBox, FlexBox self.text = HTML(width='100%') self.progress = IntProgress(min=0, max=maxiters) #self.progresstext = Text(width='100%', disabled=True, value='0/{}'.format(maxiters)) self.model_show = HTML() self.ipython_notebook = ipython_notebook except: # Not in Ipython notebook self.ipython_notebook = False if self.ipython_notebook: left_col = VBox(children=[self.progress, self.text], padding=2, width='40%') right_col = Box(children=[self.model_show], padding=2, width='60%') self.hor_align = FlexBox(children=[left_col, right_col], width='100%', orientation='horizontal') display(self.hor_align) try: self.text.set_css('width', '100%') left_col.set_css({ 'padding': '2px', 'width': "100%", }) right_col.set_css({ 'padding': '2px', }) self.hor_align.set_css({ 'width': "100%", }) self.hor_align.remove_class('vbox') self.hor_align.add_class('hbox') left_col.add_class("box-flex1") right_col.add_class('box-flex0') except: pass #self.text.add_class('box-flex2') #self.progress.add_class('box-flex1') else: self.exps = exponents(self.fnow, self.current_gradient) print('Running {} Code:'.format(self.opt_name)) print(' {3:7s} {0:{mi}s} {1:11s} {2:11s}'.format( "i", "f", "|g|", "runtime", mi=self.len_maxiters))
def __init__(self, model, opt, maxiters, verbose=False, current_iteration=0, ipython_notebook=True, clear_after_finish=False): self.verbose = verbose if self.verbose: self.model = model self.iteration = current_iteration self.p_iter = self.iteration self.maxiters = maxiters self.len_maxiters = len(str(maxiters)) self.opt_name = opt.opt_name self.model.add_observer(self, self.print_status) self.status = 'running' self.clear = clear_after_finish self.update() try: from IPython.display import display from IPython.html.widgets import IntProgress, HTML, Box, VBox, HBox, FlexBox self.text = HTML(width='100%') self.progress = IntProgress(min=0, max=maxiters) #self.progresstext = Text(width='100%', disabled=True, value='0/{}'.format(maxiters)) self.model_show = HTML() self.ipython_notebook = ipython_notebook except: # Not in Ipython notebook self.ipython_notebook = False if self.ipython_notebook: left_col = VBox(children=[self.progress, self.text], padding=2, width='40%') right_col = Box(children=[self.model_show], padding=2, width='60%') self.hor_align = FlexBox(children = [left_col, right_col], width='100%', orientation='horizontal') display(self.hor_align) try: self.text.set_css('width', '100%') left_col.set_css({ 'padding': '2px', 'width': "100%", }) right_col.set_css({ 'padding': '2px', }) self.hor_align.set_css({ 'width': "100%", }) self.hor_align.remove_class('vbox') self.hor_align.add_class('hbox') left_col.add_class("box-flex1") right_col.add_class('box-flex0') except: pass #self.text.add_class('box-flex2') #self.progress.add_class('box-flex1') else: self.exps = exponents(self.fnow, self.current_gradient) print('Running {} Code:'.format(self.opt_name)) print(' {3:7s} {0:{mi}s} {1:11s} {2:11s}'.format("i", "f", "|g|", "runtime", mi=self.len_maxiters))
def optimize(self, method='HS', maxiter=500, ftol=1e-6, gtol=1e-6, step_length=1., callback=None, verbose=True): """ Optimize the model. The strategy is to run conjugate natural gradients on the variational parameters, interleaved with gradient based optimization of any non-variational parameters. self.hyperparam_interval dictates how often this happens. Arguments --------- :method: ['FR', 'PR','HS','steepest'] -- conjugate gradient method :maxiter: int :ftol: float :gtol: float :step_length: float """ assert method in ['FR', 'PR','HS','steepest'], 'invalid conjugate gradient method specified.' ## For GPy style notebook verbosity if verbose: try: from IPython.display import display from IPython.html.widgets import IntProgress, HTML, Box, VBox, HBox, FlexBox self.text = HTML(width='100%') self.progress = IntProgress(min=0, max=maxiter) self.progress.bar_style = 'info' self.status = 'Running' html_begin = """<style type="text/css"> .tg-opt {font-family:"Courier New", Courier, monospace !important;padding:2px 3px;word-break:normal;border-collapse:collapse;border-spacing:0;border-color:#DCDCDC;margin:0px auto;width:100%;} .tg-opt td{font-family:"Courier New", Courier, monospace !important;font-weight:bold;color:#444;background-color:#F7FDFA;border-style:solid;border-width:1px;overflow:hidden;word-break:normal;border-color:#DCDCDC;} .tg-opt th{font-family:"Courier New", Courier, monospace !important;font-weight:normal;color:#fff;background-color:#26ADE4;border-style:solid;border-width:1px;overflow:hidden;word-break:normal;border-color:#DCDCDC;} .tg-opt .tg-left{font-family:"Courier New", Courier, monospace !important;font-weight:normal;text-align:left;} .tg-opt .tg-right{font-family:"Courier New", Courier, monospace !important;font-weight:normal;text-align:right;} </style> <table class="tg-opt">""" html_end = "</table>" self.ipython_notebook = True except: # Not in Ipython notebook self.ipython_notebook = False else: self.ipython_notebook = False if self.ipython_notebook: left_col = VBox(children=[self.progress, self.text], padding=2, width='100%') self.hor_align = FlexBox(children = [left_col], width='100%', orientation='horizontal') display(self.hor_align) try: self.text.set_css('width', '100%') left_col.set_css({ 'padding': '2px', 'width': "100%", }) self.hor_align.set_css({ 'width': "100%", }) self.hor_align.remove_class('vbox') self.hor_align.add_class('hbox') left_col.add_class("box-flex1") except: pass self.start = time.time() self._time = self.start ## --- iteration = 0 bound_old = self.bound() searchDir_old = 0. iteration_failed = False while True: if callback is not None: callback() grad,natgrad = self.vb_grad_natgrad() grad,natgrad = -grad,-natgrad squareNorm =,grad) # used to monitor convergence #find search direction if (method=='steepest') or not iteration: beta = 0 elif (method=='PR'): beta =,grad)/squareNorm_old elif (method=='FR'): beta = squareNorm/squareNorm_old elif (method=='HS'): beta =,grad)/,grad_old) if np.isnan(beta) or (beta < 0.): beta = 0. searchDir = -natgrad + beta*searchDir_old # Try a conjugate step phi_old = self.get_vb_param().copy() try: self.set_vb_param(phi_old + step_length*searchDir) bound = self.bound() except LinAlgError: self.set_vb_param(phi_old) bound = bound_old-1 iteration += 1 # Make sure there's an increase in the bound, else revert to steepest, which is guaranteed to increase the bound. # (It's the same as VBEM.) if bound < bound_old: searchDir = -natgrad try: self.set_vb_param(phi_old + step_length*searchDir) bound = self.bound() except LinAlgError: import warnings warnings.warn("Caught LinalgError in setting variational parameters, trying to continue with old parameter settings", LinAlgWarning) self.set_vb_param(phi_old) bound = self.bound() iteration_failed = False iteration += 1 if verbose: if self.ipython_notebook: t = time.time() seconds = t-self.start self.status = 'Running' self.progress.bar_style = 'info' names_vals = [['conjugate gradient method', "{:s}".format(method)], ['runtime', "{:.1f}s".format(seconds)], ['evaluation', "{}".format(iteration)], ['objective', "{:12.5f}".format(-bound)], ['||gradient||', "{:12.5f}".format(float(squareNorm))], ['beta', "{:12.5f}".format(beta)], ['status', "{:s}".format(self.status)], ] html_body = "" for name, val in names_vals: html_body += "<tr>" html_body += "<td class='tg-left'>{}</td>".format(name) html_body += "<td class='tg-right'>{}</td>".format(val) html_body += "</tr>" self.progress.value = iteration self.text.value = html_begin + html_body + html_end else: print('\riteration '+str(iteration)+' bound='+str(bound) + ' grad='+str(squareNorm) + ', beta='+str(beta)) sys.stdout.flush() # Converged yet? try the parameters if so if np.abs(bound-bound_old) <= ftol: if verbose: if self.ipython_notebook: self.status = 'vb converged (ftol)' names_vals[-1] = ['status', "{:s}".format(self.status)] html_body = "" for name, val in names_vals: html_body += "<tr>" html_body += "<td class='tg-left'>{}</td>".format(name) html_body += "<td class='tg-right'>{}</td>".format(val) html_body += "</tr>" self.text.value = html_begin + html_body + html_end self.progress.bar_style = 'success' else: print('vb converged (ftol)') if self.optimize_parameters() < 1e-1: break if squareNorm <= gtol: if verbose: if self.ipython_notebook: self.status = 'vb converged (gtol)' names_vals[-1] = ['status', "{:s}".format(self.status)] html_body = "" for name, val in names_vals: html_body += "<tr>" html_body += "<td class='tg-left'>{}</td>".format(name) html_body += "<td class='tg-right'>{}</td>".format(val) html_body += "</tr>" self.text.value = html_begin + html_body + html_end self.progress.bar_style = 'success' else: print('vb converged (gtol)') if self.optimize_parameters() < 1e-1: break if iteration >= maxiter: if verbose: if self.ipython_notebook: self.status = 'maxiter exceeded' names_vals[-1] = ['status', "{:s}".format(self.status)] html_body = "" for name, val in names_vals: html_body += "<tr>" html_body += "<td class='tg-left'>{}</td>".format(name) html_body += "<td class='tg-right'>{}</td>".format(val) html_body += "</tr>" self.text.value = html_begin + html_body + html_end self.progress.bar_style = 'warning' else: print('maxiter exceeded') break #store essentials of previous iteration natgrad_old = natgrad.copy() # copy: better safe than sorry. grad_old = grad.copy() searchDir_old = searchDir.copy() squareNorm_old = squareNorm # hyper param_optimisation if ((iteration >1) and not (iteration%self.hyperparam_interval)) or iteration_failed: self.optimize_parameters() bound_old = bound # Clean up temporary fields after optimization if self.ipython_notebook: del self.text del self.progress del self.hor_align
def optimize(self, method='HS', maxiter=500, ftol=1e-6, gtol=1e-6, step_length=1., callback=None, verbose=True): """ Optimize the model. The strategy is to run conjugate natural gradients on the variational parameters, interleaved with gradient based optimization of any non-variational parameters. self.hyperparam_interval dictates how often this happens. Arguments --------- :method: ['FR', 'PR','HS','steepest'] -- conjugate gradient method :maxiter: int :ftol: float :gtol: float :step_length: float """ assert method in ['FR', 'PR', 'HS', 'steepest' ], 'invalid conjugate gradient method specified.' ## For GPy style notebook verbosity if verbose: try: from IPython.display import display from IPython.html.widgets import IntProgress, HTML, Box, VBox, HBox, FlexBox self.text = HTML(width='100%') self.progress = IntProgress(min=0, max=maxiter) self.progress.bar_style = 'info' self.status = 'Running' html_begin = """<style type="text/css"> .tg-opt {font-family:"Courier New", Courier, monospace !important;padding:2px 3px;word-break:normal;border-collapse:collapse;border-spacing:0;border-color:#DCDCDC;margin:0px auto;width:100%;} .tg-opt td{font-family:"Courier New", Courier, monospace !important;font-weight:bold;color:#444;background-color:#F7FDFA;border-style:solid;border-width:1px;overflow:hidden;word-break:normal;border-color:#DCDCDC;} .tg-opt th{font-family:"Courier New", Courier, monospace !important;font-weight:normal;color:#fff;background-color:#26ADE4;border-style:solid;border-width:1px;overflow:hidden;word-break:normal;border-color:#DCDCDC;} .tg-opt .tg-left{font-family:"Courier New", Courier, monospace !important;font-weight:normal;text-align:left;} .tg-opt .tg-right{font-family:"Courier New", Courier, monospace !important;font-weight:normal;text-align:right;} </style> <table class="tg-opt">""" html_end = "</table>" self.ipython_notebook = True except: # Not in Ipython notebook self.ipython_notebook = False else: self.ipython_notebook = False if self.ipython_notebook: left_col = VBox(children=[self.progress, self.text], padding=2, width='100%') self.hor_align = FlexBox(children=[left_col], width='100%', orientation='horizontal') display(self.hor_align) try: self.text.set_css('width', '100%') left_col.set_css({ 'padding': '2px', 'width': "100%", }) self.hor_align.set_css({ 'width': "100%", }) self.hor_align.remove_class('vbox') self.hor_align.add_class('hbox') left_col.add_class("box-flex1") except: pass self.start = time.time() self._time = self.start ## --- iteration = 0 bound_old = self.bound() searchDir_old = 0. iteration_failed = False while True: if callback is not None: callback() grad, natgrad = self.vb_grad_natgrad() grad, natgrad = -grad, -natgrad squareNorm =, grad) # used to monitor convergence #find search direction if (method == 'steepest') or not iteration: beta = 0 elif (method == 'PR'): beta = - natgrad_old), grad) / squareNorm_old elif (method == 'FR'): beta = squareNorm / squareNorm_old elif (method == 'HS'): beta = - natgrad_old), grad) / (natgrad - natgrad_old), grad_old) if np.isnan(beta) or (beta < 0.): beta = 0. searchDir = -natgrad + beta * searchDir_old # Try a conjugate step phi_old = self.get_vb_param().copy() try: self.set_vb_param(phi_old + step_length * searchDir) bound = self.bound() except LinAlgError: self.set_vb_param(phi_old) bound = bound_old - 1 iteration += 1 # Make sure there's an increase in the bound, else revert to steepest, which is guaranteed to increase the bound. # (It's the same as VBEM.) if bound < bound_old: searchDir = -natgrad try: self.set_vb_param(phi_old + step_length * searchDir) bound = self.bound() except LinAlgError: import warnings warnings.warn( "Caught LinalgError in setting variational parameters, trying to continue with old parameter settings", LinAlgWarning) self.set_vb_param(phi_old) bound = self.bound() iteration_failed = False iteration += 1 if verbose: if self.ipython_notebook: t = time.time() seconds = t - self.start self.status = 'Running' self.progress.bar_style = 'info' names_vals = [ ['conjugate gradient method', "{:s}".format(method)], ['runtime', "{:.1f}s".format(seconds)], ['evaluation', "{}".format(iteration)], ['objective', "{:12.5f}".format(-bound)], ['||gradient||', "{:12.5f}".format(float(squareNorm))], ['beta', "{:12.5f}".format(beta)], ['status', "{:s}".format(self.status)], ] html_body = "" for name, val in names_vals: html_body += "<tr>" html_body += "<td class='tg-left'>{}</td>".format(name) html_body += "<td class='tg-right'>{}</td>".format(val) html_body += "</tr>" self.progress.value = iteration self.text.value = html_begin + html_body + html_end else: print('\riteration ' + str(iteration) + ' bound=' + str(bound) + ' grad=' + str(squareNorm) + ', beta=' + str(beta)) sys.stdout.flush() # Converged yet? try the parameters if so if np.abs(bound - bound_old) <= ftol: if verbose: if self.ipython_notebook: self.status = 'vb converged (ftol)' names_vals[-1] = ['status', "{:s}".format(self.status)] html_body = "" for name, val in names_vals: html_body += "<tr>" html_body += "<td class='tg-left'>{}</td>".format( name) html_body += "<td class='tg-right'>{}</td>".format( val) html_body += "</tr>" self.text.value = html_begin + html_body + html_end self.progress.bar_style = 'success' else: print('vb converged (ftol)') if self.optimize_parameters() < 1e-1: break if squareNorm <= gtol: if verbose: if self.ipython_notebook: self.status = 'vb converged (gtol)' names_vals[-1] = ['status', "{:s}".format(self.status)] html_body = "" for name, val in names_vals: html_body += "<tr>" html_body += "<td class='tg-left'>{}</td>".format( name) html_body += "<td class='tg-right'>{}</td>".format( val) html_body += "</tr>" self.text.value = html_begin + html_body + html_end self.progress.bar_style = 'success' else: print('vb converged (gtol)') if self.optimize_parameters() < 1e-1: break if iteration >= maxiter: if verbose: if self.ipython_notebook: self.status = 'maxiter exceeded' names_vals[-1] = ['status', "{:s}".format(self.status)] html_body = "" for name, val in names_vals: html_body += "<tr>" html_body += "<td class='tg-left'>{}</td>".format( name) html_body += "<td class='tg-right'>{}</td>".format( val) html_body += "</tr>" self.text.value = html_begin + html_body + html_end self.progress.bar_style = 'warning' else: print('maxiter exceeded') break #store essentials of previous iteration natgrad_old = natgrad.copy() # copy: better safe than sorry. grad_old = grad.copy() searchDir_old = searchDir.copy() squareNorm_old = squareNorm # hyper param_optimisation if ((iteration > 1) and not (iteration % self.hyperparam_interval) ) or iteration_failed: self.optimize_parameters() bound_old = bound # Clean up temporary fields after optimization if self.ipython_notebook: del self.text del self.progress del self.hor_align