Esempio n. 1
def main():
    # Read images from dir
    images = ImageProc.readFiles("Images/")
    # The result image
    resultImage = ImageProc.getImage(r'Images\Package142.bmp')
    # Image6 serves as an example image
    image6 = ImageProc.getImage(r'Images\Package142.bmp')
    # The template
    template = ImageProc.getImage(r'Images\Loetstelle2.bmp')
    # Convert the images to grayscale images
    grayImages = ImageProc.getGrayscaleImages(images) 
    # Convert the template to a grayscale image
    templateGray = ImageProc.getGrayscaleImages(template)
    # Calculate the keypoints and descriptors of the grayscale images
    keypointsImages = ImageProc.getKeypoints(grayImages)
    # Calculate the keypoints and descriptors of the grayscale template
    (keypointsTemplate, descriptorTemplate) = ImageProc.getKeypoints(templateGray)
    # Get the matching keypoints in the grayscale images for every keypoint in the grayscale template
    matches = ImageProc.filterMatches(ImageProc.getMatches(keypointsImages, (keypointsTemplate, descriptorTemplate)))   
    print ("Anzahl d. Loetstellen: " + str(len(matches)))    
    (keypoints6, desc6) = keypointsImages[5]
    # Draws the keypoints in the resulting images
    keypointsImage1 = ImageProc.drawKeypoints(image6, keypoints6)
    keypointsImage2 = ImageProc.drawKeypoints(template, keypointsTemplate)
    matchingKeypointsImage = ImageProc.drawKeypoints(resultImage, matches)
    # Displays the resulting images
    ImageProc.displayImage(ImageProc.getImage(r'Images\Package142.bmp'), 'image')
    ImageProc.displayImage(keypointsImage1, 'key1')
    ImageProc.displayImage(keypointsImage2, 'key2')
    ImageProc.displayImage(matchingKeypointsImage, 'matches')