Esempio n. 1
    def attach_irq(self, event, callback=None, user_object=None, debounce_time=50):
        Attach (enable) or reconfigure GPIO interrupt event.

        :param event: GPIO interrupt event. Can have one of these values: GPIO.RISE, GPIO.FALL, GPIO.CHANGE, \
        GPIO.LOW or GPIO.HIGH.
        :param callback: User callback function. This function is executed when the interrupt event is received. \
        It should take two arguments: interrupt event description and user object. Interrupt event descriptor is \
        dictionary with three fields: 'id' - the interrupt ID (interrupt channel), 'event' - interrupt event type \
        and 'values' - the logical values on each of interrupt channel (N-th bit represents logical pin value of \
        interrupt channel N). User object is the same object as user_object.
        :param user_object: User defined object, which will be passed back to the callback function. Optional,  \
        default is None.
        :param debounce_time: Interrupt disable time in milliseconds after the triggering event. This is used to \
        "debounce" buttons or to protect communication channel from data flood. Optional, default is 50ms.

        :return: Logical interrupt ID
        :rtype: int
        :raise: IoTPy_APIError
            irq_id = self.board.interrupts.index(self.logical_pin)
            self.board.uper_io(0, encode_sfp(7, [irq_id])) 	# detach interrupt
        except ValueError:
                irq_id = self.board.interrupts.index(None)
                self.board.interrupts[irq_id] = self.logical_pin
            except ValueError:
                errmsg("UPER API: more than 8 interrupts requested")
                raise IoTPy_APIError("Too many interrupts.")
        self.board.callbackdict[self.logical_pin] = {'mode': event, 'callback': callback, 'userobject': user_object}
        self.board.uper_io(0, encode_sfp(6, [irq_id, self.logical_pin, event, debounce_time]))
        return irq_id
Esempio n. 2
 def __init__(self, board, pin):
     self.board = board
     if self.board.pinout[pin].capabilities & CAP_ADC:
         self.logical_pin = self.board.pinout[pin].pinID
         errmsg("IO API: Pin "+str(pin)+" is not an ADC pin.")
         raise IoTPy_APIError("Trying to assign ADC function to non ADC pin.")
     self.adc_pin = self.board.pinout[pin].extra[0]
     self.board.uper_io(0, encode_sfp(3, [self.logical_pin, 0]))  # set GPIO to HIGH_Z
     self.board.uper_io(0, encode_sfp(2, [self.logical_pin]))  # set secondary pin function
     self.primary = False
Esempio n. 3
    def setup(self, direction, resistor=GPIO.PULL_UP):
        Configure GPIO.

        :param direction: GPIO direction: GPIO.OUTPUT or GPIO.INPUT
        :param resistor: GPIO internal resistor mode. Used when direction is GPIO.INPUT. Should be GPIO.PULL_UP, \

        :raise: IoTPy_APIError
        if not direction in [GPIO.OUTPUT, GPIO.INPUT]:
            raise IoTPy_APIError("Invalid GPIO direction. Should be GPIO.INPUT or GPIO.OUTPUT")

        if direction == GPIO.INPUT and not resistor in [GPIO.NONE, GPIO.PULL_UP, GPIO.PULL_DOWN]:
            raise IoTPy_APIError("Invalid GPIO resistor setting. Should be GPIO.NONE, GPIO.PULL_UP or GPIO.PULL_DOWN")

        self.direction = direction

        if direction == GPIO.INPUT:
            self.resistor = resistor

            if resistor == GPIO.PULL_UP:
                mode = 4  # PULL_UP
            elif resistor == GPIO.PULL_DOWN:
                mode = 2  # PULL_DOWN
                mode = 0  # HIGH_Z
            mode = 1  # OUTPUT

        self.board.uper_io(0, encode_sfp(3, [self.logical_pin, mode]))
Esempio n. 4
    def read_raw(self):
        Read ADC value

        :return: Raw ADC value.
        :rtype: int
        return decode_sfp(self.board.uper_io(1, encode_sfp(10, [self.adc_pin])))[1][1]
Esempio n. 5
    def write(self, value):
        Write a digital value (0 or 1). If GPIO pin is not configured as output, set it's GPIO mode to GPIO.OUTPUT.

        :param value: Digital output value (0 or 1)
        :type value: int
        if self.direction != GPIO.OUTPUT:
        self.board.uper_io(0, encode_sfp(4, [self.logical_pin, value]))
Esempio n. 6
    def read(self):
        Read a digital signal value. If GPIO pis in not configure as input, set it to GPIO.PULL_UP pin mode.

        :return: Digital signal value: 0 (LOW) or 1 (HIGH).
        :rtype: int
        if self.direction != GPIO.INPUT:
            self.setup(GPIO.INPUT, self.resistor)
        return decode_sfp(self.board.uper_io(1, encode_sfp(5, [self.logical_pin])))[1][1]
Esempio n. 7
 def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
     self.board.uper_io(0, encode_sfp(22 + self.port * 10, []))
     if self.port:
         self.board.uper_io(0, encode_sfp(1, [4]))  # set pin primary function
         self.board.uper_io(0, encode_sfp(1, [5]))
         self.board.uper_io(0, encode_sfp(1, [11]))
         self.board.uper_io(0, encode_sfp(1, [12]))  # set pin primary function
         self.board.uper_io(0, encode_sfp(1, [13]))
         self.board.uper_io(0, encode_sfp(1, [14]))
Esempio n. 8
    def __init__(self, board, pin):
        self.board = board
        if self.board.pinout[pin].capabilities & CAP_GPIO:
            self.logical_pin = self.board.pinout[pin].pinID
            errmsg("UPER API: Pin No:%d is not GPIO pin.", pin)
            raise IoTPy_APIError("Trying to assign GPIO function to non GPIO pin.")

        # Configure default state to be input with pull-up resistor
        self.board.uper_io(0, encode_sfp(1, [self.logical_pin]))  # set primary
        self.direction = GPIO.INPUT
        self.resistor = GPIO.PULL_UP
        self.setup(self.direction, self.resistor) # default GPIO pin state is INPUT and PULL_UP
Esempio n. 9
    def write(self, value):
        Write a digital port value. If GPIO port is not configured as output, set it's GPIO mode to GPIO.OUTPUT.

        :param value: Digital output value
        :type value: int
        if self.direction != GPIO.OUTPUT:

        values = list(((value >> i) & 1) for i in xrange(len(self._logical_pins)))
        values = struct.pack("B"*len(self._logical_pins), *values)

        self.board.uper_io(0, encode_sfp(4, [self._logical_pins, values]))
Esempio n. 10
    def __init__(self, board, pins):
        self.board = board

        for pin in pins:
            if not self.board.pinout[pin].capabilities & CAP_GPIO:
                raise IoTPy_APIError("Trying to assign GPIO function to non GPIO pin.")

        self._logical_pins = list(self.board.pinout[pin].pinID for pin in pins)
        self._logical_pins = struct.pack("B"*len(self._logical_pins), *self._logical_pins)

        # Configure default state to be input with pull-up resistor
        self.direction = GPIO.INPUT
        self.resistor = GPIO.PULL_UP
        self.setup(self.direction, self.resistor)
        self.board.uper_io(0, encode_sfp(1, [self._logical_pins]))  # set primary
Esempio n. 11
    def transaction(self, write_data, read_from_slave=True):
        Perform SPI data transaction.

        :param write_data: Data to be shifted on MOSI line.
        :type write_data: str
        :param read_from_slave: Flag indicating whether the data received on MISO line should be ignored or not. Optional, default True.
        :type read_from_slave: bool

        :return: Data received on MISO line, if read_from_slave is True.
        :rtype: str
        res = self.board.uper_io(read_from_slave, encode_sfp(21 + self.port * 10, [write_data, int(read_from_slave)]))

        if res:
            return decode_sfp(res)[1][0]
Esempio n. 12
    def read(self):
        Read a digital port value. If GPIO port in not configure as input, set it to GPIO.PULL_UP pin mode.

        :return: Digital port value.
        :rtype: int
        if self.direction != self.INPUT:
            self.setup(GPIO.INPUT, self.resistor)

        values = decode_sfp(self.board.uper_io(1, encode_sfp(5, [self._logical_pins])))[1][1]
        value = 0
        for i, bit in enumerate(values):
            value |= (ord(bit) & 0x1) << i

        return value
Esempio n. 13
    def detach_irq(self):
        Detach (disable) GPIO interrupt.

        :return: True on success, False otherwise
        :raise: IoTPy_APIError
            irq_id = self.board.interrupts.index(self.logical_pin)
        except ValueError:
            #errmsg("UPER API: trying to detach non existing interrupt.")
            return False

        self.board.interrupts[irq_id] = None
        del self.board.callbackdict[self.logical_pin]
        self.board.uper_io(0, encode_sfp(7, [irq_id]))
        return True
Esempio n. 14
    def __init__(self, board, port=0, divider=1, mode=SPI.MODE_0):
        divider = min(max(divider, 1), 256)

        self.board = board
        self.port = port
        self.divider = divider
        self.mode = mode
        if self.port == 1:
            self.board.uper_io(0, encode_sfp(2, [4]))
            self.board.uper_io(0, encode_sfp(2, [5]))
            self.board.uper_io(0, encode_sfp(2, [11]))
            self.board.uper_io(0, encode_sfp(30, [self.divider, self.mode]))
        elif self.port == 0:
            self.board.uper_io(0, encode_sfp(2, [12]))
            self.board.uper_io(0, encode_sfp(2, [13]))
            self.board.uper_io(0, encode_sfp(2, [14]))
            self.board.uper_io(0, encode_sfp(20, [self.divider, self.mode]))
            errmsg("UPER API: Wrong SPI port number.", self.port)
            raise IoTPy_APIError("SPI port must be 0 or 1, trying to assign something else.")
Esempio n. 15
    def setup(self, direction, resistor=GPIO.PULL_UP):
        if not direction in [GPIO.OUTPUT, GPIO.INPUT]:
            raise IoTPy_APIError("Invalid GPIO direction. Should be GPIO.INPUT or GPIO.OUTPUT")

        if direction == GPIO.INPUT and not resistor in [GPIO.NONE, GPIO.PULL_UP, GPIO.PULL_DOWN]:
            raise IoTPy_APIError("Invalid GPIO resistor setting. Should be GPIO.NONE, GPIO.PULL_UP or GPIO.PULL_DOWN")

        self.direction = direction

        if direction == GPIO.INPUT:
            self.resistor = resistor

            if resistor == GPIO.PULL_UP:
                mode = 4  # PULL_UP
            elif resistor == GPIO.PULL_DOWN:
                mode = 2  # PULL_DOWN
                mode = 0  # HIGH_Z
            mode = 1  # OUTPUT

        self.board.uper_io(0, encode_sfp(3, [self._logical_pins, chr(mode)*len(self._logical_pins)]))
Esempio n. 16
 def test_simple_sfp_encode(self):
     self.assertEqual(sfp.encode_sfp(255, []), b'\xd4\x00\x01\xff')
Esempio n. 17
 def test_encode_sfp(self):
     sfp_parameters = [b'09876543210987654321098765432109876543210987654321098765432109876543210987654321', b'0987654321', 0, 1, 64, 6000, 70000]
     sfp_command = 255
     encode_result = sfp.encode_sfp(sfp_command, sfp_parameters)
     self.assertEqual(encode_result, b'\xd4\x00i\xff\xc4P09876543210987654321098765432109876543210987654321098765432109876543210987654321J0987654321\x00\x01\xc0@\xc1\x17p\xc2\x01\x11p')
Esempio n. 18
    def read_pulse(self, level=GPIO.HIGH, timeout=100000):
        if self.direction != self.INPUT:
            self.setup(GPIO.INPUT, self.resistor)

        return decode_sfp(self.board.uper_io(1, encode_sfp(9, [self.logical_pin, level, timeout])))[1][0]