Esempio n. 1
    def test_tidy_url(self):

        data = [

        for url,tidied in data:
            self.assertEqual(ScraperUtils.tidy_url(url), tidied)
Esempio n. 2
    def testCanonicalURLs(self):
        # html, base_url, expected
        snippets = [ ('<head><link rel="canonical" href="" /></head>', "", "" ),
            ('<head><link href="" rel="canonical" /></head>', "", ""),
            ("""<HEAD><LINK foo="wibble"
                HRef ="" class="pibble"
                REL = "canonical" /   ></HEAD>""", "", ""),
            ('<head><meta property="og:url" content="" /></head>', "", ''),
            # test relative url
            ('<head><meta property="og:url" content="/title/tt0117500/" /></head>', "", ''),
            # a live BBC example:
#            (urllib2.urlopen('').read(), ''),
            # and one from the mirror:
#          (urllib2.urlopen('').read(),
#                "" ),
        for html,base_url,expected in snippets:
            got = ScraperUtils.extract_canonical_url(html,base_url)
Esempio n. 3
    body_div = article.cssselect('[itemprop~="articleBody"], [itemprop~="reviewBody"]')[0]

    # cruft removal
    for cruft in body_div.cssselect('.inline-pipes-list, #gigya-share-btns-2'):

    art['content'] = ukmedia.SanitiseHTML(unicode(lxml.html.tostring(body_div)))
    art['description'] = ukmedia.FirstPara( art['content'] )
    art['srcorgname'] = u'independent'

    return art

def ContextFromURL( url ):
    """Build up an article scrape context from a bare url."""
#    url = TidyURL(url)
    context = {}
    context['srcurl'] = url
    context['permalink'] = url
    context['srcorgname'] = u'independent'
    context['lastseen'] =
    return context

if __name__ == "__main__":
    ScraperUtils.scraper_main( FindArticles, ContextFromURL, Extract, max_errors=150 )

Esempio n. 4
    m = url )
    if m:
        return 'ft_' +
    m = url )
    if m:
        return 'ftblog_' +

    return None

def ContextFromURL( url ):
    """Build up an article scrape context from a bare url."""
    context = {}
    context['srcurl'] = url
    context['permalink'] = url
    context['srcid'] = CalcSrcID( url )
    context['srcorgname'] = u'ft'
    context['lastseen'] =

    # to clean the url...
    context = ScrubFunc( context, None )
    return context

if __name__ == "__main__":
    ScraperUtils.scraper_main( FindArticles, ContextFromURL, Extract, max_errors=50, prep=Prep )

Esempio n. 5
    srcid = CalcSrcID( context['srcurl'] )
    if not srcid:
        return None # suppress it
    context['srcid'] = srcid
    return context

def FindArticles(sesh):
    """ get a set of articles to scrape from the rss feeds """

    articles = ScraperUtils.FindArticlesFromRSS( blog_feeds, u'skynews', ScrubFunc )
    return articles

def ContextFromURL( url ):
    """Build up an article scrape context from a bare url."""
    # NOTE: urls from the rss feed have a couple of extra components which
    # we _could_ strip out here...
    context = {}
    context['permalink'] = url
    context['srcurl'] = url
    context['srcid'] = CalcSrcID( url )
#    context['srcorgname'] = u'skynews'
    context['lastseen'] =
    return context

if __name__ == "__main__":
    ScraperUtils.scraper_main( FindArticles, ContextFromURL, Extract )

Esempio n. 6
    return art

def TidyURL( url ):
    """ Tidy up URL - trim off params, query, fragment... """
    o = urlparse.urlparse( url )
    url = urlparse.urlunparse( (o[0],o[1],o[2],'','','') );
    return url

def ContextFromURL( url ):
    """Build up an article scrape context from a bare url."""
    url = TidyURL(url)
    context = {}
    context['srcurl'] = url
    context['permalink'] = url
    context['srcorgname'] = u'times'
    context['lastseen'] =
    return context

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # create a url opener which remembers cookies (as well as throttling and all the other uber-opener stuff)
    cj = cookielib.LWPCookieJar()
    opener = ScraperUtils.build_uber_opener(cookiejar=cj)

    # large maxerrors to handle video-only pages
    ScraperUtils.scraper_main( FindArticles, ContextFromURL, Extract, max_errors=200, prep=Prep, sesh=opener )