if '*' in sample or '?' in sample:
    samples = []
    for s, ds in SampleFiles.keys():
        if ds == dataset and fnmatch(s, sample):
    samples = [sample]

infos = []

for sample in samples:
    if verbosity >= 1:
        print sample
    fns = SampleFiles.get_fns(sample, dataset)
    fns = random.sample(fns, nfiles)

    total_size = 0
    total_size_in_events = 0

    for fn in fns:
        assert fn.endswith('.root')
        if verbosity >= 2:
            print fn
        if not eos.exists(fn):
            raise IOError('does not exist on eos: %r' % fn)

        bn = os.path.basename(fn)
        if not fnmatch(bn, pattern):
import sys, os
from math import ceil
from JMTucker.Tools.ROOTTools import *
from JMTucker.Tools import SampleFiles as sf

used_half_mc = False
target_nevents = 50000 # the number of presel events that make it to the vertexer per job

print '%30s %12s/%12s = %10s -> %10s (%10s)' % ('sample','npresel','nmcstat','frac','targnfns','evsfromtgt')
for fn in sys.argv[1:]:
    sname = os.path.basename(fn).replace('.root','')
    f = ROOT.TFile(fn)
    mcstat = f.Get('mcStat/h_sums').GetBinContent(1)
    if used_half_mc and not sname.startswith('JetHT'):
        mcstat /= 2
    npresjet = f.Get('mfvEventHistosJetPreSel/h_npv').GetEntries()
    #npreslep = f.Get('mfvEventHistosLeptonPreSel/h_npv').GetEntries()
    nfns = len(sf.get_fns(sname, 'miniaod')) if sf.has(sname, 'miniaod') else -1
    tfns = min(int(ceil(target_nevents / npresjet * nfns)), 50)
    evsfromtfns = (2 if used_half_mc else 1) * mcstat * tfns / nfns
    print '%30s %12.0f/%12.0f = %10.6f -> %4i/%5i (%10i)' % (sname, npresjet, mcstat, npresjet/mcstat, tfns, nfns, evsfromtfns)    #(lep %12.0f -> %10.6f)' % (, npreslep, npreslep/mcstat)
Esempio n. 3
# on (MINI)AOD use e.g. dasgo "file,lumi dataset="$(samples ds qcdht1000_2017 miniaod) | grep 833,
# run with | egrep -v '^File </tmp/tmp'

import sys, os
from pprint import pprint
from JMTucker.Tools import eos, SampleFiles
from JMTucker.Tools.ROOTTools import ROOT, detree

if len(sys.argv) < 6:
    sys.exit('usage: %s dataset sample run lumi event\n  where dataset and sample are as registered in SampleFiles. sample can be "*" to mean all samples having the dataset.' % sys.argv[0])

dataset = sys.argv[1]
sample = sys.argv[2]
rle = int(sys.argv[3]), int(sys.argv[4]), int(sys.argv[5])

fns = SampleFiles.get_fns(sample, dataset)
nfound = 0

for fn in fns:
    assert fn.endswith('.root')
    if not eos.exists(fn):
        raise IOError('does not exist on eos: %r' % fn)

    f = ROOT.TFile.Open(eos.canon(fn))
    t = f.Get('Events')
    for x in sorted(detree(t, 'EventAuxiliary.id().run():EventAuxiliary.luminosityBlock():EventAuxiliary.id().event()', xform=int)):
        if x == rle:
            print fn
            nfound += 1

if nfound != 1:
import sys, os
from math import ceil
from JMTucker.Tools.ROOTTools import *
from JMTucker.Tools import SampleFiles as sf

used_half_mc = False
target_nevents = 50000  # the number of presel events that make it to the vertexer per job

print '%30s %12s/%12s = %10s -> %10s (%10s)' % (
    'sample', 'npresel', 'nmcstat', 'frac', 'targnfns', 'evsfromtgt')
for fn in sys.argv[1:]:
    sname = os.path.basename(fn).replace('.root', '')
    f = ROOT.TFile(fn)
    mcstat = f.Get('mcStat/h_sums').GetBinContent(1)
    if used_half_mc and not sname.startswith('JetHT'):
        mcstat /= 2
    npresjet = f.Get('mfvEventHistosJetPreSel/h_npv').GetEntries()
    #npreslep = f.Get('mfvEventHistosLeptonPreSel/h_npv').GetEntries()
    nfns = len(sf.get_fns(sname, 'miniaod')) if sf.has(sname,
                                                       'miniaod') else -1
    tfns = min(int(ceil(target_nevents / npresjet * nfns)), 50)
    evsfromtfns = (2 if used_half_mc else 1) * mcstat * tfns / nfns
    print '%30s %12.0f/%12.0f = %10.6f -> %4i/%5i (%10i)' % (
        sname, npresjet, mcstat, npresjet / mcstat, tfns, nfns, evsfromtfns
    )  #(lep %12.0f -> %10.6f)' % (, npreslep, npreslep/mcstat)