def _update_page(self, page, cache): ''' Write in the temp_cache given by _read_page ''' page_content = JSONStorage(find_nth_file(, os.getcwd()+'/'+self._db.db_name, page)) page_content.write(cache)
def __init__(self, name, database): # The maximum limit of each JSON file self.FILE_SIZE_LIMIT = 100 # The write-in frequency self.WRITE_IN_FREQ = 0.1 # The size for the query cache file self.QUERY_CACHE_SIZE_LIMIT = 30 # The number of JSON files and the path for the current JSON file self.file_num, self.current_file = find_current_file(name, os.getcwd()+'/'+database.db_name) = JSONStorage(self.current_file) = name self._db = database # Cache for the whole collection self._cache = {} # Cache for the latest file that is being used to write in self._current_cache = {} #Cache for the most frequently queried items # self._query_cache = LRUCache(self.QUERY_CACHE_SIZE_LIMIT) # Each entry has a unique id as the primary key existing_ids = self._read().keys() if existing_ids: self._last_id = max(i for i in existing_ids) else: self._last_id = 0 self._load_query_cache() self.update_storage()
def update_storage(self): if len(self._current_cache) >= self.FILE_SIZE_LIMIT: # If we enter this function because of the file size limit, we do the following: ## write to the file ## create the next file ## point our current storage block to the next file # print time.ctime(), 'size limit' self._current_cache = {} self.file_num += 1 = JSONStorage(os.getcwd()+'/'+ self._db.db_name + '/' + + '_' + str(self.file_num) + '.json') else: # Else, it is just because of the timer expiration, we do the regular write-in # print time.ctime(), 'regular write-in', len(self._current_cache) self.query_storage.write(self._query_cache.items) # print self._query_cache.items # Set the timer again. Make it periodic. self.t = threading.Timer(self.WRITE_IN_FREQ, self.update_storage) self.t.start()
def _load_query_cache(self): self.query_storage = JSONStorage(os.getcwd()+'/'+ self._db.db_name + '/' + + '_query.json') self._query_cache = LRUCache(self.QUERY_CACHE_SIZE_LIMIT,
class Collection(object): def __init__(self, name, database): # The maximum limit of each JSON file self.FILE_SIZE_LIMIT = 100 # The write-in frequency self.WRITE_IN_FREQ = 0.1 # The size for the query cache file self.QUERY_CACHE_SIZE_LIMIT = 30 # The number of JSON files and the path for the current JSON file self.file_num, self.current_file = find_current_file(name, os.getcwd()+'/'+database.db_name) = JSONStorage(self.current_file) = name self._db = database # Cache for the whole collection self._cache = {} # Cache for the latest file that is being used to write in self._current_cache = {} #Cache for the most frequently queried items # self._query_cache = LRUCache(self.QUERY_CACHE_SIZE_LIMIT) # Each entry has a unique id as the primary key existing_ids = self._read().keys() if existing_ids: self._last_id = max(i for i in existing_ids) else: self._last_id = 0 self._load_query_cache() self.update_storage() def setting(self, file_size=None, query_cache_size=None, write_freq=None): if file_size is not None: self.FILE_SIZE_LIMIT = file_size if query_cache_size is not None: self.QUERY_CACHE_SIZE_LIMIT = query_cache_size if write_freq is not None: self.WRITE_IN_FREQ = write_freq def _load_query_cache(self): self.query_storage = JSONStorage(os.getcwd()+'/'+ self._db.db_name + '/' + + '_query.json') self._query_cache = LRUCache(self.QUERY_CACHE_SIZE_LIMIT, # print self._query_cache.items.keys() def update_storage(self): if len(self._current_cache) >= self.FILE_SIZE_LIMIT: # If we enter this function because of the file size limit, we do the following: ## write to the file ## create the next file ## point our current storage block to the next file # print time.ctime(), 'size limit' self._current_cache = {} self.file_num += 1 = JSONStorage(os.getcwd()+'/'+ self._db.db_name + '/' + + '_' + str(self.file_num) + '.json') else: # Else, it is just because of the timer expiration, we do the regular write-in # print time.ctime(), 'regular write-in', len(self._current_cache) self.query_storage.write(self._query_cache.items) # print self._query_cache.items # Set the timer again. Make it periodic. self.t = threading.Timer(self.WRITE_IN_FREQ, self.update_storage) self.t.start() def process_element(self, func, cond=None, eid=None): data = self._read() if eid is not None: for i in eid: func(data, eid) else: for eid in list(data): if cond(data[eid]): func(data, eid) self._write(data) def _get_next_id(self): current = self._last_id + 1 self._last_id = current return current def _read(self): if self._cache == {}: # When the current collection is first read, read it all at once to the cache. self._read_all() return self._cache def _read_all(self): for i in range(1, self.file_num+1): raw = JSONStorage(find_nth_file(, os.getcwd()+'/'+self._db.db_name, i)).read() for key in list(raw): eid = int(key) self._cache[eid] = Element(raw[key], eid) if i == self.file_num: self._current_cache[eid] = Element(raw[key], eid) def _write(self, values): def __len__(self): return len(self._read()) def all(self): return list(self._read().values()) def insert(self, value): eid = self._get_next_id() self._cache[eid] = value self._current_cache[eid] = value ''' If the file in-use reaches the size limit, we do the following: 1. cancel the timer 2. enter the update_storage Otherwise, we can just wait until the timer expires ''' if len(self._current_cache) >= self.FILE_SIZE_LIMIT: self.t.cancel() self.update_storage() def insert_multiple(self, values): for value in values: self.insert(value) def update(self, fields, cond=None, eids= None): ''' Update can be performed by specifying eid or cond, or both. But at least one of them should be specified. ''' if cond is None and eids is None: eids = self._cache.keys() if cond is not None: eids = self._select_to_be_updated_eid(cond, eids) pages_eid = self._group_eids(eids) self._update_cache(eids, pages_eid, fields) self._update_disk(pages_eid, fields) def _update_disk(self, pages_eid, fields, remove=False): # do the update for the files temp_caches = {} for page in pages_eid: temp_caches[page] = self._read_page(page) temp_caches[page] = self._write_in_page(fields, pages_eid[page], temp_caches[page], remove) for page in temp_caches: self._update_page(page, temp_caches[page]) def _group_eids(self, eids): ''' group eids based on which page it belongs to ''' pages_eid = {} for i in eids: page = int(math.ceil(float(i)/float(self.FILE_SIZE_LIMIT))) if page not in pages_eid: pages_eid[page] = [i] else: pages_eid[page].append(i) return pages_eid def _select_to_be_updated_eid(self, cond, eids): # Given a condition, return a list of id that satisfies the condition filtered_ids = [] if eids is None: # if edis not specified, iterate all possible eids for id in self._cache: if cond(self._cache[id]): filtered_ids.append(id) else: # check whether the given id satisfied the cond for id in eids: if cond(self._cache[id]): filtered_ids.append(id) return filtered_ids def _update_cache(self, eids, pages_eid, fields=None, remove=False): # update the cache first before write-in to the file for i in eids: if remove: self._cache.pop(i, None) else: self._cache[i].update(fields) for page in pages_eid: if page == self.file_num: for id in pages_eid[page]: if remove: self._current_cache.pop(id, None) else: self._current_cache[id].update(fields) def _read_page(self, page): ''' Used for update() read every related page return a temp_cache ''' page_content = JSONStorage(find_nth_file(, os.getcwd()+'/'+self._db.db_name, page)).read() temp_cache = {} for key in list(page_content): id = int(key) temp_cache[id] = Element(page_content[key], id) return temp_cache def _write_in_page(self, fields, eids, temp_cache, remove=False): # write in the updated items for eid in eids: if remove: temp_cache.pop(eid, None) else: try: temp_cache[eid].update(fields) except KeyError: pass return temp_cache def _update_page(self, page, cache): ''' Write in the temp_cache given by _read_page ''' page_content = JSONStorage(find_nth_file(, os.getcwd()+'/'+self._db.db_name, page)) page_content.write(cache) def remove(self, cond=None, eids=None): if cond is None and eids is None: # this means removing all elements eids = self._cache.keys() if cond is not None: eids = self._select_to_be_updated_eid(cond, eids) pages_eid = self._group_eids(eids) self._update_cache(eids, pages_eid, fields=None, remove=True) self._update_disk(pages_eid, fields=None, remove=True) def search(self, cond, keys=None): elements = self._query_cache.get(str(cond)) if elements == -1: elements = [e for e in self.all() if cond(e)] self._query_cache.set(str(cond), elements) if keys is not None: selected_elements = [{key: e[key] for key in keys} for e in elements] return selected_elements return elements def clear(self): self.remove() def get(self, cond=None, eid=None): if eid is not None: read_all = self._read() return read_all[eid] elements = if elements == []: return {} return elements[0] def close(self): # when closing the database, remember to store those that are still in cache and cancel the write-in. self.t.cancel() self.update_storage() self._cache.clear() self._current_cache.clear() self.t.cancel()