Esempio n. 1
    def setData(self, index, value, role):

        :param index:
        :param value:
        :type value: QVariant
        :param role:
        if role != Qt.EditRole:
            return True
        if not index.isValid():
            return True
        model = self.record(index.row(), index.internalPointer())
        if not model:
            return True
        field = self.field(index.column())
        fieldType = self.fieldType(index.column(), index.internalPointer())

        if fieldType == 'boolean':
            model.setValue(field, bool(value))
        elif fieldType in ('float', 'float_time'):
            model.setValue(field, value.value())
        elif fieldType == 'integer':
            model.setValue(field, value.toInt()[0])
        elif fieldType == 'selection':
            value = str(value.toString())
            modelField = self.fields[self.field(index.column())]
            for x in modelField['selection']:
                if x[1] == value:
                    model.setValue(field, x[0])
        elif fieldType in ('char', 'text'):
            model.setValue(field, str(value))
        elif fieldType == 'date':
            model.setValue(field, Calendar.dateToStorage(value.toDate()))
        elif fieldType == 'datetime' and value:
            model.setValue(field, Calendar.dateTimeToStorage(value.value()))
        elif fieldType == 'time' and value:
            model.setValue(field, Calendar.timeToStorage(value.toTime()))
        elif fieldType == 'many2many':
            m = model.value(field)
            ids = [x.toInt()[0] for x in value.toList()]
        elif fieldType == 'many2one':
            value = value.toList()
            if value:
                value = [int(value[0].toInt()[0]), str(value[1].toString())]
            model.setValue(field, value)
            print("Unable to store value of type: ", fieldType)

        return True
Esempio n. 2
    def updateCalendarData(self):
        if not self._model:
        if self._modelDateColumn >= self._model.columnCount():
        if self._modelTitleColumn >= self._model.columnCount():

        for x in list(self._days.values()):

        # Filter the records, so only those in the current* month/week/day
        #   are processed (just the ones that will be shown).
        # (*) We use a hack, to get events that span from the previous
        #   month, so we really are processing one month more than the
        #   days shown :(
        startField = self._model.field(self._modelDateColumn)
        durationField = self._model.field(self._modelDurationColumn)
        if startField == durationField:
            startDate = Calendar.dateToStorage(self.startDate())
            # TODO: Based on web client hack to get spanded events.
            #	A better solution should be used someday...
            startDate = Calendar.dateToStorage(self.startDate().addMonths(-1))
        endDate = Calendar.dateToStorage(self.endDate())

        oldFilter = or []
        newFilter = []
        # Ignore any (start_field, ..., ...) item from the filter.
        for x in oldFilter:
            if x[0] != startField:
        # Add the start field restrictions to the new filter
            (startField, '>=', startDate),
            (startField, '<=', endDate),

        # Get the data
        for x in range(self._model.rowCount()):
            idx = self._model.index(x, self._modelDateColumn)
            date = Calendar.dateToText(self.dateTimeFromIndex(idx).date())
            if date in self._days:
                idx = self._model.index(x, self._modelTitleColumn)

        # Restore the old filter
Esempio n. 3
def scan(model, id, ids, context):
    Directories = 1
    Files = 0
    Cancel = 2
    dialog = QMessageBox()
    dialog.setWindowTitle(_('Import Documents'))
    dialog.setText(_('How do you want to import documents?'))
    dialog.addButton(_('Select Files'), 3)
    dialog.addButton(_('Selected Directory'), 2)
    dialog.addButton(_('Cancel Import'), 1)
    result = dialog.exec_()
    if result == Cancel:

    if result == Directories:
        directory = str(QFileDialog.getExistingDirectory())
        if not directory:
        fileNames = QDir(directory).entryList()
        fileNames = [os.path.join(directory, str(x)) for x in fileNames]
        fileNames = QFileDialog.getOpenFileNames()
        fileNames = [str(x) for x in fileNames]

    for fileName in fileNames:
            # As fileName may not be a file, simply try the next file.
            f = open(fileName, 'rb')
            data = base64.encodestring(
        id = Rpc.session.execute(
            '/object', 'execute', 'nan.document', 'create', {
                'name': Calendar.dateTimeToText(QDateTime.currentDateTime()),
                'datas': data,
                'filename': os.path.basename(fileName),
            }, context)
Esempio n. 4
	def updateCalendarView(self):
		if not self.daysCount():
		daysPerRow = 7
		offset = self._startDate.dayOfWeek() - 1
		rows = math.ceil( ( offset + self.daysCount() ) / 7.0 )
		if rows == 1:
			offset = 0
		dayWidth = self._size.width() / min( daysPerRow, self.daysCount() )
		dayHeight = self._size.height() / rows
		date = self._startDate
		for x in range( self._startDate.daysTo( self._endDate ) + 1 ):
			item = GraphicsDayItem( self )
			item.setDate( date )
			item.setPos( (x+offset) % 7 * dayWidth, dayHeight * ( (x+offset) // 7 ) )
			item.setSize( QSize( dayWidth, dayHeight ) )
			self._days[ str(Calendar.dateToText( date )) ] = item
			date = date.addDays( 1 )
Esempio n. 5
 def data(self, index, role=Qt.DisplayRole):
     if not
         return QVariant()
     if role in (Qt.DisplayRole, Qt.EditRole) or (self._showToolTips and
                                                  role == Qt.ToolTipRole):
         value = self.value(index.row(), index.column(),
         fieldType = self.fieldType(index.column(), index.internalPointer())
         if fieldType in ['one2many', 'many2many']:
             return QVariant('(%d)' % value.count())
         elif fieldType == 'selection':
             field = self.fields[self.field(index.column())]
             for x in field['selection']:
                 if x[0] == value:
                     return QVariant(str(x[1]))
             return QVariant()
         elif fieldType == 'date' and value:
             return QVariant(
         elif fieldType == 'datetime' and value:
             return QVariant(
         elif fieldType == 'float':
             # If we use the default conversion big numbers are shown
             # in scientific notation. Also we have to respect the number
             # of decimal digits given by the server.
             field = self.fields[self.field(index.column())]
             if role == Qt.EditRole:
                 thousands = False
                 thousands = True
             return QVariant(
                 Numeric.floatToText(value, field.get('digits', None),
         elif fieldType == 'integer':
             return QVariant(Numeric.integerToText(value))
         elif fieldType == 'float_time':
             return QVariant(Calendar.floatTimeToText(value))
         elif fieldType == 'binary':
             if value:
                 return QVariant(_('%d bytes') % len(value))
                 return QVariant()
         elif fieldType == 'boolean':
             return QVariant(bool(value))
         elif fieldType == 'button':
             if role == Qt.ToolTipRole:
                 fieldName = self.field(index.column())
                 return QVariant(self.buttons[fieldName].get('string', ''))
             return QVariant()
             if value == False or value == None:
                 return QVariant()
                 # If the text has several lines put them all in a single one
                 return QVariant(str(value).replace('\n', ' '))
     elif role == Qt.DecorationRole:
         fieldType = self.fieldType(index.column(), index.internalPointer())
         if fieldType == 'button':
             fieldName = self.field(index.column())
             return QVariant(
         if self.field(index.column()) == self.iconField:
             # Not all models necessarily have the icon so check that first
             model = self.record(index.row(), index.internalPointer())
             if model and self.icon in model.values:
                 return QVariant(Icons.kdeIcon(model.value(self.icon)))
                 return QVariant()
             return QVariant()
     elif role == Qt.BackgroundRole:
         if not self.showBackgroundColor:
             return QVariant()
         field = self.fields[self.field(index.column())]
         model = self.record(index.row(), index.internalPointer())
         # We need to ensure we're not being asked about a non existent row.
         # This happens in some special cases (an editable tree in a one2many field,
         # such as the case of fiscal year inside sequences).
         # Note that trying to avoid processing this function if index.row() > self.rowCount()-1
         # works to avoid this but has problems with some tree structures (such as the menu).
         # So we need to make the check here.
         if not model:
             return QVariant()
         # Priorize readonly to required as if it's readonly the
         # user doesn't mind if it's required as she won't be able
         # to change it anyway.
         if not model.isFieldValid(self.field(index.column())):
             color = '#FF6969'
         elif 'readonly' in field and field['readonly']:
             color = 'lightgrey'
         elif 'required' in field and field['required']:
             color = '#ddddff'
             color = 'white'
         return QVariant(QBrush(QColor(color)))
     elif role == Qt.ForegroundRole:
         if not self.colors:
             return QVariant()
         model = self.record(index.row(), index.internalPointer())
         # We need to ensure we're not being asked about a non existent row.
         # This happens in some special cases (an editable tree in a one2many field,
         # such as the case of fiscal year inside sequences).
         # Note that trying to avoid processing this function if index.row() > self.rowCount()-1
         # works to avoid this but has problems with some tree structures (such as the menu).
         # So we need to make the check here.
         if not model:
             return QVariant()
         palette = QPalette()
         color = palette.color(QPalette.WindowText)
         for (c, expression) in self.colors:
             if model.evaluateExpression(expression, checkLoad=False):
                 color = c
         return QVariant(QBrush(QColor(color)))
     elif role == Qt.TextAlignmentRole:
         fieldType = self.fieldType(index.column(), index.internalPointer())
         if fieldType in [
                 'integer', 'float', 'float_time', 'time', 'date',
             return QVariant(Qt.AlignRight | Qt.AlignVCenter)
             return QVariant(Qt.AlignLeft | Qt.AlignVCenter)
     elif role == KooModel.IdRole:
         model = self.record(index.row(), index.internalPointer())
         return QVariant(
     elif role == KooModel.ValueRole:
         value = self.value(index.row(), index.column(),
         fieldType = self.fieldType(index.column(), index.internalPointer())
         if fieldType in ['one2many', 'many2many']:
             # By now, return the same as DisplayRole for these
             return QVariant('(%d)' % value.count())
         elif fieldType == 'selection':
             # By now, return the same as DisplayRole for these
             field = self.fields[self.field(index.column())]
             for x in field['selection']:
                 if x[0] == value:
                     return QVariant(str(x[1]))
             return QVariant()
         elif fieldType == 'date' and value:
             return QVariant(Calendar.storageToDate(value))
         elif fieldType == 'datetime' and value:
             return QVariant(Calendar.storageToDateTime(value))
         elif fieldType == 'float':
             # If we use the default conversion big numbers are shown
             # in scientific notation. Also we have to respect the number
             # of decimal digits given by the server.
             field = self.fields[self.field(index.column())]
             return QVariant(
                 Numeric.floatToText(value, field.get('digits', None)))
         elif fieldType == 'float_time':
             return QVariant(value)
         elif fieldType == 'binary':
             if value:
                 return QVariant(QByteArray.fromBase64(value))
                 return QVariant()
         elif fieldType == 'boolean':
             return QVariant(bool(value))
             if value == False or value == None:
                 return QVariant()
                 return QVariant(str(value))
         return QVariant()
Esempio n. 6
    def correctValue(self, value, fieldName, relatedFieldName):
        text = value

        if relatedFieldName:
            fieldType = self.relatedFields[relatedFieldName].get('type')
            fieldType = self.fields[fieldName].get('type')
        if fieldType == 'date':
            value = Calendar.textToDate(value)
            text = Calendar.dateToText(value)
            value = Calendar.dateToStorage(value)
        elif fieldType == 'datetime':
            value = Calendar.textToDateTime(value)
            text = Calendar.dateTimeToText(value)
            value = Calendar.dateTimeToStorage(value)
        elif fieldType == 'float_time':
            value = Calendar.textToFloatTime(value)
            text = Calendar.floatTimeToText(value)
            value = Calendar.floatTimeToStorage(value)
        elif fieldType == 'time':
            value = Calendar.textToTime(value)
            text = Calendar.timeToText(value)
            value = Calendar.timeToStorage(value)
        elif fieldType == 'float':
            value = Numeric.textToFloat(value) or 0.0
            text = Numeric.floatToText(value)
        elif fieldType == 'integer':
            value = Numeric.textToInteger(value) or 0.0
            text = Numeric.integerToText(value)
        elif fieldType == 'selection':

            if relatedFieldName:
                options = self.relatedFields[relatedFieldName]['selection']
                options = self.fields[fieldName]['selection']

            text = []
            keys = []
            for selection in options:
                # If text matches exactly one of the options of the selection field
                # do not 'accept' other options. Otherwise, all options that contain
                # the text will be 'accepted'.
                if value.lower().strip() == selection[1].lower().strip():
                    keys = [selection[0]]
                    text = [selection[1]]
                if value.lower() in selection[1].lower():
            value = keys
            text = ', '.join(text)
        elif fieldType == 'boolean':
            options = [
                (True, _('True')),
                (False, _('False')),
            text = ''
            for selection in options:
                if value.lower() in selection[1].lower():
                    value = selection[0]
                    text = selection[1]
            if not text:
                value = options[1][0]
                text = options[1][1]
        return (value, text)
Esempio n. 7
 elif role == KooModel.ValueRole:
     value = self.value(index.row(), index.column(),
     fieldType = self.fieldType(index.column(), index.internalPointer())
     if fieldType in ['one2many', 'many2many']:
         # By now, return the same as DisplayRole for these
         return QVariant('(%d)' % value.count())
     elif fieldType == 'selection':
         # By now, return the same as DisplayRole for these
         field = self.fields[self.field(index.column())]
         for x in field['selection']:
             if x[0] == value:
                 return QVariant(unicode(x[1]))
         return QVariant()
     elif fieldType == 'date' and value:
         return QVariant(Calendar.storageToDate(value))
     elif fieldType == 'datetime' and value:
         return QVariant(Calendar.storageToDateTime(value))
     elif fieldType == 'float':
         # If we use the default conversion big numbers are shown
         # in scientific notation. Also we have to respect the number
         # of decimal digits given by the server.
         field = self.fields[self.field(index.column())]
         return QVariant(
             Numeric.floatToText(value, field.get('digits', None)))
     elif fieldType == 'float_time':
         return QVariant(value)
     elif fieldType == 'binary':
         if value:
             return QVariant(QByteArray.fromBase64(value))