Esempio n. 1
process.maxEvents = cms.untracked.PSet(input=cms.untracked.int32(100))

process.GlobalTag.globaltag = cms.string('CRAFT_ALL_V9::All')

from L1Trigger.L1ExtraFromDigis.l1extraParticles_cfi import l1extraParticles
process.l1muonsAnyBX = l1extraParticles.clone(
    #muonSource = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
    produceCaloParticles=False,  ### we don't have digis for these
    centralBxOnly=False  ### this is the important point

### one could also convert STA track to a Candidate instead of using the reco::Muon,
### but one needs to add the dictionary for std::vector<reco::RecoStandAloneMuonCandidate> and it's edm::Wrapper
### in DataFormats/RecoCandidate.
### Alternatively, you can make your own reco::Muons...
#process.load("SimGeneral.HepPDTESSource.pythiapdt_cfi") # to get the muon mass
#process.lhcBasicMuons    = cms.EDProducer("ConcreteStandAloneMuonCandidateProducer", src = cms.InputTag("lhcStandAloneMuonsBarrelOnly"), particleType = cms.string('mu+'))
#process.lhcBasicMuonsUAV = process.lhcBasicMuons.clone(src = cms.InputTag("lhcStandAloneMuonsBarrelOnly", "UpdatedAtVtx"))

# Make l1extraParticles for the three bunch crossing L1A=0,+1,-1
from L1Trigger.L1ExtraFromDigis.l1extraParticles_cfi import l1extraParticles
process.l1muonsAnyBX = l1extraParticles.clone(
    produceCaloParticles=False,  ### we don't have digis for these
## Global Muon Filter
process.globalMuFilter = cms.EDFilter("TrackCountFilter",
    src = cms.InputTag("globalMuons"),
    minNumber = cms.uint32(1)
## -0- Prefilter
process.preFilter = cms.Sequence(process.JPsiHLT *
                                 process.noScraping * 
                                 process.primaryVertexFilter +  
## -1- l1muonsAnyBX - from L1extraParticles
from L1Trigger.L1ExtraFromDigis.l1extraParticles_cfi import l1extraParticles
process.l1muonsAnyBX = l1extraParticles.clone(
centralBxOnly = cms.bool(True)
## -2- patMuonsWithTrigger
## -3- tagMuons - from patMuonsWithTrigger, Tight muon
process.tagMuons = cms.EDFilter("PATMuonRefSelector",
  src = cms.InputTag("patMuonsWithTrigger"),
  cut = cms.string('isGlobalMuon && isTrackerMuon'\
                   +'&& abs(dB)<0.2 && globalTrack().normalizedChi2<10'\
                   +'&& globalTrack().hitPattern().numberOfValidTrackerHits>10'\
                   +'&& globalTrack().hitPattern().numberOfValidMuonHits>6'\
		   +'&& numberOfMatchedStations()>1'\
                   +'&& globalTrack().hitPattern().numberOfValidPixelHits>0'\
                   +'&& (chargedHadronIso()+neutralHadronIso()+photonIso())<0.1*pt'\
Esempio n. 3
    fileNames = cms.untracked.vstring(
process.maxEvents = cms.untracked.PSet( input = cms.untracked.int32(100) )

process.GlobalTag.globaltag = cms.string('CRAFT_ALL_V9::All')

from L1Trigger.L1ExtraFromDigis.l1extraParticles_cfi import l1extraParticles
process.l1muonsAnyBX = l1extraParticles.clone(
    #muonSource = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
    produceCaloParticles = False, ### we don't have digis for these
    centralBxOnly = False         ### this is the important point

### one could also convert STA track to a Candidate instead of using the reco::Muon, 
### Alternatively, you can make your own reco::Muons...
#process.load("SimGeneral.HepPDTESSource.pythiapdt_cfi") # to get the muon mass
#process.lhcBasicMuons    = cms.EDProducer("ConcreteChargedCandidateProducer", src = cms.InputTag("..."), particleType = cms.string('mu+'))
#process.lhcBasicMuonsUAV = process.lhcBasicMuons.clone(src = cms.InputTag("lhcStandAloneMuonsBarrelOnly", "UpdatedAtVtx"))
### It would be more correct to use 'ConcreteStandAloneMuonCandidateProducer' (for which the track appears as 'muon' instead of 'tracker',
### but there are no dictionaries for it (see comment in; anyway, when using 'cosmicPropagationHypothesis' it doesn't matter

# Make l1extraParticles for the three bunch crossing L1A=0,+1,-1
from L1Trigger.L1ExtraFromDigis.l1extraParticles_cfi import l1extraParticles
process.l1muonsAnyBX = l1extraParticles.clone(
    produceCaloParticles = False, ### we don't have digis for these