Esempio n. 1
    for i in range(data_size):
        # how many in this set
        set_size = weighted_sample( range(1,10+1), probs=[7187, 1484, 593, 334, 297, 165, 151, 86, 105, 112] )
        # get the objects in the current set
        s = set(sample_sets_of_objects(set_size, all_objects))

        # sample according to the target
        if random() < ALPHA: r = WORDS[len(s)-1]
        else:                r = weighted_sample( WORDS )

        # and append the sampled utterance
        data.append(FunctionData(input=[s], output=r))  # convert to "FunctionData" and store
    return data

# compute a string describing the behavior of this knower-level
def get_knower_pattern(ne):
    out = ''
    resp = [ ne(set(sample_sets_of_objects(n, all_objects))) for n in xrange(1, 10)]
    return ''.join([str(word_to_number[x]) if (x is not None and x is not 'undef') else 'U' for x in resp])

# ============================================================================================================
#  All objects -- not very exciting

#here this is really just a dummy -- one type of object, which is replicated in sample_sets_of_objects
all_objects = make_all_objects(shape=['duck'])

# all possible data sets on 10 objects
all_possible_data = [ ('', set(sample_sets_of_objects(n, all_objects))) for n in xrange(1,10) ]
Esempio n. 2
# And finally, add the primitives
for s in SHAPES:
    grammar.add_rule('BOOL', 'is_shape_', ['x', q(s)], FEATURE_WEIGHT)

for c in COLORS:
    grammar.add_rule('BOOL', 'is_color_', ['x', q(c)], FEATURE_WEIGHT)

# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Data
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

from LOTlib.DataAndObjects import FunctionData, make_all_objects
from LOTlib.Miscellaneous import sample_one

all_objects = make_all_objects(shape=SHAPES, color=COLORS)

# Generator for data

# Just import some defaults
from LOTlib.Examples.NAND.TargetConcepts import TargetConcepts

def make_data(N=20, f=TargetConcepts[0]):
    data = []
    for _ in xrange(N):
        o = sample_one(all_objects)
        data.append(FunctionData(input=[o], output=f(o), alpha=0.90))
    return data

Esempio n. 3
from LOTlib.DataAndObjects import FunctionData, make_all_objects
from LOTlib.Miscellaneous import sample_one
from Grammar import SHAPES, COLORS

# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# Set up the objects
# ------------------------------------------------------------------

all_objects = make_all_objects( shape=SHAPES, color=COLORS )

# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# Generator for data
# ------------------------------------------------------------------

# Just import some defaults
from LOTlib.Examples.NAND.TargetConcepts import TargetConcepts

def make_data(N=20, f=TargetConcepts[0]):
    data = []
    for _ in xrange(N):
        o = sample_one(all_objects)
        data.append(FunctionData(input=[o], output=f(o), alpha=0.90))
    return data
Esempio n. 4
        # get the objects in the current set
        s = set(sample_sets_of_objects(set_size, all_objects))

        # sample according to the target
        if random() < alpha:
            r = WORDS[len(s) - 1]
            r = weighted_sample(WORDS)

        # and append the sampled utterance
        data.append(FunctionData(input=[s], output=r, alpha=alpha))
    return data

# here this is really just a dummy -- one type of object, which is replicated in sample_sets_of_objects
all_objects = make_all_objects(shape=["duck"])

# all possible data sets on 10 objects
all_possible_data = [("", set(sample_sets_of_objects(n, all_objects))) for n in xrange(1, 10)]

# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Grammar
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

from LOTlib.Grammar import Grammar
from LOTlib.Miscellaneous import q

# The priors here are somewhat hierarchical by type in generation, tuned to be a little more efficient
# (but the actual RR prior does not care about these probabilities)

grammar = Grammar()
Esempio n. 5
with open('HypothesisSpace.pkl', 'r') as f:
    hypotheses = list(pickle.load(f))

print "# Loaded hypotheses: ", len(hypotheses)

# For now, we'll just sample from the prior
hypotheses = set([RationalRulesLOTHypothesis(grammar=grammar, maxnodes=100) for _ in xrange(20)])
for h in hypotheses:
    print h

from LOTlib.DataAndObjects import make_all_objects

objects = make_all_objects(size=['miniature', 'intermediate', 'colossal'],
                           color=['cinnabar', 'viridian', 'cerulean'],
                           shape=['rhombus', 'pentagon', 'dodecahedron'])
data = make_data(dataset=['A', 'B'])
L = [[h.compute_likelihood(dp) for h in hypotheses] for dp in data]
# Store the likelihoods for visualization
with open('Viz/Likelihoods_' + MODEL + '.csv', 'w') as f:
    lines = []
    for l in L:
        lines.extend('\n'.join([str(x) for x in l]))

# We'll use this to simulate the humans
def human(objs, attr=['color'], value=['cinnabar'], n=200, groups=1):
    nyes = []
Esempio n. 6
# Decide which rules to use
which_rules = [r for r in grammar if r.nt not in ['START']]

counts, sig2idx, prior_offset = create_counts(grammar, hypotheses, which_rules=which_rules)

print "# Computed counts for each hypothesis & nonterminal"

# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Load the human data
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

from LOTlib.DataAndObjects import make_all_objects

objects = make_all_objects(size=['small', 'medium', 'large'],
                           color=['red', 'green', 'blue'],
                           shape=['square', 'triangle', 'circle'])

# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# The data that learners observed
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

data = [FunctionData(input=[Obj(size='small', color='green', shape='square')], output=True, alpha=0.99),
        FunctionData(input=[Obj(size='large', color='red', shape='triangle')], output=False, alpha=0.99)]

# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Human data, we'll simulate on all objects
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

NYes = []
NNo = []
Esempio n. 7
            range(1, 10 + 1),
            probs=[7187, 1484, 593, 334, 297, 165, 151, 86, 105, 112])
        # get the objects in the current set
        s = set(sample_sets_of_objects(set_size, all_objects))

        # sample according to the target
        if random() < alpha: r = WORDS[len(s) - 1]
        else: r = weighted_sample(WORDS)

        # and append the sampled utterance
        data.append(FunctionData(input=[s], output=r, alpha=alpha))
    return data

#here this is really just a dummy -- one type of object, which is replicated in sample_sets_of_objects
all_objects = make_all_objects(shape=['duck'])

# all possible data sets on 10 objects
all_possible_data = [('', set(sample_sets_of_objects(n, all_objects)))
                     for n in xrange(1, 10)]

# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Grammar
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

from LOTlib.Grammar import Grammar
from LOTlib.Miscellaneous import q

# The priors here are somewhat hierarchical by type in generation, tuned to be a little more efficient
# (but the actual RR prior does not care about these probabilities)
Esempio n. 8
from LOTlib.GrammarInference.Precompute import create_counts

trees = [h.value for h in hypotheses]

nt2counts, sig2idx, prior_offset = create_counts(grammar, trees, log=None)

print "# Computed counts for each hypothesis & nonterminal"

# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Load the human data
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

from LOTlib.DataAndObjects import make_all_objects

objects = make_all_objects(size=['small', 'medium', 'large'],
                           color=['red', 'green', 'blue'],
                           shape=['square', 'triangle', 'circle'])

# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# The data that learners observed
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

data = [FunctionData(input=[Obj(size='small', color='green', shape='square')], output=True, alpha=0.99),
        FunctionData(input=[Obj(size='large', color='red', shape='triangle')], output=False, alpha=0.99)]

# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Human data, we'll simulate on all objects
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

NYes = []
NNo = []
Esempio n. 9
print "# Loaded hypotheses: ", len(hypotheses)

# For now, we'll just sample from the prior
hypotheses = set([
    RationalRulesLOTHypothesis(grammar=grammar, maxnodes=100)
    for _ in xrange(20)
for h in hypotheses:
    print h

from LOTlib.DataAndObjects import make_all_objects

objects = make_all_objects(size=['miniature', 'intermediate', 'colossal'],
                           color=['cinnabar', 'viridian', 'cerulean'],
                           shape=['rhombus', 'pentagon', 'dodecahedron'])
data = make_data(dataset=['A', 'B'])
L = [[h.compute_likelihood(dp) for h in hypotheses] for dp in data]
# Store the likelihoods for visualization
with open('Viz/Likelihoods_' + MODEL + '.csv', 'w') as f:
    lines = []
    for l in L:
        lines.extend('\n'.join([str(x) for x in l]))

# We'll use this to simulate the humans
def human(objs, attr=['color'], value=['cinnabar'], n=200, groups=1):
    nyes = []