def get(self): misc = { 'came_from': '', 'target_template': 'embed_account.html', 'time_log': [], 'handler': 'embed_account', 'error': None, 'msg': None, 'username': '', 'password': '', 'email': '', 'phone': '' } user_obj = None session_ID = self.session.get('session_ID') misc['build_tag_display'] = "tag-on" misc['build_display'] = "visible" misc['import_tag_display'] = "tag-off" misc['import_display'] = "hidden" if session_ID not in [None, 0]: user_obj = get_user_obj({'session_ID': session_ID}) if user_obj['auth']: misc, user_obj, tmp = build_product_data_embed(user_obj, misc) tv = { 'user_obj': finish_user_obj(user_obj), 'misc': finish_misc(misc, user_obj), 'layout': "layout_main.html" if user_obj['has_active'] else "layout_lurker.html" } path = os.path.join("templates", misc['target_template']) self.response.out.write(template.render(path, tv)) else: misc['target_template'] = "embed_home.html" tv = { 'user_obj': None, 'misc': finish_misc(misc, user_obj), 'layout': 'layout_no_auth.html' } path = os.path.join("templates", misc['target_template']) self.response.out.write(template.render(path, tv)) else: misc['target_template'] = "embed_home.html" user_obj = process_non_auth(self) tv = { 'user_obj': finish_user_obj(user_obj), 'misc': finish_misc(misc, user_obj), 'layout': 'layout_no_auth.html' } path = os.path.join("templates", misc['target_template']) self.response.out.write(template.render(path, tv))
def post(self): queries = [] params = [] misc = { 'came_from': self.request.get("came_from"), 'error': None, 'target_template': "embed_home.html", 'time_log': [], 'handler': 'embed_home', 'user_ID': None, 'process_step': 'start' } user_obj = None misc['username'] = '' misc['password'] = '' misc['email'] = '' misc['phone'] = '' misc['embed_domain'] = '' misc['REQUIRE_CC_FOR_TRIAL'] = REQUIRE_CC_FOR_TRIAL res = {} stripe.api_key = STRIPE_SERVER_KEY misc['clientKey'] = STRIPE_CLIENT_KEY session_ID = self.session.get('session_ID') if session_ID not in [None, 0]: user_obj = get_user_obj({'session_ID': session_ID}) if user_obj['auth']: layout = "layout_main.html" if user_obj[ 'has_active'] else "layout_lurker.html" else: user_obj = process_non_auth(self) user_obj['ID'] = None layout = 'layout_no_auth.html' else: user_obj = process_non_auth(self) user_obj['ID'] = None layout = 'layout_no_auth.html' tv = { 'user_obj': finish_user_obj(user_obj), 'misc': finish_misc(misc, user_obj), 'layout': layout } path = os.path.join("templates", misc['target_template']) self.response.out.write(template.render(path, tv))
def get(self): misc = { 'new_viz': None, 'new_embed': None, 'came_from': '', 'target_template': 'embed_home.html', 'time_log': [], 'handler': 'embed_home', 'year':, 'error': None, 'msg': None, 'username': '', 'password': '', 'email': '', 'phone': '' } user_obj = None misc['import_embed_code'] = "" misc['REQUIRE_CC_FOR_TRIAL'] = REQUIRE_CC_FOR_TRIAL session_ID = self.session.get('session_ID') misc['build_tag_display'] = "tag-on" misc['build_display'] = "visible" misc['import_tag_display'] = "tag-off" misc['import_display'] = "hidden" misc = build_viz_data_options(misc) if session_ID not in [None, 0]: user_obj = get_user_obj({'session_ID': session_ID}) if user_obj['auth']: misc, user_obj, tmp = build_product_data_embed(user_obj, misc) if user_obj['active_subscription'] is not None and user_obj[ 'active_subscription']['status'] in [ "expired", "cancelled" ]: misc['target_template'] = "team_inactive.html" misc['error'] = None tv = { 'user_obj': finish_user_obj(user_obj), 'misc': finish_misc(misc, user_obj), 'layout': "layout_main.html" if user_obj['has_active'] else "layout_lurker.html" } path = os.path.join("templates", misc['target_template']) self.response.out.write(template.render(path, tv)) else: tv = { 'user_obj': None, 'misc': finish_misc(misc, user_obj), 'layout': 'layout_no_auth.html' } path = os.path.join("templates", misc['target_template']) self.response.out.write(template.render(path, tv)) else: user_obj = process_non_auth(self) tv = { 'user_obj': finish_user_obj(user_obj), 'misc': finish_misc(misc, user_obj), 'layout': 'layout_no_auth.html' } path = os.path.join("templates", misc['target_template']) self.response.out.write(template.render(path, tv))
def get(self): misc = { 'came_from': '', 'view': self.request.get("view"), 'target_template': 'embed_docs.html', 'time_log': [], 'handler': 'embed_docs', 'year':, 'error': None, 'msg': None, 'username': '', 'password': '', 'email': '', 'phone': '', 'AB_group': None } user_obj = None session_ID = self.session.get('session_ID') conn, cursor = mysql_connect('LRP') query = "SELECT ID, seq, active, context, question, answer from LRP_FAQ where context='embed' and active order by seq asc" cursor.execute(query, []) misc['faq'] = zc.dict_query_results(cursor) cursor.close() conn.close() if len(misc['faq']) == 0: misc['faq'] = None if session_ID not in [None, 0]: user_obj = get_user_obj({'session_ID': session_ID}) if user_obj['auth']: tv = { 'user_obj': finish_user_obj(user_obj), 'misc': finish_misc(misc, user_obj), 'layout': "layout_main.html" if user_obj['has_active'] else "layout_lurker.html" } else: tv = { 'user_obj': None, 'misc': finish_misc(misc, user_obj), 'layout': 'layout_no_auth.html' } else: user_obj = process_non_auth(self) tv = { 'user_obj': finish_user_obj(user_obj), 'misc': finish_misc(misc, user_obj), 'layout': 'layout_no_auth.html' } if not user_obj['auth']: conn, cursor = mysql_connect('LRP') cursor.execute( "INSERT INTO LRP_Product_Views (datestamp, product_tag, AB_group, user_ID, view_type, tracking_tag, referrer, active) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)", [, 'embed', misc['AB_group'], None, misc['handler'], process_tracking_tag(self.request.get('t')), process_referrer(self.request.referrer), 1 ]) conn.commit() cursor.close() conn.close() path = os.path.join("templates", misc['target_template']) self.response.out.write(template.render(path, tv))
def post(self): queries = [] params = [] misc = { 'new_viz': None, 'new_embed': None, 'came_from': self.request.get("came_from"), 'error': None, 'target_template': "embed_home.html", 'time_log': [], 'handler': 'embed_home', 'user_ID': None, 'process_step': 'start' } user_obj = None misc['username'] = '' misc['password'] = '' misc['email'] = '' misc['phone'] = '' misc['embed_domain'] = '' misc['REQUIRE_CC_FOR_TRIAL'] = REQUIRE_CC_FOR_TRIAL res = {} stripe.api_key = STRIPE_SERVER_KEY misc['clientKey'] = STRIPE_CLIENT_KEY req = dict_request(self.request) # For customization, we ID the embed by the import code, which is parsed (ignoring all the other req elements), which we need for updating the MetaData table misc['action'] = self.request.get('action') if misc['action'] == "customize_code": ignore_fields = [ 'import_embed_code', 'team_ID', 'action', 'use_rolling_n', 'use_opp_logos' ] for k in [z for z in req.keys() if z not in ignore_fields]: misc[k] = req[k] tmps = ['use_rolling_n', 'use_opp_logos'] for tmp in tmps: if tmp in req and req[tmp] in [ 'yes', 'YES', 'on', 1, '1', 'checked' ]: misc[tmp] = 1 else: misc[tmp] = 0 misc['year'] = ).year if 'year' not in req else req['year'] misc = build_viz_data_options(misc, req) content = {} on_server = os.getenv('SERVER_SOFTWARE').startswith( 'Google App Engine/') misc['build_tag_display'] = "tag-off" misc['import_tag_display'] = "tag-off" misc['customize_tag_display'] = "tag-off" # Check what the user is trying to do if misc['action'] in ["build_code", "import_code", "customize_code"]: if misc['action'] == "import_code": misc['import_tag_display'] = "tag-on" misc['embed_code'] = parse_imported_embed_code( req['import_embed_code']) elif misc['action'] == "build_code": misc['build_tag_display'] = "tag-on" embed_code, misc, user_obj = build_embed_code( req, misc, user_obj, {}) misc['embed_code'] = embed_code elif misc['action'] == "customize_code": misc['customize_tag_display'] = "tag-on" if req['import_embed_code'] != "": misc['embed_code'] = parse_imported_embed_code( req['import_embed_code']) else: misc['embed_code'] = build_embed_code( req, misc, user_obj, {}) content['actual'] = 1 if misc['embed_code'] is not None else 0 content['bad_code'] = 1 if misc['embed_code'] is None else 0 # If the embed code was read successfully, parse it and generate the content if misc['action'] in ["build_code", "import_code", "customize_code" ] and not content['bad_code']: embed_obj = read_embed_code(misc['embed_code']) specs = {} misc, user_obj, embed_obj, content = build_embed_content( misc, user_obj, content, embed_obj, specs) misc['resp'] = json.dumps({ 'misc': misc, 'content': content, 'lr_embed_id': "viz_panel_div", 'success': "Content received via Post" }) misc['downloadable'] = not on_server if misc['downloadable'] and self.request.get('download') not in [ None, '' ]: self.response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' self.response.headers['Content-Disposition'] = str( 'attachment; filename="%s.json"' % misc['embed_code']) self.response.set_status(200 if 'error' not in res else 500) self.response.out.write(json.dumps(res)) else: misc['import_embed_code'] = "" misc['resp'] = json.dumps({ 'content': content, 'error': 'Bad Code' }) # If the user was doing something other than updating an embed (i.e. starting a trial) process it here session_ID = self.session.get('session_ID') if session_ID not in [None, 0]: user_obj = get_user_obj({'session_ID': session_ID}) if user_obj['auth']: if misc['action'] == "start_trial_no_cc": misc, user_obj = create_embed_account_if_missing( misc, user_obj) misc['build_tag_display'] = "tag-on" misc['customize_tag_display'] = "tag-off" misc['import_tag_display'] = "tag-off" misc['embed_code'] = None if 'import_embed_code' in req and req[ 'import_embed_code'] not in [None, '']: misc['embed_code'] = parse_imported_embed_code( req['import_embed_code']) misc['import_tag_display'] = "tag-on" misc['build_tag_display'] = "tag-off" elif 'build_embed_code' in req and req[ 'build_embed_code'] not in [None, '']: embed_code, misc, user_obj = build_embed_code( req, misc, user_obj, {}) misc['embed_code'] = embed_code content = { 'actual': 1 if misc['embed_code'] is not None else 0, 'bad_code': 1 if misc['embed_code'] is None else 0 } if not content['bad_code']: embed_obj = read_embed_code(misc['embed_code']) specs = {} misc, user_obj, embed_obj, content = build_embed_content( misc, user_obj, content, embed_obj, specs) misc['resp'] = json.dumps({ 'misc': misc, 'content': content, 'lr_embed_id': "viz_panel_div", 'success': "Content received via Post" }) #misc['embed_script'] = build_embed_script(embed_obj); else: misc['import_embed_code'] = "" misc['resp'] = json.dumps({ 'content': content, 'error': 'Bad Code' }) layout = "layout_main.html" if user_obj[ 'has_active'] else "layout_lurker.html" else: user_obj = process_non_auth(self) user_obj['ID'] = None layout = 'layout_no_auth.html' else: user_obj = process_non_auth(self) user_obj['ID'] = None layout = 'layout_no_auth.html' misc['target_template'] = "embed_home.html" misc['build_display'] = "visible" if misc[ 'build_tag_display'] == "tag-on" else "hidden" misc['import_display'] = "visible" if misc[ 'import_tag_display'] == "tag-on" else "hidden" misc['customize_display'] = "visible" if misc[ 'customize_tag_display'] == "tag-on" else "hidden" # If you are processing a credit card save, you'll need to load the request via self.request.body data = {} if "action=customize_code" not in self.request.body and "action=build_code" not in self.request.body and "action=import_code" not in self.request.body and "action=start_trial_no_cc" not in self.request.body: data = json.loads(self.request.body) misc['action'] = 'start_trial_w_cc' # If you are processing a CC entry, you aren't going to render a template; just send the results as 200/500 if misc['action'] == "start_trial_w_cc": if 'payment_method_id' in data: try: user_obj['email_decrypted'] = decrypt(user_obj['email']) customer = stripe.Customer.create( payment_method=data['payment_method_id']) # Update the customer ID in the LRP Users record query = "UPDATE LRP_Users set stripe_customer_id=%s where ID=%s" param = [encrypt(, user_obj['ID']] queries.append(query) params.append(param) # Create the subscription details specs = {} specs['trial'] = 1 specs['sub_duration'] = 7 specs['product_ID'] = 10 specs['end_date'] = ( + timedelta(days=specs['sub_duration'])) specs['price_paid'] = 0. specs['stripe_payment_method'] = encrypt( data['payment_method_id']) specs['stripe_customer_id'] = encrypt( misc, user_obj = create_embed_account_if_missing( misc, user_obj, specs) res['success'] = 1 except Exception: res['error'] = "An error has occurred. The admin team has been notified" logging.error( "User %d attempted to input CC data, but it failed (storing cc info in DB failed)." % (user_obj['ID'])) else: res['error'] = "An error has occurred. The admin team has been notified" logging.error( "User %d attempted to input CC data, but it failed (payment method id not found)." % (user_obj['ID'])) ex_queries(queries, params) self.response.set_status(200 if 'error' not in res else 500) self.response.out.write(json.dumps(res)) else: tv = { 'user_obj': finish_user_obj(user_obj), 'misc': finish_misc(misc, user_obj), 'layout': layout } path = os.path.join("templates", misc['target_template']) self.response.out.write(template.render(path, tv))