Esempio n. 1
class EvaluateConfiguration:

    dataset_name = ''  # Any folder in the <<root_of_datasets>> directory.

    weights_file = r''

    lr_scheduler_opts = LRSchedulerOpts(LRPolicies.onCommand)

    data_aug_opts = DataAugOpts()

    crodnet_opts = CrodnetOptions.CrodnetOptions()

    single_cell_opts = CrodnetOptions.SingleCellOptions()

    image_cropper_opts = ImageCropperOptions()

    ######## DISPLAYING OPTS #########
    # If recompute_train is false, the metrics and loss shown for a training epoch, are computed with the results
    # obtained with the training batches (thus, not reflecting the performance at the end of the epoch, but during it).
    # Otherwise, we go through all the training data again to compute its loss and metrics. This is more time consuming.
    recompute_train = False
    nsteps_display = 20
    nepochs_save = 100
    nepochs_checktrain = 1
    nepochs_checkval = 1

    ########### OTHER OPTS ###########
    percent_of_data = 100  # For debbuging. Percentage of data to use. Put 100 if not debbuging
    num_workers = 8  # Number of parallel processes to read the data.
    if == 'nt':  # Windows
        root_of_datasets = r'D:\datasets'
        experiments_folder = r'.\experiments'
    elif == 'posix':  # Linux
        root_of_datasets = r'/home/xian/datasets'
        experiments_folder = r'./experiments'
        raise Exception('Unexpected OS')
    random_seed = None  # An integer number, or None in order not to set the random seed.
    tf_log_level = 'ERROR'
    buffer_size = 1000  # For shuffling data.
    max_image_size = 600
    gpu_memory_fraction = -1.0
    write_network_input = False
    shuffle_data = True

    # The following code should not be touched:
    outdir = None
    initialization_mode = 'load-pretrained'  # 'load-pretrained', 'scratch'
    modified_scopes = []
    restore_optimizer = False
class UpdateTrainConfiguration(TrainConfiguration):

    ######### TRAINING OPTS ##########
    num_epochs = 25
    optimizer_name = 'momentum'  # 'sgd', 'adam', 'rmsprop'
    learning_rate = 1e-3
    #learning_rate = 0
    momentum = 0.9
    # l2_regularization = 5e-4
    l2_regularization = 2e-4
    # l2_regularization = 0
    #nbatches_accum = 2
    train_selected_layers = False
    layers_list = ['vgg_16/conv1/', 'vgg_16/conv2/', 'vgg_16/conv3/', 'vgg_16/conv4/', 'vgg_16/conv5/']
    # layers_list = []

    lr_scheduler_opts = LRSchedulerOpts(LRPolicies.scheduled)
    lr_scheduler_opts.scheduledPolicyOpts.epochsLRDict = {10: 1e-4, 20: 1e-5, 24: 1e-6}
    #lr_scheduler_opts.scheduledPolicyOpts.epochsLRDict = {15: 1e-5}

    single_cell_opts = CrodnetOptions.SingleCellOptions()
    # single_cell_opts.debug_train = True
    # single_cell_opts.debug_eval = True
    single_cell_opts.loc_loss_factor = 1.2
    single_cell_opts.cm_loss_factor = 0.1
    single_cell_opts.n_comparisons_inter = 0
    single_cell_opts.n_comparisons_intra = 0
    single_cell_opts.threshold_ar_low = 0.05
    single_cell_opts.threshold_ar_low_neutral = 0.04
    single_cell_opts.threshold_ar_high = 0.9
    single_cell_opts.threshold_ar_high_neutral = 0.9
    single_cell_opts.threshold_dc = 0.3
    single_cell_opts.threshold_dc_neutral = 0.4
    single_cell_opts.cm_same_class = True
    single_cell_opts.th_cm_background = 0.15
    single_cell_opts.th_cm_neutral = 0.20
    single_cell_opts.n_images_per_batch = 16
    single_cell_opts.n_crops_per_image = 8

    image_cropper_opts = ImageCropperOptions()
    image_cropper_opts.max_dc = 0.9
    image_cropper_opts.min_ar = 0.02
    image_cropper_opts.max_ar = 1
    image_cropper_opts.probability_focus = 0.45
    image_cropper_opts.probability_pair = 0.3
    image_cropper_opts.probability_inside = 0
    image_cropper_opts.max_dc_pair = 0.5

    #multi_cell_opts = CrodnetOptions.MultiCellOptions()
    #multi_cell_opts.grid_levels_size_pad = [
    #    (256, 64),
    #    (288, 96),
    #    # (352, 64),
    #    (416, 64),
    #    # (512, 64),
    #    (608, 64),
    #    (704, 64),
    #    (832, 64),
    #    (896, 64)
    #multi_cell_opts.cm_same_class = True
    #multi_cell_opts.n_images_per_batch = 1
    #multi_cell_opts.threshold_ar_low = 0.05
    #multi_cell_opts.threshold_ar_high = 0.9

    #dataset_name = 'VOC0712_filtered'  # Any folder in the <<root_of_datasets>> directory.
    dataset_name = 'VOC0712'  # Any folder in the <<root_of_datasets>> directory.

    debug_hnm = False

    ######### INITIALIZATION #########
    initialization_mode = 'load-pretrained'  # 'load-pretrained', 'scratch'
    weights_file = r'C:\development\crodnet\experiments\2019\ssd_training_2019_01_10\model-240'
    modified_scopes = ['new_layers', 'prediction', 'comparison']
    restore_optimizer = False
    #weights_file = '/home/xian/crodnet/experiments/2019/2019_03_14_2/model-18'
    #modified_scopes = []
    # restore_optimizer = True
    #restore_optimizer = False

    ####### DATA AUGMENTATION ########
    data_aug_opts = DataAugOpts()
    data_aug_opts.apply_data_augmentation = True
    data_aug_opts.horizontal_flip = True
    data_aug_opts.random_brightness = True
    data_aug_opts.random_contrast = True
    data_aug_opts.random_saturation = True
    data_aug_opts.random_hue = True
    data_aug_opts.convert_to_grayscale_prob = 0.05
    # data_aug_opts.write_image_after_data_augmentation = True

    nepochs_save = 1
    nepochs_checkval = 1
    nsteps_display = 20
    nepochs_hnm = 50
    nepochs_mceval = 50
Esempio n. 3
class TrainConfiguration:
    ######### TRAINING OPTS ##########
    num_epochs = 5
    optimizer_name = 'sgd'  # 'sgd', 'adam', 'rmsprop'
    learning_rate = 1e-3
    momentum = 0.9
    l2_regularization = 5e-4
    vars_to_skip_l2_reg = ['scale', 'bias', 'BatchNorm'] # List with strings contained by the variables that you don't want to add to the L2 regularization loss.
    nbatches_accum = 0 # 0 to not applyl batch accumulation.
    # If train_selected_layers is true, the layers in layers_list are the only ones that are going to be trained.
    # Otherwise, those are the only layers excluded for training.
    # The elements of layers_list do not need to match exactly the layers names. It is enough if they are contained
    # in the layer name. For instance, if we make layers_list = ['fc'] in vgg16, it will include layers fc6, fc7, fc8.
    train_selected_layers = True
    # layers_list = ['fc']  # If this is empy or none, all variables are trained.
    layers_list = []  # If this is empy or none, all variables are trained.

    dataset_name = ''  # Any folder in the <<root_of_datasets>> directory.

    ######### INITIALIZATION #########
    # Weights initialization:
    # To start from sratch, choose 'scratch'
    # To load pretrained weights, and start training with them, choose 'load-pretrained'
    initialization_mode = 'load-pretrained'  # 'load-pretrained', 'scratch'
    weights_file = r''
    modified_scopes = []
    restore_optimizer = False

    lr_scheduler_opts = LRSchedulerOpts(LRPolicies.onCommand)

    data_aug_opts = DataAugOpts()

    single_cell_opts = CrodnetOptions.SingleCellOptions()

    image_cropper_opts = ImageCropperOptions()

    multi_cell_opts = CrodnetOptions.MultiCellOptions()

    mean_ap_opts = MeanAPOpts()

    hard_negatives_factor = 0.25
    detect_against_background = False
    th_conf = 0.8
    th_conf_eval = 0.1
    write_results = False
    threshold_nms = 0.5
    threshold_pcs = 0.6
    threshold_iou = 0.5
    debug_hnm = False

    ######## DISPLAYING OPTS #########
    # If recompute_train is false, the metrics and loss shown for a training epoch, are computed with the results
    # obtained with the training batches (thus, not reflecting the performance at the end of the epoch, but during it).
    # Otherwise, we go through all the training data again to compute its loss and metrics. This is more time consuming.
    recompute_train = False
    nsteps_display = 20
    nepochs_save = 100
    nepochs_checkval = 1
    nepochs_hnm = 1
    nepochs_mceval = 1

    ########### OTHER OPTS ###########
    percent_of_data = 100  # For debbuging. Percentage of data to use. Put 100 if not debbuging
    num_workers = 8  # Number of parallel processes to read the data.
    if == 'nt':  # Windows
        root_of_datasets = r'D:\datasets'
        experiments_folder = r'.\experiments'
    elif == 'posix':  # Linux
        root_of_datasets = r'/home/xian/datasets'
        experiments_folder = r'./experiments'
        raise Exception('Unexpected OS')
    random_seed = None  # An integer number, or None in order not to set the random seed.
    tf_log_level = 'ERROR'
    buffer_size = 1000 # For shuffling data.
    max_image_size = 600
    gpu_memory_fraction = -1.0
    shuffle_data = True

    # The following code should not be touched:
    outdir = None
class TrainConfiguration:
    ######### TRAINING OPTS ##########
    num_epochs = 5
    batch_size = 32
    optimizer_name = 'sgd'  # 'sgd', 'adam', 'rmsprop'
    learning_rate = 1e-3
    momentum = 0.9
    l2_regularization = 5e-4
    vars_to_skip_l2_reg = ['scale', 'biases', 'BatchNorm'] # List with strings contained by the variables that you don't want to add to the L2 regularization loss.
    nbatches_accum = 0 # 0 to not applyl batch accumulation.
    # If train_selected_layers is true, the layers in layers_list are the only ones that are going to be trained.
    # Otherwise, those are the only layers excluded for training.
    # The elements of layers_list do not need to match exactly the layers names. It is enough if they are contained
    # in the layer name. For instance, if we make layers_list = ['fc'] in vgg16, it will include layers fc6, fc7, fc8.
    train_selected_layers = True
    # layers_list = ['fc']  # If this is empy or none, all variables are trained.
    layers_list = []  # If this is empy or none, all variables are trained.

    ######### MODEL AND DATA #########
    model_name = ''  # 'vgg16', 'resnet50', 'yolo'
    dataset_name = ''  # Any folder in the <<root_of_datasets>> directory.

    ######### INITIALIZATION #########
    # Weights initialization:
    # To start from sratch, choose 'scratch'
    # To load pretrained weights, and start training with them, choose 'load-pretrained'
    initialization_mode = 'load-pretrained'  # 'load-pretrained', 'scratch'
    # To load pretrained weights:
    # weights_file = r'.\weights\pretrained\YOLO_small.ckpt'
    # weights_file = r'.\weights\pretrained\vgg_16.ckpt'
    # weights_file = r'.\weights\pretrained\resnet_v1_50.ckpt'
    weights_file = r''
    modified_scopes = []
    restore_optimizer = False

    lr_scheduler_opts = LRSchedulerOpts(LRPolicies.onCommand)

    ####### DATA AUGMENTATION ########
    data_aug_opts = DataAugOpts()

    ############ RESIZING ############
    # Select the way to fit the image to the size required by the network.
    # 'resize_warp': Resize both sides of the image to the required sizes. Aspect ratio may be changed.
    # 'resize_pad_zeros': Scale the image until it totally fits inside the required shape. We pad with zeros the areas
    #                     in which there is no image. Aspect ratio is preserved.
    # 'resize_lose_part': Scale the image until it totally covers the area that the network will see. We may lose the
    #                     upper and lower parts, or the left and right ones. Aspect ratio is preserved.
    # 'centered_crop': Take a centered crop of the image. If any dimension of the image is smaller than the input
    #                  size, we pad with zeros.
    resize_method = 'resize_warp'  # 'resize_warp', 'resize_pad_zeros', 'resize_lose_part', 'centered_crop'

    ######## DISPLAYING OPTS #########
    # If recompute_train is false, the metrics and loss shown for a training epoch, are computed with the results
    # obtained with the training batches (thus, not reflecting the performance at the end of the epoch, but during it).
    # Otherwise, we go through all the training data again to compute its loss and metrics. This is more time consuming.
    recompute_train = False
    nsteps_display = 20
    nepochs_save = 100
    nepochs_checktrain = 1
    nepochs_checkval = 1

    ########### OTHER OPTS ###########
    percent_of_data = 100  # For debbuging. Percentage of data to use. Put 100 if not debbuging
    num_workers = 8  # Number of parallel processes to read the data.
    root_of_datasets = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(tools.get_base_dir()), 'datasets')
    experiments_folder = os.path.join(tools.get_base_dir(), 'experiments')
    random_seed = None  # An integer number, or None in order not to set the random seed.
    tf_log_level = 'ERROR'
    buffer_size = 1000 # For shuffling data.
    max_image_size = 600
    gpu_memory_fraction = -1.0
    write_image_after_data_augmentation = False
    write_network_input = False
    shuffle_data = True

    # The following code should not be touched:
    outdir = None