def ordered_insertion(self, data):
        current = self.head
        previous = None
        new_node = Node(data)
        while current and < data:
            previous = current
            current = current.next_node

        new_node.next_node = previous.next_node
        previous.next_node = new_node
Esempio n. 2
# Find Loop in the Linked List

from LinkedList import Node

# Creating Circular Linked List

h = Node(8)
g = Node(7, h)
f = Node(6, g)
e = Node(5, f)
d = Node(4, e)
c = Node(3, d)
b = Node(2, c)
a = Node(1, b)
h.next_node = c

def tortoise_hare(head):
    Also known as Floyd Cycle Finding Algorithm
    :param head:
    tortoise = hare = head
    while hare is not None:
        tortoise = tortoise.next_node
        hare = hare.next_node.next_node
        if hare is tortoise:
            print(f"Cycle found at {}")
        return curr

if __name__ == "__main__":

    l1 = Node(1)
    l2 = Node(2)
    l3 = Node(3)
    l4 = Node(4)
    l5 = Node(5)
    l6 = Node(6)
    l7 = Node(7)
    l8 = Node(8)

    l1.next_node = l2
    l2.next_node = l3
    l3.next_node = l4
    l4.next_node = l5
    l5.next_node = l6
    l6.next_node = l7
    l7.next_node = l8


    l9 = Node(9)
    l10 = Node(10)

    l9.next_node = l10
    l10.next_node = l7