Esempio n. 1
from Locations import Locations
from Product import Product
from Url import Url
from cheapestprice import cheapest_price as cheapest
from sql import add_to_table as db

if (__name__ == "__main__"):
    # set the loop to run by default
    loopcond = True
    while (loopcond):
        # first arg is the product name
        product = input("Enter a product: ")

        # get the locations and location ids
        l = Locations()
        provinces = l.get_provinces()
        province_ids = l.get_province_ids()

        # generate a string of provinces to prompt user with
        provinces_string = "\n"
        for province_no in provinces:
            provinces_string += str(province_no) + ": " + (
                provinces[province_no] + "\n")

        # second arg is the province number
        province_num = input("Enter a province number from:" +

        # generate the kijiji url
        websiteObject = Url()
Esempio n. 2
def handle_command(command, channel):
        Executes bot command if the command is known
        These are the available commands:
        peek <product> in <location> 
        peek <product> in <location> saveas <db>
    # Default response is help text for the user
    default_response = "Uknown command. Try *{}* for list of commands and usage.".format(

    # Finds and executes the given command, filling in response
    response = None

    # get the location, locations and locaiton ids
    l = Locations()
    provinces = l.get_provinces()
    province_ids = l.get_province_ids()

    # locations
    if (command == "locations"):
        # print a message of the available locations
        provinces_string = "\n"
        for province_no in provinces:
            provinces_string += str(
                province_no) + ": " + provinces[province_no] + "\n"
        response = "Choose a locaton number from" + provinces_string

    # help
    elif (command == "help"):
        # print out all the usable commands
        response = "Here are list of commands to get you started." + (
            "\n\n*{}* _product name_ *{}* _location number_".format(
                "peek", "in")
        ) + ("\nEXAMPLE: To get the lowest gtx 1070 in Ontario") + (
            "\n peek gtx 1070 in 0"
        ) + (
            "\n\n*{}* _product name_ *{}* _location number_ *{}* _database name_"
            .format("peek", "in", "saveas")
        ) + (
            "\n EXAMPLE: Find cheapest scarlett 2i2 in BC put it in 'mytable.db'"
        ) + ("\n peek scarlett 2i2 in 2 saveas mytable") + ("\n\n*{}*".format(
            "locations")) + ("\n Lists all the location numbers")

    # peek <product name> in <location number>"
    # startswith peek
    # has " in "
    # product name = command[index(peek): index(in)]
    # location = command[index(in):]
    # remove beggining and end spaces from both
    elif (command.startswith("peek ") and " in " in command):
        peek_right_index = command.find("peek ") + len("peek ")
        in_left_index = command.find(" in ")
        in_right_index = command.find(" in ") + len(" in ")

        # product is between peek and in
        product = command[peek_right_index:in_left_index]

        # check if a valid location filter is used
        after_in = command[in_right_index:]

        #print (after_in)
        # if a valid location filter is used
        if (after_in.strip().isdigit()):
            province_num = int(after_in.strip())
            website = url(product, province_num, provinces, province_ids)
            (product_name, product_price, link,
             date) = cheapest(website, product)

            response = "The cheapest " + product + " in " + provinces[
                province_num] + (" is the \n" +
                                 "<{}|{}>".format(link, product_name) +
                                 "\n") + ("costing $" + str(product_price) +
                                          ", posted " + date)

        # check if the after_in is of the form <number> ... saveas <text>
        elif (" saveas " in after_in):

            saveas_left_index = after_in.find(" saveas ")
            saveas_right_index = after_in.find(" saveas ") + len(" saveas ")

            before_saveas = after_in[:saveas_left_index]
            # check if valid location is used
            if (after_in[:saveas_left_index].strip().isdigit()):

                # get the province num
                province_num = int(after_in[:saveas_left_index].strip())
                website = url(product, province_num, provinces, province_ids)
                (product_name, product_price, link,
                 date) = cheapest(website, product)

                table_name = after_in[saveas_right_index:]
                db(product_name, product_price, provinces[province_num], link,
                   date, table_name)
                response = "Added cheapest " + product + " in " + (
                ) + (" \n" + "<{}|{}>".format(link, product_name) + "\n") + (
                    "costing $" + str(product_price) + ", posted " + date +
                    ("\nto the database named " +
                     ("*{}*".format(table_name) + "!")))

    # Sends the response back to the channel
                          text=response or default_response)