Esempio n. 1
def centre_protein_gh(dict_of_systs, wrap=False, cent="geometry"):

    # The GroupHug class was created by Richard Gowers (
    # in response to this question on the MDAnalysis forum:

    class GroupHug:
        def __init__(self, center, *others):
            self.c = center
            self.o = others

        def calc_restoring_vec(ag1, ag2):
            box = ag1.dimensions[:3]
            dist = ag1.center_of_mass() - ag2.center_of_mass()

            return box * np.rint(dist / box)

        def __call__(self, ts):
            # loop over other atomgroups and shunt them into nearest image to center
            for i in self.o:
                rvec = self.calc_restoring_vec(self.c, i)


            return ts

    # Centre the protein in the box using MDAnalysis
    for ligand_name, syst in dict_of_systs.items():
        u = dict_of_systs[ligand_name]
        ligand_resname = ligand_name[:3]

        if ligand_resname == "lar":
            print("WARNING: This script should only be used for the NTRK3 6KZD system!")

        # hard code the protein chains for now -> only for 6KZD model
        chainA = u.select_atoms("resid 527-627")
        chainB = u.select_atoms("resid 648-713")
        chainC = u.select_atoms("resid 728-838")
        lig = u.select_atoms("resname " + ligand_resname)
        ions = u.select_atoms("resname NA CL")

        protein = u.select_atoms("protein or resname ACE NME")
        reference = u.copy().select_atoms("protein or resname ACE NME")
        not_protein = u.select_atoms("not protein and not resname ACE NME")
        protein_and_lig = u.select_atoms("protein or resname ACE NME " + ligand_resname)

        transforms = [
            GroupHug(chainA, chainB, chainC, lig),
            trans.center_in_box(protein_and_lig, wrap=wrap, center="geometry"),
            trans.fit_rot_trans(protein, reference),


    return dict_of_systs
Esempio n. 2
def centre_protein(dict_of_systs, wrap=False, cent="geometry"):

    # Centre the protein in the box using MDAnalysis
    for syst in dict_of_systs:
        u = dict_of_systs[syst]
        reference = u.copy().select_atoms("protein or resname ACE NME")

        protein = u.select_atoms("protein or resname ACE NME")
        not_protein = u.select_atoms("not protein")

        transforms = [
            trans.center_in_box(protein, wrap=wrap, center=cent),
            trans.fit_rot_trans(protein, reference),


    return dict_of_systs
Esempio n. 3
fit_trans_cog = []
fit_trans_rmsd = []
for ts in u.trajectory:
    print("fit_trans frame:", ts.frame)
    fit_trans_rmsd.append(rmsd(ag.positions, ref_pos))


# same thing with fit_rot_trans
u = mda.Universe(dataset.topology, dataset.trajectory)
ag = u.select_atoms("protein")
ref = u.select_atoms("protein")
ref_pos = ref.positions.copy()
transform = fit_rot_trans(ag, ref, plane=None, weights=None)
fit_trans_rot_cog = []
fit_trans_rot_rmsd = []
for ts in u.trajectory:
    fit_trans_rot_rmsd.append(rmsd(ag.positions, ref_pos))

# remove translation in xy relative to self
# in "static" second universe
u = mda.Universe(dataset.topology, dataset.trajectory)
ag = u.select_atoms("protein")
ref_static = mda.Universe(dataset.topology,
ref_pos = ref_static.positions.copy()
#get average structure
numframes = len(u.trajectory)
p_avg = np.zeros_like(base.positions)
for ts in u.trajectory:
    p_avg += base.positions
p_avg /= numframes

base.positions = p_avg

with md.Writer("TATA_avg.pdb",base.n_atoms) as W:

#align by removing rotation and translation
ref = md.Universe("TATA_avg.pdb")
transform = transformations.fit_rot_trans(base, ref, weights="mass")

#write trajectories
#discard first 5 ns (each frame = 10 ps)

eqbm_time = 500 

t = np.arange(eqbm_time,4500,100)

for time in t:
    with md.Writer("TATA_traj_%d_ps.dcd"%(int(time*10)),base.n_atoms) as W:
        for ts in u.trajectory:
            if ts.frame > eqbm_time and ts.frame < eqbm_time + time:
Esempio n. 5
    print("Running production simulation ...")

if production_steps / production_trajectory_frequency >= 1:

    print("Transforming trajectory ...")
    u = mda.Universe(
        str(output_directory / "equilibration/out_state.pdb"),
        str(output_directory / "trajectory.xtc"),
    backbone = u.select_atoms("backbone")
    not_protein = u.select_atoms("not protein")
    workflow = (
        transformations.wrap(not_protein, compound="fragments"),
        transformations.fit_rot_trans(backbone, backbone),

    print("Saving transformed topology and trajectory ...")
    u.atoms.write(str(output_directory / "topology_wrapped.pdb"))
    with mda.Writer(
        str(output_directory / "trajectory_wrapped.xtc"), u.atoms.n_atoms
    ) as W:
        for ts in u.trajectory:

Esempio n. 6
def populate_dict(chunk, dictionary, pdb_file, mutant_sel, project_code,

    interface_selection_strings = {
        "segid A and (backbone and (resid 403 or resid 417 or resid 439 or resid 445-447 or resid 449 or resid 453 or resid 455 or resid 456 or resid 473-477 or resid 484-487 or resid 489 or resid 490 or resid 493-503 or resid 505 or resid 506))",
        "segid C and (backbone and (resid 18 or resid 21 or resid 23-32 or resid 33-39 or resid 41 or resid 42 or resid 45 or resid 75 or resid 76 or resid 78-84))",
        "(segid A and (backbone and (resid 403 or resid 417 or resid 439 or resid 445-447 or resid 449 or resid 453 or resid 455 or resid 456 or resid 473-477 or resid 484-487 or resid 489 or resid 490 or resid 493-503 or resid 505 or resid 506))) or (segid C and (backbone and (resid 18 or resid 21 or resid 23-32 or resid 33-39 or resid 41 or resid 42 or resid 45 or resid 75 or resid 76 or resid 78-84)))",

    # Create a dictionary containing selection strings for MDAnalysis
    # residues 417 and 439 are not named since these are mutated across systems
    # segid C = ACE2, segid A = RBD

    # TODO remove project keys, not sure they are needed
    proj_mutant_dict = {
        "17311": {
            "WT": {
                "D30": "segid C and (resid 30 and name OD1 OD2)",
                "res417": "segid A and (resid 417 and name NZ)",
                "E329": "segid C and (resid 329 and name OE1 OE2)",
                "res439": "segid A and (resid 439 and name ND2)",
                "K31": "segid C and (resid 31 and name NZ)",
                "E484": "segid A and (resid 484 and name OE1 OE2)",
                "E35": "segid C and (resid 35 and name OE1 OE2)",
                "K31": "segid C and (resid 31 and name NZ)",
                "Q493": "segid A and (resid 493 and name NE2 OE1)",
                "K353": "segid C and (resid 353 and name NZ)",
                "G496bb": "segid A and (resid 496 and name O C CA N)",
                "D38": "segid C and (resid 38 and name OD1 OD2)",
                "segid A and (resid 449 and name CG CD1 CE1 CZ CE2 CD2 OH)",
                "Q42": "segid C and (resid 42 and name NE2 OE1)",
                "K353bb": "segid C and (resid 353 and name O C CA N)",
                "G502bb": "segid A and (resid 502 and name O C CA N)",

    # set the reference to be the equilibrated structure
    ref = mda.Universe(pdb_file)
    ref.trajectory[0]  # there is only one frame anyway, but just to be sure
    ref_bb = ref.select_atoms("backbone")  # the ref for RMSD calcs later

    # set reference interfaces
    ref_rbd_interface_bb = ref.select_atoms(interface_selection_strings["rbd"])

    ref_ace2_interface_bb = ref.select_atoms(

    ref_whole_interface_bb = ref.select_atoms(

    reference = ref.select_atoms(
        "not resname Na+ Cl- HOH")  # the ref for transforms later

    for traj in chunk:
        print("--> Analysing trajectory: ", traj)

        mobile = mda.Universe(pdb_file, traj)
        # centre the two protein chains in the box
        # this stops chains jumping across PBC
        chainA = mobile.select_atoms("segid A or segid B")  # RBD + glycans
        chainB = mobile.select_atoms("segid C or segid D")  # ACE2 + glycans
        ions = mobile.select_atoms("resname Na+ Cl- HOH")
        protein = mobile.select_atoms("not resname Na+ Cl- HOH")

        transforms = [
            GroupHug(chainA, chainB),
            trans.center_in_box(protein, wrap=False, center="geometry"),
            trans.fit_rot_trans(protein, reference),

        print("--> Centring protein chains in the box")

        # loop over each frame in the current trajectory, with a defined stride
        for ts in mobile.trajectory[::frames_to_stride]:

            print(f"--> Current frame: {ts.frame}")

            # calculate the key interactions
            # RBD --- ACE2

            # D30 --- K417
            D30 = mobile.select_atoms(
            res417 = mobile.select_atoms(

            D30_res417_dist_mindist = np.min(
                distances.distance_array(D30.positions, res417.positions))

            # E329 --- N439
            E329 = mobile.select_atoms(
            res439 = mobile.select_atoms(

            E329_res439_dist_mindist = np.min(
                distances.distance_array(E329.positions, res439.positions))

            # E484 --- K31
            K31 = mobile.select_atoms(
            E484 = mobile.select_atoms(

            E484_K31_dist_mindist = np.min(
                distances.distance_array(E484.positions, K31.positions))

            # E35 --- K31
            E35 = mobile.select_atoms(

            E35_K31_dist_mindist = np.min(
                distances.distance_array(E35.positions, K31.positions))

            # E35 --- Q493
            Q493 = mobile.select_atoms(

            E35_Q493_dist_mindist = np.min(
                distances.distance_array(E35.positions, Q493.positions))

            # Additional interactions
            K31_Q493_dist_mindist = np.min(
                distances.distance_array(K31.positions, Q493.positions))

            # K353 --- G496 (K353 to G496 backbone)
            K353 = mobile.select_atoms(
            G496bb = mobile.select_atoms(

            K353_G496bb_dist_mindist = np.min(
                distances.distance_array(K353.positions, G496bb.positions))

            # D38 --- Y449
            D38 = mobile.select_atoms(
            Y449 = mobile.select_atoms(

            D38_Y449_dist_mindist = np.min(
                distances.distance_array(D38.positions, Y449.positions))

            # Q42 --- Y449
            Q42 = mobile.select_atoms(

            Q42_Y449_dist_mindist = np.min(
                distances.distance_array(Q42.positions, Y449.positions))

            # K353bb --- G502bb (Backbone to backbone)
            K353bb = mobile.select_atoms(
            G502bb = mobile.select_atoms(

            K353bb_G502bb_dist_mindist = np.min(
                distances.distance_array(K353bb.positions, G502bb.positions))

            # sort out names for the dict
            traj_split = traj.split("/")
            key_name = f"{traj_split[6]}/{traj_split[7]}/{traj_split[8]}_{ts.frame}"

            # populate the dict - with placeholder keys for now
            dictionary[key_name] = {
                "d30_res417_mindist": D30_res417_dist_mindist,
                "e329_res439_mindist": E329_res439_dist_mindist,
                "e484_k31_mindist": E484_K31_dist_mindist,
                "e35_k31_mindist": E35_K31_dist_mindist,
                "e35_q493_mindist": E35_Q493_dist_mindist,
                "q493_k31_mindist": K31_Q493_dist_mindist,
                "k353_g496bb_mindist": K353_G496bb_dist_mindist,
                "d38_y449_dist_mindist": D38_Y449_dist_mindist,
                "q42_y449_dist_mindist": Q42_Y449_dist_mindist,
                "k353bb_g502bb_dist_mindist": K353bb_G502bb_dist_mindist,