Esempio n. 1
    def __init__(self, coord, frames_per_block, output, **kwargs):
        Initializes generator

            :*log*:    Simulation log
            :*coord*:  Coordinates used to generate pmf
            :*output*: Tuple including path to h5 file and address
                       within h5 file
            :*force*:  Run analysis even if no new data is present
        from MDclt import clean_path

        # Input
        self.coord_path, self.coord_address = coord
        self.inputs = [(self.coord_path, self.coord_address)]

        # Action
        self.frames_per_block = frames_per_block

        # Output
        output[1]    = clean_path(output[1], strip = ["pdist", "blocks"])
        self.outputs = [(output[0], os.path.normpath(output[1] + "/pdist")),
                        (output[0], os.path.normpath(output[1] + "/blocks"))]

        super(PDist_Block_Generator, self).__init__(**kwargs)

        if self.incoming_slice is not None:
            self.current_start = self.incoming_slice.start
            self.current_stop  = self.incoming_slice.start + \
            self.final_stop    = self.final_slice.stop
Esempio n. 2
    def __init__(self, assign, output, **kwargs):
        Initializes generator

            :*output*: List including path to output h5 file and
                       address of output within h5 file
        from MDclt import clean_path

        # Input
        assign[1] = clean_path(assign[1], strip = "assignment")
        self.assign_path, self.assign_address = assign
        self.inputs = [(self.assign_path, self.assign_address + "assignment")]

        # Output
        output[1]    = clean_path(output[1], strip = "assignment")
        self.outputs = [(output[0], output[1] + "assignment")]

        super(Assign_Analyzer, self).__init__(**kwargs)
Esempio n. 3
    def __init__(self, assign, **kwargs):
        from MDclt import clean_path

        # Input
        assign[1] = clean_path(assign[1], strip = "assignment")
        self.assign_path, self.assign_address = assign
        self.inputs = [(self.assign_path, self.assign_address + "assignment")]

        super(Assign_Analyzer, self).__init__(**kwargs)
Esempio n. 4
    def __init__(self, output, **kwargs):
        Initializes generator

            :*output*: List including path to output h5 file and
                       address of output within h5 file
        from MDclt import clean_path

        # Output
        output[1]    = clean_path(output[1], strip = "stateprobs")
        self.outputs = [(output[0], output[1] + "stateprobs")]

        super(StateProb_Analyzer, self).__init__(**kwargs)
Esempio n. 5
    def __init__(self, pdist, states, **kwargs):
        from MDclt import clean_path, parse_states

        # Input
        pdist[1]    = clean_path(pdist[1], strip = ["pdist", "blocks"])
        self.pdist_path, self.pdist_address = pdist
        self.inputs = [(self.pdist_path, self.pdist_address + "pdist"),
                       (self.pdist_path, self.pdist_address + "blocks")]

        # Action
        self.states = parse_states(states)

        super(PDist_Analyzer, self).__init__(**kwargs)