Esempio n. 1
    def optimize(self):
        """Run the optimization with MMTK"""
        print '\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------'
        print '\n MMTK Optimization starts...'

        print '\t.. building universe'
        configuration = PDBConfiguration(self.temp_pdb_file)
        # Construct the nucleotide chain object. This also constructs positions
        # for the missing hydrogens, using geometrical criteria.
        chain = configuration.createNucleotideChains()[0]
        universe = InfiniteUniverse()

        restraints = self.create_restraints(chain)

        # define force field
        print '\t.. setting up force field'
        if restraints:
            ff = Amber94ForceField() + restraints
            ff = Amber94ForceField()

        # do the minimization
        print '\t.. starting minimization with %i cycles'%self.cycles
        minimizer = ConjugateGradientMinimizer(universe)
        minimizer(steps = self.cycles)
        # write the intermediate output
        print '\t.. writing MMTK output to %s'% self.temp_pdb_file
        if self.model_passive:
            print '\t   (please note that MMTK applies a different numeration of residues.\n\t    The original one will be restored in the final output).'
        open(self.temp_pdb_file, 'w').write(open(self.mmtk_output_file).read())
        print '\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------'
                if not done.has_key((index1, index2)):
                    clist.append(Contact(a1, a2, dist))
                    done[(index1, index2)] = 1
    return clist

if __name__ == '__main__':
    from MMTK.PDB import PDBConfiguration
    from MMTK import Units
    import sys

    target_filename = sys.argv[2]
    pdb_conf1 = PDBConfiguration(target_filename)
    if sys.argv[1][:2] == '-f':
        chains = pdb_conf1.createNucleotideChains()
        molecule_names = []
        if len(chains) >= 2:
            clist = findContacts(chains[0], chains[1])
            molecule_names = []
            for (key, mol) in pdb_conf1.molecules.items():
                for o in mol:
            targets = pdb_conf1.createAll(molecule_names = molecule_names)
            if len(molecule_names) > 1:
                clist = findContacts(targets[0], targets[1])
                atoms = targets.atomList()
                mid = len(atoms)/2
                clist = findContacts(Collection(atoms[:mid]),
""" creates a nucleotide chain with a ligand from PDB file """

from MMTK import *
from MMTK.PDB import PDBConfiguration
from MMTK.NucleicAcids import NucleotideChain
from MMTK.Visualization import view

""" Load PDB entry 110d. It contains a single DNA strand with a ligand daunomycin """
configuration = PDBConfiguration('110d.pdb')

""" Construct nucleotide chain object. This also constructs positions for missing hydrogens, using geometrical criteria. """

chain = configuration.createNucleotideChains()[0]

""" Construct the ligand. There is no definition of it in the database, so it can only be constructed as a collection of atoms. The second argument of createMolecules() is set to one in order to allow this use of an unknown residue. """
ligand = configuration.createMolecules(['DM1'], 1)

# Put everything in a universe and show it graphically
universe = InfiniteUniverse()

Esempio n. 4
                if not done.has_key((index1, index2)):
                    clist.append(Contact(a1, a2, dist))
                    done[(index1, index2)] = 1
    return clist

if __name__ == '__main__':

    from MMTK.PDB import PDBConfiguration
    from MMTK import Units
    import sys

    target_filename = sys.argv[2]
    pdb_conf1 = PDBConfiguration(target_filename)
    if sys.argv[1][:2] == '-f':
        chains = pdb_conf1.createNucleotideChains()
        molecule_names = []
        if len(chains) >= 2:
            clist = findContacts(chains[0], chains[1])
            molecule_names = []
            for (key, mol) in pdb_conf1.molecules.items():
                for o in mol:
            targets = pdb_conf1.createAll(molecule_names=molecule_names)
            if len(molecule_names) > 1:
                clist = findContacts(targets[0], targets[1])
                atoms = targets.atomList()
                mid = len(atoms) / 2
                clist = findContacts(Collection(atoms[:mid]),
Esempio n. 5
# Create a nucleotide chain with a ligand from a PDB file.

from MMTK import *
from MMTK.PDB import PDBConfiguration
from MMTK.NucleicAcids import NucleotideChain
from MMTK.Visualization import view

# Load the PDB entry 110d. It contains a single DNA strand with a
# ligand (daunomycin).
configuration = PDBConfiguration('110d.pdb')

# Construct the nucleotide chain object. This also constructs positions
# for the missing hydrogens, using geometrical criteria.
chain = configuration.createNucleotideChains()[0]

# Construct the ligand. There is no definition of it in the database,
# so it can only be constructed as a collection of atoms. The second
# argument of createMolecules() is set to one in order to allow
# this use of an unknown residue.
ligand = configuration.createMolecules(['DM1'], 1)

# Put everyting in a universe and show it graphically.
universe = InfiniteUniverse()
