class ORSOutput(ORSSheets): """A module to publish results tables, and restore default values to user input fields.""" def __init__(self, ORSCalculatorInstance, xlInstance): self.ORS = ORSCalculatorInstance #self.xlInst = xlInstance self.Sheet = Sheet(xlInstance) self.InputSheet = "Input" self.CalculationSheet = "Calculation" self.StatsSheet = "Statistics" self.NetworkName = self.ORS.networknames[0] self.DateOrigin = pos(row=4, col=1) # The postion to place the fist date def Populate_Reliability_Stats(self): """Write the 2015 determination statistics to a prebuilt table in excel. Used on the 'Statistics' sheet.""" # Table origin is the top left ComComOrigin = pos(row=4, col=1) CalcOrigin = pos(row=4, col=9) # The row order of the values being calcualted by the ORSCalculator # TODO: The row text must match the values _get_stats() is expecting, we may need to introduce some aliases to make it more readable RowHeadings = [["UBV"], ["LIMIT"], ["TARGET"], ["COLLAR"], ["CAP"]] CalcRowValues = [self.ORS._get_stats(heading[0]) for heading in RowHeadings] # ORS calcualted values CCRowValues = [self.ORS._get_CC_stats(heading[0]) for heading in RowHeadings] # Com Com hard coded values # Work out how many columns we need to offset these SAIDI, SAIFI results NetworkOrder = ["ELIN", "OTPO", "TPCO"] # The order the networks are presented going across the table in excel try: Offset = NetworkOrder.index(self.NetworkName) except ValueError: print "%s is not a recognised network" % self.NetworkName Offset = 0 # Default option Offset *= 2 # Table 1 self.Sheet.setRange(self.StatsSheet, ComComOrigin.row, ComComOrigin.col, RowHeadings) # Write the row headings into the table ComComOrigin.col += 1 # Incriment the next column (i.e. don't overwrite row headings) row = ComComOrigin.row for rowValue in CalcRowValues: # The SAIDI/SAIFI values are written to excel in the order that they are returned by the ORSCalculator function self.Sheet.setRange(self.StatsSheet, row, ComComOrigin.col+Offset, [rowValue]) row += 1 # Table 2 self.Sheet.setRange(self.StatsSheet, CalcOrigin.row, CalcOrigin.col, RowHeadings) CalcOrigin.col += 1 # Incriment the next column (i.e. don't overwrite row headings) row = CalcOrigin.row for rowValue in CCRowValues: # The SAIDI/SAIFI values are written to excel in the order that they are returned by the ORSCalculator function self.Sheet.setRange(self.StatsSheet, row, CalcOrigin.col+Offset, [rowValue]) row += 1 def Create_Summary_Table(self): """Create a summary sheet in excel, delete it if it already exisits""" # Remove the sheet, if it exists, then re-add it -- Don't do this when adding multiple networks self.Sheet.rmvSheet(removeList=[self.OutputFileName]) self.Sheet.addSheet(self.OutputFileName) def Summary_Table(self, suffix): """Publish a summary of the year-to-date stats at the bottom of every sheet""" suffix = " " + suffix network = self.ORS.networknames[0] currentDate = RowHeadings = ["CAP", "TARGET", "COLLAR"] # The order the rows appear in the Excel spreadsheet TableHeadings = ["YTD Cap", "YTD Target", "YTD Collar", "YTD Total", "YTD Planned", "YTD Unplanned", "Projected Incentive/Penalty"] columns = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] if network == "ELIN": RowOffset = 2 ColOffset = 1 elif network == "OTPO": RowOffset = 2 + 12 ColOffset = len(self.IndexHeadings) * len(self.DataHeadings) + 1 elif network == "TPCO": RowOffset = 2 + 2*12 ColOffset = len(self.IndexHeadings) * len(self.DataHeadings) * (len(self.NetworkHeadings) - 1) + 1 maxrow = self.Sheet.getMaxRow(self.CalculationSheet+suffix, 1, 4) self.Sheet.setRange("Summary", maxrow + RowOffset, 1, [[network]+TableHeadings]) # Write the heading data # Find the row that corrosponds to the current date Dates = self.Sheet.getRange(self.CalculationSheet+suffix, 4, 1, maxrow, 1) Dates = [self.Sheet.getDateTime(Date[0]) for Date in Dates] # Convert a 2D list of tuples to a 1D list try: index = Dates.index( datetime.datetime(currentDate.year, currentDate.month, ) except ValueError: index = len(Dates) - 1 for param in self.IndexHeadings: # Read the entire row of data YTD_row = self.Sheet.getRange(self.CalculationSheet+suffix, index+4, 1, index+4, self.Sheet.getMaxCol(self.CalculationSheet+suffix, 2, 3))[0] # Convert the row data to: CAP, TARGET, COLLAR, YTD Total, YTD Planned, YTD Unplanned #YTD_row[ColOffset : len(DataHeadings)+ColOffset+1] i = self.IndexHeadings.index(param) TableRow = [YTD_row[ColOffset], YTD_row[ColOffset+1], YTD_row[ColOffset+2], YTD_row[ColOffset+3] + YTD_row[ColOffset+4], YTD_row[ColOffset+3], [0.5*CC_Revenue_At_Risk.get(network, 0)/(self.ORS._get_stats("CAP")[i] - self.ORS._get_stats("TARGET")[i])]] RowOffset += 1 self.Sheet.setRange("Summary", maxrow + RowOffset, 1, [[param]+TableRow]) # Write the heading data ColOffset += len(self.DataHeadings) Table = [] Table.append(["Revenue at risk", CC_Revenue_At_Risk.get(network, "No Revenue Found")]) # Revenue at Risk Table.append(["Total Number of ICPs", self.ORS._get_total_customers(Dates[index])]) # Total Number of ICPs Table.append(["Year to date figures as of", Dates[index]]) # Date self.Sheet.setRange("Summary", maxrow + RowOffset+1, 1, Table) def Generate_Values(self, enddate, startdate=None): """ Generate dictionary key value pairs for "Rob's" template - suitable for commercial team. @param enddate: Date to stop counting SAIDI and SAIFI for the YTD figures. @param startdate: Defaults to the 1/4/<1 year less than end>. Date to start counting SAIDI and SAIFI for YTD figures. @return: A dictionary of the keyword spesfic to the ORS instance currently being handled This functoin will work with date ranges larger than 1 year, but the CC_SAIDI_YTD/CC_SAIFI_YTD interpolations will be meainingless as these are intended to be scaled over 1 whole year starting on 1/4/n and ending on 31/3/n+1. """ if not startdate: year = self.ORS._get_fiscal_year(enddate) - 1 # Function returns the fiscal year (int) for the given date startdate = datetime.datetime(year, 4, 1) else: year = self.ORS._get_fiscal_year(startdate) - 1 # Some checks... any future dates will be redfined as the present date assert startdate < enddate, "The end date is set before the startdate" now = if now < enddate: enddate = datetime.datetime(now.year, now.month, year = self.ORS._get_fiscal_year(enddate) - 1 # Fixed sheet data name = self.Rename_Network(self.NetworkName) + "_" params = {} params[name+"DATE_END"] = enddate params[name+"CUST_NUM"] = self.ORS._get_total_customers(enddate) # Annual data Dates = self.Generate_Dates(startdate, enddate) Dates = [Date[0] for Date in Dates] SAIDI_, SAIFI_ = self._Calc_Rows(Dates, self.ORS) # (planned, unplanned, unplanned normed) for the given dates params[name+"SAIDI_NORMED_OUT"] = np.sum(SAIDI_, 0)[2] params[name+"SAIFI_NORMED_OUT"] = np.sum(SAIFI_, 0)[2] params[name+"SAIDI_UNPLANNED"] = np.sum(SAIDI_, 0)[1] params[name+"SAIFI_UNPLANNED"] = np.sum(SAIFI_, 0)[1] params[name+"SAIDI_PLANNED"] = np.sum(SAIDI_, 0)[0] params[name+"SAIFI_PLANNED"] = np.sum(SAIFI_, 0)[0] params[name+"RAW_PLANNED"] = np.sum([self.ORS._get_num_faults(date, "planned") for date in Dates]) params[name+"RAW_UNPLANNED"] = np.sum([self.ORS._get_num_faults(date, "unplanned") for date in Dates]) params[name+"RAW_NUM_MAJOR_EVENTS_SAIDI"] = len(self.ORS.get_capped_days(Dates[0], Dates[-1])[0]) params[name+"RAW_NUM_MAJOR_EVENTS_SAIFI"] = len(self.ORS.get_capped_days(Dates[0], Dates[-1])[1]) # Monthly data (present month) Dates = self.Generate_Dates(datetime.datetime(enddate.year, enddate.month, 1), enddate) Dates = [Date[0] for Date in Dates] SAIDI_, SAIFI_ = self._Calc_Rows(Dates, self.ORS) # (planned, unplanned, unplanned normed) for the given dates params[name+"SAIDI_MONTH_NORMED_OUT"] = np.sum(SAIDI_, 0)[2] params[name+"SAIFI_MONTH_NORMED_OUT"] = np.sum(SAIFI_, 0)[2] params[name+"SAIDI_MONTH_UNPLANNED"] = np.sum(SAIDI_, 0)[1] params[name+"SAIFI_MONTH_UNPLANNED"] = np.sum(SAIFI_, 0)[1] params[name+"SAIDI_MONTH_PLANNED"] = np.sum(SAIDI_, 0)[0] params[name+"SAIFI_MONTH_PLANNED"] = np.sum(SAIFI_, 0)[0] params[name+"RAW_MONTH_PLANNED"] = np.sum([self.ORS._get_num_faults(date, "planned") for date in Dates]) params[name+"RAW_MONTH_UNPLANNED"] = np.sum([self.ORS._get_num_faults(date, "unplanned") for date in Dates]) params[name+"RAW_MONTH_NUM_MAJOR_EVENTS_SAIDI"] = len(self.ORS.get_capped_days(Dates[0], Dates[-1])[0]) params[name+"RAW_MONTH_NUM_MAJOR_EVENTS_SAIFI"] = len(self.ORS.get_capped_days(Dates[0], Dates[-1])[1]) # Com Com Interpolations (could use np.linspace) SAIDI_TARGET, SAIFI_TARGET = self.ORS._get_CC_stats("TARGET") num_days = (datetime.datetime(year+1, 3, 31) - datetime.datetime(year, 3, 31)).days x_days = (enddate - startdate).days SAIDI_M = SAIDI_TARGET/num_days SAIFI_M = SAIFI_TARGET/num_days params[name+"CC_SAIDI_YTD"] = SAIDI_M * (1 + x_days) params[name+"CC_SAIFI_YTD"] = SAIFI_M * (1 + x_days) params[name+"CC_SAIDI_TARGET"] = CC_Vals.get(self.NetworkName).get("SAIDI_TARGET") params[name+"CC_SAIFI_TARGET"] = CC_Vals.get(self.NetworkName).get("SAIFI_TARGET") params[name+"CC_SAIDI_CAP"] = CC_Vals.get(self.NetworkName).get("SAIDI_CAP") params[name+"CC_SAIFI_CAP"] = CC_Vals.get(self.NetworkName).get("SAIFI_CAP") params[name+"CC_SAIDI_COLLAR"] = CC_Vals.get(self.NetworkName).get("SAIDI_COLLAR") params[name+"CC_SAIFI_COLLAR"] = CC_Vals.get(self.NetworkName).get("SAIFI_COLLAR") params[name+"CC_REV_RISK"] = CC_Revenue_At_Risk.get(self.NetworkName) * 0.01 return params
class ORSOutput(ORSSheets): """A module to publish results tables, and restore default values to user input fields.""" def __init__(self, ORSCalculatorInstance, xlInstance): self.ORS = ORSCalculatorInstance #self.xlInst = xlInstance self.Sheet = Sheet(xlInstance) self.InputSheet = "Input" self.CalculationSheet = "Calculation" self.StatsSheet = "Statistics" self.NetworkName = self.ORS.networknames[0] self.DateOrigin = pos(row=4, col=1) # The postion to place the fist date def Populate_Reliability_Stats(self): """Write the 2015 determination statistics to a prebuilt table in excel. Used on the 'Statistics' sheet.""" # Table origin is the top left ComComOrigin = pos(row=4, col=1) CalcOrigin = pos(row=4, col=9) # The row order of the values being calcualted by the ORSCalculator # TODO: The row text must match the values _get_stats() is expecting, we may need to introduce some aliases to make it more readable RowHeadings = [["UBV"], ["LIMIT"], ["TARGET"], ["COLLAR"], ["CAP"]] CalcRowValues = [ self.ORS._get_stats(heading[0]) for heading in RowHeadings ] # ORS calcualted values CCRowValues = [ self.ORS._get_CC_stats(heading[0]) for heading in RowHeadings ] # Com Com hard coded values # Work out how many columns we need to offset these SAIDI, SAIFI results NetworkOrder = [ "ELIN", "OTPO", "TPCO" ] # The order the networks are presented going across the table in excel try: Offset = NetworkOrder.index(self.NetworkName) except ValueError: print "%s is not a recognised network" % self.NetworkName Offset = 0 # Default option Offset *= 2 # Table 1 self.Sheet.setRange( self.StatsSheet, ComComOrigin.row, ComComOrigin.col, RowHeadings) # Write the row headings into the table ComComOrigin.col += 1 # Incriment the next column (i.e. don't overwrite row headings) row = ComComOrigin.row for rowValue in CalcRowValues: # The SAIDI/SAIFI values are written to excel in the order that they are returned by the ORSCalculator function self.Sheet.setRange(self.StatsSheet, row, ComComOrigin.col + Offset, [rowValue]) row += 1 # Table 2 self.Sheet.setRange(self.StatsSheet, CalcOrigin.row, CalcOrigin.col, RowHeadings) CalcOrigin.col += 1 # Incriment the next column (i.e. don't overwrite row headings) row = CalcOrigin.row for rowValue in CCRowValues: # The SAIDI/SAIFI values are written to excel in the order that they are returned by the ORSCalculator function self.Sheet.setRange(self.StatsSheet, row, CalcOrigin.col + Offset, [rowValue]) row += 1 def Create_Summary_Table(self): """Create a summary sheet in excel, delete it if it already exisits""" # Remove the sheet, if it exists, then re-add it -- Don't do this when adding multiple networks self.Sheet.rmvSheet(removeList=[self.OutputFileName]) self.Sheet.addSheet(self.OutputFileName) def Summary_Table(self, suffix): """Publish a summary of the year-to-date stats at the bottom of every sheet""" suffix = " " + suffix network = self.ORS.networknames[0] currentDate = RowHeadings = ["CAP", "TARGET", "COLLAR" ] # The order the rows appear in the Excel spreadsheet TableHeadings = [ "YTD Cap", "YTD Target", "YTD Collar", "YTD Total", "YTD Planned", "YTD Unplanned", "Projected Incentive/Penalty" ] columns = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] if network == "ELIN": RowOffset = 2 ColOffset = 1 elif network == "OTPO": RowOffset = 2 + 12 ColOffset = len(self.IndexHeadings) * len(self.DataHeadings) + 1 elif network == "TPCO": RowOffset = 2 + 2 * 12 ColOffset = len(self.IndexHeadings) * len( self.DataHeadings) * (len(self.NetworkHeadings) - 1) + 1 maxrow = self.Sheet.getMaxRow(self.CalculationSheet + suffix, 1, 4) self.Sheet.setRange( "Summary", maxrow + RowOffset, 1, [[network] + TableHeadings]) # Write the heading data # Find the row that corrosponds to the current date Dates = self.Sheet.getRange(self.CalculationSheet + suffix, 4, 1, maxrow, 1) Dates = [self.Sheet.getDateTime(Date[0]) for Date in Dates] # Convert a 2D list of tuples to a 1D list try: index = Dates.index( datetime.datetime(currentDate.year, currentDate.month, except ValueError: index = len(Dates) - 1 for param in self.IndexHeadings: # Read the entire row of data YTD_row = self.Sheet.getRange( self.CalculationSheet + suffix, index + 4, 1, index + 4, self.Sheet.getMaxCol(self.CalculationSheet + suffix, 2, 3))[0] # Convert the row data to: CAP, TARGET, COLLAR, YTD Total, YTD Planned, YTD Unplanned #YTD_row[ColOffset : len(DataHeadings)+ColOffset+1] i = self.IndexHeadings.index(param) TableRow = [ YTD_row[ColOffset], YTD_row[ColOffset + 1], YTD_row[ColOffset + 2], YTD_row[ColOffset + 3] + YTD_row[ColOffset + 4], YTD_row[ColOffset + 3], [ 0.5 * CC_Revenue_At_Risk.get(network, 0) / (self.ORS._get_stats("CAP")[i] - self.ORS._get_stats("TARGET")[i]) ] ] RowOffset += 1 self.Sheet.setRange("Summary", maxrow + RowOffset, 1, [[param] + TableRow]) # Write the heading data ColOffset += len(self.DataHeadings) Table = [] Table.append([ "Revenue at risk", CC_Revenue_At_Risk.get(network, "No Revenue Found") ]) # Revenue at Risk Table.append([ "Total Number of ICPs", self.ORS._get_total_customers(Dates[index]) ]) # Total Number of ICPs Table.append(["Year to date figures as of", Dates[index]]) # Date self.Sheet.setRange("Summary", maxrow + RowOffset + 1, 1, Table) def Generate_Values(self, enddate, startdate=None): """ Generate dictionary key value pairs for "Rob's" template - suitable for commercial team. @param enddate: Date to stop counting SAIDI and SAIFI for the YTD figures. @param startdate: Defaults to the 1/4/<1 year less than end>. Date to start counting SAIDI and SAIFI for YTD figures. @return: A dictionary of the keyword spesfic to the ORS instance currently being handled This functoin will work with date ranges larger than 1 year, but the CC_SAIDI_YTD/CC_SAIFI_YTD interpolations will be meainingless as these are intended to be scaled over 1 whole year starting on 1/4/n and ending on 31/3/n+1. """ if not startdate: year = self.ORS._get_fiscal_year( enddate ) - 1 # Function returns the fiscal year (int) for the given date startdate = datetime.datetime(year, 4, 1) else: year = self.ORS._get_fiscal_year(startdate) - 1 # Some checks... any future dates will be redfined as the present date assert startdate < enddate, "The end date is set before the startdate" now = if now < enddate: enddate = datetime.datetime(now.year, now.month, year = self.ORS._get_fiscal_year(enddate) - 1 # Fixed sheet data name = self.Rename_Network(self.NetworkName) + "_" params = {} params[name + "DATE_END"] = enddate params[name + "CUST_NUM"] = self.ORS._get_total_customers(enddate) # Annual data Dates = self.Generate_Dates(startdate, enddate) Dates = [Date[0] for Date in Dates] SAIDI_, SAIFI_ = self._Calc_Rows( Dates, self.ORS ) # (planned, unplanned, unplanned normed) for the given dates params[name + "SAIDI_NORMED_OUT"] = np.sum(SAIDI_, 0)[2] params[name + "SAIFI_NORMED_OUT"] = np.sum(SAIFI_, 0)[2] params[name + "SAIDI_UNPLANNED"] = np.sum(SAIDI_, 0)[1] params[name + "SAIFI_UNPLANNED"] = np.sum(SAIFI_, 0)[1] params[name + "SAIDI_PLANNED"] = np.sum(SAIDI_, 0)[0] params[name + "SAIFI_PLANNED"] = np.sum(SAIFI_, 0)[0] params[name + "RAW_PLANNED"] = np.sum( [self.ORS._get_num_faults(date, "planned") for date in Dates]) params[name + "RAW_UNPLANNED"] = np.sum( [self.ORS._get_num_faults(date, "unplanned") for date in Dates]) params[name + "RAW_NUM_MAJOR_EVENTS_SAIDI"] = len( self.ORS.get_capped_days(Dates[0], Dates[-1])[0]) params[name + "RAW_NUM_MAJOR_EVENTS_SAIFI"] = len( self.ORS.get_capped_days(Dates[0], Dates[-1])[1]) # Monthly data (present month) Dates = self.Generate_Dates( datetime.datetime(enddate.year, enddate.month, 1), enddate) Dates = [Date[0] for Date in Dates] SAIDI_, SAIFI_ = self._Calc_Rows( Dates, self.ORS ) # (planned, unplanned, unplanned normed) for the given dates params[name + "SAIDI_MONTH_NORMED_OUT"] = np.sum(SAIDI_, 0)[2] params[name + "SAIFI_MONTH_NORMED_OUT"] = np.sum(SAIFI_, 0)[2] params[name + "SAIDI_MONTH_UNPLANNED"] = np.sum(SAIDI_, 0)[1] params[name + "SAIFI_MONTH_UNPLANNED"] = np.sum(SAIFI_, 0)[1] params[name + "SAIDI_MONTH_PLANNED"] = np.sum(SAIDI_, 0)[0] params[name + "SAIFI_MONTH_PLANNED"] = np.sum(SAIFI_, 0)[0] params[name + "RAW_MONTH_PLANNED"] = np.sum( [self.ORS._get_num_faults(date, "planned") for date in Dates]) params[name + "RAW_MONTH_UNPLANNED"] = np.sum( [self.ORS._get_num_faults(date, "unplanned") for date in Dates]) params[name + "RAW_MONTH_NUM_MAJOR_EVENTS_SAIDI"] = len( self.ORS.get_capped_days(Dates[0], Dates[-1])[0]) params[name + "RAW_MONTH_NUM_MAJOR_EVENTS_SAIFI"] = len( self.ORS.get_capped_days(Dates[0], Dates[-1])[1]) # Com Com Interpolations (could use np.linspace) SAIDI_TARGET, SAIFI_TARGET = self.ORS._get_CC_stats("TARGET") num_days = (datetime.datetime(year + 1, 3, 31) - datetime.datetime(year, 3, 31)).days x_days = (enddate - startdate).days SAIDI_M = SAIDI_TARGET / num_days SAIFI_M = SAIFI_TARGET / num_days params[name + "CC_SAIDI_YTD"] = SAIDI_M * (1 + x_days) params[name + "CC_SAIFI_YTD"] = SAIFI_M * (1 + x_days) params[name + "CC_SAIDI_TARGET"] = CC_Vals.get( self.NetworkName).get("SAIDI_TARGET") params[name + "CC_SAIFI_TARGET"] = CC_Vals.get( self.NetworkName).get("SAIFI_TARGET") params[name + "CC_SAIDI_CAP"] = CC_Vals.get( self.NetworkName).get("SAIDI_CAP") params[name + "CC_SAIFI_CAP"] = CC_Vals.get( self.NetworkName).get("SAIFI_CAP") params[name + "CC_SAIDI_COLLAR"] = CC_Vals.get( self.NetworkName).get("SAIDI_COLLAR") params[name + "CC_SAIFI_COLLAR"] = CC_Vals.get( self.NetworkName).get("SAIFI_COLLAR") params[name + "CC_REV_RISK"] = CC_Revenue_At_Risk.get(self.NetworkName) * 0.01 return params
class ParseORS(object): NetworkNames = ["ELIN", "TPCO", "OTPO", "LLNW"] # The order the network names appear in the input spreadsheet InputSheet = "Input" # The name of the Excel sheet used for user input Months = ["March (yr 0)", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December", "January", "February", "March (yr 1)"] # The months in a fiscal year def __init__(self, xlInstance): self.xlInst = xlInstance self.Sheet = Sheet(xlInstance) # Create some dictionaries to hold customer numbers self.Customer_Nums = {} for name in self.NetworkNames: self.Customer_Nums[name] = {} # Create a ordered list of network charts/tables to display self.StartDates = [] def Read_Num_Cust(self): """Read the average number of customers""" o = pos(row=3, col=1) Table = self.Sheet.getRange(self.InputSheet, o.row, o.col, self.Sheet.getMaxRow(self.InputSheet, o.col, o.row), self.Sheet.getMaxCol(self.InputSheet, o.col, o. row)) # Get the number of customers - fill up the dictionaries for row in Table: cell = row.__iter__() year = # Skip to column B # Skip over column C for name in self.NetworkNames: self.Customer_Nums[name][year] = # Get the value of the current cell and incriment the address pointer return self.Customer_Nums def _Read_Last_Date(self): """Read the last date the user has input data for""" o = pos(row=3, col=1) # Read the last date in the yearly table FinalDate = self.Sheet.getCell(self.InputSheet, o.col, self.Sheet.getMaxCol(self.InputSheet, o.col, o. row)) return self.Sheet.getDateTime(FinalDate) def Read_Num_Cust_Final(self): """Read the number of customers in the final year only. This is data from the by month table.""" o = pos(row=3, col=1) MonthlyICPs = {} # Read the last date in the yearly table FinalDate = self._Read_Last_Date() Table = self.Sheet.getRange(self.InputSheet, o.row, o.col, self.Sheet.getMaxRow(self.InputSheet, o.col, o.row), self.Sheet.getMaxCol(self.InputSheet, o.col, o. row)) def Read_Dates_To_Publish(self): """Read the dates that require results to be outputted. Returns the date range expected by the ORS calcualtor.""" o = pos(row=3, col=1) Table = self.Sheet.getRange(self.InputSheet, o.row, o.col, self.Sheet.getMaxRow(self.InputSheet, o.col, o.row), self.Sheet.getMaxCol(self.InputSheet, o.col, o. row)) # Get the number of customers - fill up the dictionaries for row in Table: if row[-1] == "Y" or row[-1] == "y": self.StartDates.append(datetime.datetime(row[0].year-1, 4, 1)) # Substract 1 from the end of fiscal year to get the start of the year if len(self.StartDates): return min(self.StartDates), datetime.datetime(max(self.StartDates).year+1, 3, 31) # Add 1 back to the year, so we get the end of fiscal year else: return None, None def Read_Last_Date(self): """Read (get) the last date field""" o = pos(row=17, col=12) lastdate = self.Sheet.getCell(self.InputSheet, o.row, o.col) try: return self.Sheet.getDateTime(lastdate) except AttributeError: # The user entered an invalid date return def Restore_Input_Default(self): """Restore the default state of the table that has all the ICP counts for each network""" o = pos(row=3, col=1) OutputTable = [] for year in CUST_NUMS.get(self.NetworkNames[0]): RowData = [datetime.datetime(year, 3, 31), year-1] for name in self.NetworkNames: RowData.append(CUST_NUMS.get(name).get(year)) #RowData.append("Y") # The default option is to display the sheet OutputTable.append(RowData) # Sort the rows in the table so that we have the dates in cronological order OutputTable = sorted(OutputTable, key=lambda e: e[0], reverse=False) # Set the output range in excel self.Sheet.setRange(self.InputSheet, o.row-1, o.col+2, [self.NetworkNames]) self.Sheet.setRange(self.InputSheet, o.row, o.col, OutputTable) def Set_Mean_ICPs(self, lastyear): """Sets the mean (average) number of ICPS in the annual table from records in the monthly table. The date 31/03/XXXX must appear in the main annual data table, otherwise no updates will occur.""" o_table1 = pos(row=3, col=1) # Top left cnr of annual table o_table2 = pos(row=3, col=11) # Top left cnr of the monthly table # Table Rows: [Month name, Year of months occurance, self.NetworkNames[]] # Find the average number of ICPs coloffset = 2 # Offset of ICP data from the left most column in the table maxrow = 15 # Last row in the table for network in self.NetworkNames: # Find the number of records in the monthly table lastrow = self.Sheet.getMaxRow(self.InputSheet, coloffset + o_table2.col, o_table2.row) if lastrow > maxrow: lastrow = o_table2.row # Compute the average number of ICPs (using the first and last row in the monthly table, # in the case of only a single month, then the first and last row are the same). avrg = (self.Sheet.getCell(self.InputSheet, lastrow, coloffset + o_table2.col) + \ self.Sheet.getCell(self.InputSheet, o_table2.row, coloffset + o_table2.col)) / 2 # Place the average in the specified record # Input param replcaed the line below #lastyear = int(self.Sheet.getCell(self.InputSheet, o_table2.row, o_table2.col + 1)) + 1 try: lastrow = self.Sheet.brief_search(self.InputSheet, "31/03/"+str(lastyear+1)).Row self.Sheet.setCell(self.InputSheet, lastrow, coloffset + o_table1.col, avrg) except: pass coloffset += 1 def Restore_Table_2(self, lastyear=None): """Builds the table for gathering ICP data by month""" o_table1 = pos(row=3, col=1) # Top left cnr of annual table o_table2 = pos(row=3, col=11) # Top left cnr of the monthly table # Get the row for the last date in the annual data table (table1) lastrow = self.Sheet.getMaxRow(self.InputSheet, o_table1.col, o_table1.row) if lastrow > 10000: lastrow = o_table1.row # If lastyear is None, then the last row in year in the last row of the # annual data table (table1) is used. if not lastyear: lastyear = self.Sheet.getDateTime( self.Sheet.getCell(self.InputSheet, lastrow, o_table1.col)).year # Build the two left most column of table 2 (Months names, Fiscal year) rowindex = 0 # Iterate over an array of months (arranged in order for a fiscal year) for month in self.Months: fiscalyear = lastyear if self.Months.index("December") >= self.Months.index(month): # We are in first 3/4 of the year fiscalyear -= 1 # Write each row in table2 (first two columns only), for example, "March (yr0), 2016" self.Sheet.setRange(self.InputSheet, o_table2.row+rowindex, o_table2.col, [(month, fiscalyear)]) rowindex += 1 # DON'T DO THIS! This will copy the last years average... we want the number of ICPs # as of the 31st March on the previous fiscal year instead... # Automatically copy the previous years data to record 0 ##lastrow -= 1 # Get the previous years data ##if lastrow <= o_table1.row: ## lastrow = o_table1.row ##previousrange= self.Sheet.getRange(self.InputSheet, lastrow, o_table1.col+2, lastrow, o_table1.col+5) ##self.Sheet.setRange(self.InputSheet, o_table2.row, o_table2.col+2, previousrange) def Set_Year(self, year): """Used to update the table labels at the end/start of a new fiscal year""" o_table1 = pos(row=3, col=1) # Top left cnr of annual table o_table2 = pos(row=3, col=11) # Top left cnr of the monthly table # Try and find the year in table1, otherwise create a new row(s) lastrow = self.Sheet.getMaxRow(self.InputSheet, o_table1.col, o_table1.row) if lastrow > 10000: lastrow = o_table1.row try: lastyear = self.Sheet.getDateTime( self.Sheet.getCell(self.InputSheet, lastrow, o_table1.col)).year except: lastyear = datetime.datetime.strptime( self.Sheet.getCell(self.InputSheet, lastrow, o_table1.col), "%d/%m/%Y").year # Change the labels on table 2 to match the selected year self.Restore_Table_2(year+1) while lastyear <= year: # We need to create some new rows in table1 lastrow += 1 lastyear += 1 self.Sheet.setRange(self.InputSheet, lastrow, o_table1.col, [(datetime.datetime(lastyear, 3, 31), lastyear-1)])