Esempio n. 1
def dump(**kwargs):

    if kwargs["configFileFullPath"]:
        DATAMINING_CONFIG = json.loads(pUtils.quickFileRead(kwargs["configFileFullPath"]))
        DATAMINING_CONFIG = json.loads(
                os.path.join(os.environ["MTP_TESTSTATION"], "MTP", "config", "miselu", "database", kwargs["config"])


    ###   Create virtual table of testRunID's   ###
    SNlist = None
    v = []
    s = "SELECT testRunID INTO TEMP TABLE SelectedTestRunID FROM TestRun"
    s += "\n  WHERE creationTimestamp>=%s"
    if kwargs["creationTimestamp_rangeEnd"] != None:
        s += "\n    AND creationTimestamp<=%s"
    if kwargs["startTimestamp_rangeStart"] != None:
        s += "\n    AND startTimestamp>=%s"
    if kwargs["startTimestamp_rangeEnd"] != None:
        s += "\n    AND startTimestamp<=%s"
    if kwargs["endTimestamp_rangeStart"] != None:
        s += "\n    AND endTimestamp>%s"
    if kwargs["endTimestamp_rangeEnd"] != None:
        s += "\n    AND endTimestamp<%s"

    if SNlist != None:
        s += "\n    AND (    SN=%s"
        s += "\n          OR SN=%s" * (len(SNlist) - 1)
        s += "\n )"
        v += SNlist

    if kwargs["siteID"] != None:
        s += "\n    AND siteID=%s"
    if kwargs["stationID"] != None:
        s += "\n    AND stationID=%s"
    if kwargs["testSequenceID"] != None:
        s += "\n    AND testSequenceID=%s"
    if kwargs["isPass"] != None:
        s += "\n    AND isPass=%s"

    # s+=' limit 10'
    s += "\n ;"
    sql.execute(s, v)  ##TODO check if it is blocking or not

    # For every table, filtered with the TestRunID's table and write it to a file
    directoryFullPath = kwargs["directoryFullPath"]
    if len(os.listdir(directoryFullPath)) != 0:
        raise Exception("Directory specified for dump is not empty")

    for tableName in tableNameList:
        v = []
        s = "COPY"
        s += "\n (SELECT %s.* FROM %s,SelectedTestRunID"
        s += "\n WHERE SelectedTestRunID.testRunID = %s.testRunID)"
        s += "\n TO STDOUT"
        s += "\n WITH CSV "
        s += "\n  HEADER "
        s = s % ((tableName,) * 3)

        fileFullPath = os.path.join(directoryFullPath, fileBaseName + "_" + tableName + "." + extension)
        with open(fileFullPath, "wt") as f:
            sql.cur.copy_expert(s, f)


    createManifest(MANIFEST_FILE_NAME, directoryFullPath)

    return {"retCode": 0, "errMsg": None}
Esempio n. 2
 def __init__(self,dbConfig):
     self.sql = SQL(**dbConfig)
Esempio n. 3
def load(**kwargs):
    directoryFullPath = kwargs["directoryFullPath"]

    t = verify(manifestFileFullPath=os.path.join(directoryFullPath, MANIFEST_FILE_NAME))
    if t["retCode"] != 0:
        return {"retCode": 1, "errMsg": "Checksum verification failed!", "debug": t}

    if kwargs["configFileFullPath"]:
        DATAMINING_CONFIG = json.loads(pUtils.quickFileRead(kwargs["configFileFullPath"]))
        DATAMINING_CONFIG = json.loads(
                os.path.join(os.environ["MTP_TESTSTATION"], "MTP", "config", "miselu", "database", kwargs["config"])


    for tableName in tableNameList:
        # Create Empty Temp table
        v = []
        s = "SELECT * INTO TEMP TABLE %s FROM %s"
        s += "\n WHERE testRunID!=testRunID"
        s = s % (tableName + "_t", tableName)
        sql.execute(s, v)

        # Load temp table
        v = []
        s = "COPY"
        s += "\n %s"
        s += "\n FROM STDIN"
        s += "\n WITH CSV "
        s += "\n  HEADER"
        s = s % (tableName + "_t")
        fileFullPath = os.path.join(directoryFullPath, fileBaseName + "_" + tableName + "." + extension)

        with open(fileFullPath, "rt") as f:
            sql.cur.copy_expert(s, f)

    # Create TestRubID_input reference table
    v = ["Table1", "Table2", "Table2"]
    s = "WITH Table2 as (SELECT testrunID FROM TestRun_t)"
    s += "\n, TableDiff AS ("
    s += "\n   SELECT MIN(tableName) as tableName"
    s += "\n   , testrunID"
    s += "\n   FROM"
    s += "\n   ("
    s += "\n    SELECT %s AS tableName"
    s += "\n    , testrunID"
    s += "\n    FROM TestRun"
    s += "\n    UNION ALL"
    s += "\n    SELECT %s AS tableName"
    s += "\n    , testrunID"
    s += "\n    FROM Table2"
    s += "\n   ) AS MCH_UnionTable1"
    s += "\n   GROUP BY testRunID"
    s += "\n   HAVING COUNT(*) = 1"
    s += "\n   ORDER BY tableName"
    s += "\n  )"
    s += "SELECT * INTO TEMP TABLE TestRunID_input FROM TableDiff WHERE tableName = %s"
    s += "\n;"
    sql.execute(s, v)

    for tableName in tableNameList:
        # Insert new records
        v = []
        s = "INSERT INTO %s"
        s += "\n (SELECT %s.* FROM %s,TestRunID_input WHERE TestRunID_input.testRunID = %s.testRunID)"
        s += "\n;"
        s = s % ((tableName,) + (tableName + "_t",) * 3)
        sql.execute(s, v)

    newRecordsAmount ="SELECT COUNT(*) FROM TestRunID_input", [])[0][0]

    return {"retCode": 0, "errMsg": None, "newRecordsAmount": newRecordsAmount}
Esempio n. 4
class DataMiningApi:
    Contains functions for mining the data collected in the line.
        * dbConfig (dict): Contains the database connection parametes (see :ref:`label_config`).
    def __init__(self,dbConfig):
        self.sql = SQL(**dbConfig)
    def getTestRunData_all(self,testSequenceID,startRange=None,endRange=None,SNlist=None,isPass=None):
        Used only by getTestRunData. For more information see getTestRunData docstring
        v = [testSequenceID]
        ss_TestRunAllPass =   '******'
        ss_TestRunAllPass+= '\n (SELECT * FROM TestRun'
        ss_TestRunAllPass+= '\n  WHERE testSequenceID=%s'
        if isPass!=None:
            ss_TestRunAllPass+= '\n    AND isPass=%s'
        if startRange!=None:
            ss_TestRunAllPass+= '\n    AND endTimestamp>%s'
        if endRange!=None:
            ss_TestRunAllPass+= '\n    AND endTimestamp<%s'
        if SNlist!=None:
            ss_TestRunAllPass+= '\n    AND (    SN=%s'
            ss_TestRunAllPass+= '\n          OR SN=%s'*(len(SNlist)-1)
            ss_TestRunAllPass+= '\n )'
            v+= SNlist
        ss_TestRunAllPass+= '\n )'
        s = 'WITH '+ss_TestRunAllPass+'\n SELECT * from TestRunAllPass;'
        return self.sql.quickSqlRead(s,v,False)
    def getTestRunData_first(self,testSequenceID,startRange=None,endRange=None,SNlist=None,isPass=None):
        Used only by getTestRunData. For more information see getTestRunData docstring
        v = [testSequenceID]
        ss_FirstPass =   '******'
        ss_FirstPass+= '\n (SELECT SN,MIN(endTimestamp) AS endTimestamp FROM TestRun'
        ss_FirstPass+= '\n  WHERE testSequenceID=%s'
        if isPass!=None:
            ss_FirstPass+= '\n    AND isPass=%s'
        if startRange!=None:
            ss_FirstPass+= '\n    AND endTimestamp>%s'
        if endRange!=None:
            ss_FirstPass+= '\n    AND endTimestamp<%s'   
        if SNlist!=None:
            ss_FirstPass+= '\n    AND (    SN=%s'
            ss_FirstPass+= '\n          OR SN=%s'*(len(SNlist)-1)
            ss_FirstPass+= '\n )'
            v+= SNlist
        ss_FirstPass+= '\n GROUP BY SN'
        ss_FirstPass+= '\n )'
        ss_TestRunFirstPass =   '******'
        ss_TestRunFirstPass+= '\n (SELECT TestRun.* FROM TestRun, FirstPass'
        ss_TestRunFirstPass+= '\n  WHERE TestRun.SN = FirstPass.SN'
        ss_TestRunFirstPass+= '\n    AND TestRun.endTimestamp = FirstPass.endTimeStamp'
        ss_TestRunFirstPass+= '\n )'
        s = 'WITH '+ss_FirstPass+'\n ,'+ss_TestRunFirstPass + '\n SELECT * from TestRunFirstPass;'
        return self.sql.quickSqlRead(s,v,False)
    def getTestRunData_last(self,testSequenceID,startRange=None,endRange=None,SNlist=None,isPass=None):
        Used only by getTestRunData. For more information see getTestRunData docstring
        v = [testSequenceID]
        ss_LastPass =   '******'
        ss_LastPass+= '\n (SELECT SN,MAX(endTimestamp) AS endTimestamp FROM TestRun'
        ss_LastPass+= '\n  WHERE testSequenceID=%s'
        if isPass!=None:
            ss_LastPass+= '\n    AND isPass=%s'
        if startRange!=None:
            ss_LastPass+= '\n    AND endTimestamp>%s'
        if endRange!=None:
            ss_LastPass+= '\n    AND endTimestamp<%s'   
        if SNlist!=None:
            ss_LastPass+= '\n    AND (    SN=%s'
            ss_LastPass+= '\n          OR SN=%s'*(len(SNlist)-1)
            ss_LastPass+= '\n )'
            v+= SNlist
        ss_LastPass+= '\n GROUP BY SN'
        ss_LastPass+= '\n )'
        ss_TestRunLastPass =   '******'
        ss_TestRunLastPass+= '\n (SELECT TestRun.* FROM TestRun, LastPass'
        ss_TestRunLastPass+= '\n  WHERE TestRun.SN = LastPass.SN'
        ss_TestRunLastPass+= '\n    AND TestRun.endTimestamp = LastPass.endTimeStamp'
        ss_TestRunLastPass+= '\n )'
        s = 'WITH '+ss_LastPass+'\n ,'+ss_TestRunLastPass + '\n SELECT * from TestRunLastPass;'
        return self.sql.quickSqlRead(s,v,False)
    def getTestRunData(self,testSequenceID,startRange=None,endRange=None,SNlist=None,isPass=None,firstOrLastOnly='last'):
        Queries the database and returns a table containing the data from TestRun table after having been
        filtered by the arguments.
        * testSequenceID (str): testSequenceID to filter by
        * startRange (str): The start of the time range to mine.
                            The format should be the same as accepted by the database manager.
                            The timestamp when the test was ended is the one used.
        * endRange (str):   The start of the time range to mine.
                            The format should be the same as accepted by the database manager.
                            The timestamp when the test was ended is the one used.
        * SNlist (list): A list of SN (str) to filter by
        * isPass (bool+None): If True:  filter for only testruns that are a PASS
                              If False: filter for only testruns that are a FAIL
                              If None: Don't filter, get them both
        * firstOrLastOnly (str): If 'first': Get only the first test run per SN (from the filtered set)
                                 If 'last':  Get only the last  test run per SN (from the filtered set)
                                 If  None:   Get all test runs of each SN (from the filtered set)
            A table (list of tuples). Containing the resulting data
        | WARNING: When using firstOrLastOnly keep in mind that such will take either the first or last test run per serial number from the set of records that is
        | filtered by the other parameters, such as  isPass, startRange and endRange, etc.
        | For example, if you want for each SN, the last of the PASS test runs within a range, you can get it by using these parameters.
        | But if you want for each SN  within a range, the last test run and only if such last testrun was a PASS, then you need to leave
        | isPass=None and firstOrLastOnly='last'. Then filter out afterwards those that were a FAIL. Because if the last testrun within a range is a FAIL,
        | but there is an earlier record that passed, the isPass flag would filter the FAIL and pick the earlier PASS.
        if firstOrLastOnly==None:
            return self.getTestRunData_all(testSequenceID,startRange,endRange,SNlist,isPass)
        elif firstOrLastOnly=='first':
            return self.getTestRunData_first(testSequenceID,startRange,endRange,SNlist,isPass)
        elif firstOrLastOnly=='last':
            return self.getTestRunData_last(testSequenceID,startRange,endRange,SNlist,isPass)
            raise Exception('getTestRunData: Invalid parameter for firstOrLastOnly')
    def getComponents(self,testRunID):
        Queries the database and returns the contents of the Components table for
        the given TestRunID.
        * testRunID (str): The testRunID of the testRun of interest
            A dictionary containing the key,value pairs of data from the Components table
        d = {}
        s = 'SELECT key,value FROM Components'
        s+='\n WHERE %s=testRunID'
        v = [testRunID]
        data = self.sql.quickSqlRead(s,v,False)
        for row in data:
        return d
    def getYieldAndFailureData(self,startRange,endRange):
        Queries the database and prepares a data structure containing
        per station how many uuts passed on the first try *(first pass yield)*,
        how many units passed after the retests *(last pass yield)* and the total
        of units tested.
        Additionally for every test of every test station it contains how many units
        fail such test also on both, first and last pass basis.
        * startRange (str): The start of the time range to mine (the format should be the same as accepted by the database manager)
        * endRange (str): The end of the time range to mine (the format should be the same as accepted by the database manager)
            A dictionary of the form:
        .. code-block:: python
        d1 = self.getYieldData(startRange,endRange)
        d2 = self.getFailureData(startRange,endRange)
        for testSequenceID in d1:
            if testSequenceID not in d2: continue
            testNameList = sorted (d2[testSequenceID].keys())
            testNameDataList = []
            for testName in testNameList:
        return d1

    def getYieldData(self,startRange,endRange):
        Queries the database and prepares a data structure containing
        per station how many uuts passed on the first try *(first pass yield)*,
        how many units passed after the retests *(last pass yield)* and the total
        of units tested.
        * startRange (str): The start of the time range to mine (the format should be the same as accepted by the database manager)
        * endRange (str): The end of the time range to mine (the format should be the same as accepted by the database manager)
            A dictionary of the form:
        .. code-block:: python
        ###   First Pass Yield   ###
        s = ' SELECT COUNT(TestRun.SN) AS units,TestRun.testSequenceID,TestRun.isPass FROM TestRun,'
        s+= '    (SELECT SN,testSequenceID, MIN(startTimestamp) AS selectedTimestamp'
        s+= '    FROM TestRun'
        s+= '    WHERE'
        s+= '        startTimestamp > %s'
        s+= '    AND startTimeStamp < %s'
        s+= '    GROUP BY SN,testSequenceID) AS t'
        s+= ' WHERE '
        s+= '     TestRun.SN = t.SN'
        s+= ' AND TestRun.testSequenceID = t.testSequenceID'
        s+= ' AND TestRun.startTimeStamp = selectedTimestamp'
        s+= ' GROUP BY TestRun.testSequenceID,TestRun.isPass'
        s+= ';'
        v = [startRange,endRange]
        data1 = self.sql.quickSqlRead(s,v)
        ###   Last Pass Yield   ###
        s = ' SELECT COUNT(TestRun.SN) AS units,TestRun.testSequenceID,TestRun.isPass FROM TestRun,'
        s+= '    (SELECT SN,testSequenceID, MAX(startTimestamp) AS selectedTimestamp'
        s+= '    FROM TestRun'
        s+= '    WHERE'
        s+= '        startTimestamp > %s'
        s+= '    AND startTimeStamp < %s'
        s+= '    GROUP BY SN,testSequenceID) AS t'
        s+= ' WHERE '
        s+= '     TestRun.SN = t.SN'
        s+= ' AND TestRun.testSequenceID = t.testSequenceID'
        s+= ' AND TestRun.startTimeStamp = selectedTimestamp'
        s+= ' GROUP BY TestRun.testSequenceID,TestRun.isPass'
        s+= ';'
        v = [startRange,endRange]
        data2 = self.sql.quickSqlRead(s,v)
        d = {}
        for entry in data1:
            if entry[1] not in d:
                d[entry[1]] = [0,0,0]
            if entry[2]:       
                d[entry[1]][0] = entry[0]
            d[entry[1]][2] += entry[0]
        for entry in data2:    
            if entry[2]:       
                d[entry[1]][1] = entry[0]
        return d

    def getFailureData(self,startRange,endRange):
        Queries the database and prepares a data structure containing
        for every test of every test station how many units
        fail such test on both, first and last pass basis.
        * startRange (str): The start of the time range to mine (the format should be the same as accepted by the database manager)
        * endRange (str): The end of the time range to mine (the format should be the same as accepted by the database manager)
            A dictionary of the form:
        .. code-block:: python

        s = ' SELECT COUNT(TestRun.SN),TestRun.testSequenceID,TestRun.lastTestEntered FROM TestRun,'
        s+= '    (SELECT SN,testSequenceID,MIN(startTimestamp) as selectedTimestamp' 
        s+= '     FROM TestRun'
        s+= '     WHERE'
        s+= '         startTimestamp > %s'
        s+= '     AND startTimeStamp < %s'
        s+= '     GROUP BY SN,testSequenceID) AS t'
        s+= ' WHERE'
        s+= '     TestRun.SN = t.SN'
        s+= ' AND TestRun.testSequenceID = t.testSequenceID'
        s+= ' AND TestRun.startTimeStamp = selectedTimestamp'
        s+= ' AND TestRun.isPass = FALSE'
        s+= ' GROUP BY TestRun.testSequenceID,TestRun.lastTestEntered'
        s+= ';'
        v = [startRange,endRange]
        data1 = self.sql.quickSqlRead(s,v)

        s = ' SELECT COUNT(TestRun.SN),TestRun.testSequenceID,TestRun.lastTestEntered FROM TestRun,'
        s+= '    (SELECT SN,testSequenceID,MAX(startTimestamp) as selectedTimestamp' 
        s+= '     FROM TestRun'
        s+= '     WHERE'
        s+= '         startTimestamp > %s'
        s+= '     AND startTimeStamp < %s'
        s+= '     GROUP BY SN,testSequenceID) AS t'
        s+= ' WHERE'
        s+= '     TestRun.SN = t.SN'
        s+= ' AND TestRun.testSequenceID = t.testSequenceID'
        s+= ' AND TestRun.startTimeStamp = selectedTimestamp'
        s+= ' AND TestRun.isPass = FALSE'
        s+= ' GROUP BY TestRun.testSequenceID,TestRun.lastTestEntered'
        s+= ';'
        data2 = self.sql.quickSqlRead(s,v)

        d = {}
        for entry in data1:
            if entry[1] not in d:
                d[entry[1]] = {}    
            if entry[2] not in d[entry[1]]:
                d[entry[1]][entry[2]] = [0,0]
            d[entry[1]][entry[2]][0] = entry[0]
        for entry in data2:
            if entry[1] not in d:
                d[entry[1]] = {}    
            if entry[2] not in d[entry[1]]:
                d[entry[1]][entry[2]] = [0,0]
            d[entry[1]][entry[2]][1] = entry[0]
        return d

    def getWIPdata(self,startRange=None,endRange=None):
        Queries the database to find out for each unit what was the last
        test sequence that it passed and returns an agregate per sequence ID.
        * startRange (str): The start of the time range to mine (the format should be the same as accepted by the database manager)
        * endRange (str): The end of the time range to mine (the format should be the same as accepted by the database manager)
            A dictionary of the form:
        .. code-block:: python
        s = ' SELECT COUNT(TestRun.SN) AS units,TestRun.testSequenceID FROM TestRun,'
        s+= '    (SELECT SN, MAX(startTimestamp) AS selectedTimestamp'
        s+= '    FROM TestRun'
        s+= '    WHERE'
        s+= '        TestRun.isPass = True'
        if startRange:
            s+= '    AND startTimestamp > %s'
        if endRange:
            s+= '    AND startTimeStamp < %s'
        s+= ' GROUP BY SN'
        s+= '    ) AS t'
        s+= ' WHERE '
        s+= '     TestRun.SN = t.SN'
        s+= ' AND TestRun.startTimestamp = selectedTimestamp'
        s+= ' GROUP BY TestRun.testSequenceID'
        s+= ';'
        v = [startRange,endRange]
        data = self.sql.quickSqlRead(s,v)
        d = {}
        for v,k in data:
            d[k] = v
        return d

    def getTestEntryList(self,testSequenceID):
        | Queries the database to find out the list of test for a given testSequenceID.
        | It uses the last time that a unit ran and pass hte station.
        * testSequenceID (str): The testSequenceID to use
            A nested list of the form:
        .. code-block:: python
                [ testName, [tesrMeasurementName,...,testMeasurementName] ],
                [ testName, [tesrMeasurementName,...,testMeasurementName] ],
        s =   ' SELECT testRunID FROM TestRun'
        s+= '\n WHERE testSequenceID = %s'
        s+= '\n   AND isPass = true'
        s+= '\n ORDER by endTimestamp DESC'
        s+= '\n LIMIT 1 '
        s+= '\n ;'
        v = [testSequenceID]
        data = self.sql.quickSqlRead(s,v)
            testRunId = data[0][0]
            return []
        s = 'SELECT testName,testMeasurementName'
        s+= '\n FROM TestMeasurement'
        s+= '\n WHERE testRunID = %s'
        s+= '\n ORDER BY endTimestamp ASC'
        s+= '\n ;'
        v = [testRunId]
        data = self.sql.quickSqlRead(s,v)
        testEntryList = []
        testEntry = [0,[]]
        for row in data:
            if testEntry[0]== row[0]:
                if testEntry[0]!= 0: #If is not the very first cycle
                testEntry = [row[0],[row[1]]]

        return testEntryList
    def getHorizontalaizedTestMeasurementData(self,testSequenceID,testEntryList,isPass=None,startRange=None,endRange=None,isLast=False,SNlist=None):
        Queries the database and returns a table containing
        *Horizontalized* Test Measurement Data
        * testSequenceID (str): testSequenceID to filter by
        * testEntryList (list): A nested list containing the test and test measurement names (see getTestEntryList docString for format details.
        * isPass (bool+None): If True:  filter for only testruns that are a PASS
                              If False: filter for only testruns that are a FAIL
                              If None: Don't filter, get them both
        * startRange (str): The start of the time range to mine.
                            The format should be the same as accepted by the database manager.
                            The timestamp when the test was ended is the one used.
        * endRange (str):   The start of the time range to mine.
                            The format should be the same as accepted by the database manager.
                            The timestamp when the test was ended is the one used.
        * isLast (bool): If true: only the last testrun, within the filtered subset, of each SN would be used.
                         If false: all testruns, within the filtered subset, of each SN would be used.
        * SNlist (list): A list of SN (str) to filter by
            A tuple. First element is a table with the data. Second element contain the header for each of the colums.
        | WARNING: When using isLast, keep in mind that such will take the las test run per serial number from the set of records that is
        | filtered by the other parameters, such as  isPass, startRange and endRange.
        | For example, if you want for each SN, the last of the PASS test runs within a range, you can get it by using these parameters.
        | But if you want for each SN  within a range, the last test run and only if such last testrun was a PASS, then you need to leave
        | isPass=None and isLast=True. Then filter out afterwards those that were a FAIL. Because if the last testrun within a range is a FAIL,
        | but there is an earlier record that passed, the isPass flag would filter the FAIL and pick the earlier PASS.
        ss_LastPass =   '******'
        ss_LastPass+= '\n (SELECT SN,MAX(endTimestamp) AS endTimestamp FROM TestRun'
        ss_LastPass+= '\n  WHERE testSequenceID=%s'
        if isPass!=None:
            ss_LastPass+= '\n    AND isPass=%s'
        if startRange!=None:
            ss_LastPass+= '\n    AND endTimestamp>%s'
        if endRange!=None:
            ss_LastPass+= '\n    AND endTimestamp<%s'   
        if SNlist!=None:
            ss_LastPass+= '\n    AND (    SN=%s'
            ss_LastPass+= '\n          OR SN=%s'*(len(SNlist)-1)
            ss_LastPass+= '\n )'
        ss_LastPass+= '\n GROUP BY SN'
        ss_LastPass+= '\n )'
        ss_TestRunLastPass =   '******'
        ss_TestRunLastPass+= '\n (SELECT TestRun.* FROM TestRun, LastPass'
        ss_TestRunLastPass+= '\n  WHERE TestRun.SN = LastPass.SN'
        ss_TestRunLastPass+= '\n    AND TestRun.endTimestamp = LastPass.endTimeStamp'
        ss_TestRunLastPass+= '\n )'
        ss_TestRunAllPass =   '******'
        ss_TestRunAllPass+= '\n (SELECT * FROM TestRun'
        ss_TestRunAllPass+= '\n  WHERE testSequenceID=%s'
        if isPass!=None:
            ss_TestRunAllPass+= '\n    AND isPass=%s'
        if startRange!=None:
            ss_TestRunAllPass+= '\n    AND endTimestamp>%s'
        if endRange!=None:
            ss_TestRunAllPass+= '\n    AND endTimestamp<%s'   
        if SNlist!=None:
            ss_TestRunAllPass+= '\n    AND (    SN=%s'
            ss_TestRunAllPass+= '\n          OR SN=%s'*(len(SNlist)-1)
            ss_TestRunAllPass+= '\n )'
        ss_TestRunAllPass+= '\n )'
        ss_InTestRunID =   'InTestRunID AS'
        if isLast:
            ss_InTestRunID+= '\n (SELECT testRunID,SN FROM TestRunLastPass)'
            ss_InTestRunID+= '\n (SELECT testRunID,SN FROM TestRunAllPass)'
        ss_TestMeasurementSubset =   'TestMeasurementSubset AS'
        ss_TestMeasurementSubset+= '\n (SELECT TestMeasurement.testRunID'
        ss_TestMeasurementSubset+= '\n        ,InTestRunID.SN'
        ss_TestMeasurementSubset+= '\n        ,TestMeasurement.testName'
        ss_TestMeasurementSubset+= '\n        ,TestMeasurement.testMeasurementName'
        ss_TestMeasurementSubset+= '\n        ,TestMeasurement.stringMeasurement AS val'
        ss_TestMeasurementSubset+= '\n        ,TestMeasurement.isPass'
        ss_TestMeasurementSubset+= '\n  FROM TestMeasurement, InTestRunID'
        ss_TestMeasurementSubset+= '\n  WHERE TestMeasurement.testRunID=InTestRunID.testRunID'
        ss_TestMeasurementSubset+= '\n )'
        ss_Horizontalize,v_Horizontalize = self.genHorizontalizeString('TableH','TestMeasurementSubset',testEntryList)
        if isLast:
            s = 'WITH '+ ss_LastPass
            s+= '\n , '+ ss_TestRunLastPass
            s = 'WITH '+ ss_TestRunAllPass
        s+= '\n , '+ ss_InTestRunID
        s+= '\n , '+ ss_TestMeasurementSubset
        s+= '\n , '+ ss_Horizontalize
        s+= '\n SELECT * from TestRun,TableH WHERE TestRun.testRunID=TableH.testRunID'
        s+= ';'
        v = [testSequenceID]
        if isPass!=None:
        if startRange!=None:
        if endRange!=None:
        if SNlist!=None:
            v+= SNlist
        v += v_Horizontalize

        ####   DEBUG   #############
        #ss = s
        #for i in range(len(v)):
        #    ss=ss.replace('%s',"'"+v[i]+"'",1)
        #print ss
        #print v
        return self.sql.quickSqlRead(s,v,True)

    def genHorizontalizeString(self,tableName,srcTableName,testEntryList):
           | Cretes a SQL string used to "orizontalize" and report all test measurements
           * tableName (str): The name of the Table to crate
           * srcTableName (str): The name of the Table to use as source
           * testEntryList (list): A nested list containing the test and test measurement names (see getTestEntryList docString for format details.
               A string with the SQL string
        if len(testEntry)==0:
            raise Exception('testEntryList lenght cannot be zero')
        v = []
        s = ''
        s+= tableName
        s+= '\n AS (SELECT t0.testRunID,t0.SN'
        for testEntry in testEntryList:
            testName = testEntry[0]
            for testMeasurementName in testEntry[1]:
                s+= '\n,'+testName+'_'+testMeasurementName
        i = 1
        isFirst = True
        for testEntry in testEntryList:
            testName = testEntry[0]
            for testMeasurementName in testEntry[1]:
                if isFirst:
                    s+= '\n FROM (SELECT DISTINCT testRunID,SN FROM '+srcTableName+' ) AS t0'
                s+= '\n FULL OUTER JOIN\n'
                s+=   '(SELECT testRunID,SN, val AS '+testName+'_'+testMeasurementName+' FROM '+srcTableName
                s+= '\n WHERE testName=%s'
                s+= '\n   AND testMeasurementName=%s'
                s+= '\n) AS '+'t'+str(i)        
                s+= ' ON t0.testRunID='+'t'+str(i)+'.testRunID'
                isFirst = False
        s+='\n )'
        return s,v
    def getDetailsFailureData(self,testSequenceID,startRange=None,endRange=None,SNlist=None):
        Queries the database and returns a structure with the details of the failures.
        Includes ALL test runs
        * testSequenceID (str): testSequenceID to filter by
        * startRange (str): The start of the time range to mine.
                            The format should be the same as accepted by the database manager.
                            The timestamp when the test was ended is the one used.
        * endRange (str):   The start of the time range to mine.
                            The format should be the same as accepted by the database manager.
                            The timestamp when the test was ended is the one used.
        * SNlist (list): A list of SN (str) to filter by
            A structure of the form:
            .. code-block:: python
                { fieldName1:fieldValue1,...,errorDict{testName_testMEasurementName:stringMeasurement,...}  },
        isPass = False
        v = [testSequenceID]
        ss_TestRunAllPass =   '******'
        ss_TestRunAllPass+= '\n (SELECT * FROM TestRun'
        ss_TestRunAllPass+= '\n  WHERE testSequenceID=%s'
        if isPass!=None:
            ss_TestRunAllPass+= '\n    AND isPass=%s'
        if startRange!=None:
            ss_TestRunAllPass+= '\n    AND endTimestamp>%s'
        if endRange!=None:
            ss_TestRunAllPass+= '\n    AND endTimestamp<%s'
        if SNlist!=None:
            ss_TestRunAllPass+= '\n    AND (    SN=%s'
            ss_TestRunAllPass+= '\n          OR SN=%s'*(len(SNlist)-1)
            ss_TestRunAllPass+= '\n )'
            v+= SNlist
        ss_TestRunAllPass+= '\n )'
        #s = 'WITH '+ss_TestRunAllPass+'\n SELECT * from TestRunAllPass;'
        s = 'WITH '+ss_TestRunAllPass
        s+= '\n SELECT TestRunAllPass.testRunID'
        s+= '\n ,TestRunAllPass.SN'
        s+= '\n ,TestRunAllPass.siteID'
        s+= '\n ,TestRunAllPass.stationID'
        s+= '\n ,TestRunAllPass.testSequenceID'
        s+= '\n ,TestRunAllPass.startTimestamp'
        s+= '\n ,TestRunAllPass.endTimestamp'
        s+= '\n ,TestRunAllPass.lastTestEntered'
        s+= '\n ,SubTestMeasurement.testName'
        s+= '\n ,SubTestMeasurement.testMeasurementName'
        s+= '\n ,SubTestMeasurement.stringMeasurement'
        s+= '\n FROM TestRunAllPass'
        s+= '\n  JOIN'
        s+= '\n (SELECT testName,testMeasurementName,stringMeasurement,testRunID'
        s+= '\n FROM TestMeasurement'
        s+= '\n WHERE isPass=%s ) AS SubTestMeasurement'
        s+= '\n ON TestRunAllPass.testRunID = SubTestMeasurement.testRunID'
        s+= '\n ORDER BY TestRunAllPass.testRunID ASC'
        s+='\n ;'
        resultTable = self.sql.quickSqlRead(s,v,False)
        TEST_RUN_ID_INDEX = 0
        SUB_HEADER = ['testRunID', 'SN','siteID','stationID','testSequenceID','startTimestamp','endTimestamp','lastTestEntered']
        returnList = []
        currentTestRunID = None
        for entry in resultTable:
            if currentTestRunID!=entry[TEST_RUN_ID_INDEX]:
                d1 = {}
                d2 = {}
                for i in range(len(SUB_HEADER)):
                    d1[SUB_HEADER[i]] = entry[i]
                d1['errorDict'] = d2
            offset = len(SUB_HEADER)
            d2[ entry[offset]+'_'+entry[offset+1] ] = entry[offset+2]
        return returnList