Esempio n. 1
# output uncertainty
uy1 = [1] * 29

#%% Setting the observed data set

# inputs
Estime.setDados(0, (time, uxtime), (temperature, uxtemperature))
# output
Estime.setDados(1, (y, uy1))

# Defining the previous data set to be used to parameter estimation
# dataType: Defines the purpose of the informed data set: estimacao, predicao.
# glx: Degrees of freedom of quantity x;
# gly: Degrees of freedom of quantity y;
Estime.setConjunto(dataType='estimacao', glx=[], gly=[])

#%% Optimization - estimating the parameters
# initial_estimative: List with the initial estimates for the parameters;
# lower_bound: List with the lower bounds for the parameters;
# upper_bound: List with the upper bounds for the parameters;
# algorithm: Informs the optimization algorithm that will be used. Each algorithm has its own keywords;
# optimizationReport: Informs whether the optimization report should be created (True or False);
# parametersReport: Informs whether the parameters report should be created (True or False).
Estime.optimize(initial_estimative=[0.005, 20000.000],
                lower_bound=[0.006, 15000],
                upper_bound=[100, 30000],
Esempio n. 2
    0.696, 0.582, 0.795, 0.800, 0.790, 0.883, 0.712, 0.576, 0.715, 0.673,
    0.802, 0.802, 0.804, 0.794, 0.804, 0.799, 0.764, 0.688, 0.717, 0.802,
    0.695, 0.808, 0.655, 0.309, 0.689, 0.437, 0.425, 0.638, .659, 0.449
# output uncertainty
uy = [1] * 41

#%% Setting the observed data set

# inputs
Estime.setDados(0, (time, uxtime), (temperature, uxtemperature))
# outputs
Estime.setDados(1, (y, uy))

# Defining the previous data set to be used to parameter estimation

#%% Optimization - estimating the parameters
# initial_estimative: List with the initial estimates for the parameters;
# algorithm: Informs the optimization algorithm that will be used. Each algorithm has its own keywords;
# optimizationReport: Informs whether the optimization report should be created (True or False);
Estime.optimize(initial_estimative=[18, 20000.000],

#%% Evaluating the parameters uncertainty and coverage region
# uncertaintyMethod: method for calculating the covariance matrix of the parameters;
# objectiveFunctionMapping: Deals with mapping the objective function (True or False);
Esempio n. 3
    631.0, 631.0, 639.0, 639.0, 639.0, 639.0, 639.0, 639.0, 639.0, 639.0, 639.0

uy = [1] * 41
uxtempo = [1] * 41
uxtemperatura = [1] * 41

#Execução do MT_PEU
Estime = EstimacaoNaoLinear(Modelo,
                            simbolos_x=['t', 'T'],
                            simbolos_param=['ko', 'E'],
Estime.setDados(0, (tempo, uxtempo), (temperatura, uxtemperatura))
Estime.setDados(1, (y, uy))
Estime.optimize(initial_estimative=[0.5, 25000], algoritmo='ipopt')
Estime.incertezaParametros(metodoIncerteza='Geral' '')

# Valores originais
hessian = array([[5.46625676e+00, -7.50116238e-03],
                 [-7.50116238e-03, 1.02960714e-05]])
sensibilidade = array([[-1.06335451e-01, 1.52826132e-04],
                       [-5.59353653e-02, 8.03907392e-05],
                       [-1.28132438e-01, 1.80542088e-04],
                       [-2.26100338e-01, 3.18581523e-04],
                       [-2.26100338e-01, 3.18581523e-04],
                       [-1.28132438e-01, 1.80542088e-04],
                       [-2.07847997e-01, 2.89084593e-04],
                       [-1.16257751e-01, 1.61696650e-04],
Esempio n. 4
# Output data uncertainty
uP = [
    0.08, 0.09, 0.09, 0.11, 0.17, 0.21, 0.25, 0.35, 0.40, 0.47, 0.48, 0.58,
    0.70, 0.89, 1.05, 1.28, 1.61, 2.00, 2.37, 2.90, 3.53, 4.32, 5.23

#%% Setting the observed data set
# inputs
Estimation.setDados(0, (T, uxT))
# outputs
Estimation.setDados(1, (P, uP))

# Defining the previous data set to be used to parameter estimation.
# dataType: Defines the purpose of the informed data set: estimacao, predicao.

#%% Optimization - estimating the parameters,
# initial_estimative: List with the initial estimates for the parameters;
# algorithm: Informs the optimization algorithm that will be used. Each algorithm has its own keywords;
# optimizationReport: Informs whether the optimization report should be created (True or False);
# parametersReport: Informs whether the parameters report should be created (True or False).
Estimation.optimize(initial_estimative=[1, 1.5, 0.009],

#%% Evaluating the parameters uncertainty and coverage region
# uncertaintyMethod: method for calculating the covariance matrix of the parameters: 2InvHessian, Geral, SensibilidadeModelo
# Geral obtains the parameters uncertainty matrix without approximations (most accurate), while 2InvHessian and SensibilidadeModelo involves
# some approximations.
Esempio n. 5
uP = [
    0.08, 0.09, 0.09, 0.11, 0.17, 0.21, 0.25, 0.35, 0.40, 0.47, 0.48, 0.58,
    0.70, 0.89, 1.05, 1.28, 1.61, 2.00, 2.37, 2.90, 3.53, 4.32, 5.23

#%% Setting the observed data set
# inputs
Estimation.setDados(0, (T, uT))
# outputs
Estimation.setDados(1, (P, uP))

# Defining the previous data set to be used to parameter estimation
# dataType: Defines the purpose of the informed data set: estimacao, predicao.
# glx: Degrees of freedom of quantity x;
# gly: Degrees of freedom of quantity y;
Estimation.setConjunto(dataType='estimacao', glx=[], gly=[])

#%% Optimization - estimating the parameters
# initial_estimative: List with the initial estimates for the parameters;
# lower_bound: List with the lower bounds for the parameters;
# algorithm: Informs the optimization algorithm that will be used. Each algorithm has its own keywords;
# optimizationReport: Informs whether the optimization report should be created (True or False);
# parametersReport: Informs whether the parameters report should be created (True or False).
Estimation.optimize(initial_estimative=[200, -80680.1],

#%% Evaluating the parameters uncertainty and coverage region
# uncertaintyMethod: method for calculating the covariance matrix of the parameters;
# objectiveFunctionMapping: Deals with mapping the objective function (True or False);