def do_reject(mlist):
    listowner = mlist.GetOwnerEmail()
    if mlist.nonmember_rejection_notice:
        raise Errors.RejectMessage(Utils.wrap(_(mlist.nonmember_rejection_notice)))
        raise Errors.RejectMessage(Utils.wrap(_("""\
Your message has been rejected, probably because you are not subscribed to the
mailing list and the list's policy is to prohibit non-members from posting to
it.  If you think that your messages are being rejected in error, contact the
mailing list owner at %(listowner)s.""")))
def process(mlist, msg, msgdata):
    # Short circuit if we've already calculated the recipients list,
    # regardless of whether the list is empty or not.
    if 'recips' in msgdata:
    # Should the original sender should be included in the recipients list?
    include_sender = 1
    sender = msg.get_sender()
        if mlist.getMemberOption(sender, mm_cfg.DontReceiveOwnPosts):
            include_sender = 0
    except Errors.NotAMemberError:
    # Support for urgent messages, which bypasses digests and disabled
    # delivery and forces an immediate delivery to all members Right Now.  We
    # are specifically /not/ allowing the site admins password to work here
    # because we want to discourage the practice of sending the site admin
    # password through email in the clear. (see also
    missing = []
    password = msg.get('urgent', missing)
    if password is not missing:
        if mlist.Authenticate((mm_cfg.AuthListPoster, mm_cfg.AuthListModerator,
                               mm_cfg.AuthListAdmin), password):
            recips = mlist.getMemberCPAddresses(mlist.getRegularMemberKeys() +
            msgdata['recips'] = recips
            # Bad Urgent: password, so reject it instead of passing it on.  I
            # think it's better that the sender know they screwed up than to
            # deliver it normally.
            realname = mlist.real_name
            text = _("""\
Your urgent message to the %(realname)s mailing list was not authorized for
delivery.  The original message as received by Mailman is attached.
            raise Errors.RejectMessage(Utils.wrap(text))
    # Calculate the regular recipients of the message
    recips = [
        mlist.getMemberCPAddress(m) for m in mlist.getRegularMemberKeys()
        if mlist.getDeliveryStatus(m) == ENABLED
    # Remove the sender if they don't want to receive their own posts
    if not include_sender:
        except (Errors.NotAMemberError, ValueError):
            # Sender does not want to get copies of their own messages (not
            # metoo), but delivery to their address is disabled (nomail).  Or
            # the sender is not a member of the mailing list.
    # Handle topic classifications
    do_topic_filters(mlist, msg, msgdata, recips)
    # Regular delivery exclude/include (if in/not_in To: or Cc:) lists
    recips = do_exclude(mlist, msg, msgdata, recips)
    recips = do_include(mlist, msg, msgdata, recips)
    # Bookkeeping
    msgdata['recips'] = recips
Esempio n. 3
def process(mlist, msg, msgdata):
    if msgdata.get('approved'):
    # First do site hard coded header spam checks
    for header, regex in mm_cfg.KNOWN_SPAMMERS:
        cre = re.compile(regex, re.IGNORECASE)
        for value in msg.get_all(header, []):
            mo =
            if mo:
                # we've detected spam, so throw the message away
                raise SpamDetected
    # Now do header_filter_rules
    # TK: Collect headers in sub-parts because attachment filename
    # extension may be a clue to possible virus/spam.
    headers = ''
    # Get the character set of the lists preferred language for headers
    lcset = GetCharSet(mlist.preferred_language)
    for p in msg.walk():
        headers += getDecodedHeaders(p, lcset)
    for patterns, action, empty in mlist.header_filter_rules:
        if action == mm_cfg.DEFER:
        for pattern in patterns.splitlines():
            if pattern.startswith('#'):
            # ignore 'empty' patterns
            if not pattern.strip():
            if, headers, re.IGNORECASE | re.MULTILINE):
                if action == mm_cfg.DISCARD:
                    raise Errors.DiscardMessage
                if action == mm_cfg.REJECT:
                    if msgdata.get('toowner'):
                        # Don't send rejection notice if addressed to '-owner'
                        # because it may trigger a loop of notices if the
                        # sender address is forged.  We just discard it here.
                        raise Errors.DiscardMessage
                    raise Errors.RejectMessage(
                        _('Message rejected by filter rule match'))
                if action == mm_cfg.HOLD:
                    if msgdata.get('toowner'):
                        # Don't hold '-owner' addressed message.  We just
                        # pass it here but list-owner can set this to be
                        # discarded on the GUI if he wants.
                    hold_for_approval(mlist, msg, msgdata, HeaderMatchHold)
                if action == mm_cfg.ACCEPT:
Esempio n. 4
def dispose(mlist, msg, msgdata, why):
    # filter_action == 0 just discards, see below
    if mlist.filter_action == 1:
        # Bounce the message to the original author
        raise Errors.RejectMessage(why)
    if mlist.filter_action == 2:
        # Forward it on to the list owner
        listname = mlist.internal_name()
The attached message matched the %(listname)s mailing list's content filtering
rules and was prevented from being forwarded on to the list membership.  You
are receiving the only remaining copy of the discarded message.

            subject=_('Content filtered message notification'))
    if mlist.filter_action == 3 and \
        badq = get_switchboard(mm_cfg.BADQUEUE_DIR)
        badq.enqueue(msg, msgdata)
    # Most cases also discard the message
    raise Errors.DiscardMessage
def process(mlist, msg, msgdata):
    if msgdata.get('approved'):
    # Is the poster a member or not?
    for sender in msg.get_senders():
        if mlist.isMember(sender):
        for sender in Utils.check_eq_domains(sender,
            if mlist.isMember(sender):
        if mlist.isMember(sender):
        sender = None
    if sender:
        # If the member's moderation flag is on, then perform the moderation
        # action.
        if mlist.getMemberOption(sender, mm_cfg.Moderate):
            # Note that for member_moderation_action, 0==Hold, 1=Reject,
            # 2==Discard
            if mlist.member_moderation_action == 0:
                # Hold.  BAW: WIBNI we could add the member_moderation_notice
                # to the notice sent back to the sender?
                msgdata['sender'] = sender
                Hold.hold_for_approval(mlist, msg, msgdata,
            elif mlist.member_moderation_action == 1:
                # Reject
                text = mlist.member_moderation_notice
                if text:
                    text = Utils.wrap(text)
                    # Use the default RejectMessage notice string
                    text = None
                raise Errors.RejectMessage(text)
            elif mlist.member_moderation_action == 2:
                # Discard.  BAW: Again, it would be nice if we could send a
                # discard notice to the sender
                raise Errors.DiscardMessage
                assert 0, 'bad member_moderation_action'
        # Should we do anything explict to mark this message as getting past
        # this point?  No, because further pipeline handlers will need to do
        # their own thing.
        sender = msg.get_sender()
    # From here on out, we're dealing with non-members.
    listname = mlist.internal_name()
    if mlist.GetPattern(sender,
    if mlist.GetPattern(sender,
        Hold.hold_for_approval(mlist, msg, msgdata, Hold.NonMemberPost)
        # No return
    if mlist.GetPattern(sender,
        # No return
    if mlist.GetPattern(sender,
        do_discard(mlist, msg)
        # No return
    # Okay, so the sender wasn't specified explicitly by any of the non-member
    # moderation configuration variables.  Handle by way of generic non-member
    # action.
    assert 0 <= mlist.generic_nonmember_action <= 4
    if mlist.generic_nonmember_action == 0 or msgdata.get('fromusenet'):
        # Accept
    elif mlist.generic_nonmember_action == 1:
        Hold.hold_for_approval(mlist, msg, msgdata, Hold.NonMemberPost)
    elif mlist.generic_nonmember_action == 2:
    elif mlist.generic_nonmember_action == 3:
        do_discard(mlist, msg)
Esempio n. 6
def process(mlist, msg, msgdata):
    # Short circuits
    # Do not short circuit. The problem is SpamDetect comes before Approve.
    # Suppose a message with an Approved: header is held by SpamDetect (or
    # any other handler that might come before Approve) and then approved
    # by a moderator. When the approved message reaches Approve in the
    # pipeline, we still need to remove the Approved: (pseudo-)header, so
    # we can't short circuit.
    #if msgdata.get('approved'):
    # Digests, Usenet postings, and some other messages come pre-approved.
    # TBD: we may want to further filter Usenet messages, so the test
    # above may not be entirely correct.
    # See if the message has an Approved or Approve header with a valid
    # list-moderator, list-admin.  Also look at the first non-whitespace line
    # in the file to see if it looks like an Approved header.  We are
    # specifically /not/ allowing the site admins password to work here
    # because we want to discourage the practice of sending the site admin
    # password through email in the clear.
    missing = []
    for hdr in ('approved', 'approve', 'x-approved', 'x-approve'):
        passwd = msg.get(hdr, missing)
        if passwd is not missing:
    if passwd is missing:
        # Find the first text/plain part in the message
        part = None
        stripped = False
        for part in typed_subpart_iterator(msg, 'text', 'plain'):
        # XXX I'm not entirely sure why, but it is possible for the payload of
        # the part to be None, and you can't splitlines() on None.
        if part is not None and part.get_payload() is not None:
            lines = part.get_payload(decode=True).splitlines()
            line = ''
            for lineno, line in zip(list(range(len(lines))), lines):
                if line.strip():
            i = line.find(':')
            if i >= 0:
                name = line[:i]
                value = line[i + 1:]
                if name.lower() in (
                    passwd = value.lstrip()
                    # Now strip the first line from the payload so the
                    # password doesn't leak.
                    del lines[lineno]
                    reset_payload(part, NL.join(lines))
                    stripped = True
        if stripped:
            # MAS: Bug 1181161 - Now try all the text parts in case it's
            # multipart/alternative with the approved line in HTML or other
            # text part.  We make a pattern from the Approved line and delete
            # it from all text/* parts in which we find it.  It would be
            # better to just iterate forward, but email compatability for pre
            # Python 2.2 returns a list, not a true iterator.  Also, there
            # are pathological MUAs that put the HTML part first.
            # This will process all the multipart/alternative parts in the
            # message as well as all other text parts.  We shouldn't find the
            # pattern outside the mp/a parts, but if we do, it is probably
            # best to delete it anyway as it does contain the password.
            # Make a pattern to delete.  We can't just delete a line because
            # line of HTML or other fancy text may include additional message
            # text.  This pattern works with HTML.  It may not work with rtf
            # or whatever else is possible.
            # If we don't find the pattern in the decoded part, but we do
            # find it after stripping HTML tags, we don't know how to remove
            # it, so we just reject the post.
            pattern = name + ':(\xA0|\s|&nbsp;)*' + re.escape(passwd)
            for part in typed_subpart_iterator(msg, 'text'):
                if part is not None and part.get_payload() is not None:
                    lines = part.get_payload(decode=True)
                    if, lines):
                        reset_payload(part, re.sub(pattern, '', lines))
                    elif, re.sub('(?s)<.*?>', '', lines)):
                        raise Errors.RejectMessage(REJECT)
    if passwd is not missing and mlist.Authenticate(
        (mm_cfg.AuthListPoster, mm_cfg.AuthListModerator,
         mm_cfg.AuthListAdmin), passwd):
        # BAW: should we definitely deny if the password exists but does not
        # match?  For now we'll let it percolate up for further determination.
        msgdata['approved'] = 1
        # Used by the Emergency module
        msgdata['adminapproved'] = 1
    # has this message already been posted to this list?
    beentheres = [s.strip().lower() for s in msg.get_all('x-beenthere', [])]
    if mlist.GetListEmail().lower() in beentheres:
        raise Errors.LoopError
Esempio n. 7
def process(mlist, msg, msgdata):
    # Before anything else, check DMARC if necessary.  We do this as early
    # as possible so reject/discard actions trump other holds/approvals and
    # wrap/munge actions get flagged even for approved messages.
    # But not for owner mail which should not be subject to DMARC reject or
    # discard actions.
    if not msgdata.get('toowner'):
        msgdata['from_is_list'] = 0
        dn, addr = parseaddr(msg.get('from'))
        if addr and mlist.dmarc_moderation_action > 0:
            if Utils.IsDMARCProhibited(mlist, addr):
                # Note that for dmarc_moderation_action, 0 = Accept,
                #    1 = Munge, 2 = Wrap, 3 = Reject, 4 = Discard
                if mlist.dmarc_moderation_action == 1:
                    msgdata['from_is_list'] = 1
                elif mlist.dmarc_moderation_action == 2:
                    msgdata['from_is_list'] = 2
                elif mlist.dmarc_moderation_action == 3:
                    # Reject
                    text = mlist.dmarc_moderation_notice
                    if text:
                        text = Utils.wrap(text)
                        listowner = mlist.GetOwnerEmail()
                        text = Utils.wrap(
                            _("""You are not allowed to post to this mailing list From: a domain which
publishes a DMARC policy of reject or quarantine, and your message has been
automatically rejected.  If you think that your messages are being rejected in
error, contact the mailing list owner at %(listowner)s."""))
                    raise Errors.RejectMessage, text
                elif mlist.dmarc_moderation_action == 4:
                    raise Errors.DiscardMessage

        # Get member address if any.
        for sender in msg.get_senders():
            if mlist.isMember(sender):
            sender = msg.get_sender()
        if (mlist.member_verbosity_threshold > 0
                and Utils.IsVerboseMember(mlist, sender)):
            mlist.setMemberOption(sender, mm_cfg.Moderate, 1)
                   '%s: Automatically Moderated %s for verbose postings.',
                   mlist.real_name, sender)

    if msgdata.get('approved'):
    # First do site hard coded header spam checks
    for header, regex in mm_cfg.KNOWN_SPAMMERS:
        cre = re.compile(regex, re.IGNORECASE)
        for value in msg.get_all(header, []):
            mo =
            if mo:
                # we've detected spam, so throw the message away
                raise SpamDetected
    # Now do header_filter_rules
    # TK: Collect headers in sub-parts because attachment filename
    # extension may be a clue to possible virus/spam.
    headers = u''
    # Get the character set of the lists preferred language for headers
    lcset = Utils.GetCharSet(mlist.preferred_language)
    for p in msg.walk():
        headers += getDecodedHeaders(p, lcset)
    for patterns, action, empty in mlist.header_filter_rules:
        if action == mm_cfg.DEFER:
        for pattern in patterns.splitlines():
            if pattern.startswith('#'):
            # ignore 'empty' patterns
            if not pattern.strip():
            pattern = Utils.xml_to_unicode(pattern, lcset)
            pattern = normalize(mm_cfg.NORMALIZE_FORM, pattern)
                mo =, headers,
                               re.IGNORECASE | re.MULTILINE | re.UNICODE)
            except (re.error, TypeError):
                       'ignoring header_filter_rules invalid pattern: %s',
            if mo:
                if action == mm_cfg.DISCARD:
                    raise Errors.DiscardMessage
                if action == mm_cfg.REJECT:
                    if msgdata.get('toowner'):
                        # Don't send rejection notice if addressed to '-owner'
                        # because it may trigger a loop of notices if the
                        # sender address is forged.  We just discard it here.
                        raise Errors.DiscardMessage
                    raise Errors.RejectMessage(
                        _('Message rejected by filter rule match'))
                if action == mm_cfg.HOLD:
                    if msgdata.get('toowner'):
                        # Don't hold '-owner' addressed message.  We just
                        # pass it here but list-owner can set this to be
                        # discarded on the GUI if he wants.
                    hold_for_approval(mlist, msg, msgdata,
                if action == mm_cfg.ACCEPT: