def init(self, battlefield, stack, opponents): self.opponents = opponents self.library = LibraryZone() self.hand = HandZone() self.graveyard = GraveyardZone() self.exile = ExileZone() self.battlefield = battlefield.get_view(self) self.stack = stack self.manapool = ManaPool() self.loadDeck() self.shuffle()
class Player(MtGObject): def life(): doc = "Player life property" def fget(self): return life(self._life) def fset(self, value): amount = value - self._life if amount > 0: self.gain_life(amount) elif amount < 0: self.lose_life(amount) return locals() life = property(**life()) # For overriding by replacement effects def gain_life(self, amount): self._life += amount self.send(LifeGainedEvent(), amount=amount) def lose_life(self, amount): self._life += amount # This seems weird, but amount is negative self.send(LifeLostEvent(), amount=amount) def __init__(self, name, deck): = name self._life = 20 self.poison = 0 self.land_actions = -1 self.hand_limit = 7 self.draw_empty = False self.decklist = deck def init(self, battlefield, stack, opponents): self.opponents = opponents self.library = LibraryZone() self.hand = HandZone() self.graveyard = GraveyardZone() self.exile = ExileZone() self.command = CommandZone() self.battlefield = battlefield.get_view(self) self.stack = stack self.manapool = ManaPool() self.loadDeck() self.shuffle() def newTurn(self): self.land_actions = 1 def reset(self): # return all cards to library for from_location in [self.battlefield, self.hand, self.graveyard, self.exile]: for card in from_location: card.move_to("library") def loadDeck(self): for num, name in self.decklist: num = int(num) for n in range(num): self.library.add_new_card(Card.create(name, owner=self)) # The following functions are part of the card code DSL def win(self, msg=''): if msg: msg = " %s and"%msg self.getIntention(msg="%s%s wins the game!"%(self, msg), notify=True) raise GameOverException() def lose(self, msg=''): if msg: msg = " %s and"%msg self.getIntention(msg="%s%s loses the game!"%(self, msg), notify=True) raise GameOverException() def concede(self): self.lose("concedes") def add_mana(self, *amount): if len(amount) > 1: amount = self.make_selection([('Add %s'%''.join(['{%s}'%c for c in col]), col) for col in amount], 1, prompt="Choose mana to add") else: amount = amount[0] # XXX This is a bit hacky - used by, ex Calciform Pools # Add X mana in any combination of W and/or U to your manapool if "(" in amount: amount = self.make_selection([('Add {%s}'%col, col) for col in generate_hybrid_choices(amount)], 1, prompt="Choose mana to add") self.manapool.add(amount) def shuffle(self): self.library.shuffle() def you_may(self, msg): return self.getIntention(prompt="You may %s"%msg,msg="Would you like to %s?"%msg) def you_may_pay(self, source, cost): if isinstance(cost, str): cost = ManaCost(cost) intent = self.getIntention(prompt="You may pay %s"%cost, msg="Would you like to pay %s"%cost) if intent and cost.precompute(source, self) and cost.compute(source, self):, self) return True else: return False def create_copy(self, card): copy = CardCopy.create(name=str(, owner=self) copy.clone(card) # Make sure it copies when it moves to the stack def modifyNewRole(self, new, zone): if str(zone) == "stack": new.clone(card) override(copy, "modifyNewRole", modifyNewRole) return self.exile.add_new_card(copy) def create_tokens(self, info, number=1, tag=''): return [self.exile.add_new_card(Token.create(info, owner=self, tag=tag)) for _ in range(number)] def play_tokens(self, info, number=1, tag=''): return [token.move_to("battlefield") for token in self.create_tokens(info, number, tag)] def create_emblem(self, ability): emblem = EmblemObject.create(ability=ability, owner=self) return self.command.add_new_card(emblem) def make_selection(self, sellist, number=1, required=True, prompt=''): if isinstance(sellist[0], tuple): idx=False else: idx=True return self.getSelection(sellist, numselections=number, required=required, idx=idx, prompt=prompt) # A hack to make cards like Door of Destinies work. -MageKing17 def choose_creature_type(self): import symbols subtypes = set() creature_types = lambda c: c.types.intersects(set((symbols.Creature, symbols.Tribal))) for cards in (getattr(player, zone).get(creature_types) for zone in ["battlefield", "graveyard", "exile", "library", "hand", "command"] for player in Keeper.players): for card in cards: subtypes.update(card.subtypes.current) subtypes.intersection_update(symbols.all_creatures) return self.make_selection(sorted(subtypes), prompt='Choose a creature type') def choose_opponent(self): if len(self.opponents) == 1: return tuple(self.opponents)[0] else: return self.getTarget(target_types=OpponentMatch(self), required=True, prompt="Select an opponent") def choose_player(self): return self.getTarget(target_types=isPlayer, required=True, prompt="Select player") def reveal_cards(self, cards, msg=''): # XXX I can't do a true asynchronous reveal until i move to the new networking # You can only reveal from hand or library self.doRevealCard(cards, all=True) def look_at(self, cards): # You can only look at cards from hand or library self.doRevealCard(cards, all=False, prompt="look at %s"%', '.join(map(str, cards))) def reveal_hand(self): pass def choose_from(self, cards, number, cardtype=isCard, required=True, prompt=''): if not prompt: prompt = "Choose %d card(s)"%number selected = self.getCardSelection(cards, number, cardtype=cardtype, required=required, prompt=prompt) if number == 1: return selected[0] if selected else None else: return selected def choose_from_zone(self, number=1, cardtype=isCard, zone="battlefield", action='', required=True, all=False): cards_in_zone = getattr(self, zone).get(cardtype) # If all is True, we should extend cards_in_zone; otherwise, it may falsely register that nothing is there when it's just controlled by your opponents. if all == True and zone == "battlefield": # Should this extend to any other zones? for opponent in self.opponents: cards_in_zone.extend(getattr(opponent, zone).get(cardtype)) # Well, I'll leave this a getattr() just in case. if zone == "library" and not cardtype == isCard: required = False if len(cards_in_zone) == 0 and not zone == "library": cards = [] elif number >= len(cards_in_zone) and required: cards = cards_in_zone else: cards = [] if zone == "battlefield" or zone == "hand": if number > -1: a = 's' if number > 1 else '' total = number prompt = "Select %s%s to %s: %d left of %d"%(cardtype, a, action, number, total) while number > 0: card = self.getTarget(cardtype, zone=zone, from_player=None if all else "you", required=required, prompt=prompt) if card == False: break if card in cards: prompt = "Card already selected - select again" self.send(InvalidTargetEvent(), target=card) else: cards.append(card) number -= 1 prompt = "Select %s%s to %s: %d left of %d"%(cardtype, a, action, number, total) else: number = 0 prompt = "Select any number of %s to %s: %d selected so far"%(cardtype, action, number) while number < cards_in_zone: card = self.getTarget(cardtype, zone=zone, from_player=None if all else "you", required=required, prompt=prompt) if card == False: break if card in cards: prompt = "Card already selected - select again" self.send(InvalidTargetEvent(), target=card) else: cards.append(card) number += 1 prompt = "Select any number of %s to %s: %d selected so far"%(cardtype, action, number) else: selection = list(getattr(self, zone)) if number >= -1: if number == 1: a = 'a' elif number == -1: a = 'any number of' else: a = str(number) cards = self.getCardSelection(selection, number=number, cardtype=cardtype, required=required, prompt="Search your %s for %s %s to %s."%(zone, a, cardtype, action)) if zone == "library": self.shuffle() return cards def draw(self, number=1): return sum([self.draw_single() for i in range(number)]) def draw_single(self): card = num = 0 if card == None: self.draw_empty = True else: num = 1 card.move_to("hand") self.send(DrawCardEvent()) return num def discard(self, card): if str( == "hand": card = card.move_to("graveyard") self.send(DiscardCardEvent(), card=card) return card else: return None def force_discard(self, number=1, cardtype=isCard): if number == -1: number = len(self.hand) cards = self.choose_from_zone(number, cardtype, "hand", "discard") return [self.discard(card) for card in cards] def discard_at_random(self, number=1): import random if len(self.hand) <= number: return self.force_discard(-1) else: return [self.discard(card) for card in random.sample(self.hand, number)] def discard_down(self): number = len(self.hand) - self.hand_limit if number > 0: return self.force_discard(number) else: return [] def flip_coin(self): import random return random.choice((True, False)) def sacrifice(self, perm): if perm.controller == self and str( == "battlefield": card = perm.move_to("graveyard") self.send(PermanentSacrificedEvent(), card=perm) return card else: return None def force_sacrifice(self, number=1, cardtype=isPermanent): perms = self.choose_from_zone(number, cardtype, "battlefield", "sacrifice") newperms = [] for perm in perms: newperms.append(self.sacrifice(perm)) return newperms def skip_next_turn(self, msg): def condition(keeper): if keeper.players.peek() == self: return True else: return False def skipTurn(keeper): keeper.newTurn() skipTurn.expire() return replace(Keeper, "newTurn", skipTurn, condition=condition, msg=msg) def take_extra_turn(self): Keeper.players.insert(self) @overridable(do_sum) def get_special_actions(self): return [check_concede] def setup_special_action(self, action): #408.2i. Some effects allow a player to take an action at a later time, usually to end a continuous effect or to stop a delayed triggered ability. This is a special action. A player can stop a delayed triggered ability from triggering or end a continuous effect only if the ability or effect allows it and only when he or she has priority. The player who took the action gets priority after this special action. #408.2j. Some effects from static abilities allow a player to take an action to ignore the effect from that ability for a duration. This is a special action. A player can take an action to ignore an effect only when he or she has priority. The player who took the action gets priority after this special action. (Only 3 cards use this: Damping Engine, Lost in Thought, Volrath's Curse) return override(self, "get_special_actions", lambda self: [action]) # Rule engine functions def mulligan(self, number): self.send(LogEvent(), msg="%s mulligans"%self) for card in self.hand: card.move_to(self.library) self.shuffle() self.draw(number) def checkUntapStep(self, cards): return True def untapStep(self): permanents = untapCards = set([card for card in self.battlefield if card.canUntapDuringUntapStep()]) prompt = "Select cards to untap" valid_untap = self.checkUntapStep(permanents) while not valid_untap: permanents = set() done_selecting = False perm = self.getPermanentOnBattlefield(prompt=prompt) while not done_selecting: if perm == True: done_selecting = True self.send(AllDeselectedEvent()) break elif perm == False: # reset untap permanents = untapCards self.send(AllDeselectedEvent()) prompt = "Selection canceled - select cards to untap" break else: if not perm in permanents and perm in untapCards: permanents.add(perm) self.send(CardSelectedEvent(), card=perm) prompt = "%s selected - select another"%perm elif perm in permanents: self.send(InvalidTargetEvent(), target=perm) prompt = "%s already selected - select another"%perm else: self.send(InvalidTargetEvent(), target=perm) prompt = "%s can't be untapped - select another"%perm perm = self.getPermanentOnBattlefield(prompt=prompt) if done_selecting: valid_untap = self.checkUntapStep(permanents) if not valid_untap: prompt = "Invalid selection - select again" for card in permanents: card.untap() def assignDamage(self, amt, source, combat=False): # amt is greater than 0 -= amt source.send(DealsDamageToEvent(), to=self, amount=amt, combat=combat) return amt def canBeTargetedBy(self, targetter): # For protection spells - XXX these should be stackable return True def isTargetedBy(self, targeter): self.send(TargetedByEvent(), targeter=targeter) def manaBurn(self): manaburn = self.manapool.manaBurn() if manaburn > 0: #take_burn = self.getIntention("Take mana burn?", "Take mana burn?") #if not take_burn: return False self.manapool.clear() -= manaburn return True def declareDefendingPlayer(self): return self.choose_opponent() def attackingIntention(self): # First check to make sure you have cards on the battlefield # XXX although if you have creatures with Flash this might not work since you can play it anytime has_creature = False for creature in self.battlefield.get(isCreature): if creature.canAttack(): has_creature = True if not has_creature: return False else: return True #self.getIntention("Declare intention to attack", msg="...attack this turn?") def declareAttackers(self, opponents): multiple_opponents = len(opponents) > 1 all_on_attacking_side = self.battlefield.get(isCreature) invalid_attack = True prompt = "Declare attackers (Enter to accept, Escape to reset)" while invalid_attack: attackers = set() done_selecting = False creature = self.getCombatCreature(mine=True, prompt=prompt) while not done_selecting: if creature == True: done_selecting = True break elif creature == False: self.send(AttackersResetEvent()) break else: if not creature in attackers and creature.canAttack(): possible_opponents = [opponent for opponent in opponents if creature.canAttackSpecific(opponent)] if possible_opponents: attackers.add(creature) self.send(AttackerSelectedEvent(), attacker=creature) # Now select who to attack if len(possible_opponents) > 1: while True: target = self.getTarget(target_types=(OpponentMatch(self), isPlaneswalker), zone="battlefield", prompt="Select opponent to attack") if target in possible_opponents: creature.setOpponent(target) break else: prompt = "Can't attack %s. Select again"%target else: creature.setOpponent(possible_opponents[0]) prompt = "%s selected - select another"%creature else: self.send(InvalidTargetEvent(), target=creature) prompt = "%s can't attack any available opponent - select another"%creature elif creature in attackers: self.send(InvalidTargetEvent(), target=creature) prompt = "%s already in combat - select another"%creature else: self.send(InvalidTargetEvent(), target=creature) prompt = "%s cannot attack - select another"%creature creature = self.getCombatCreature(mine=True, prompt=prompt) if done_selecting: not_attacking = set(all_on_attacking_side)-attackers invalid_attackers = [creature for creature in all_on_attacking_side if not creature.checkAttack(attackers, not_attacking)] + [creature for creature in attackers if not creature.computeAttackCost()] invalid_attack = len(invalid_attackers) > 0 if not invalid_attack: for creature in attackers: creature.payAttackCost() creature.setAttacking() else: prompt = "Invalid attack - choose another" for creature in invalid_attackers: self.send(InvalidTargetEvent(), target=creature) else: prompt = "Declare attackers (Enter to accept, Escape to reset)" return list(attackers) def reorderBlockers(self, combat_assignment): blocker_sets = {} do_reorder = False for attacker, blockers in combat_assignment.items(): if len(blockers) > 1: for blocker in blockers: blocker_sets[blocker] = (attacker, blockers) do_reorder = True if do_reorder: prompt = "Order blockers (enter to accept)" # Select blocker while True: blocker = self.getCombatCreature(mine=False, prompt=prompt) if blocker == True: # Done reordering break elif blocker == False: pass elif blocker in blocker_sets: attacker, blockers = blocker_sets[blocker] i = blockers.index(blocker) blockers[:] = [blocker] + blockers[:i] + blockers[i+1:] self.send(BlockersReorderedEvent(), attacker=attacker, blockers=blockers) else: self.send(InvalidTargetEvent(), target=blocker) prompt = "Invalid creature. Select blocker" return combat_assignment def declareBlockers(self, attackers): combat_assignment = dict([(attacker, []) for attacker in attackers]) # Make sure you have creatures to block all_on_blocking_side = self.battlefield.get(isCreature) if len(all_on_blocking_side) == 0: return combat_assignment invalid_block = True blocker_prompt = "Declare blockers (Enter to accept, Escape to reset)" while invalid_block: total_blockers = set() done_selecting = False while not done_selecting: blocker = self.getCombatCreature(mine=True, prompt=blocker_prompt) if blocker == True: done_selecting = True break elif blocker == False: # Reset the block self.send(BlockersResetEvent()) combat_assignment = dict([(attacker, []) for attacker in attackers]) break else: if blocker in total_blockers or not blocker.canBlock(): if blocker in total_blockers: reason = "already blocking" elif not blocker.canBlock(): reason = "can't block" self.send(InvalidTargetEvent(), target=blocker) blocker_prompt = "%s %s - select another blocker"%(blocker, reason) else: # Select attacker valid_attacker = False attacker_prompt = "Select attacker to block" while not valid_attacker: attacker = self.getCombatCreature(mine=False, prompt=attacker_prompt) if attacker == True: pass # XXX What does enter mean here? elif attacker == False: break # Pick a new blocker elif attacker.attacking and attacker.canBeBlocked() and blocker.canBlockAttacker(attacker) and attacker.canBeBlockedBy(blocker): valid_attacker = True total_blockers.add(blocker) combat_assignment[attacker].append(blocker) self.send(BlockerSelectedEvent(), attacker=attacker, blocker=blocker) attacker_prompt = "Select attacker to block" blocker_prompt = "Declare blockers (Enter to accept, Escape to reset)" else: if not attacker.attacking: reason = "cannot block non attacking %s"%attacker else: reason = "cannot block %s"%attacker self.send(InvalidTargetEvent(), target=blocker) self.send(InvalidTargetEvent(), target=attacker) attacker_prompt = "%s %s - select a new attacker"%(blocker,reason) if done_selecting: nonblockers = set(all_on_blocking_side)-total_blockers invalid_blockers = [creature for creature in attackers+all_on_blocking_side if not creature.checkBlock(combat_assignment, nonblockers)] + [creature for creature in total_blockers if not creature.computeBlockCost()] invalid_block = len(invalid_blockers) > 0 if not invalid_block: for attacker, blockers in combat_assignment.items(): if blockers: attacker.setBlocked(blockers) for blocker in blockers: blocker.payBlockCost() blocker.setBlocking(attacker) else: blocker_prompt = "Invalid defense - choose another" for creature in invalid_blockers: self.send(InvalidTargetEvent(), target=creature) else: blocker_prompt = "Declare blockers (Enter to accept, Escape to reset)" return combat_assignment def doNonInstantAction(self): return self.getAction(prompt="Play Spells, Activated Abilities, or Pass Priority") def doInstantAction(self): return self.getAction(prompt="Play Instants, Activated Abilities, or Pass Priority") def chooseAndDoAbility(self, card, abilities): numabilities = len(abilities) if numabilities == 0: return False elif numabilities == 1: ability = abilities[0] else: ability = self.make_selection(abilities, 1, required=False, prompt="%s: Select ability"%card) if ability == False: return False return def __str__(self): return def __repr__(self): return "%s at %s"%(, id(self)) # The following functions interface with the GUI of the game, and as a result they are kind # of convoluted. All interaction with the GUI is carried out through the input function (which # is set to dirty_input from the Incantus app) with a context object which indicates the action to perform # as well as a filtering function (process) that can convert user actions into game actions (or even # discard improper actions (see dirty_input). def input(self, context, prompt): self.send(GameFocusEvent()) return self.dirty_input(context, prompt) def getMoreMana(self, required): # if necessary when paying a cost def convert_gui_action(action): if isinstance(action, PassPriority): return False elif isinstance(action, CancelAction): return action sel = action.selection if not isPlayer(sel) and sel.controller == self: return action else: return False context = {"get_ability": True, "process": convert_gui_action} prompt = "Need %s - play mana abilities (Esc to cancel)"%"".join(['{%s}'%r for r in required]) # This loop seems really ugly - is there a way to structure it better? cancel = False # This is returned - it's a way to back out of playing an ability while True: action = self.input(context, "%s: %s"%(, prompt)) if isinstance(action, CancelAction): cancel = True break card = action.selection if self.chooseAndDoAbility(card, card.abilities.mana_abilities()): break return not cancel def getAction(self, prompt=''): def convert_gui_action(action): if isinstance(action, PassPriority) or isinstance(action, OKAction): return action elif isinstance(action, CancelAction): return False sel = action.selection if isinstance(sel, StackAbility): return False elif isinstance(sel, CastSpell): sel = sel.source if sel == self or (not isPlayer(sel) and sel.controller == self): return action else: return False #context = {"get_ability": True, "process": convert_gui_action} context = {"get_choice": True, 'msg': prompt, 'notify': True, 'options': 'Pass Priority', 'process': convert_gui_action} # This loop seems really ugly - is there a way to structure it better? passed = False while True: action = self.input(context, "%s: %s"%(,prompt)) if isinstance(action, PassPriority) or isinstance(action, OKAction): passed = True break object = action.selection if object == self: abilities = [(action.__doc__, action) for action in object.get_special_actions()] else: abilities = [(str(ability), ability) for ability in object.abilities.activated()] # Special actions! abilities.extend([("SPECIAL: "+action.__doc__, action) for action in object.get_special_actions()]) # Include the playing ability if not on the battlefield if not str( == "battlefield" and object.playable(): abilities.append(("Play %s"%object, object)) num = len(abilities) if num == 0: continue elif num == 1: ability = abilities[0][1] else: ability = self.make_selection(abilities, 1, required=False, prompt="%s: Select"%object) if ability == False: continue if hasattr(ability, "play"): if break else: if ability(object, self): break return not passed def getIntention(self, prompt='', msg="", options=None, notify=False): def filter(action): if not (isinstance(action, OKAction) or isinstance(action, CancelAction)): return False else: return action if not msg: msg = prompt if options is None: options = ("OK" if notify else ("Yes", "No")) context = {'get_choice': True, 'msg': msg, 'notify': notify, 'options': options, 'process': filter} #if not prompt: prompt = "Declare intention" result = self.input(context, "%s: %s"%(,prompt)) return isinstance(result, OKAction) def getSelection(self, sellist, numselections=1, required=True, idx=True, msg='', prompt=''): def filter(action): if isinstance(action, CancelAction) and not required: return action if not isinstance(action, PassPriority): return action.selection return False if msg == '': msg = prompt if idx == True: idx_sellist = [(val, i) for i, val in enumerate(sellist)] else: idx_sellist = [(val[0], i) for i, val in enumerate(sellist)] sellist = [val[1] for val in sellist] context = {'get_selection': True, 'list':idx_sellist, 'numselections': numselections, 'required': required, 'msg': msg, 'process': filter} # get_selection only returns indices into the given list sel = self.input(context,"%s: %s"%(,prompt)) if isinstance(sel, CancelAction): return False if numselections == 1: return sellist[sel] elif numselections == -1: return [sellist[i] for i in sel] else: return [sellist[i] for i in sel][:numselections] def getCardSelection(self, selection, number, cardtype=isCard, zone=None, player=None, required=True, prompt=''): def filter(action): if isinstance(action, CancelAction): if not required: return action else: return False if not isinstance(action, PassPriority): return action.selection else: return False if not isiterable(cardtype): cardtype = (cardtype,) def check_card(card): valid = True for ctype in cardtype: if ctype(card): break else: valid = False return valid if number > len(selection): number = len(selection) if not zone: zone = str(selection[0].zone) if not player: player = selection[0].controller context = {'get_cards': True, 'list':selection, 'numselections': number, 'required': required, 'process': filter, 'from_zone': zone, 'from_player': player, 'check_card': check_card} sel = self.input(context, "%s: %s"%(,prompt)) if isinstance(sel, CancelAction): return [] else: return sel def getPermanentOnBattlefield(self, prompt='Select permanent'): def filter(action): if isinstance(action, CancelAction) or isinstance(action, PassPriority): return action card = action.selection if isPermanent(card) and (card.controller == self): return card else: self.send(InvalidTargetEvent(), target=card) return False context = {'get_target': True, 'process': filter} card = self.input(context, "%s: %s"%(,prompt)) if isinstance(card, PassPriority): return True elif isinstance(card, CancelAction): return False else: return card def getCombatCreature(self, mine=True, prompt='Select target'): def filter(action): if isinstance(action, CancelAction) or isinstance(action, PassPriority): return action target = action.selection if isCreature(target) and ((mine and target.controller == self) or (not mine and target.controller in self.opponents)): return target else: self.send(InvalidTargetEvent(), target=target) return False context = {'get_target': True, 'process': filter} target = self.input(context, "%s: %s"%(,prompt)) if isinstance(target, PassPriority): return True elif isinstance(target, CancelAction): return False else: return target def getTarget(self, target_types, zone=None, from_player=None, required=True, prompt='Select target'): # If required is True (default) then you can't cancel the request for a target if not isiterable(target_types): target_types = (target_types,) def filter(action): # This function is really convoluted # If I return False here then the input function will keep cycling until valid input if isinstance(action, CancelAction): if not required: return action else: return False elif isinstance(action, PassPriority): return False target = action.selection if isPlayer(target) or ((not zone or str( == zone) and (not from_player or (from_player == "you" and target.controller == self) or (from_player == "opponent" and target.controller in self.opponents))): for target_type in target_types: if target_type(target): return target # Invalid target self.send(InvalidTargetEvent(), target=target) return False context = {'get_target': True, 'process': filter} target = self.input(context, "%s: %s"%(,prompt)) if isinstance(target, CancelAction) or isinstance(target, PassPriority): return False return target def getManaChoice(self, manapool_str, total_required, prompt="Select mana to spend"): def filter(action): if isinstance(action, CancelAction): return action else: return action.mana context = {'get_mana_choice': True, 'manapool': manapool_str, 'required': total_required, "process": filter, "from_player": self} result = self.input(context, "%s: %s"%(,prompt)) if isinstance(result, CancelAction): return False else: return result def getX(self, prompt="Select amount for X"): def filter(action): if isinstance(action, CancelAction): return action if isinstance(action, PassPriority): return False else: return action.amount context = {'get_X': True, "process": filter, "from_player": self} result = self.input(context, "%s: %s"%(,prompt)) if isinstance(result, CancelAction): return -1 else: return result def getDistribution(self, amount, targets, prompt=''): if not prompt: prompt = "Distribute %d to target permanents"%amount def filter(action): if isinstance(action, CancelAction): return False return action.assignment context = {'get_distribution': True, 'targets': targets, 'amount': amount, 'process': filter} return self.input(context, "%s: %s"%(,prompt)) def getDamageAssignment(self, blocking_list, prompt="Assign damage to blocking creatures", trample=False, deathtouch=False): def filter(action): if isinstance(action, CancelAction): return False else: assn = action.assignment # Check damage assignment for attacker, blockers in blocking_list: total = attacker.combatDamage() valid_lethal = True for blocker, dmg in assn: total -= dmg if (dmg < blocker.lethalDamage() and total > 0): valid_lethal = False if not ((deathtouch or valid_lethal) and ((trample and valid_lethal and total > 0) or (total == 0))): return False else: return action.assignment context = {'get_damage_assign': True, 'blocking_list': blocking_list, 'trample': trample, 'deathtouch': deathtouch, 'process': filter} return dict(self.input(context, "%s: %s"%(,prompt))) def doRevealCard(self, cards, all=True, prompt=''): import operator if not operator.isSequenceType(cards): cards = [cards] if not prompt: prompt = "reveals card(s) "+', '.join(map(str,cards)) zone = str(cards[0].zone) player = cards[0].controller context = {'reveal_card': True, 'cards': cards, 'from_zone': zone, 'from_player': player, 'all': all, 'process': lambda action: True} #isinstance(action, PassPriority)} return self.input(context, "%s: %s"%(, prompt))
class Player(MtGObject): def life(): doc = "Player life property" def fget(self): return life(self._life) def fset(self, value): amount = value - self._life if amount > 0: self.gain_life(amount) elif amount < 0: self.lose_life(amount) return locals() life = property(**life()) # For overriding by replacement effects def gain_life(self, amount): self._life += amount self.send(LifeGainedEvent(), amount=amount) def lose_life(self, amount): self._life += amount # This seems weird, but amount is negative self.send(LifeLostEvent(), amount=amount) def __init__(self, name, deck): = name self._life = 20 self.poison = 0 self.land_actions = -1 self.hand_limit = 7 self.draw_empty = False self.decklist = deck def init(self, battlefield, stack, opponents): self.opponents = opponents self.library = LibraryZone() self.hand = HandZone() self.graveyard = GraveyardZone() self.exile = ExileZone() self.battlefield = battlefield.get_view(self) self.stack = stack self.manapool = ManaPool() self.loadDeck() self.shuffle() def newTurn(self): self.land_actions = 1 def reset(self): # return all cards to library for from_location in [self.battlefield, self.hand, self.graveyard, self.exile]: for card in from_location: card.move_to("library") def loadDeck(self): for num, name in self.decklist: num = int(num) for n in range(num): self.library.add_new_card(Card.create(name, owner=self)) # The following functions are part of the card code DSL def win(self, msg=''): if msg: msg = " %s and"%msg self.getIntention(msg="%s%s wins the game!"%(self, msg), notify=True) raise GameOverException() def lose(self, msg=''): if msg: msg = " %s and"%msg self.getIntention(msg="%s%s loses the game!"%(self, msg), notify=True) raise GameOverException() def add_mana(self, *amount): if len(amount) > 1: amount = self.make_selection([('Add %s'%''.join(['{%s}'%c for c in col]), col) for col in amount], 1, prompt="Choose mana to add") else: amount = amount[0] # XXX This is a bit hacky - used by, ex Calciform Pools # Add X mana in any combination of W and/or U to your manapool if "(" in amount: amount = self.make_selection([('Add {%s}'%col, col) for col in generate_hybrid_choices(amount)], 1, prompt="Choose mana to add") self.manapool.add(amount) def shuffle(self): self.library.shuffle() def you_may(self, msg): return self.getIntention(prompt="You may %s"%msg,msg="Would you like to %s?"%msg) def you_may_pay(self, source, cost): if isinstance(cost, str): cost = ManaCost(cost) intent = self.getIntention(prompt="You may pay %s"%cost, msg="Would you like to pay %s"%cost) if intent and cost.precompute(source, self) and cost.compute(source, self):, self) return True else: return False def create_copy(self, card): copy = CardCopy.create(name=str(, owner=self) copy.clone(card) # Make sure it copies when it moves to the stack def modifyNewRole(self, new, zone): if str(zone) == "stack": new.clone(card) override(copy, "modifyNewRole", modifyNewRole) return self.exile.add_new_card(copy) def create_tokens(self, info, number=1, tag=''): return [self.exile.add_new_card(Token.create(info, owner=self)) for _ in range(number)] def play_tokens(self, info, number=1, tag=''): return [token.move_to("battlefield") for token in self.create_tokens(info, number)] def make_selection(self, sellist, number=1, required=True, prompt=''): if isinstance(sellist[0], tuple): idx=False else: idx=True return self.getSelection(sellist, numselections=number, required=required, idx=idx, prompt=prompt) # A hack to make cards like Door of Destinies work. -MageKing17 def choose_creature_type(self): import symbols subtypes = set() creature_types = lambda c: c.types.intersects(set((symbols.Creature, symbols.Tribal))) for cards in (getattr(player, zone).get(creature_types) for zone in ["battlefield", "graveyard", "exile", "library", "hand"] for player in Keeper.players): for card in cards: subtypes.update(card.subtypes.current) return self.make_selection(sorted(subtypes), prompt='Choose a creature type') def choose_opponent(self): if len(self.opponents) == 1: return tuple(self.opponents)[0] else: return self.getTarget(target_types=OpponentMatch(self), required=True, prompt="Select an opponent") def choose_player(self): return self.getTarget(target_types=isPlayer, required=True, prompt="Select player") def reveal_cards(self, cards, msg=''): # XXX I can't do a true asynchronous reveal until i move to the new networking # You can only reveal from hand or library self.doRevealCard(cards, all=True) def look_at(self, cards): # You can only look at cards from hand or library self.doRevealCard(cards, all=False, prompt="look at %s"%', '.join(map(str, cards))) def reveal_hand(self): pass def choose_from(self, cards, number, cardtype=isCard, required=True, prompt=''): if not prompt: prompt = "Choose %d card(s)"%number selected = self.getCardSelection(cards, number, cardtype=cardtype, required=required, prompt=prompt) if number == 1: return selected[0] if selected else None else: return selected def choose_from_zone(self, number=1, cardtype=isCard, zone="battlefield", action='', required=True, all=False): cards_in_zone = getattr(self, zone).get(cardtype) if zone == "library" and not cardtype == isCard: required = False if len(cards_in_zone) == 0 and not zone == "library": cards = [] elif number >= len(cards_in_zone) and required: cards = cards_in_zone else: cards = [] if zone == "battlefield" or zone == "hand": a = 's' if number > 1 else '' total = number prompt = "Select %s%s to %s: %d left of %d"%(cardtype, a, action, number, total) while number > 0: card = self.getTarget(cardtype, zone=zone, from_player=None if all else "you", required=required, prompt=prompt) if card == False: break if card in cards: prompt = "Card already selected - select again" self.send(InvalidTargetEvent(), target=card) else: cards.append(card) number -= 1 prompt = "Select %s%s to %s: %d left of %d"%(cardtype, a, action, number, total) else: selection = list(getattr(self, zone)) if number >= -1: if number == 1: a = 'a' elif number == -1: a = 'any number of' else: a = str(number) cards = self.getCardSelection(selection, number=number, cardtype=cardtype, required=required, prompt="Search your %s for %s %s to %s."%(zone, a, cardtype, action)) if zone == "library": self.shuffle() return cards def draw(self, number=1): return sum([self.draw_single() for i in range(number)]) def draw_single(self): card = num = 0 if card == None: self.draw_empty = True else: num = 1 card.move_to("hand") self.send(DrawCardEvent()) return num def discard(self, card): if str( == "hand": card = card.move_to("graveyard") self.send(DiscardCardEvent(), card=card) return card else: return None def force_discard(self, number=1, cardtype=isCard): if number == -1: number = len(self.hand) cards = self.choose_from_zone(number, cardtype, "hand", "discard") return [self.discard(card) for card in cards] def discard_down(self): number = len(self.hand) - self.hand_limit if number > 0: return self.force_discard(number) else: return [] def sacrifice(self, perm): if perm.controller == self and str( == "battlefield": card = perm.move_to("graveyard") self.send(PermanentSacrificedEvent(), card=perm) return card else: return None def force_sacrifice(self, number=1, cardtype=isPermanent): perms = self.choose_from_zone(number, cardtype, "battlefield", "sacrifice") for perm in perms: self.sacrifice(perm) return len(perms) def skip_next_turn(self, msg): def condition(keeper): if keeper.player_cycler.peek() == self: keeper.nextActivePlayer() return True else: return False def skipTurn(keeper): keeper.newTurn() skipTurn.expire() return replace(Keeper, "newTurn", skipTurn, condition=condition, msg=msg) def take_extra_turn(self): Keeper.player_cycler.insert(self) def setup_special_action(self, action): #408.2i. Some effects allow a player to take an action at a later time, usually to end a continuous effect or to stop a delayed triggered ability. This is a special action. A player can stop a delayed triggered ability from triggering or end a continuous effect only if the ability or effect allows it and only when he or she has priority. The player who took the action gets priority after this special action. #408.2j. Some effects from static abilities allow a player to take an action to ignore the effect from that ability for a duration. This is a special action. A player can take an action to ignore an effect only when he or she has priority. The player who took the action gets priority after this special action. (Only 3 cards use this: Damping Engine, Lost in Thought, Volrath's Curse) raise NotImplementedError() # Rule engine functions def mulligan(self, number): self.send(LogEvent(), msg="%s mulligans"%self) for card in self.hand: card.move_to(self.library) self.shuffle() self.draw(number) def checkUntapStep(self, cards): return True def untapStep(self): permanents = untapCards = set([card for card in self.battlefield if card.canUntapDuringUntapStep()]) prompt = "Select cards to untap" valid_untap = self.checkUntapStep(permanents) while not valid_untap: permanents = set() done_selecting = False perm = self.getPermanentOnBattlefield(prompt=prompt) while not done_selecting: if perm == True: done_selecting = True self.send(AllDeselectedEvent()) break elif perm == False: # reset untap permanents = untapCards self.send(AllDeselectedEvent()) prompt = "Selection canceled - select cards to untap" break else: if not perm in permanents and perm in untapCards: permanents.add(perm) self.send(CardSelectedEvent(), card=perm) prompt = "%s selected - select another"%perm elif perm in permanents: self.send(InvalidTargetEvent(), target=perm) prompt = "%s already selected - select another"%perm else: self.send(InvalidTargetEvent(), target=perm) prompt = "%s can't be untapped - select another"%perm perm = self.getPermanentOnBattlefield(prompt=prompt) if done_selecting: valid_untap = self.checkUntapStep(permanents) if not valid_untap: prompt = "Invalid selection - select again" for card in permanents: card.untap() def assignDamage(self, amt, source, combat=False): # amt is greater than 0 -= amt source.send(DealsDamageToEvent(), to=self, amount=amt, combat=combat) return amt def canBeTargetedBy(self, targetter): # For protection spells - XXX these should be stackable return True def isTargetedBy(self, targeter): self.send(TargetedByEvent(), targeter=targeter) def manaBurn(self): manaburn = self.manapool.manaBurn() if manaburn > 0: #take_burn = self.getIntention("Take mana burn?", "Take mana burn?") #if not take_burn: return False self.manapool.clear() -= manaburn return True def declareDefendingPlayer(self): return self.choose_opponent() def attackingIntention(self): # First check to make sure you have cards on the battlefield # XXX although if you have creatures with Flash this might not work since you can play it anytime has_creature = False for creature in self.battlefield.get(isCreature): if creature.canAttack(): has_creature = True if not has_creature: return False else: return True #self.getIntention("Declare intention to attack", msg="...attack this turn?") def declareAttackers(self, opponents): multiple_opponents = len(opponents) > 1 all_on_attacking_side = self.battlefield.get(isCreature) invalid_attack = True prompt = "Declare attackers (Enter to accept, Escape to reset)" while invalid_attack: attackers = set() done_selecting = False creature = self.getCombatCreature(mine=True, prompt=prompt) while not done_selecting: if creature == True: done_selecting = True break elif creature == False: self.send(AttackersResetEvent()) break else: if not creature in attackers and creature.canAttack(): attackers.add(creature) self.send(AttackerSelectedEvent(), attacker=creature) # Now select who to attack if multiple_opponents: while True: target = self.getTarget(target_types=(OpponentMatch(self), isPlaneswalker), zone="battlefield", prompt="Select opponent to attack") if target in opponents: creature.setOpponent(target) break else: prompt = "Can't attack %s. Select again"%target else: creature.setOpponent(opponents[0]) prompt = "%s selected - select another"%creature elif creature in attackers: self.send(InvalidTargetEvent(), target=creature) prompt = "%s already in combat - select another"%creature else: self.send(InvalidTargetEvent(), target=creature) prompt = "%s cannot attack - select another"%creature creature = self.getCombatCreature(mine=True, prompt=prompt) if done_selecting: not_attacking = set(all_on_attacking_side)-attackers invalid_attackers = [creature for creature in all_on_attacking_side if not creature.checkAttack(attackers, not_attacking)] + [creature for creature in attackers if not creature.computeAttackCost()] invalid_attack = len(invalid_attackers) > 0 if not invalid_attack: for creature in attackers: creature.payAttackCost() creature.setAttacking() else: prompt = "Invalid attack - choose another" for creature in invalid_attackers: self.send(InvalidTargetEvent(), target=creature) else: prompt = "Declare attackers (Enter to accept, Escape to reset)" return list(attackers) def reorderBlockers(self, combat_assignment): blocker_sets = {} do_reorder = False for attacker, blockers in combat_assignment.items(): if len(blockers) > 1: for blocker in blockers: blocker_sets[blocker] = (attacker, blockers) do_reorder = True if do_reorder: prompt = "Order blockers (enter to accept)" # Select blocker while True: blocker = self.getCombatCreature(mine=False, prompt=prompt) if blocker == True: # Done reordering break elif blocker == False: pass elif blocker in blocker_sets: attacker, blockers = blocker_sets[blocker] i = blockers.index(blocker) blockers[:] = [blocker] + blockers[:i] + blockers[i+1:] self.send(BlockersReorderedEvent(), attacker=attacker, blockers=blockers) else: self.send(InvalidTargetEvent(), target=blocker) prompt = "Invalid creature. Select blocker" return combat_assignment def declareBlockers(self, attackers): combat_assignment = dict([(attacker, []) for attacker in attackers]) # Make sure you have creatures to block all_on_blocking_side = self.battlefield.get(isCreature) if len(all_on_blocking_side) == 0: return combat_assignment invalid_block = True blocker_prompt = "Declare blockers (Enter to accept, Escape to reset)" while invalid_block: total_blockers = set() done_selecting = False while not done_selecting: blocker = self.getCombatCreature(mine=True, prompt=blocker_prompt) if blocker == True: done_selecting = True break elif blocker == False: # Reset the block self.send(BlockersResetEvent()) combat_assignment = dict([(attacker, []) for attacker in attackers]) break else: if blocker in total_blockers or not blocker.canBlock(): if blocker in total_blockers: reason = "already blocking" elif not blocker.canBlock(): reason = "can't block" self.send(InvalidTargetEvent(), target=blocker) blocker_prompt = "%s %s - select another blocker"%(blocker, reason) else: # Select attacker valid_attacker = False attacker_prompt = "Select attacker to block" while not valid_attacker: attacker = self.getCombatCreature(mine=False, prompt=attacker_prompt) if attacker == True: pass # XXX What does enter mean here? elif attacker == False: break # Pick a new blocker elif attacker.attacking and attacker.canBeBlocked() and blocker.canBlockAttacker(attacker) and attacker.canBeBlockedBy(blocker): valid_attacker = True total_blockers.add(blocker) combat_assignment[attacker].append(blocker) self.send(BlockerSelectedEvent(), attacker=attacker, blocker=blocker) attacker_prompt = "Select attacker to block" blocker_prompt = "Declare blockers (Enter to accept, Escape to reset)" else: if not attacker.attacking: reason = "cannot block non attacking %s"%attacker else: reason = "cannot block %s"%attacker self.send(InvalidTargetEvent(), target=blocker) self.send(InvalidTargetEvent(), target=attacker) attacker_prompt = "%s %s - select a new attacker"%(blocker,reason) if done_selecting: nonblockers = set(all_on_blocking_side)-total_blockers invalid_blockers = [creature for creature in attackers+all_on_blocking_side if not creature.checkBlock(combat_assignment, nonblockers)] + [creature for creature in total_blockers if not creature.computeBlockCost()] invalid_block = len(invalid_blockers) > 0 if not invalid_block: for attacker, blockers in combat_assignment.items(): if blockers: attacker.setBlocked(blockers) for blocker in blockers: blocker.payBlockCost() blocker.setBlocking(attacker) else: blocker_prompt = "Invalid defense - choose another" for creature in invalid_blockers: self.send(InvalidTargetEvent(), target=creature) else: blocker_prompt = "Declare blockers (Enter to accept, Escape to reset)" return combat_assignment def doNonInstantAction(self): return self.getAction(prompt="Play Spells, Activated Abilities, or Pass Priority") def doInstantAction(self): return self.getAction(prompt="Play Instants, Activated Abilities or Pass Priority") def chooseAndDoAbility(self, card, abilities): numabilities = len(abilities) if numabilities == 0: return False elif numabilities == 1: ability = abilities[0] else: ability = self.make_selection(abilities, 1, required=False, prompt="%s: Select ability"%card) if ability == False: return False return def __str__(self): return def __repr__(self): return "%s at %s"%(, id(self)) # The following functions interface with the GUI of the game, and as a result they are kind # of convoluted. All interaction with the GUI is carried out through the input function (which # is set to dirty_input from the Incantus app) with a context object which indicates the action to perform # as well as a filtering function (process) that can convert user actions into game actions (or even # discard improper actions (see dirty_input). def input(self, context, prompt): self.send(GameFocusEvent()) return self.dirty_input(context, prompt) def getMoreMana(self, required): # if necessary when paying a cost def convert_gui_action(action): if isinstance(action, PassPriority): return False elif isinstance(action, CancelAction): return action sel = action.selection if not isPlayer(sel) and sel.controller == self: return action else: return False context = {"get_ability": True, "process": convert_gui_action} prompt = "Need %s - play mana abilities (Esc to cancel)"%"".join(['{%s}'%r for r in required]) # This loop seems really ugly - is there a way to structure it better? cancel = False # This is returned - it's a way to back out of playing an ability while True: action = self.input(context, "%s: %s"%(, prompt)) if isinstance(action, CancelAction): cancel = True break card = action.selection if self.chooseAndDoAbility(card, card.abilities.mana_abilities()): break return not cancel def getAction(self, prompt=''): def convert_gui_action(action): if isinstance(action, PassPriority) or isinstance(action, OKAction) : return action elif isinstance(action, CancelAction): return False sel = action.selection if not isPlayer(sel) and sel.controller == self: return action else: return False #context = {"get_ability": True, "process": convert_gui_action} context = {"get_choice": True, 'msg': prompt, 'notify': True, 'options': 'Pass Priority', 'process': convert_gui_action} # This loop seems really ugly - is there a way to structure it better? passed = False while True: action = self.input(context, "%s: %s"%(,prompt)) if isinstance(action, PassPriority) or isinstance(action, OKAction): passed = True break card = action.selection abilities = [(str(ability), ability) for ability in card.abilities.activated()] # Include the playing ability if not on the battlefield if not str( == "battlefield" and card.playable(): abilities.append(("Play %s"%card, card)) num = len(abilities) if num == 0: continue elif num == 1: ability = abilities[0][1] else: ability = self.make_selection(abilities, 1, required=False, prompt="%s: Select"%card) if ability == False: continue if break return not passed def getIntention(self, prompt='', msg="", options=("Yes", "No"), notify=False): def filter(action): if not (isinstance(action, OKAction) or isinstance(action, CancelAction)): return False else: return action if not msg: msg = prompt context = {'get_choice': True, 'msg': msg, 'notify': notify, 'options': options, 'process': filter} #if not prompt: prompt = "Declare intention" result = self.input(context, "%s: %s"%(,prompt)) return isinstance(result, OKAction) def getSelection(self, sellist, numselections=1, required=True, idx=True, msg='', prompt=''): def filter(action): if isinstance(action, CancelAction) and not required: return action if not isinstance(action, PassPriority): return action.selection return False if msg == '': msg = prompt if idx == True: idx_sellist = [(val, i) for i, val in enumerate(sellist)] else: idx_sellist = [(val[0], i) for i, val in enumerate(sellist)] sellist = [val[1] for val in sellist] context = {'get_selection': True, 'list':idx_sellist, 'numselections': numselections, 'required': required, 'msg': msg, 'process': filter} # get_selection only returns indices into the given list sel = self.input(context,"%s: %s"%(,prompt)) if isinstance(sel, CancelAction): return False if numselections == 1: return sellist[sel] elif numselections == -1: return [sellist[i] for i in sel] else: return [sellist[i] for i in sel][:numselections] def getCardSelection(self, selection, number, cardtype=isCard, zone=None, player=None, required=True, prompt=''): def filter(action): if isinstance(action, CancelAction): if not required: return action else: return False if not isinstance(action, PassPriority): return action.selection else: return False if not isiterable(cardtype): cardtype = (cardtype,) def check_card(card): valid = True for ctype in cardtype: if ctype(card): break else: valid = False return valid if number > len(selection): number = len(selection) if not zone: zone = str(selection[0].zone) if not player: player = selection[0].controller context = {'get_cards': True, 'list':selection, 'numselections': number, 'required': required, 'process': filter, 'from_zone': zone, 'from_player': player, 'check_card': check_card} sel = self.input(context, "%s: %s"%(,prompt)) if isinstance(sel, CancelAction): return [] else: return sel def getPermanentOnBattlefield(self, prompt='Select permanent'): def filter(action): if isinstance(action, CancelAction) or isinstance(action, PassPriority): return action card = action.selection if isPermanent(card) and (card.controller == self): return card else: self.send(InvalidTargetEvent(), target=card) return False context = {'get_target': True, 'process': filter} card = self.input(context, "%s: %s"%(,prompt)) if isinstance(card, PassPriority): return True elif isinstance(card, CancelAction): return False else: return card def getCombatCreature(self, mine=True, prompt='Select target'): def filter(action): if isinstance(action, CancelAction) or isinstance(action, PassPriority): return action target = action.selection if isCreature(target) and ((mine and target.controller == self) or (not mine and target.controller in self.opponents)): return target else: self.send(InvalidTargetEvent(), target=target) return False context = {'get_target': True, 'process': filter} target = self.input(context, "%s: %s"%(,prompt)) if isinstance(target, PassPriority): return True elif isinstance(target, CancelAction): return False else: return target def getTarget(self, target_types, zone=None, from_player=None, required=True, prompt='Select target'): # If required is True (default) then you can't cancel the request for a target if not isiterable(target_types): target_types = (target_types,) def filter(action): # This function is really convoluted # If I return False here then the input function will keep cycling until valid input if isinstance(action, CancelAction): if not required: return action else: return False elif isinstance(action, PassPriority): return False target = action.selection if isPlayer(target) or ((not zone or str( == zone) and (not from_player or (from_player == "you" and target.controller == self) or (from_player == "opponent" and target.controller in self.opponents))): for target_type in target_types: if target_type(target): return target # Invalid target self.send(InvalidTargetEvent(), target=target) return False context = {'get_target': True, 'process': filter} target = self.input(context, "%s: %s"%(,prompt)) if isinstance(target, CancelAction) or isinstance(target, PassPriority): return False return target def getManaChoice(self, manapool_str, total_required, prompt="Select mana to spend"): def filter(action): if isinstance(action, CancelAction): return action else: return action.mana context = {'get_mana_choice': True, 'manapool': manapool_str, 'required': total_required, "process": filter, "from_player": self} result = self.input(context, "%s: %s"%(,prompt)) if isinstance(result, CancelAction): return False else: return result def getX(self, prompt="Select amount for X"): def filter(action): if isinstance(action, CancelAction): return action if isinstance(action, PassPriority): return False else: return action.amount context = {'get_X': True, "process": filter, "from_player": self} result = self.input(context, "%s: %s"%(,prompt)) if isinstance(result, CancelAction): return -1 else: return result def getDistribution(self, amount, targets, prompt=''): if not prompt: prompt = "Distribute %d to target permanents"%amount def filter(action): if isinstance(action, CancelAction): return False return action.assignment context = {'get_distribution': True, 'targets': targets, 'amount': amount, 'process': filter} return self.input(context, "%s: %s"%(,prompt)) def getDamageAssignment(self, blocking_list, prompt="Assign damage to blocking creatures", trample=False, deathtouch=False): def filter(action): if isinstance(action, CancelAction): return False else: assn = action.assignment # Check damage assignment for attacker, blockers in blocking_list: total = attacker.combatDamage() valid_lethal = True for blocker, dmg in assn: total -= dmg if (dmg < blocker.lethalDamage() and total > 0): valid_lethal = False if not ((deathtouch or valid_lethal) and ((trample and valid_lethal and total > 0) or (total == 0))): return False else: return action.assignment context = {'get_damage_assign': True, 'blocking_list': blocking_list, 'trample': trample, 'deathtouch': deathtouch, 'process': filter} return dict(self.input(context, "%s: %s"%(,prompt))) def doRevealCard(self, cards, all=True, prompt=''): import operator if not operator.isSequenceType(cards): cards = [cards] if not prompt: prompt = "reveals card(s) "+', '.join(map(str,cards)) zone = str(cards[0].zone) player = cards[0].controller context = {'reveal_card': True, 'cards': cards, 'from_zone': zone, 'from_player': player, 'all': all, 'process': lambda action: True} #isinstance(action, PassPriority)} return self.input(context, "%s: %s"%(, prompt))