Esempio n. 1
 def getFromJobId(cls, jobId):
     create a JobFacade to access an existing job.
     @param jobId: the job identifier
     @type jobId: string
     @return: the appropriate job facade
     @rtype: JobFacade
     jobState = JobState(jobId)
     jfargs = {'jobId': jobState.getID(),'programUrl':None,'workflowUrl':None}
     if jobState.isWorkflow():
         jfargs['workflowUrl'] = jobState.getName()
         jfargs['programUrl']= jobState.getName()
     # this id is identical to the one in parameter, 
     # except it has been normalized (may have removed
     # trailing index.xml from the id)
     if jobState.isLocal():
Esempio n. 2
class AsynchronJob:
    is instantiated in child process instantiate the object corresponding
    to the execution manager defined in Config, and after the completion of the job
    manage the results

    def __init__(self, commandLine, dirPath, serviceName, resultsMask , userEmail = None, email_notify = 'auto' , jobState = None , xmlEnv = None):
        @param commandLine: the command to be executed
        @type commandLine: String
        @param dirPath: the absolute path to directory where the job will be executed (normaly we are already in)
        @type dirPath: String
        @param serviceName: the name of the service
        @type serviceName: string
        @param resultsMask: the unix mask to retrieve the results of this job
        @type resultsMask: a dictionary { paramName : [ string prompt , ( string class , string or None superclass ) , string mask ] }
        @param userEmail: the user email adress
        @type userEmail: string
        @param email_notify: if the user must be or not notify of the results at the end of the Job.
        the 3 authorized values for this argument are: 
          - 'true' to notify the results to the user
          - 'false' to Not notify the results to the user
          - 'auto' to notify the results based on the job elapsed time and the config  EMAIL_DELAY
        @type email_notify: string 
        @param jobState: the jobState link to this job
        @type jobState: a L{JobState} instance
        @param xmlEnv: the environement variable need by the program
        @type xmlEnv: dictionnary
        @call: by the main of this module which is call by L{AsynchronRunner}
        self._command = commandLine
        self._dirPath = dirPath
        self.serviceName = serviceName
        self.father_pid = os.getppid()
        self.father_done = False
        if jobState is None:
            self.jobState = JobState( self._dirPath )
            self.jobState = jobState
        self.userEmail = userEmail
        self.email_notify =  email_notify 
        if self._dirPath[-1] == '/':
            self._dirPath = self._dirPath[:-1]

        self.jobKey = os.path.split( self._dirPath )[ 1 ]
        atexit.register( self.childExit , "------------------- %s : %s -------------------" %( serviceName , self.jobKey ) )
        t0 = time.time()
        self._run( serviceName , xmlEnv )
        t1 = time.time()
        self.results = {}
        for paramName in resultsMask.keys():
            resultsFiles = []
            #type is a tuple ( klass , superKlass )
            masks = resultsMask[ paramName ]
            for mask in masks :
                for File in  glob.glob( mask ):
                    size = os.path.getsize( File )
                    if size != 0:
                        resultsFiles.append(  ( str( File ) , size , None ) ) #we have not information about the output format 
            if resultsFiles: 
                self.results[ paramName ] = resultsFiles  #a list of tuple (string file name , int size ,  string format or None )
                self.jobState.setOutputDataFile( paramName , resultsFiles )

            zipFileName = self.zipResults()
        except Exception :
            msg = "an error occured during the zipping results :\n\n"
            rc_log.critical( "%s/%s : %s" %( self.serviceName , self.jobKey , msg ) , exc_info = True)
            zipFileName = None
        if self.userEmail:
            if self.email_notify == 'auto':
                # we test email_delay() to see if it is >= to 0, 
                # as it seems that sometimes it is not >0.
                if ( t1 - t0 ) >= _cfg.email_delay():
                                       registry ,
                                       self._dirPath ,
                                       self.serviceName ,
                                       self.jobKey ,
                                      FileName = zipFileName )
            elif self.email_notify == 'true':
                emailResults( _cfg,
                                   registry ,
                                   self._dirPath ,
                                   self.serviceName ,
                                   self.jobKey ,  
                                   FileName = zipFileName )

    def childExit(self , message ):
        print >> sys.stderr , message
        #rc_log.log( 12 , "runnerChild %d ending, send a SIGCHLD to %d" %( os.getpid() , self.father_pid ) )

    def _run(self , serviceName, xmlEnv ):
        dispatcher = _cfg.getDispatcher()
        execution_config = dispatcher.getExecutionConfig( self.jobState )
            exec_engine = executionLoader( execution_config =  execution_config )
        except MobyleError ,err :
            msg = "unknown execution system : %s" %err
            rc_log.critical("%s : %s" %( serviceName ,
                                         ), exc_info = True 
            sm = StatusManager()
            sm.setStatus( self._dirPath , Status( code = 5 , message = 'Mobyle internal server error' ) )
            raise MobyleError, msg
        except Exception , err:
            rc_log.error( str(err ), exc_info=True) 
            raise err