# # # Author: Herve Menager, # # Organization:'Biological Software and Databases' Group, Institut Pasteur, Paris. # # Distributed under GPLv2 Licence. Please refer to the COPYING.LIB document. # # # ######################################################################################## from Mobyle.Workflow import Workflow, Task, Link, Parameter, Type, Datatype, Biotype, Parser #@UnusedImport print __file__ if __name__ == "__main__": wf = Workflow() wf.name = 'toto' wf.version = '1.1' wf.title = 'test workflow' wf.description = 'this workflow is a test one' t1 = Task() t1.id = 1 t1.service = 'clustalw-multialign' t1.suspend = False t1.description = "Run a clustalw" t2 = Task() t2.id = 2 t2.service = 'protdist' t2.suspend = True t2.description = "Run a protdist" input = Parameter() input.id = '1' input.name = 'sequences'
def testCreation(self): wf = Workflow() wf.name = 'toto' wf.version = '1.1' wf.title = 'test workflow' wf.description = 'this workflow is a test one' t1 = Task() t1.id = 1 t1.service = 'clustalw-multialign' t1.suspend = False t1.description = "Run a clustalw" t2 = Task() t2.id = 2 t2.service = 'protdist' t2.suspend = True t2.description = "Run a protdist" input = Parameter() input.id = '1' input.name = 'sequences' input.prompt = 'Input sequences' input.type = Type() input.type.datatype = Datatype() input.type.datatype.class_name = "Sequence" input.type.biotypes = [Biotype("Protein")] output_format = Parameter() output_format.id = '2' output_format.name = 'alignment_format' output_format.prompt = 'Alignment format' output_format.type = Type() output_format.type.datatype = Datatype() output_format.type.datatype.class_name = "String" output = Parameter() output.id = '3' output.isout = True output.name = 'matrix' output.prompt = 'Distance matrix' output.type = Type() output.type.datatype = Datatype() output.type.datatype.class_name = "Matrix" output.type.datatype.superclass_name = "AbstractText" output.type.biotypes = [Biotype("Protein")] l1 = Link() l1.to_task = t1.id l1.from_parameter = "1" l1.to_parameter = "infile" l2 = Link() l2.to_task = t1.id l2.from_parameter = "2" l2.to_parameter = "outputformat" l3 = Link() l3.from_task = t1.id l3.to_task = t2.id l3.from_parameter = "aligfile" l3.to_parameter = "infile" l4 = Link() l4.from_task = t2.id l4.from_parameter = "outfile" l4.to_parameter = "3" wf.tasks = [t1, t2] wf.links = [l1, l2, l3, l4] wf.parameters = [input, output_format, output]