Esempio n. 1
    def initialize_schema(self, schema):
			sets self.schema
			if schema is None, loads default one from disk.
        #=====[ Step 1: Set schema path	]=====
        self.schema_path = os.path.join(self.root, '.ModalDB_schema.pkl')

        #=====[ Step 2: Load schema	]=====
        if type(schema) == dict:
            self.schema = ModalSchema(schema)
        elif type(schema) == ModalSchema:
            self.schema = schema
        elif schema is None:
            self.schema = self.load_schema()
            raise Exception(
                "Schema type not recongized. (Should be dict or ModalSchema)")
Esempio n. 2
	def initialize_schema(self, schema):
			sets self.schema
			if schema is None, loads default one from disk.
		#=====[ Step 1: Set schema path	]=====
		self.schema_path = os.path.join(self.root, '.ModalDB_schema.pkl')

		#=====[ Step 2: Load schema	]=====
		if type(schema) == dict:
			self.schema = ModalSchema(schema)
		elif type(schema) == ModalSchema:
			self.schema = schema
		elif schema is None:
			self.schema = self.load_schema()
			raise Exception("Schema type not recongized. (Should be dict or ModalSchema)")
Esempio n. 3
class ModalClient(object):
		Example Usage:

		# Initialization
		mc = ModalClient(Schema)

		# Accessing videos 
		video = mc.get_video('...')
		for video in mc.iter_videos():

		# Directly Accessing Frames
		for frame in mc.iter_frames():
    def __init__(self, root, schema=None):
			Connect to MongoDB, load schema, find root path
        #=====[ Step 1: get root	]=====
        if not os.path.exists(root):
            raise Exception("Root not valid: %s", root)
        self.root = root

        #=====[ Step 2: get schema	]=====

        #=====[ Step 2: startup mongodb	]=====

    ######################[ --- MONGODB --- ]###########################################################

    def initialize_mongodb(self):
			starts mongodb; ensures proper collections exist;
        #=====[ Step 1: Connect	]=====
            self.mongo_client = MongoClient()
            self.db = self.mongo_client.ModalDB
            raise Exception("Turn on MongoDB.")

        #=====[ Step 2: Ensure collections/dirs exist	]=====
        for datatype in self.get_datatypes():

            #=====[ Collections	]=====
            if not datatype.__name__ in self.db.collection_names():

            #=====[ Dirs	]=====
            if self.is_root_type(datatype):

    def clear_db(self):
			drops old database and creates a new one
        for db_name in self.mongo_client.database_names():
            if not db_name in ['admin', 'local']:
        self.db = self.mongo_client.ModalDB

    ######################[ --- SCHEMA --- ]############################################################

    def initialize_schema(self, schema):
			sets self.schema
			if schema is None, loads default one from disk.
        #=====[ Step 1: Set schema path	]=====
        self.schema_path = os.path.join(self.root, '.ModalDB_schema.pkl')

        #=====[ Step 2: Load schema	]=====
        if type(schema) == dict:
            self.schema = ModalSchema(schema)
        elif type(schema) == ModalSchema:
            self.schema = schema
        elif schema is None:
            self.schema = self.load_schema()
            raise Exception(
                "Schema type not recongized. (Should be dict or ModalSchema)")

    def load_schema(self):
        if not os.path.exists(self.schema_path):
            raise Exception("No schema exists or was specified")
        return ModalSchema(self.schema_path)

    def save_schema(self):

    def print_schema(self):

    def add_item(self, datatype, item_name, item_dict):
			adds an item to the schema, overwriting old ones.
			item_dict describes the schema of the item
        self.schema.add_item(datatype, item_name, item_dict)

    def delete_item(self, datatype, item_name, now=True):
			deletes the named item from the database 
			TODO: actually go through and delete them all
        self.schema.delete_item(datatype, item_name)
        for datatype in self.schema.datatypes():

    ######################[ --- UTILS --- ]#############################################################

    def get_schema(self, datatype):
        return self.schema[datatype]

    def get_datatypes(self):
        return set(self.schema.keys())

    def is_valid_datatype(self, datatype):
        return datatype in self.get_datatypes()

    def get_collection(self, datatype):
        assert self.is_valid_datatype(datatype)
        return self.db[datatype.__name__]

    def get_childtypes(self, datatype):
        assert self.is_valid_datatype(datatype)
        if not 'contains' in self.get_schema(datatype):
            return set([])
            return set(self.schema[datatype]['contains'])

    def get_item_names(self, datatype):
        return set(self.get_schema(datatype).keys()).difference(

    def get_item_filename(self, datatype, key):
        assert self.is_valid_datatype(datatype)
        return self.get_schema(datatype)[key]['filename']

    def is_leaf_type(self, datatype):
        return len(self.get_childtypes(datatype)) == 0

    def get_root_types(self):
        ds = self.get_datatypes()
        return ds.difference(set.union(*[self.get_childtypes(d) for d in ds]))

    def is_root_type(self, datatype):
        return datatype in self.get_root_types()

    def get_root_type_dir(self, datatype):
        return os.path.join(self.root, datatype.__name__)

    ######################[ --- GET/ITER --- ]##########################################################

    def update_mongo_doc(self, datatype, _id, new_item_dict):
			given a new mongo_doc, updates the object named _id 
			and of specified datatype in MongoDB 
        collection = self.get_collection(datatype)
        collection.update({'_id': _id}, {'$set': {'items': new_item_dict}})

    def mongo_doc_to_dataobject(self, datatype, mongo_doc):
        return datatype(mongo_doc, self.get_schema(datatype), self)

    def get(self, datatype, _id):
			returns object of type datatype and named _id. Only call this 
			to get 
        mongo_doc = self.get_collection(datatype).find_one({'_id': _id})
        if not mongo_doc:
            raise KeyError("No such object in DB")
        return self.mongo_doc_to_dataobject(datatype, mongo_doc)

    def get_random(self, datatype):
			returns random object of type datatype
        collection = self.get_collection(datatype)
        cursor = collection.find()
        random_ix = random.randint(0, cursor.count())
        mongo_doc =
        for _ in range(random_ix):
            mongo_doc =
        return self.mongo_doc_to_dataobject(datatype, mongo_doc)

    def iter(self, datatype):
			iterates through all objects of given datatype
        cursor = self.get_collection(datatype).find()
        for i in xrange(cursor.count()):
            yield self.mongo_doc_to_dataobject(datatype,

    ######################[ --- ADD/REMOVE DATA --- ]###################################################

    def get_disk_items(self, datatype, item_data):
			returns portion of item_data describing disk items
        return {
            k: v
            for k, v in item_data.items()
            if self.get_schema(datatype)[k]['mode'] == 'disk'

    def get_memory_items(self, datatype, item_data):
			returns portion of item_data describing memory items 
        return {
            k: v
            for k, v in item_data.items()
            if self.get_schema(datatype)[k]['mode'] == 'memory'

    def sanitize_item_data(self, datatype, item_data):
			sanitizes item_data:
				- no items that don't exist in datatype's schema
				- all other items get set to None
        #=====[ Step 1: must be a dict	]=====
        if not type(item_data) == dict:
            raise TypeError("item_data must be a dict")

        all_items = self.get_item_names(datatype)
        named_items = set(item_data.keys())
        outside_items = named_items.difference(all_items)

        #=====[ Step 2: no nonexistant elements	]=====
        if len(outside_items) > 0:
            raise Exception("Items don't exist for datatype %s: %s" %
                            (datatype.__name__, str(outside_items)))

        #=====[ Step 3: valid paths for disk items	]=====
        for k, v in self.get_disk_items(datatype, item_data).items():
            if not v is None:
                if not os.path.exists(v):
                    raise Exception("Path for item %s doesn't exist: %s" %
                                    (k, v))

        return item_data

    def ensure_dir_exists(self, path):
        if not os.path.exists(path):

    def create_object_dir(self, datatype, root, item_data, method):
			creates a directory to contain all disk items for this
			object at root
        #=====[ Step 1: create root directory (DONT OVERWRITE)	]=====

        #=====[ Step 2: create subdirectories for child datatypes	]=====
        for d in self.get_childtypes(datatype):
            self.ensure_dir_exists(os.path.join(root, d.__name__))

        #=====[ Step 3: (cp|mv) disk items	]=====
        schema = self.get_schema(datatype)
        for key, old_path in self.get_disk_items(datatype, item_data).items():

            #=====[ Case: user didn't specify	]=====
            if old_path is None:

            new_path = os.path.join(root,
                                    self.get_item_filename(datatype, key))

            #=====[ Case: same path	]=====
            if os.path.exists(new_path):
                if os.path.samefile(old_path, new_path):

            #=====[ Case: cp	]=====
            if method == 'cp':
                shutil.copy2(old_path, new_path)

            #=====[ Case: mv	]=====
            elif method == 'mv':
                shutil.move(old_path, new_path)

    def create_mongo_doc(self, datatype, _id, root, item_data):
			returns doc that can be inserted into a mongodb collection
			to represent this item.

			Doc will look as follows:
				'items': {
							'disk_item_1':/path/to/file, # denotes that disk_item_1 should be there
							'memory_item_1':'...' # absent if not filled in.
								ChildType1:{}, # maps names to dataobject ids
        return {
            '_id': _id,
            'root': root,
            'items': copy(item_data),
            {c.__name__: {}
             for c in self.get_childtypes(datatype)}

    def insert(self, datatype, _id, item_data, parent=None, method='cp'):
			creates/inserts new dataobject, returns it.

			- datatype: type of object to create
			- _id: name of object to create 
			- item_data: dict containing info on objects
			- method: (cp or mv) copy or move files 

			item_data details:
			for memory items: name maps to *contents*
			for disk items: name maps to *current filepath*

			item_data ex:
				'subtitles':'hello, world!',
        schema = self.get_schema(datatype)

        #=====[ Step 1: sanitize datatype/_id/method	]=====
        assert self.is_valid_datatype(datatype)
        assert type(_id) in [str, unicode]
        assert method in ['cp', 'mv']

        #=====[ Step 2: sanitize item data	]=====
        item_data = self.sanitize_item_data(datatype, item_data)

        #=====[ Step 3: get root directory, _id from parent	]=====
        if parent is None:
            parent_dir = self.get_root_type_dir(datatype)
            root = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(parent_dir, _id))
            parent_dir = parent.get_child_dir(datatype)
            root = os.path.join(parent_dir, _id)
            _id = parent._id + '/' + _id

        #=====[ Step 4: create object dir	]=====
        self.create_object_dir(datatype, root, item_data, method)

        #=====[ Step 5: create + insert mongo doc	]=====
        mongo_doc = self.create_mongo_doc(datatype, _id, root, item_data)

        #=====[ Step 6: add to parent, if necessary	]=====
        if not parent is None:
            parent.add_child(datatype, _id)

        #=====[ Step 7: create and return datatype	]=====
        return datatype(mongo_doc, schema, self)

    def delete(self, datatype, _id, parent=None):
			deletes dataobject of specified datatype, _id, parent.

			- datatype: type of object to create
			- _id: name of object to create 
			- parent: parent object
        #=====[ Case: parent exists	]=====
        if not parent is None:
            dataobject = parent.get_child(datatype, _id)
            parent.delete_child(datatype, _id)

        #=====[ Case: otherwise	]=====
            dataobject = self.get(datatype, _id)

        #=====[ Step 1: remove data on filesystem	]=====

        #=====[ Step 2: remove data in mongodb	]=====
        collection = self.get_collection(datatype)
        collection.remove({'_id': dataobject._id})
Esempio n. 4
 def load_schema(self):
     if not os.path.exists(self.schema_path):
         raise Exception("No schema exists or was specified")
     return ModalSchema(self.schema_path)
Esempio n. 5
class ModalClient(object):
		Example Usage:

		# Initialization
		mc = ModalClient(Schema)

		# Accessing videos 
		video = mc.get_video('...')
		for video in mc.iter_videos():

		# Directly Accessing Frames
		for frame in mc.iter_frames():

	def __init__(self, root, schema=None):
			Connect to MongoDB, load schema, find root path
		#=====[ Step 1: get root	]=====
		if not os.path.exists(root):
			raise Exception("Root not valid: %s", root)
		self.root = root

		#=====[ Step 2: get schema	]=====

		#=====[ Step 2: startup mongodb	]=====

	######################[ --- MONGODB --- ]###########################################################

	def initialize_mongodb(self):
			starts mongodb; ensures proper collections exist;
		#=====[ Step 1: Connect	]=====
			self.mongo_client = MongoClient()
			self.db = self.mongo_client.ModalDB
			raise Exception("Turn on MongoDB.")
		#=====[ Step 2: Ensure collections/dirs exist	]=====
		for datatype in self.get_datatypes():

			#=====[ Collections	]=====
			if not datatype.__name__ in self.db.collection_names():

			#=====[ Dirs	]=====
			if self.is_root_type(datatype):

	def clear_db(self):
			drops old database and creates a new one
		for db_name in self.mongo_client.database_names():
			if not db_name in ['admin', 'local']:
		self.db = self.mongo_client.ModalDB

	######################[ --- SCHEMA --- ]############################################################
	def initialize_schema(self, schema):
			sets self.schema
			if schema is None, loads default one from disk.
		#=====[ Step 1: Set schema path	]=====
		self.schema_path = os.path.join(self.root, '.ModalDB_schema.pkl')

		#=====[ Step 2: Load schema	]=====
		if type(schema) == dict:
			self.schema = ModalSchema(schema)
		elif type(schema) == ModalSchema:
			self.schema = schema
		elif schema is None:
			self.schema = self.load_schema()
			raise Exception("Schema type not recongized. (Should be dict or ModalSchema)")

	def load_schema(self):
		if not os.path.exists(self.schema_path):
			raise Exception("No schema exists or was specified")
		return ModalSchema(self.schema_path)

	def save_schema(self):

	def print_schema(self):

	def add_item(self, datatype, item_name, item_dict):
			adds an item to the schema, overwriting old ones.
			item_dict describes the schema of the item
		self.schema.add_item(datatype, item_name, item_dict)

	def delete_item(self, datatype, item_name, now=True):
			deletes the named item from the database 
			TODO: actually go through and delete them all
		self.schema.delete_item(datatype, item_name)
		for datatype in self.schema.datatypes():

	######################[ --- UTILS --- ]#############################################################

	def get_schema(self, datatype):
		return self.schema[datatype]

	def get_datatypes(self):
		return set(self.schema.keys())

	def is_valid_datatype(self, datatype):
		return datatype in self.get_datatypes()

	def get_collection(self, datatype):
		assert self.is_valid_datatype(datatype)
		return self.db[datatype.__name__]

	def get_childtypes(self, datatype):
		assert self.is_valid_datatype(datatype)
		if not 'contains' in self.get_schema(datatype):
			return set([])
			return set(self.schema[datatype]['contains'])

	def get_item_names(self, datatype):
		return set(self.get_schema(datatype).keys()).difference(set(['contains']))

	def get_item_filename(self, datatype, key):
		assert self.is_valid_datatype(datatype)
		return self.get_schema(datatype)[key]['filename']

	def is_leaf_type(self, datatype):
		return len(self.get_childtypes(datatype)) == 0

	def get_root_types(self):
		ds = self.get_datatypes()
		return ds.difference(set.union(*[self.get_childtypes(d) for d in ds]))

	def is_root_type(self, datatype):
		return datatype in self.get_root_types()

	def get_root_type_dir(self, datatype):
		return os.path.join(self.root, datatype.__name__)

	######################[ --- GET/ITER --- ]##########################################################

	def update_mongo_doc(self, datatype, _id, new_item_dict):
			given a new mongo_doc, updates the object named _id 
			and of specified datatype in MongoDB 
		collection = self.get_collection(datatype)
		collection.update({'_id':_id}, {'$set': {'items':new_item_dict}})

	def mongo_doc_to_dataobject(self, datatype, mongo_doc):
		return datatype(mongo_doc, self.get_schema(datatype), self)

	def get(self, datatype, _id):
			returns object of type datatype and named _id. Only call this 
			to get 
		mongo_doc = self.get_collection(datatype).find_one({'_id':_id})
		if not mongo_doc:
			raise KeyError("No such object in DB")
		return self.mongo_doc_to_dataobject(datatype, mongo_doc)

	def get_random(self, datatype):
			returns random object of type datatype
		collection = self.get_collection(datatype)
		cursor = collection.find()
		random_ix = random.randint(0, cursor.count())
		mongo_doc =
		for _ in range(random_ix):
			mongo_doc =
		return self.mongo_doc_to_dataobject(datatype, mongo_doc)

	def iter(self, datatype):
			iterates through all objects of given datatype
		cursor = self.get_collection(datatype).find()
		for i in xrange(cursor.count()):
			yield self.mongo_doc_to_dataobject(datatype,

	######################[ --- ADD/REMOVE DATA --- ]###################################################

	def get_disk_items(self, datatype, item_data):
			returns portion of item_data describing disk items
		return {k:v for k,v in item_data.items() if self.get_schema(datatype)[k]['mode'] == 'disk'}

	def get_memory_items(self, datatype, item_data):
			returns portion of item_data describing memory items 
		return {k:v for k,v in item_data.items() if self.get_schema(datatype)[k]['mode'] == 'memory'}

	def sanitize_item_data(self, datatype, item_data):
			sanitizes item_data:
				- no items that don't exist in datatype's schema
				- all other items get set to None
		#=====[ Step 1: must be a dict	]=====
		if not type(item_data) == dict:
			raise TypeError("item_data must be a dict")

		all_items 		= self.get_item_names(datatype)
		named_items 	= set(item_data.keys())
		outside_items 	= named_items.difference(all_items)

		#=====[ Step 2: no nonexistant elements	]=====
		if len(outside_items) > 0:
			raise Exception("Items don't exist for datatype %s: %s" % (datatype.__name__, str(outside_items)))

		#=====[ Step 3: valid paths for disk items	]=====
		for k, v in self.get_disk_items(datatype, item_data).items():
			if not v is None:
				if not os.path.exists(v):
					raise Exception("Path for item %s doesn't exist: %s" % (k, v))

		return item_data

	def ensure_dir_exists(self, path):
		if not os.path.exists(path):

	def create_object_dir(self, datatype, root, item_data, method):
			creates a directory to contain all disk items for this
			object at root
		#=====[ Step 1: create root directory (DONT OVERWRITE)	]=====

		#=====[ Step 2: create subdirectories for child datatypes	]=====
		for d in self.get_childtypes(datatype):
			self.ensure_dir_exists(os.path.join(root, d.__name__))

		#=====[ Step 3: (cp|mv) disk items	]=====
		schema = self.get_schema(datatype)
		for key, old_path in self.get_disk_items(datatype, item_data).items():

			#=====[ Case: user didn't specify	]=====
			if old_path is None:

			new_path = os.path.join(root, self.get_item_filename(datatype, key))

			#=====[ Case: same path	]=====
			if os.path.exists(new_path):
				if os.path.samefile(old_path, new_path):

			#=====[ Case: cp	]=====
			if method == 'cp':
				shutil.copy2(old_path, new_path)

			#=====[ Case: mv	]=====
			elif method == 'mv':
				shutil.move(old_path, new_path)

	def create_mongo_doc(self, datatype, _id, root, item_data):
			returns doc that can be inserted into a mongodb collection
			to represent this item.

			Doc will look as follows:
				'items': {
							'disk_item_1':/path/to/file, # denotes that disk_item_1 should be there
							'memory_item_1':'...' # absent if not filled in.
								ChildType1:{}, # maps names to dataobject ids
		return {
					'children':{c.__name__:{} for c in self.get_childtypes(datatype)}

	def insert(self, datatype, _id, item_data, parent=None, method='cp'):
			creates/inserts new dataobject, returns it.

			- datatype: type of object to create
			- _id: name of object to create 
			- item_data: dict containing info on objects
			- method: (cp or mv) copy or move files 

			item_data details:
			for memory items: name maps to *contents*
			for disk items: name maps to *current filepath*

			item_data ex:
				'subtitles':'hello, world!',
		schema = self.get_schema(datatype)

		#=====[ Step 1: sanitize datatype/_id/method	]=====
		assert self.is_valid_datatype(datatype)
		assert type(_id) in [str, unicode]
		assert method in ['cp', 'mv']
		#=====[ Step 2: sanitize item data	]=====
		item_data = self.sanitize_item_data(datatype, item_data)

		#=====[ Step 3: get root directory, _id from parent	]=====
		if parent is None:
			parent_dir = self.get_root_type_dir(datatype)
			root = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(parent_dir, _id))
			parent_dir = parent.get_child_dir(datatype)
			root = os.path.join(parent_dir, _id)
			_id = parent._id + '/' + _id

		#=====[ Step 4: create object dir	]=====
		self.create_object_dir(datatype, root, item_data, method)

		#=====[ Step 5: create + insert mongo doc	]=====
		mongo_doc = self.create_mongo_doc(datatype, _id, root, item_data)

		#=====[ Step 6: add to parent, if necessary	]=====
		if not parent is None:
			parent.add_child(datatype, _id)

		#=====[ Step 7: create and return datatype	]=====
		return datatype(mongo_doc, schema, self)

	def delete(self, datatype, _id, parent=None):
			deletes dataobject of specified datatype, _id, parent.

			- datatype: type of object to create
			- _id: name of object to create 
			- parent: parent object
		#=====[ Case: parent exists	]=====
		if not parent is None:
			dataobject = parent.get_child(datatype, _id)
			parent.delete_child(datatype, _id)

		#=====[ Case: otherwise	]=====
			dataobject = self.get(datatype, _id)

		#=====[ Step 1: remove data on filesystem	]=====

		#=====[ Step 2: remove data in mongodb	]=====
		collection = self.get_collection(datatype)