def setUp(self): self.mols1 = Read('Data/stringSel.pdb') self.mol1 = self.mols1[0] self.mols2 = Read('Data/protease.pdb') self.mol2 = self.mols2[0] self.mols = self.mols1 + self.mols2 self.stringSel = StringSelector()
def test_select_with_empty_string(self): """ test result with empty string returns all molecules """ stringSel = StringSelector() result, msg =, "") self.assertEquals(result, self.molecules) self.assertEquals(result.stringRepr, self.molecules[0].name)
def test_select_with_bad_key_returns_EmptySet(self): """ test result with bad_key returns EmptySet """ selString = ":::'backbone'" stringSel = StringSelector() result, msg =, selString) self.assertEquals(len(result), 0)
def test_select_with_lambda_molecule_expr(self): """ test result with lambda'stringSel' returns 29 atoms """ selString = "lambda'stringSel':::" #sanity check stringSel = StringSelector() result, msg =, selString) self.assertEquals(len(result), 29) self.assertEquals(result.stringRepr, selString)
def test_select_with_lambda_chain_expr(self): """ test result with lambda'W' returns 5 atoms """ selString = ":lambda'W'::" #sanity check stringSel = StringSelector() result, msg =, selString) self.assertEquals(len(result), 5) self.assertEquals(result.stringRepr, selString)
def test_select_with_lambda_residue_expr(self): """ test result with lambda returns 9 atoms """ selString = "::lambda x:x.type=='GLN':" #sanity check stringSel = StringSelector() result, msg =, selString) self.assertEquals(len(result), 9) self.assertEquals(result.stringRepr, selString)
def test_select_with_hetatm_returns_5atoms(self): """ test result with hetatm returns 5 atoms """ selString = ":::hetatm" #sanity check stringSel = StringSelector() result, msg =, selString) self.assertEquals(len(result), 5) self.assertEquals(result.stringRepr, selString)
def test_select_with_simple_Residue_full_name(self): """ test result with simple Residue full_name """ subset = self.molecules.chains.residues[:2] selString = subset.full_name() stringSel = StringSelector() result, msg =, selString) self.assertEqual(result, subset) self.assertEquals(result.stringRepr, selString)
def test_select_with_compound_Residue_full_name(self): """ test result with compound Residue full_name """ subset = self.molecules.chains.residues[:2] selString = subset[0].full_name() + ';' + subset[1].full_name() stringSel = StringSelector() result, msg =, selString) self.assertEqual(result, subset) self.assertEquals(result.stringRepr, selString)
def test_select_with_simple_Atom_full_name(self): """ test result with simple Atom full_name """ subset = self.molecules.allAtoms[:2] selString = subset.full_name() stringSel = StringSelector() result, msg =, selString) self.assertEqual(result, subset) self.assertEquals(result.stringRepr, selString)
def test_select_with_backbone_returns_no_waters(self): """ test result with backbone returns no waters """ selString = ":::backbone" stringSel = StringSelector() result, msg =, selString) self.assertEquals(len(result), 12) self.assertEqual('HOH' not in result.parent.type, True) self.assertEquals(result.stringRepr, selString)
def test_select_with_CA_returns_3atoms(self): """ test result with CA returns 3 atoms """ selString = ":::CA" #sanity check stringSel = StringSelector() result, msg =, selString) self.assertEquals(len(result), 3) self.assertEquals(result.stringRepr, selString)
def test_select_with_backbone_returns_12atoms(self): """ test result with backbone returns 12 atoms """ selString = ":::backbone" #sanity check stringSel = StringSelector() result, msg =, selString) self.assertEquals(len(result), 12) self.assertEquals(result.stringRepr, selString)
def test_select_with_lambda_atoms_expr_with_parentheses(self): """ test result with lambda x:len(x.bonds)==1 returns 468 atoms for hsg1.pdb """ selString = ":::lambda x:len(x.bonds)==1" stringSel = StringSelector() from MolKit import Read mol = Read("Data/hsg1.pdb") mol[0].buildBondsByDistance() result, msg =, selString) self.assertEquals(len(result), 468) self.assertEquals(result.stringRepr, selString)
def test_select_with_5_Residue_full_names(self): """ test result with 5 Residue full_names joined with ';' """ subset = self.molecules.chains.residues[:5] selString = '' for a in subset: selString += a.full_name() + ';' selString = selString[:-1] stringSel = StringSelector() result, msg =, selString) self.assertEqual(result, subset) self.assertEquals(result.stringRepr, selString)
def test_select_all_atoms_from_compound_string(self): """ test result using all the atoms' full_name() """ selString = '' subset = self.molecules.allAtoms for a in subset: selString += a.full_name() + ';' selString = selString[:-1] stringSel = StringSelector() result, msg =, selString) self.assertEqual(result, subset) self.assertEquals(result.stringRepr, selString)
def test_select_set_from_string(self): """ test result using string which is key in Sets dict """ sets = Sets() subset = self.molecules[0].allAtoms set_name = 'first' sets.add(set_name, subset) selString = ':::' + set_name stringSel = StringSelector() result, msg =, selString, sets=sets) self.assertEqual(result, subset) self.assertEquals(result.stringRepr, selString)
def get(self, event=None, withMsg=False): args = self.buildArgs() atArg = self.atomEntry.get() #print "atArg=", atArg, "=='' is", atArg=="" resArg = self.resEntry.get() #print "resArg=", resArg, "=='' is", resArg=="" chainArg = self.chainEntry.get() #print "chainArg=", chainArg, "=='' is", chainArg=="" molArg = self.molEntry.get() #print "molArg=", molArg, "=='' is", molArg=="" if atArg != "": args = molArg + ':' + chainArg + ':' + resArg + ':' + atArg elif resArg != "": args = molArg + ':' + chainArg + ':' + resArg elif chainArg != "": args = molArg + ':' + chainArg else: args = molArg #print "calling with args=", args selitem, msgStr = StringSelector().select(self.molSet, args, sets=self.sets, caseSensitive=self.userPref) #if StringSelector starts returning msgs fix here #selitem, msgStr = StringSelector().select(self.molSet, args, self.userPref) #return selitem, msgStr #if selitem and len(selitem): # print "returning len(selitem)=", len(selitem) if withMsg: return selitem, msgStr else: return selitem
def setGeomAtomProp(self): if not len(self.atomSets): return from MolKit.molecule import Atom prop = 'colors' for actor in self.actors: if > 0: obj = actor.object if self.atomSets.has_key(obj.fullName): #setstr = self.atomSets[obj.fullName]['atomset'] g = obj.mol.geomContainer aset = g.atoms[].findType(Atom) asetstr = aset.full_name(0) #if len(asetstr) != len(setstr): # return atList = [] func = g.geomPickToAtoms.get( if func: atList = func(obj, range(len(obj.vertexSet.vertices))) else: allAtoms = g.atoms[] if hasattr(obj, "vertexSet") and len(allAtoms) == len( obj.vertexSet): atList = allAtoms if not len(atList): return col = actor.getLastKeyFrame().getValue() oname = None if aset.colors.has_key( oname = elif aset.colors.has_key( oname = if not oname: return if len(col) == 1: for a in atList: a.colors[oname] = tuple(col[0]) else: for i, a in enumerate(atList): a.colors[oname] = tuple(col[i]) from MolKit.stringSelector import StringSelector selector = StringSelector() #nset, msg =, setstr) nset, msg =, asetstr)
def setGeomAtomProp(self): if not len(self.atomSets) : return from MolKit.molecule import Atom prop = 'colors' for actor in self.actors: if > 0: obj = actor.object if self.atomSets.has_key(obj.fullName): #setstr = self.atomSets[obj.fullName]['atomset'] g = obj.mol.geomContainer aset = g.atoms[].findType(Atom) asetstr = aset.full_name(0) #if len(asetstr) != len(setstr): # return atList = [] func = g.geomPickToAtoms.get( if func: atList = func(obj, range(len(obj.vertexSet.vertices))) else: allAtoms = g.atoms[] if hasattr(obj, "vertexSet") and len(allAtoms) == len(obj.vertexSet): atList = allAtoms if not len(atList): return col = actor.getLastKeyFrame().getValue() oname = None if aset.colors.has_key( oname = elif aset.colors.has_key( oname = if not oname : return if len(col) == 1: for a in atList: a.colors[oname] = tuple(col[0]) else: for i, a in enumerate(atList): a.colors[oname] = tuple(col[i]) from MolKit.stringSelector import StringSelector selector = StringSelector() #nset, msg =, setstr) nset, msg =, asetstr)
def setUp(self): self.mols = Read('Data/stringSel.pdb') self.mol = self.mols[0] self.stringSel = StringSelector()
def test_constructor(self): """ instantiate a StringSelector """ stringSel = StringSelector() self.assertEquals(stringSel.__class__, StringSelector)
def setUp(self): self.mols = Read('Data/stringSel.pdb') self.mol = self.mols[0] self.mol.buildBondsByDistance() self.stringSel = StringSelector()
class TwoMoleculeStringReprTests(StringReprBaseTests): def setUp(self): self.mols1 = Read('Data/stringSel.pdb') self.mol1 = self.mols1[0] self.mols2 = Read('Data/protease.pdb') self.mol2 = self.mols2[0] self.mols = self.mols1 + self.mols2 self.stringSel = StringSelector() #tests for correction stringRepr initialization below sets def test_correct_MoleculeSet_stringRepr(self): """ check moleculeSet stringRepr is correct """ self.assertEquals(self.mols.stringRepr, "stringSel/+/protease") def test_correct_ChainSet_stringRepr(self): """ check ChainSet stringRepr is correct """ self.assertEquals(self.mols.chains.stringRepr, "stringSel:/+/protease:") def test_correct_ResidueSet_stringRepr(self): """ check ResidueSet stringRepr is correct """ self.assertEquals(self.mols.chains.residues.stringRepr, "stringSel::/+/protease::") def test_correct_AtomSet_stringRepr(self): """ check AtomSet stringRepr is correct """ self.assertEquals(self.mols.chains.residues.atoms.stringRepr, "stringSel:::/+/protease:::") #tests for correction stringRepr initialization below individual def test_correct_Molecule_ChainSet_stringRepr(self): """ check single Molecule's chainSet stringRepr is correct """ self.assertEquals(self.mol1.chains.stringRepr, "stringSel:") def test_correct_Chain1_ResidueSet_stringRepr(self): """ check Chain1's residues stringRepr is correct """ self.assertEquals(self.mols.chains[0].residues.stringRepr, "stringSel:A:") def test_correct_Chain2_ResidueSet_stringRepr(self): """ check two chain's residues stringRepr is correct """ self.assertEquals(self.mols.chains[1].residues.stringRepr, "stringSel:W:") def Qtest_correct_2Chain_ResidueSet_stringRepr(self): """ check two Chains residues stringRepr is correct """ self.assertEquals(self.mols.chains[0-2].residues.stringRepr, "stringSel::") def test_correct_last_Chain_ResidueSet_stringRepr(self): """ check last Chain's residues stringRepr is correct """ self.assertEquals(self.mols.chains[-1].residues.stringRepr, "protease:B:") def test_correct_Mol0_Chain0_ResidueSet_stringRepr(self): """ check single Mol's single Chain's residues stringRepr """ self.assertEquals(self.mols[0].chains[0].residues.stringRepr, "stringSel:A:") def Xtest_correct_Mol0_Chains1_2_ResidueSet_stringRepr(self): """ check single Mol's two Chain's residues stringRepr """ self.assertEquals(self.mols[0].chains[0:].residues.stringRepr, "stringSel::") def test_correct_Mols_Chains1_residues_atoms_stringRepr(self): """ check single Chain's residues's atoms stringRepr """ self.assertEquals(self.mols.chains[0].residues.atoms.stringRepr, "stringSel:A::") def test_select_with_empty_string(self): """ test result with empty string returns all mols """ result, msg =, "") self.assertEqual(self.mols.stringRepr, "stringSel/+/protease") def test_setLevel_protein_protein(self): """ test setting protein level to protein """ mols = self.mols.setLevel(Protein) self.assertEqual(mols.stringRepr, "stringSel/+/protease") def test_setLevel_protein_chain(self): """ test setting protein level to chain """ chains = self.mols.setLevel(Chain) self.assertEqual(chains.stringRepr, "stringSel:/+/protease:") def test_setLevel_protein_residue(self): """ test setting protein level to residue """ res = self.mols.setLevel(Residue) self.assertEqual(res.stringRepr, "stringSel::/+/protease::") def test_setLevel_protein_residue(self): """ test setting protein level to Atom """ ats = self.mols.setLevel(Atom) self.assertEqual(ats.stringRepr, "stringSel:::/+/protease:::") def test_setLevel_chain_protein(self): """ test setting chain level to protein """ mols = self.mols.chains.setLevel(Protein) self.assertEqual(mols.stringRepr, "stringSel/+/protease") def test_setLevel_chain_chain(self): """ test setting chain level to chain """ chains = self.mols.chains.setLevel(Chain) self.assertEqual(chains.stringRepr, "stringSel:/+/protease:") def test_setLevel_chain_residue(self): """ test setting chain level to residue """ res = self.mols.chains.setLevel(Residue) self.assertEqual(res.stringRepr, "stringSel::/+/protease::") def test_setLevel_chain_atom(self): """ test setting chain level to Atom """ ats = self.mols.chains.setLevel(Atom) self.assertEqual(ats.stringRepr, "stringSel:::/+/protease:::") def test_setLevel_residues_protein(self): """ test setting residue level to protein """ mols = self.mols.chains.residues.setLevel(Protein) self.assertEqual(mols.stringRepr, "stringSel/+/protease") def test_setLevel_residues_chain(self): """ test setting residues level to chain """ chains = self.mols.chains.residues.setLevel(Chain) self.assertEqual(chains.stringRepr, "stringSel:/+/protease:") def test_setLevel_residues_residue(self): """ test setting residues level to residue """ res = self.mols.chains.residues.setLevel(Residue) self.assertEqual(res.stringRepr, "stringSel::/+/protease::") def test_setLevel_residues_atom(self): """ test setting residue level to Atom """ ats = self.mols.chains.residues.setLevel(Atom) self.assertEqual(ats.stringRepr, "stringSel:::/+/protease:::")
class StringSelectorTests(StringSelectorBaseTests): def setUp(self): self.mols = Read('Data/stringSel.pdb') self.mol = self.mols[0] self.mol.buildBondsByDistance() self.stringSel = StringSelector() def tearDown(self): """ clean-up """ del(self.mol) #tests with 1 change of level def test_1level_select_with_empty_string(self): """ test result with empty string ":" returns all chains """ #stringSel = MVProteinSetSelector(self.mols, self.selString) #result, msg = stringSel.go() result, msg =, ":") self.assertEquals(result, self.mols.chains) self.assertEquals(result.__class__, self.mols.chains.__class__) def test_1level_select_end(self): """ test select with '$' returns last molecule.chains """ new_mols = Read("Data/1crn.pdb") self.mols +=new_mols result, msg =, "$:") self.assertEquals(result, self.mols[-1:].chains) def test_1level_select_end_2(self): """ test select with ':$' returns molecule's last chain """ new_mols = Read("Data/1crn.pdb") self.mols +=new_mols result, msg =, ":$") self.assertEquals(result[0], self.mols[-1:].chains[-1]) def test_1level_select_with_valid_index(self): """ test string with valid_index returns set with 1 item """ selString = "0:" #selString = "1:" result, msg =, selString) self.assertEquals(len(result), len(self.mols[0].chains)) self.assertEquals(result.__class__, self.mols.chains.__class__) def test_1level_select_with_invalid_index_returns_empty_set(self): """ test string with invalid_index returns empty ChainSet FIX THIS: should it be an empty ChainSet? """ selString = "2:" result, msg =, selString) self.assertEqual(result.__class__, ChainSet) #self.assertEqual(result.__class__, self.mols.chains.__class__) self.assertEqual(len(result), 0) self.assertEqual(msg[0], selString[0]) def test_1level_select_with_valid_range(self): """ test string with valid_range returns ChainSet with 2 items """ new_mols = Read("Data/1crn.pdb") self.mols +=new_mols selString = "0-1:" #selString = "1-2:" result, msg =, selString) self.assertEquals(len(result), len(self.mols.chains)) def test_1level_select_with_invalid_range(self): """ test string with invalid_range returns set with 0 items FIX THIS: should it be an empty ChainSet? """ new_mols = Read("Data/1crn.pdb") self.mols +=new_mols selString = "4-6:" result, msg =, selString) self.assertEquals(len(result), 0) self.assertEquals(result.__class__, ChainSet) #self.assertEquals(result.__class__, self.mols.chains.__class__) def test_1level_select_with_valid_regex(self): """ test string with valid_regex returns set with 1 items <this regex is intended to match 1, 2,or 3 followed by anything> """ new_mols = Read("Data/1crn.pdb") self.mols +=new_mols selString = "[1-3]*:" result, msg =, selString) #print "result=", result #1crn has 1 chain self.assertEquals(len(result), 1) self.assertEquals(result.__class__, self.mols.chains.__class__) def test_1level_select_with_valid_regex_2(self): """ test string with valid_regex returns set with 1 items <this regex is intended to match anything in range s-z followed by anything> """ new_mols = Read("Data/1crn.pdb") self.mols +=new_mols selString = "[s-z]*:" result, msg =, selString) #print "result=", result self.assertEquals(len(result), len(self.mols[0].chains)) self.assertEquals(result.__class__, self.mols.chains.__class__) #tests with 2 changes of level def test_2level_select_with_empty_string(self): """ test result with empty string "::" returns all residues """ #stringSel = MVProteinSetSelector(self.mols, self.selString) #result, msg = stringSel.go() result, msg =, "::") self.assertEquals(result, self.mols.chains.residues) self.assertEquals(result.__class__, self.mols.chains.residues.__class__) def test_2level_select_end(self): """ test select with '$' returns last molecule.residues """ new_mols = Read("Data/1crn.pdb") self.mols +=new_mols result, msg =, "$::") self.assertEquals(result, self.mols[-1:].chains.residues) def test_2level_select_end_2(self): """ test select with ':$' returns molecule's last residue """ new_mols = Read("Data/1crn.pdb") self.mols +=new_mols result, msg =, "::$") self.assertEquals(result[0], self.mols[-1:].chains.residues[-1]) def test_2level_select_with_valid_index(self): """ test string with valid_index:: returns residue set of 54 """ selString = "0::" #selString = "1::" result, msg =, selString) self.assertEquals(len(result), len(self.mols.chains.residues)) self.assertEquals(result.__class__, self.mols.chains.residues.__class__) def test_2level_select_with_invalid_index_returns_empty_set(self): """ test string with invalid_index:: returns empty ResidueSet FIX THIS: should it be an empty residueSet? """ selString = "2::" result, msg =, selString) self.assertEqual(result.__class__, ResidueSet) #self.assertEqual(result.__class__, self.mols.chains.residues.__class__) self.assertEqual(len(result), 0) self.assertEqual(msg[0], selString[0]) def test_2level_select_with_valid_range(self): """ test string with valid_range returns all residues """ new_mols = Read("Data/1crn.pdb") self.mols +=new_mols selString = "0-1::" #selString = "1-2::" result, msg =, selString) self.assertEquals(len(result), len(self.mols.chains.residues)) def test_2level_select_with_invalid_range(self): """ test string with invalid_range returns set with 0 items FIX THIS: should it be an empty ResidueSet? """ new_mols = Read("Data/1crn.pdb") self.mols +=new_mols selString = "4-6::" result, msg =, selString) self.assertEquals(len(result), 0) self.assertEquals(result.__class__, ResidueSet) #self.assertEquals(result.__class__, self.mols.chains.residues.__class__) def test_2level_select_with_valid_regex(self): """ test string with valid_regex:: returns set with 46 residues <this regex is intended to match 1, 2,or 3 followed by anything> """ new_mols = Read("Data/1crn.pdb") self.mols +=new_mols selString = "[1-3]*::" result, msg =, selString) #print "result=", result #result matches 1crn only self.assertEquals(len(result), len(self.mols[1].chains.residues)) self.assertEquals(result.__class__, self.mols.chains.residues.__class__) def test_2level_select_with_valid_regex_2(self): """ test string with valid_regex:: returns residueSet of 8 <this regex is intended to match anything in range s-z followed by anything> """ new_mols = Read("Data/1crn.pdb") self.mols +=new_mols selString = "[s-z]*::" result, msg =, selString) #print "result=", result #result matches mols[0] only self.assertEquals(len(result), len(self.mols[0].chains.residues)) self.assertEquals(result.__class__, self.mols.chains.residues.__class__) #tests with 3 changes of level def test_3level_select_with_empty_string(self): """ test result with empty string ":::" returns all atoms """ #stringSel = MVProteinSetSelector(self.mols, self.selString) #result, msg = stringSel.go() result, msg =, ":::") self.assertEquals(result, self.mols.allAtoms) self.assertEquals(result.__class__, self.mols.allAtoms.__class__) def test_3level_select_end(self): """ test select with '$' returns last molecule.atoms """ new_mols = Read("Data/1crn.pdb") self.mols +=new_mols result, msg =, "$:::") self.assertEquals(result, self.mols[-1:].allAtoms) def test_3level_select_end_2(self): """ test select with ':$' returns molecule's last atom """ new_mols = Read("Data/1crn.pdb") self.mols +=new_mols result, msg =, ":::$") self.assertEquals(result[0], self.mols[-1:].allAtoms[-1]) def test_3level_select_with_valid_index(self): """ test string with valid_index returns set of atoms """ selString = "0:::" #selString = "1:::" result, msg =, selString) #print "result=", result self.assertEquals(len(result), len(self.mols[0].allAtoms)) self.assertEquals(result.__class__, self.mols.allAtoms.__class__) def test_3level_select_with_invalid_index_returns_empty_set(self): """ test string with invalid_index returns empty AtomSet FIX THIS: should it be an empty AtomSet? """ selString = "2:::" result, msg =, selString) self.assertEqual(result.__class__, AtomSet) self.assertEqual(len(result), 0) self.assertEqual(msg[0], selString[0]) def test_3level_select_with_valid_range(self): """ test string with valid_range returns 1crn.allAtoms """ new_mols = Read("Data/1crn.pdb") self.mols +=new_mols selString = "0-1:::" #selString = "1-2:::" result, msg =, selString) self.assertEquals(len(result), len(self.mols.allAtoms)) def test_3level_select_with_invalid_range(self): """ test string with invalid_range returns set with 0 items FIX THIS: should it be an empty AtomSet? """ new_mols = Read("Data/1crn.pdb") self.mols +=new_mols selString = "4-6:::" result, msg =, selString) self.assertEquals(len(result), 0) self.assertEquals(result.__class__, AtomSet) #self.assertEquals(result.__class__, self.mols.allAtoms.__class__) def test_3level_select_with_valid_regex(self): """ test string with valid_regex returns AtomSet 1crn.allAtoms <this regex is intended to match 1, 2,or 3 followed by anything> """ new_mols = Read("Data/1crn.pdb") self.mols +=new_mols selString = "[1-3]*:::" result, msg =, selString) #print "result=", result #result matches 1crn only self.assertEquals(len(result), len(self.mols[1].allAtoms)) self.assertEquals(result.__class__, self.mols.allAtoms.__class__) def test_3level_select_with_valid_regex_2(self): """ test string with valid_regex returns set with 1 items <this regex is intended to match anything in range s-z followed by anything> """ new_mols = Read("Data/1crn.pdb") self.mols +=new_mols selString = "[s-z]*:::" result, msg =, selString) #print "result=", result #result matches mols[0] only self.assertEquals(len(result), len(self.mols[0].allAtoms)) self.assertEquals(result.__class__, self.mols.allAtoms.__class__)