Created on 24/03/2012

@author: newlog
from NNConfiguration import NNConfiguration

cnf = NNConfiguration(None, 2, [3, 1], 3, "./src/dataset/data.txt")
print "1.- Without conf file - Parameters: " , cnf.get_NN_parameters(), "\n"

cnf = NNConfiguration("./nonexistentfile", None, None, None, None)
print "2.- With conf file - Parameters: " , cnf.get_NN_parameters(), "\n"

cnf = NNConfiguration("./nonexistentfile",  2, [3, 1], 3, "./src/dataset/data.txt")
print "3.- Incorrect initialization - Parameters: " , cnf.get_NN_parameters(), "\n"

cnf = NNConfiguration(None,  None, [3, 1], 3, "./src/dataset/data.txt", "./src/dataset/weights.txt")
print "4.- Test initialization - Parameters: " , cnf.get_NN_parameters(), "\n"
Esempio n. 2
@author: newlog

import sys
from NNConfiguration import NNConfiguration
from NeuralNetwork import NeuralNetwork
import time

def usage():
    print "\n[?] You only have to pass the configuration file."
    print "Coded by Newlog, see you console cowboys\n"

if __name__ == '__main__':
    if len(sys.argv) != 2:
        # The program has been invoked incorrectly

    # The program has been invoked with a configuration file
    nn_conf = NNConfiguration(sys.argv[1])
    # Now we can build the neural network
    nn = NeuralNetwork(nn_conf)
    # Now we can activate the neural network
    init = time.time()
    final = time.time()
    print "[+] Execution time: %s seconds" % str(final - init)
    print "[*] Well done, Neural Cowboy."
2st = Number of iterations of the dataset
2nd = A list containing the number of nodes in each layer
3th = The number of inputs of the neural network
4th = The path to the training set

####            SUN SPOT TRAINING AND TEST START          #####
The Neural Network is invoked to be trained with the sunspots

cnf = NNConfiguration(None, 1, [2, 1], 2,
nn = NeuralNetwork(cnf)
The Neural Network is invoked to test unclassified instances with the sunspots. (Production)
cnf = NNConfiguration(  None, 
                        [21, 1], 
nn = NeuralNetwork(cnf)
Created on 26/06/2012

@author: newlog

from NNConfiguration import NNConfiguration

cnf = NNConfiguration("./src/tests/conf/good_conf.txt", None, None, None, None)
print "1.- With conf file - Parameters: " , cnf.get_NN_parameters(), "\n"

cnf = NNConfiguration("./src/tests/conf/bad_conf_2.txt", None, None, None, None)
print "1.- With conf file - Parameters: " , cnf.get_NN_parameters(), "\n"

cnf = NNConfiguration("./src/tests/conf/bad_conf_1.txt", None, None, None, None)
print "1.- With conf file - Parameters: " , cnf.get_NN_parameters(), "\n"