def addOpenningTag(self, tag): if self.root.state == 'empty': self.root.state = 'open' self.root.openningTag = tag if tag.type == 'empty': self.root.state = 'close' self.root.closingTag = tag return elif self.root.state == 'close' or (self.root.state == 'text' and self.root.openningTag.type == 'no'): rootBranch1 = node() rootBranch1.state = 'close' rootBranch1.openningTag = self.root.openningTag rootBranch1.listOfText = self.root.listOfText rootBranch1.closingTag = self.root.closingTag rootBranch1.listOfNodes = self.root.listOfNodes self.root = node() self.root.state = 'passed' rootBranch2 = node() rootBranch2.state = 'open' rootBranch2.openningTag = tag if tag.type == 'empty': rootBranch2.state = 'close' rootBranch2.closingTag = tag self.root.listOfNodes.append(rootBranch1) self.root.listOfNodes.append(rootBranch2) else: self.root.state = 'passed' self.addOpenningSubtree(self.root, tag)
def testcase(): head = node(1) = node(2) = node(3) = node(4) = node(5) sol = Solution(head) sol.print_list(sol.reverse_list())
def addNode(self, data): if self.getHead() == None: self.setHead(node(data)) else: currentNode = self.getHead() while(currentNode.getNext() != None): currentNode = currentNode.getNext() currentNode.setNext(node(data)) return "Added a new node:" + str(data)
def iniGameBoard(self): for i in range(0,len(self.board)): col=[] for j in range(0,len(self.board[0])): if self.board[i][j]!=0 : col.append(node(domain,(-1,-1),i,j,value=self.board[i][j])) else: col.append(node(domain,(-1,-1),i,j)) self.gameBoard.append(col) col=[]
def append(self, data): ''' puts data at the end of a list''' if self.isEmpty(): self.front = node(data) self.back = self.front self.size += 1 else: # create a node with data in it and call it 'temp' temp = node(data) temp.set_prev(self.front) # the new node's (temp) prev becomes the last element in the list # the back node's next becomes the newly created node self.back.set_next(temp) self.back = temp # updating the back to temp self.size += 1
def __init__(self, address=('localhost', 5001 + 1), id=1, init_address=('localhost', 5000), timeout=3): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.node = node(address, self.__class__.__name__, id, init_address)
def DT_Learn(data, attrs, pData): if data.__len__() == 0: return mostCommon(pData) else: if Control_1(data): return mostCommon(data) else: if attrs.__len__() == 0: return mostCommon(data) else: # calcolo il guadagno e scelgo l'attribbuto che realizza il massimo guadagno listattr = list(attrs.keys()) earning = gain(data, listattr) i = np.argmax(earning) A = listattr[i] # calcolo la classe del nodo cioè la classe più presente nel dataset corrente classe, num = np.unique(data['Y'], return_counts=True) i = np.argmax(num) y = classe[i] # creo il nuovo nodo newNode = node() newNode.setAttribute(A) newNode.setY(y) val = attrs[A] newattrs = copy.deepcopy(attrs) newattrs.pop(A) for i in val: data2 = data.where(data[A] == i).dropna() nodo = DT_Learn(data2, newattrs, data) newNode.setChild(nodo, i) return newNode
def mostCommon(data): NewNode = node() val, num = np.unique(data['Y'], return_counts=True) i = np.argmax(num) NewNode.setY(val[i]) NewNode.leaf = True return NewNode
def test3(): tree = node() root = tree #first child firstChild = root.addNode("seq") if firstChild == None: print ("error creating seq node") print("test 3: failed :-(") return None tempN = firstChild.addNode("seq") if tempN == None: print ("error creating seq node") else: tempN.setAttrib("probability","0.1 0.5") tempN = firstChild.addNode("seq") if tempN == None: print ("error creating seq node") else: tempN.setAttrib("probability","0.1 0.5") tempN = firstChild.addNode("loop") if tempN == None: print ("error creating loop node") else: tempN.setAttrib("probability","0.1 0.5") tempN = firstChild.addNode("par") if tempN == None: print ("error creating parallel node") else: tempN.setAttrib("probability","0.1 0.5") tempN = firstChild.addNode("tsk") if tempN == None: print ("error creating tsk node") else: tempN.setAttrib("probability","0.1 0.5") tempN = firstChild.addNode("sel") if tempN == None: print ("error creating selector node") else: tempN.setAttrib("probability","0.1 0.5") #iterate over firstChild children: firstChildList = firstChild.getChildren() count = 0 for childNode in firstChildList: count += 1 if count == 6: print("test 3: success! please check the file test3.xml - every tag need to have the same attrib.") else: print("test 3: failed :-(") #print the tree we built from scratch to xml file. #please check the file- every tag need to have the same attrib. root.treeToXml("tests/test3.xml")
def addClosingTag(self, tag): if self.root.state == 'empty': self.root.state = 'close' self.root.closingTag = tag elif self.root.state == 'close': rootBranch1 = node() rootBranch1.state = 'close' rootBranch1.openningTag = self.root.openningTag rootBranch1.listOfText = self.root.listOfText rootBranch1.closingTag = self.root.closingTag rootBranch1.listOfNodes = self.root.listOfNodes self.root = node() # clear root self.root.state = 'close' self.root.closingTag = tag self.root.listOfNodes.append(rootBranch1) else: self.addClosingSubtree(self.root, tag, 0)
def __init__(self, profondeurMax, nbChildMax, board): self.profondeurMax = profondeurMax self.nbChildMax = nbChildMax self.root = node(None, 0, self.profondeurMax, 0, board) self.propagate(self.root) self.root.heuristic = self.MinMax(self.root)
def __init__(self, address=('localhost', 5000), id=0, init_address=None, timeout=3): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.node = node(address, self.__class__.__name__, id, init_address) self.grill = True # As maquinas... self.fryer = True self.bottle = True
def mainFromScrath(argv): # Twhile True: # print("please chose a number between 1-5") # create the tree root tree = node() # create a new seq child child = tree.addNode("seq") # add attribute to the new node child.setAttrib("probability", "0.78, 0.2, 0.1, 0.9") # write the tree to xml file tree.treeToXml(argv)
def graph_generator(filename): pyramid = open(filename) pyramid = [line.strip('\n').split(' ') for line in pyramid] #print pyramid graph = [] for r, row in enumerate(pyramid): #Creates nodes graph.append([]) for element in row: if element[0] == '0': graph[r].append(node(-int(element[1:]))) else: graph[r].append(node(-int(element))) for r in range(0, len(graph) - 1): #Updates neighbors for e in range(0, len(graph[r])): graph[r][e].neighbors = [graph[r + 1][e], graph[r + 1][e + 1]] graph[0][0].distance = graph[0][0].value return graph
def graph_generator(filename): pyramid = open(filename) pyramid = [line.strip('\n').split(' ') for line in pyramid] #print pyramid graph = [] for r, row in enumerate(pyramid): #Creates nodes graph.append([]) for element in row: if element[0] == '0': graph[r].append(node(-int(element[1:]))) else: graph[r].append(node(-int(element))) for r in range(0, len(graph)-1): #Updates neighbors for e in range(0, len(graph[r])): graph[r][e].neighbors = [graph[r+1][e], graph[r+1][e+1]] graph[0][0].distance = graph[0][0].value return graph
def addOpenningSubtree(self, subTree, tag): if len(subTree.listOfNodes) == 0: newNode = node() newNode.state = 'open' newNode.openningTag = tag if tag.type == 'empty': newNode.state = 'close' newNode.closingTag = tag subTree.listOfNodes.append(newNode) return if subTree.listOfNodes[-1].state == 'text' or subTree.listOfNodes[ -1].state == 'close': newNode = node() newNode.state = 'open' newNode.openningTag = tag if tag.type == 'empty': newNode.state = 'close' newNode.closingTag = tag subTree.listOfNodes.append(newNode) return self.addOpenningSubtree(subTree.listOfNodes[-1], tag)
def addTextSubtree(self, subTree, text): if len(subTree.listOfNodes) == 0: subTree.state = 'text' subTree.listOfText.append(text) return if subTree.listOfNodes[-1].state == 'close': newNode = node() newNode.state = 'text' newNode.listOfText.append(text) subTree.listOfNodes.append(newNode) return self.addTextSubtree(subTree.listOfNodes[-1], text)
def __init__(self, address=('localhost', 5001 + 2), id=2, init_address=('localhost', 5000), timeout=3): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.node = node(address, self.__class__.__name__, id, init_address) self.plates = Queue.Queue( ) # QUEUE de pratos(menus) que tem para fazer self.permitions = Queue.Queue( ) # QUEUE das permissões (vindas o Restaurante) que tem, para consequentemente cozinhar self.cook = threading.Thread(
def completeGraph(self): # Method that create a complete graph. It return a list of objects node. nodesList = [] # Create an empty list nodeT = self.N # Define the total number of nodes positions = self.load_positions() max_pos = self.max_dist(positions) for i in range(nodeT): nodesList.append( node([(x, self.distance(positions, x, i) / max_pos) for x in range(nodeT) if x != i])) # Append an object node, that is connected with all the other nodes except itself, at each iteration return nodesList
def test1(): tree = node() root = tree #first child newChild = root.addNode("par") #parallel #notice that the childlist start from zero. child = root.getChild(0) #compare by instance id: if newChild.comparTo(child) == True: print("test 1: success!") else: print("test 1: failed :-(")
def __init__(self): self.graph = { 'A': [edge('B',5),edge('C',4)], 'B': [edge('A',5),edge('F',10)], 'C': [edge('A',4),edge('D',8)], 'D': [edge('C',8),edge('F',2),edge('E',3)], 'E': [edge('D',3),edge('G',2)], 'F': [edge('B',10),edge('D',2),edge('G',3),edge('H',8)], 'G': [edge('E',2),edge('F',3),edge('H',1)], 'H': [edge('G',1),edge('F',8)]} self.meta=state('H') self.initialNode = node(state('A'),None,None,0)
def prepend(self, data): '''puts data at the end of a list''' if self.isEmpty(): self.append(data) else: # create a node with data in it and call it 'temp' temp = node(data) temp.setNext(self.back) # the new node's (temp) next becomes the first element in the list # teh front node's prev becomes the newly created node self.front.setPrev(temp) self.front = temp # updating the back to temp self.size += 1
def test1(): tree = node() root = tree #first child newChild = root.addNode("par")#parallel #notice that the childlist start from zero. child = root.getChild(0) #compare by instance id: if newChild.comparTo(child) == True : print("test 1: success!") else: print("test 1: failed :-(")
def addText(self, text): if self.root.state == 'empty' or self.root.state == 'text': self.root.state = 'text' self.root.listOfText.append(text) return elif self.root.state == 'close' or (self.root.state == 'text' and self.root.openningTag.type == 'no'): rootBranch1 = node() rootBranch1.state = 'close' rootBranch1.openningTag = self.root.openningTag rootBranch1.listOfText = self.root.listOfText rootBranch1.closingTag = self.root.closingTag rootBranch1.listOfNodes = self.root.listOfNodes self.root = node() self.root.state = 'passed' rootBranch2 = node() rootBranch2.state = 'text' rootBranch2.listOfText.append(text) self.root.listOfNodes.append(rootBranch1) self.root.listOfNodes.append(rootBranch2) else: self.addTextSubtree(self.root, text)
def __init__(self, fileName=None ,root=None): if fileName != None: tree = etree.parse(fileName) #if we don't get a file to parse if root == None: self.root = tree.getroot() else: self.root= root #hold the name of the file. self.fileName = fileName #create a root node- type plan self.rootNode = node(self.root,self,self.root.tag) #update the whole tree- create the wrap for the whole tree. self._getUpdateTree()
def insert(self, data, old_node): '''inserts a node between two other nodes in a list''' if self.isEmpty(): self.append(data) else: if old_node == None: return None else: # create a node with data in it and call it 'temp temp = node(data) # set that node (temp) prev to the node already in the list temp.setPRev(old_node) temp.setNext(old_node.getNext()) # set 'temp's next to the next of teh node already in the lsit old_node.setNext(temp) # set 'temp' as the old node's next temp.getNext().setPrevious(temp)
def add(self, item): current = self.head previous = None stop = False while current != None and not stop: if current.getData() > item: stop = True else: previous = current current = current.getNext() temp = node(item) if previous == None: temp.setNext(self.head) self.head = temp else: temp.setNext(current) previous.setNext(temp)
def __init__(self, address=('localhost', 5001+3), id=3, init_address=('localhost', 5000), timeout=3): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.node = node(address, self.__class__.__name__, id, init_address) self.deliveries = {} # Dicionario pa guardar o ID : ADDR do cliente
def test_str(self): test_object = str(node(3,None)) self.assertEqual('3',test_object)
def test_node(self): test_object = node(3,None).item self.assertEqual(3,test_object)
def test17(): tree = node() root = tree #first child firstChild = root.addNode("par") if firstChild == None: print("error creating parallel node") print("test 17: failed :-(") return None dist_succ = _createUniformDist(2, 5) dist_fail = _createUniformDist(6, 10) firstChild.DEBUGchild = True for j in range(3): tempN = firstChild.addNode("seq") if tempN == None: print("error creating seq node") for i in range(5): if ((j == 1) and (i == 2)): tempN1 = tempN.addNode("seq") tempN.DEBUGchild = True tempN1.DEBUGchild = True if tempN1 == None: print("error creating seq node") else: for i in range(4): tempN2 = tempN1.addNode("tsk") if tempN2 == None: print("error creating seq node") else: tempN2.setProbTable([0.8, 0.5]) for i in range(2): dist_fail = _createUniformDist(6, 10 - i) tempN2.addDistToSuccTable(dist_succ) tempN2.addDistToFailTable(dist_fail) tempN2.setAttrib( "Successdistribution", tempN2._distTableToString( tempN2.distTableSucc)) tempN2.setAttrib( "Failuredistribution", tempN2._distTableToString( tempN2.distTableFail)) tempN2.setDebug("True 100") else: tempN1 = tempN.addNode("tsk") if tempN1 == None: print("error creating seq node") else: tempN1.setProbTable([0.7, 0.5]) for i in range(2): tempN1.addDistToSuccTable(dist_succ) tempN1.addDistToFailTable(dist_fail) tempN1.setAttrib( "Successdistribution", tempN1._distTableToString(tempN1.distTableSucc)) tempN1.setAttrib( "Failuredistribution", tempN1._distTableToString(tempN1.distTableFail)) #iterate over firstChild children: firstChildList = firstChild.getChildren() node.debugMode = False for i in range(5): root.treeToXml("output/test17.xml") print "phase 2" node.debugMode = True for i in range(5): root.treeToXml("output/test17.xml") count = 0 for childNode in firstChildList: count += 1 if count == 3: print( "test 17: success! please check the file test4.xml - every tag need to have the same attrib." ) else: print("test 17: failed :-(")
def test15(): tree = node() root = tree #first child firstChild = root.addNode("par") if firstChild == None: print ("error creating seq node") print("test 15: failed :-(") return None dist_succ = _createUniformDist(2,5) dist_fail = _createUniformDist(6,10) firstChild.DEBUGchild = True for j in range(3): tempN = firstChild.addNode("seq") if tempN == None: print ("error creating seq node") for i in range(5): if ((j==1) and (i==2)): tempN1 = tempN.addNode("seq") tempN.DEBUGchild = True tempN1.DEBUGchild = True if tempN1 == None: print ("error creating seq node") else: for i in range(4): tempN2 = tempN1.addNode("tsk") if tempN2 == None: print ("error creating seq node") else: tempN2.setProbTable([0.8, 0.5]) for i in range(2): dist_fail = _createUniformDist(6,10-i) tempN2.addDistToSuccTable(dist_succ) tempN2.addDistToFailTable(dist_fail) tempN2.setAttrib("Successdistribution",tempN2._distTableToString(tempN2.distTableSucc)) tempN2.setAttrib("Failuredistribution",tempN2._distTableToString(tempN2.distTableFail)) tempN2.setDebug("True 100") else: tempN1 = tempN.addNode("tsk") if tempN1 == None: print ("error creating seq node") else: tempN1.setProbTable([0.7, 0.5]) for i in range(2): tempN1.addDistToSuccTable(dist_succ) tempN1.addDistToFailTable(dist_fail) tempN1.setAttrib("Successdistribution",tempN1._distTableToString(tempN1.distTableSucc)) tempN1.setAttrib("Failuredistribution",tempN1._distTableToString(tempN1.distTableFail)) #iterate over firstChild children: node.debugMode = False for i in range(5): root.treeToXml("output/test15a.xml") print("test 15.1: success! please check the file test15a.xml - every tag need to have the same attrib.") node.debugMode = True for i in range(5): root.treeToXml("output/test15b.xml") print("test 15.2: success! please check the file test15b.xml - every tag need to have the same attrib.")
def test6(): tree = node() root = tree #first child firstChild = root.addNode("par") if firstChild == None: print ("error creating par node") print("test 7: failed :-(") return None dist_succ = _createUniformDist(2,5) dist_fail = _createUniformDist(6,10) firstChild.DEBUGchild = True for j in range(3): if j==0: tempN = firstChild.addNode("seq") if tempN == None: print ("error creating seq node") if j==1: tempN = firstChild.addNode("sel") if tempN == None: print ("error creating sel node") if j==2: tempN = firstChild.addNode("loop") if tempN == None: print ("error creating seq node") for i in range(5): if ((j==1) and (i==2)): tempN1 = tempN.addNode("seq") tempN.DEBUGchild = True tempN1.DEBUGchild = True if tempN1 == None: print ("error creating seq node") else: for i in range(4): tempN2 = tempN1.addNode("tsk") if tempN2 == None: print ("error creating seq node") else: tempN2.setProbTable([0.1, 0.5]) for i in range(2): dist_fail = _createUniformDist(6,10-i) tempN2.addDistToSuccTable(dist_succ) tempN2.addDistToFailTable(dist_fail) tempN2.setAttrib("Successdistribution",tempN2._distTableToString(tempN2.distTableSucc)) tempN2.setAttrib("Failuredistribution",tempN2._distTableToString(tempN2.distTableFail)) tempN2.setDebug("True 100") else: tempN1 = tempN.addNode("tsk") if tempN1 == None: print ("error creating seq node") else: tempN1.setProbTable([0.3, 0.5]) for i in range(2): tempN1.addDistToSuccTable(dist_succ) tempN1.addDistToFailTable(dist_fail) tempN1.setAttrib("Successdistribution",tempN1._distTableToString(tempN1.distTableSucc)) tempN1.setAttrib("Failuredistribution",tempN1._distTableToString(tempN1.distTableFail)) if j==2: break #iterate over firstChild children: firstChildList = firstChild.getChildren() node.debugMode = False for i in range(5): root.treeToXml("output/test4.xml") print "phase 2" node.debugMode = True for i in range(5): root.treeToXml("output/test5.xml") count = 0 for childNode in firstChildList: count += 1 if count == 3: print("test 6: success! please check the file test4.xml - every tag need to have the same attrib.") else: print("test 6: failed :-(")
Outside.remove(Node[i].index) """ """ j = 0 for j in range(len(Cluster[i].nodes_idx)): if (Cluster[i].nodes_idx[j] not in Assigned_Nodes): Assigned_Nodes.append(Cluster[i].nodes_idx[j]) """ """ Cluster[i].Nodes.append(Cluster[i].centroid.index) Cluster[i].nodes_idx.append(Cluster[i].centroid.index) """ #Create Node set Node = [node(i, (deliv_517["Longitude"][i], deliv_517["Latitude"][i]), deliv_517["Delivery Volume"][i], deliv_517["Adj Nodes"][i]) for i in range(len(deliv_517))] #Establish set Outside, which tracks the nodes that are not assigned to a cluster Outside = [] i = 0 for i in range(len(Node)): Outside.append(Node[i].index) #Create set that tracks the nodes that have been assigned to a cluster Assigned_Nodes = [] #Cluster Initialization #The last three nodes are the facilities. We are using them as the initial nodes in order to build the algorithm. #Clusters take a Node object that will be the centroid, a target weight for the cluster, and a capacity. Cluster = [cluster(Node[i], target_weight, deliv_517["Delivery Volume"][i]) for i in range(465,468)]
if (Node[Node[Outside[i]].adj_nodes[j]].isOutside == True): n_outside += 1 Node[Outside[i]].reachability = n_outside/len(Outside) """ #%% #Import node and cluster class objects from Node import node from Cluster import cluster from Reachable_Extensible import get_reach_and_ext from Best_Reach_Ext import best_reach_ext_nodes, best_reach_ext_clusters from Assign_and_Update import assign_and_update from Decision_Criteria import priority_weight, priority_card #Create Node set Node = [ node(i, (delivs["Longitude"][i], delivs["Latitude"][i]), delivs["Delivery Volume"][i], delivs["Adj Nodes"][i]) for i in range(len(delivs)) ] #Establish set Outside, which tracks the nodes that are not assigned to a cluster Outside = [Node[i].index for i in range(len(Node))] #Create set that tracks the nodes that have been assigned to a cluster Assigned_Nodes = [] #Cluster Initialization: #Clusters take a Node object that will be the centroid, a balance target for the cluster, and a capacity. #This line creates 3 clusters with the facilities as the central locations. Cluster = [ cluster(Node[i], delivs["Delivery Volume"][i], 999999999)
def test7(): tree = node() root = tree #first child firstChild = root.addNode("par") if firstChild == None: print("error creating seq node") print("test 7: failed :-(") return None dist_succ = _createUniformDist(2, 5) dist_fail = _createUniformDist(6, 10) for j in range(3): tempN = firstChild.addNode("seq") if tempN == None: print("error creating seq node") for i in range(5): if ((j == 1) and (i == 2)): tempN1 = tempN.addNode("seq") if tempN1 == None: print("error creating seq node") else: for i in range(4): tempN2 = tempN1.addNode("tsk") if tempN2 == None: print("error creating seq node") else: tempN2.setAttrib("time", "1") tempN2.setAttrib("succ", "T") #tempN2.setTime(0) #tempN2.setSucc(False) tempN2.setProbTable([0.8, 0.5]) for i in range(2): tempN2.addDistToSuccTable(dist_succ) tempN2.addDistToFailTable(dist_fail) tempN2.setAttrib("Successdistribution", tempN2.distTableSucc) tempN2.setAttrib("Failuredistribution", tempN2.distTableFail) else: tempN1 = tempN.addNode("tsk") if tempN1 == None: print("error creating seq node") else: tempN1.setAttrib("time", "1") tempN1.setAttrib("succ", "T") #tempN1.setTime(0) #tempN1.setSucc(False) tempN1.setProbTable([0.7, 0.5]) for i in range(2): tempN1.addDistToSuccTable(dist_succ) tempN1.addDistToFailTable(dist_fail) tempN1.setAttrib("Successdistribution", tempN1.distTableSucc) tempN1.setAttrib("Failuredistribution", tempN1.distTableFail) #iterate over firstChild children: firstChildList = firstChild.getChildren() for i in range(5): count = 0 for childNode in firstChildList: count += 1 if count == 3: print( "test 7: success! please check the file output/test4.xml - every tag need to have the same attrib." ) else: print("test 7: failed :-(") #print the tree we built from scratch to xml file. #please check the file- every tag need to have the same attrib. root.treeToXml("output/test4.xml")
def test7(): tree = node() root = tree #first child firstChild = root.addNode("par") if firstChild == None: print ("error creating seq node") print("test 7: failed :-(") return None dist_succ = _createUniformDist(2,5) dist_fail = _createUniformDist(6,10) for j in range(3): tempN = firstChild.addNode("seq") if tempN == None: print ("error creating seq node") for i in range(5): if ((j==1) and (i==2)): tempN1 = tempN.addNode("seq") if tempN1 == None: print ("error creating seq node") else: for i in range(4): tempN2 = tempN1.addNode("tsk") if tempN2 == None: print ("error creating seq node") else: tempN2.setAttrib("time","1") tempN2.setAttrib("succ","T") #tempN2.setTime(0) #tempN2.setSucc(False) tempN2.setProbTable([0.8, 0.5]) for i in range(2): tempN2.addDistToSuccTable(dist_succ) tempN2.addDistToFailTable(dist_fail) tempN2.setAttrib("Successdistribution",tempN2.distTableSucc) tempN2.setAttrib("Failuredistribution",tempN2.distTableFail) else: tempN1 = tempN.addNode("tsk") if tempN1 == None: print ("error creating seq node") else: tempN1.setAttrib("time","1") tempN1.setAttrib("succ","T") #tempN1.setTime(0) #tempN1.setSucc(False) tempN1.setProbTable([0.7, 0.5]) for i in range(2): tempN1.addDistToSuccTable(dist_succ) tempN1.addDistToFailTable(dist_fail) tempN1.setAttrib("Successdistribution",tempN1.distTableSucc) tempN1.setAttrib("Failuredistribution",tempN1.distTableFail) #iterate over firstChild children: firstChildList = firstChild.getChildren() for i in range(5): count = 0 for childNode in firstChildList: count += 1 if count == 3: print("test 7: success! please check the file output/test4.xml - every tag need to have the same attrib.") else: print("test 7: failed :-(") #print the tree we built from scratch to xml file. #please check the file- every tag need to have the same attrib. root.treeToXml("output/test4.xml")
def test3(): tree = node() root = tree #first child firstChild = root.addNode("seq") if firstChild == None: print("error creating seq node") print("test 3: failed :-(") return None tempN = firstChild.addNode("seq") if tempN == None: print("error creating seq node") else: tempN.setAttrib("probability", "0.1 0.5") tempN = firstChild.addNode("seq") if tempN == None: print("error creating seq node") else: tempN.setAttrib("probability", "0.1 0.5") tempN = firstChild.addNode("loop") if tempN == None: print("error creating loop node") else: tempN.setAttrib("probability", "0.1 0.5") tempN = firstChild.addNode("par") if tempN == None: print("error creating parallel node") else: tempN.setAttrib("probability", "0.1 0.5") tempN = firstChild.addNode("tsk") if tempN == None: print("error creating tsk node") else: tempN.setAttrib("probability", "0.1 0.5") tempN = firstChild.addNode("sel") if tempN == None: print("error creating selector node") else: tempN.setAttrib("probability", "0.1 0.5") #iterate over firstChild children: firstChildList = firstChild.getChildren() count = 0 for childNode in firstChildList: count += 1 if count == 6: print( "test 3: success! please check the file test3.xml - every tag need to have the same attrib." ) else: print("test 3: failed :-(") #print the tree we built from scratch to xml file. #please check the file- every tag need to have the same attrib. root.treeToXml("tests/test3.xml")
def minimax(board, player, moves_ahead, first_player ): #creates nodes for start board and return best next move m = 0 curr_node = node(board, [], [], [], "MAX", True, True, False, -1) #creates parent node first_move = True while ( (curr_node.parent != []) or (first_move == True) ): #in this loop it creates each nodes children until reached to given depth (moves_ahead) first_move = False if (curr_node.level == "MIN"): #assigns player depending on level if (player == 'w'): p = 'b' else: p = 'w' else: if (player == 'w'): p = 'w' else: p = 'b' if (curr_node.level == "MAX" ): #assigns level depending on parent node's level l = "MIN" else: l = "MAX" new_states = movegen( curr_node.state, player) #gets the new moves from current given move while (len(new_states) > 0): #creates children nodes state = new_states.pop(0) new_node = node(state, curr_node, [], [], l, False, False, False, -1) curr_node.children.append(new_node) for c in range(len(curr_node.children)): if (c != len(curr_node.children) - 1): curr_node.children[c].right = curr_node.children[c + 1] curr_children = copy.copy(curr_node.children) #assigns next node if (m + 1 >= moves_ahead): #if depth is reached for i in curr_node.children: #leaves are found i.visited = True i.isleaf = True if (curr_node.right != []): #goes to the node on the right if exists curr_node = curr_node.right if (curr_node.visited == True): #finds node that wasnt visited found = False while (curr_node.visited == True): if (curr_node.visited == False and curr_node != []): found = True curr_node = curr_node.right curr_node.visited = True break if (found == False): #if not found goes back to the parent curr_node = curr_node.parent else: curr_node.visited = True else: if (curr_node.parent.isfirst == False ): #if we are back at the top get out of the loop curr_node = curr_node.parent else: curr_node = curr_node.parent break else: #if depth hasnt reached if (len(curr_children) > 0): #get first child if exists curr_node = curr_children.pop(0) curr_node.visited = True else: #if not go right if (curr_node.right != []): curr_node = curr_node.right curr_node.visited = True else: if (curr_node.isfirst == True): break if (curr_node.parent.isfirst == False): curr_node = curr_node.parent else: curr_node = curr_node.parent break m += 1 return (get_best_move(curr_node, player, first_player, moves_ahead))
return True current_stack.pop() unvisited.append(a_node) return False #Read in names participants = open('olive.txt') participants = [names.strip('\n').split(' ') for names in participants] graph = [] for names in participants: #Creates nodes with name and family members for name in names: family = names[:] family.remove(name) graph.append(node(name, family)) #Create unvisited list unvisited = graph #Traverse and see path: bag = [] traversal(unvisited[random.randint(0, len(unvisited) - 1)], bag) #Selects random participant to start with to organize bag.append(bag[0]) #Appends first person to the end as well bag = [ for x in bag] for x in range(len(bag) - 1): print bag[x] + ' -> ' + bag[x + 1]