Esempio n. 1
    def test_circles2d_from_curves(self):
        '''Test: circles2d from curves'''
        P1 = gp_Pnt2d(9, 6)
        P2 = gp_Pnt2d(10, 4)
        P3 = gp_Pnt2d(6, 7)
        C = gce_MakeCirc2d(P1, P2, P3).Value()

        QC = gccent_Outside(C)
        P4 = gp_Pnt2d(-2, 7)
        P5 = gp_Pnt2d(12, -3)
        L = GccAna_Lin2d2Tan(P4, P5, precision_Confusion()).ThisSolution(1)

        QL = gccent_Unqualified(L)
        radius = 2.
        TR = GccAna_Circ2d2TanRad(QC, QL, radius, precision_Confusion())

        if TR.IsDone():
            NbSol = TR.NbSolutions()
            for k in range(1, NbSol + 1):
                circ = TR.ThisSolution(k)
                # find the solution circle
                pnt1 = gp_Pnt2d()
                parsol, pararg = TR.Tangency1(k, pnt1)
                self.assertGreater(parsol, 0.)
                self.assertGreater(pararg, 0.)
                # find the first tangent point
                pnt2 = gp_Pnt2d()
                parsol, pararg = TR.Tangency2(k, pnt2)
                self.assertGreater(parsol, 0.)
                self.assertGreater(pararg, 0.)
                # find the second tangent point

        aLine = GCE2d_MakeSegment(L, -2, 20).Value()
        self.assertIsInstance(aLine, Geom2d_TrimmedCurve)
        if TR.IsDone():
            NbSol = TR.NbSolutions()
            for k in range(1, NbSol + 1):
                circ = TR.ThisSolution(k)
                aCircle = Geom2d_Circle(circ)
                self.assertIsInstance(aCircle, Geom2d_Circle)
                # find the solution circle (index, outvalue, outvalue, gp_Pnt2d)
                pnt3 = gp_Pnt2d()
                parsol, pararg = TR.Tangency1(k, pnt3)
                self.assertGreater(parsol, 0.)
                self.assertGreater(pararg, 0.)
                # find the first tangent point
                pnt4 = gp_Pnt2d()
                parsol, pararg = TR.Tangency2(k, pnt4)
                self.assertGreater(parsol, 0.)
                self.assertGreater(pararg, 0.)
    def test_circles2d_from_curves(self):
        '''Test: circles2d from curves'''
        P1 = gp_Pnt2d(9, 6)
        P2 = gp_Pnt2d(10, 4)
        P3 = gp_Pnt2d(6, 7)
        C = gce_MakeCirc2d(P1, P2, P3).Value()

        QC = gccent_Outside(C)
        P4 = gp_Pnt2d(-2, 7)
        P5 = gp_Pnt2d(12, -3)
        L = GccAna_Lin2d2Tan(P4, P5, precision_Confusion()).ThisSolution(1)

        QL = gccent_Unqualified(L)
        radius = 2.
        TR = GccAna_Circ2d2TanRad(QC, QL, radius, precision_Confusion())

        if TR.IsDone():
            NbSol = TR.NbSolutions()
            for k in range(1, NbSol+1):
                circ = TR.ThisSolution(k)
                # find the solution circle
                pnt1 = gp_Pnt2d()
                parsol, pararg = TR.Tangency1(k, pnt1)
                self.assertGreater(parsol, 0.)
                self.assertGreater(pararg, 0.)
                # find the first tangent point
                pnt2 = gp_Pnt2d()
                parsol, pararg = TR.Tangency2(k, pnt2)
                self.assertGreater(parsol, 0.)
                self.assertGreater(pararg, 0.)
                # find the second tangent point

        aLine = GCE2d_MakeSegment(L, -2, 20).Value()
        self.assertIsInstance(aLine, Geom2d_TrimmedCurve)
        if TR.IsDone():
            NbSol = TR.NbSolutions()
            for k in range(1, NbSol+1):
                circ = TR.ThisSolution(k)
                aCircle = Geom2d_Circle(circ)
                self.assertIsInstance(aCircle, Geom2d_Circle)
                # find the solution circle (index, outvalue, outvalue, gp_Pnt2d)
                pnt3 = gp_Pnt2d()
                parsol, pararg = TR.Tangency1(k, pnt3)
                self.assertGreater(parsol, 0.)
                self.assertGreater(pararg, 0.)
                # find the first tangent point
                pnt4 = gp_Pnt2d()
                parsol, pararg = TR.Tangency2(k, pnt4)
                self.assertGreater(parsol, 0.)
                self.assertGreater(pararg, 0.)
Esempio n. 3
 def test_points_from_intersection(self):
     '''Test: points from intersection'''
     PL = gp_Pln(gp_Ax3(gp_XOY()))
     MinorRadius, MajorRadius = 5, 8
     EL = gp_Elips(gp_YOZ(), MajorRadius, MinorRadius)
     ICQ = IntAna_IntConicQuad(EL, PL, precision_Angular(),
     if ICQ.IsDone():
         NbResults = ICQ.NbPoints()
         if NbResults > 0:
             for i in range(1, NbResults + 1):
                 P = ICQ.Point(i)
                 self.assertIsInstance(P, gp_Pnt)
     aPlane = GC_MakePlane(PL).Value()
     aSurface = Geom_RectangularTrimmedSurface(aPlane, -8., 8., -12., 12.,
                                               True, True)
     anEllips = GC_MakeEllipse(EL).Value()
     self.assertIsInstance(anEllips, Geom_Ellipse)
     if ICQ.IsDone():
         NbResults = ICQ.NbPoints()
         if NbResults > 0:
             for i in range(1, NbResults + 1):
                 P = ICQ.Point(i)
                 self.assertIsInstance(P, gp_Pnt)
Esempio n. 4
def points_from_intersection():
    @param display:
    plane = gp_Pln(gp_Ax3(gp_XOY()))
    minor_radius, major_radius = 5., 8.
    ellips = gp_Elips(gp_YOZ(), major_radius, minor_radius)
    intersection = IntAna_IntConicQuad(ellips, plane, precision_Angular(),
    a_plane = GC_MakePlane(plane).Value()
    a_surface = Geom_RectangularTrimmedSurface(a_plane, -8., 8., -12., 12.,
                                               True, True)
    display.DisplayShape(a_surface, update=True)

    anEllips = GC_MakeEllipse(ellips).Value()

    if intersection.IsDone():
        nb_results = intersection.NbPoints()
        if nb_results > 0:
            for i in range(1, nb_results + 1):
                P = intersection.Point(i)
                pstring = "P%i" % i
                display.DisplayMessage(P, pstring)
Esempio n. 5
    def intersect_point(self, x, y):
        self.Select(x, y)

        viewLine = self.viewline(x, y)

        for i in range(len(self.selected_shapes)):
            hShape = AIS_Shape.DownCast(self.selected_ishapes[i])
            shape = hShape.Shape()

            loc = self.Context.Location(hShape)
            loc_shape = shape.Located(loc)

            shapeIntersector = IntCurvesFace_ShapeIntersector()
            shapeIntersector.Load(loc_shape, precision_Confusion())
            shapeIntersector.Perform(viewLine, float("-inf"), float("+inf"))

            if shapeIntersector.NbPnt() >= 1:
                ip = shapeIntersector.Pnt(1)
                return point3(ip), True

        return point3(), False
 def test_points_from_intersection(self):
     '''Test: points from intersection'''
     PL = gp_Pln(gp_Ax3(gp_XOY()))
     MinorRadius, MajorRadius = 5, 8
     EL = gp_Elips(gp_YOZ(), MajorRadius, MinorRadius)
     ICQ = IntAna_IntConicQuad(EL, PL, precision_Angular(), precision_Confusion())
     if ICQ.IsDone():
         NbResults = ICQ.NbPoints()
         if NbResults > 0:
             for i in range(1, NbResults + 1):
                 P = ICQ.Point(i)
                 self.assertIsInstance(P, gp_Pnt)
     aPlane = GC_MakePlane(PL).Value()
     aSurface = Geom_RectangularTrimmedSurface(aPlane, - 8., 8., - 12., 12., True, True)
     anEllips = GC_MakeEllipse(EL).Value()
     self.assertIsInstance(anEllips, Geom_Ellipse)
     if ICQ.IsDone():
         NbResults = ICQ.NbPoints()
         if NbResults > 0:
             for i in range(1, NbResults + 1):
                 P = ICQ.Point(i)
                 self.assertIsInstance(P, gp_Pnt)
Esempio n. 7
def _helix(r, h, step=None, pitch=None, angle=0, left=False):
    radius = r
    height = h

    if pitch:
        pitch = math.sin(pitch) * 2 * math.pi * r
        pitch = step

    if pitch < precision_Confusion():
        raise Exception("Pitch of helix too small")

    if height < precision_Confusion():
        raise Exception("Height of helix too small")

    cylAx2 = gp_Ax2(gp_Pnt(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), gp_DZ())

    if abs(angle) < precision_Confusion():
        # Cylindrical helix
        if radius < precision_Confusion():
            raise Exception("Radius of helix too small")

        surf = Geom_CylindricalSurface(gp_Ax3(cylAx2), radius)
        isCylinder = True
        # Conical helix
        if abs(angle) < precision_Confusion():
            raise Exception("Angle of helix too small")

        surf = Geom_ConicalSurface(gp_Ax3(cylAx2), angle, radius)
        isCylinder = False

    turns = height / pitch
    wholeTurns = math.floor(turns)
    partTurn = turns - wholeTurns

    aPnt = gp_Pnt2d(0, 0)
    aDir = gp_Dir2d(2. * math.pi, pitch)
    coneDir = 1.0

    if left:
        aDir.SetCoord(-2. * math.pi, pitch)
        coneDir = -1.0

    aAx2d = gp_Ax2d(aPnt, aDir)
    line = Geom2d_Line(aAx2d)
    beg = line.Value(0)

    mkWire = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeWire()

    for i in range(wholeTurns):
        if isCylinder:
            end = line.Value(
                math.sqrt(4.0 * math.pi * math.pi + pitch * pitch) * (i + 1))
            u = coneDir * (i + 1) * 2.0 * math.pi
            v = ((i + 1) * pitch) / math.cos(angle)
            end = gp_Pnt2d(u, v)

        segm = GCE2d_MakeSegment(beg, end).Value()
        edgeOnSurf = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge(segm, surf).Edge()
        beg = end

    if partTurn > precision_Confusion():
        if (isCylinder):
            end = line.Value(
                math.sqrt(4.0 * math.pi * math.pi + pitch * pitch) * turns)
            u = coneDir * turns * 2.0 * math.pi
            v = height / math.cos(angle)
            end = gp_Pnt2d(u, v)

        segm = GCE2d_MakeSegment(beg, end).Value()
        edgeOnSurf = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge(segm, surf).Edge()

    shape = mkWire.Wire()
    return Shape(shape)
Esempio n. 8
    def write_face(self, points_face, list_points_edge, topo_face, toledge):
        Method to recreate a Face associated to a geometric surface
        after the modification of Face points. It returns a TopoDS_Face.

        :param points_face: the new face points array.
        :param list_points_edge: new edge points
        :param topo_face: the face to be modified
        :param toledge: tolerance on the surface creation after modification
        :return: TopoDS_Face (Shape)

        :rtype: TopoDS_Shape


        # convert Face to Geom B-spline Surface
        nurbs_converter = BRepBuilderAPI_NurbsConvert(topo_face)
        nurbs_face = nurbs_converter.Shape()
        topo_nurbsface = topods.Face(nurbs_face)
        h_geomsurface = BRep_Tool.Surface(topo_nurbsface)
        h_bsurface = geomconvert_SurfaceToBSplineSurface(h_geomsurface)
        bsurface = h_bsurface

        nb_u = bsurface.NbUPoles()
        nb_v = bsurface.NbVPoles()
        # check consistency
        if points_face.shape[0] != nb_u * nb_v:
            raise ValueError("Input control points do not have not have the "
                             "same number as the geometric face!")

        # cycle on the face points
        indice_cpt = 0
        for iu in range(1, nb_u + 1):
            for iv in range(1, nb_v + 1):
                cpt = points_face[indice_cpt]
                bsurface.SetPole(iu, iv, gp_Pnt(cpt[0], cpt[1], cpt[2]))
                indice_cpt += 1

        # create modified new face
        new_bspline_tface = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace()
        toler = precision_Confusion()
        new_bspline_tface.Init(bsurface, False, toler)

        # cycle on the wires
        face_wires_explorer = TopExp_Explorer(
            topo_nurbsface.Oriented(TopAbs_FORWARD), TopAbs_WIRE)
        ind_edge_total = 0

        while face_wires_explorer.More():
            # get old wire
            twire = topods_Wire(face_wires_explorer.Current())

            # cycle on the edges
            ind_edge = 0
            wire_explorer_edge = TopExp_Explorer(
                twire.Oriented(TopAbs_FORWARD), TopAbs_EDGE)
            # check edges order on the wire
            mode3d = True
            tolerance_edges = toledge

            wire_order = ShapeAnalysis_WireOrder(mode3d, tolerance_edges)
            # an edge list
            deformed_edges = []
            # cycle on the edges
            while wire_explorer_edge.More():
                tedge = topods_Edge(wire_explorer_edge.Current())
                new_bspline_tedge = self.write_edge(
                    list_points_edge[ind_edge_total], tedge)

                analyzer = topexp()
                vfirst = analyzer.FirstVertex(new_bspline_tedge)
                vlast = analyzer.LastVertex(new_bspline_tedge)
                pt1 = BRep_Tool.Pnt(vfirst)
                pt2 = BRep_Tool.Pnt(vlast)

                wire_order.Add(pt1.XYZ(), pt2.XYZ())

                ind_edge += 1
                ind_edge_total += 1

            # grouping the edges in a wire, then in the face
            # check edges order and connectivity within the wire
            # new wire to be created
            stol = ShapeFix_ShapeTolerance()
            new_bspline_twire = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeWire()
            for order_i in range(1, wire_order.NbEdges() + 1):
                deformed_edge_i = wire_order.Ordered(order_i)
                if deformed_edge_i > 0:
                    # insert the deformed edge to the new wire
                    new_edge_toadd = deformed_edges[deformed_edge_i - 1]
                    stol.SetTolerance(new_edge_toadd, toledge)
                    if new_bspline_twire.Error() != 0:
                        stol.SetTolerance(new_edge_toadd, toledge * 10.0)
                    deformed_edge_revers = deformed_edges[
                        np.abs(deformed_edge_i) - 1]
                    stol.SetTolerance(deformed_edge_revers, toledge)
                    if new_bspline_twire.Error() != 0:
                        stol.SetTolerance(deformed_edge_revers, toledge * 10.0)
            # add new wire to the Face

        return topods.Face(new_bspline_tface.Face())