def test_MKCOL_invalid_body(self): """ MKCOL request with invalid request body (Any body at all is invalid in our implementation; there is no such thing as a valid body.) """ path, uri = self.mkdtemp("collection") rmdir(path) def check_result(response): response = IResponse(response) if response.code != responsecode.UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE:"MKCOL response %s != %s" % (response.code, responsecode.UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE)) if os.path.isdir(path):"MKCOL incorrectly created directory %s" % (path, )) request = SimpleRequest(, "MKCOL", uri) = MemoryStream( "This is not a valid MKCOL request body.") return self.send(request, check_result)
def work(): for which in (davxml.AllProperties(), davxml.PropertyName()): query = davxml.PropertyFind(which) request = SimpleRequest(, "PROPFIND", "/") request.headers.setHeader("depth", "0") = MemoryStream(query.toxml()) yield (request, check_result(which))
def test_REPORT_no_body(self): """ REPORT request with no body """ def do_test(response): response = IResponse(response) if response.code != responsecode.BAD_REQUEST: "Unexpected response code for REPORT with no body: %s" % (response.code, )) request = SimpleRequest(, "REPORT", "/") = MemoryStream("") return self.send(request, do_test)
def _simple_PROPPATCH(self, patch, prop, expected_code, what): def check_result(response): response = IResponse(response) if response.code != responsecode.MULTI_STATUS:"Incorrect response code for PROPPATCH (%s != %s)" % (response.code, responsecode.MULTI_STATUS)) return davXMLFromStream( def check_xml(doc): response = doc.root_element.childOfType(davxml.Response) propstat = response.childOfType(davxml.PropertyStatus) self.failUnless( response.childOfType(davxml.HRef) == "/", "Incorrect response URI: %s != /" % (response.childOfType(davxml.HRef), )) self.failIf( propstat.childOfType( davxml.PropertyContainer).childOfType(prop) is None, "Not a %s in PROPPATCH property status: %s" % (prop.sname(), propstat.toxml())) if not have_dead_properties: raise SkipTest( "No dead property store available for DAVFile. " "Install xattr ( to enable use of dead properties." ) self.failUnless( propstat.childOfType(davxml.Status).code == expected_code, "Incorrect status code for PROPPATCH %s: %s != %s" % (what, propstat.childOfType( davxml.Status).code, expected_code)) request = SimpleRequest(, "PROPPATCH", "/") = MemoryStream(patch.toxml()) return self.send(request, check_result)
def test_REPORT_unknown(self): """ Unknown/bogus report type """ def do_test(response): response = IResponse(response) if response.code != responsecode.FORBIDDEN:"Unexpected response code for unknown REPORT: %s" % (response.code, )) class GoofyReport(davxml.WebDAVUnknownElement): namespace = "GOOFY:" name = "goofy-report" def __init__(self): super(GoofyReport, self).__init__() request = SimpleRequest(, "REPORT", "/") = MemoryStream(GoofyReport().toxml()) return self.send(request, do_test)
def test_PROPFIND_basic(self): """ PROPFIND request """ def check_result(response): response = IResponse(response) if response.code != responsecode.MULTI_STATUS:"Incorrect response code for PROPFIND (%s != %s)" % (response.code, responsecode.MULTI_STATUS)) content_type = response.headers.getHeader("content-type") if content_type not in (http_headers.MimeType("text", "xml"), http_headers.MimeType( "application", "xml")): "Incorrect content-type for PROPFIND response (%r not in %r)" % (content_type, (http_headers.MimeType("text", "xml"), http_headers.MimeType("application", "xml")))) return davXMLFromStream( def check_xml(doc): multistatus = doc.root_element if not isinstance(multistatus, davxml.MultiStatus): "PROPFIND response XML root element is not multistatus: %r" % (multistatus, )) for response in multistatus.childrenOfType( davxml.PropertyStatusResponse): if response.childOfType(davxml.HRef) == "/": for propstat in response.childrenOfType( davxml.PropertyStatus): status = propstat.childOfType(davxml.Status) properties = propstat.childOfType( davxml.PropertyContainer).children if status.code != responsecode.OK: "PROPFIND failed (status %s) to locate live properties: %s" % (status.code, properties)) properties_to_find = [ p.qname() for p in live_properties ] for property in properties: qname = property.qname() if qname in properties_to_find: properties_to_find.remove(qname) else: "PROPFIND found property we didn't ask for: %r" % (property, )) if properties_to_find: "PROPFIND failed to find properties: %r" % (properties_to_find, )) break else:"No response for URI /") query = davxml.PropertyFind(davxml.PropertyContainer(*live_properties)) request = SimpleRequest(, "PROPFIND", "/") depth = random.choice(("0", "1", "infinity", None)) if depth is not None: request.headers.setHeader("depth", depth) = MemoryStream(query.toxml()) return self.send(request, check_result)
def test_PROPPATCH_basic(self): """ PROPPATCH """ # FIXME: # Do PROPFIND to make sure it's still there # Test nonexistant resource # Test None namespace in property def check_patch_response(response): response = IResponse(response) if response.code != responsecode.MULTI_STATUS:"Incorrect response code for PROPFIND (%s != %s)" % (response.code, responsecode.MULTI_STATUS)) content_type = response.headers.getHeader("content-type") if content_type not in (http_headers.MimeType("text", "xml"), http_headers.MimeType( "application", "xml")): "Incorrect content-type for PROPPATCH response (%r not in %r)" % (content_type, (http_headers.MimeType("text", "xml"), http_headers.MimeType("application", "xml")))) return davXMLFromStream( def check_patch_xml(doc): multistatus = doc.root_element if not isinstance(multistatus, davxml.MultiStatus): "PROPFIND response XML root element is not multistatus: %r" % (multistatus, )) # Requested a property change one resource, so there should be exactly one response response = multistatus.childOfType(davxml.Response) # Should have a response description (its contents are arbitrary) response.childOfType(davxml.ResponseDescription) # Requested property change was on / self.failUnless( response.childOfType(davxml.HRef) == "/", "Incorrect response URI: %s != /" % (response.childOfType(davxml.HRef), )) # Requested one property change, so there should be exactly one property status propstat = response.childOfType(davxml.PropertyStatus) # And the contained property should be a SpiffyProperty self.failIf( propstat.childOfType( davxml.PropertyContainer).childOfType(SpiffyProperty) is None, "Not a SpiffyProperty in PROPPATCH property status: %s" % (propstat.toxml())) if not have_dead_properties: raise SkipTest( "No dead property store available for DAVFile. " "Install xattr ( to enable use of dead properties." ) # And the status should be 200 self.failUnless( propstat.childOfType(davxml.Status).code == responsecode.OK, "Incorrect status code for PROPPATCH of property %s: %s != %s" % (propstat.childOfType(davxml.PropertyContainer).toxml(), propstat.childOfType(davxml.Status).code, responsecode.OK)) patch = davxml.PropertyUpdate( davxml.Set( davxml.PropertyContainer( SpiffyProperty.fromString("This is a spiffy resource.")))) request = SimpleRequest(, "PROPPATCH", "/") = MemoryStream(patch.toxml()) return self.send(request, check_patch_response)