Esempio n. 1
names = ('ridge regression', 'IRLS', 'gradient descent', 'conjugate gradient',

# This threshold node will be appended to the trained classifier node, to transform the probabilities output by the logistic regression to the set {0, 1}
threshold_node = ThresholdNode(threshold=.5, output_values=[0, 1])

# Loop over the different training algorithms and train and test them
for node, name in zip(nodes, names):

    # Construct the flow
    flow = mdp.Flow([node, threshold_node])

    # Train the regression_node
    flow.train([[[xtrain, ytrain]], []])

    # Apply to the test set
    y = flow.execute(xtest)

    # Compute the discriminant line
    y1 = (node.w[0] * r[0] + node.b - 0.5) / -node.w[1]
    y2 = (node.w[0] * r[1] + node.b - 0.5) / -node.w[1]

    # Plot the discriminant line
    pylab.plot(r, [y1, y2], label=name)

    # Calculate the error
    print "error rate %s: %.3f" % (name, loss_01(y, ytest))

Esempio n. 2
threshold_node = ThresholdNode(threshold=.5, output_values=[0, 1])

# Loop over the different training algorithms and train and test them
for node, name in zip(nodes, names):

    # Construct the flow
    flow = mdp.Flow([node, threshold_node])

    # Train the regression_node
    flow.train([[[xtrain, ytrain]], []])

    # Apply to the test set
    y = flow.execute(xtest)

    # Compute the discriminant line
    if isinstance(node, RidgeRegressionNode):
        y1 = (node.beta[1] * r[0] + node.beta[0] - .5) / -node.beta[2]
        y2 = (node.beta[1] * r[1] + node.beta[0] - .5) / -node.beta[2]
        y1 = (node.w[0] * r[0] + node.b) / -node.w[1]
        y2 = (node.w[0] * r[1] + node.b) / -node.w[1]

    # Plot the discriminant line
    pylab.plot(r, [y1, y2], label=name)

    # Calculate the error
    print "error rate %s: %.3f" % (name, loss_01(y, ytest))

Esempio n. 3
def test_loss_01():
    ''' Test zero one loss on simple case '''
    assert utils.loss_01(np.array([[1], [2], [3]]), np.array([[1], [2],
                                                              [4]])) == 1. / 3
Esempio n. 4
def test_loss_01():
    ''' Test zero one loss on simple case '''
    assert utils.loss_01(np.array([[1, 2, 3]]).T,
                         np.array([[1, 2, 4]]).T) == 1. / 3