def run(num_chromosomes, generations): random.seed() type1 = ['q12', 'q23', 'q34', 'q41'] type2 = ['q1', 'q2', 'q3', 'q4'] sample = SimpleChromosome([ SimpleGene('q12', type1, 'unit-1'), SimpleGene('q12', type1, 'unit-2'), SimpleGene('q1', type2, 'unit-3'), SimpleGene('q1', type2, 'unit-4'), SimpleGene('q1', type2, 'unit-5'), SimpleGene('q1', type2, 'unit-6'), SimpleGene('q1', type2, 'unit-7') ]) self_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) f = open(os.path.join(self_path, ''), 'r') fstr = ''.join(f.readlines()) f.close() import threading evt = threading.Event() evt.clear() def state_changed(state): if 'stopped' == state: evt.set() ga_cl = OpenCLGA( { 'sample_chromosome': sample, 'termination': { 'type': 'count', 'count': generations }, 'population': num_chromosomes, 'fitness_kernel_str': fstr, 'fitness_func': 'power_station_fitness', 'opt_for_max': 'max', 'debug': True, 'generation_callback': show_generation_info }, action_callbacks={'state': state_changed}) ga_cl.prepare() prob_mutate = 0.05 prob_cross = 0.8, prob_cross) evt.wait() utils.plot_ga_result(ga_cl.get_statistics()) print('run took', ga_cl.elapsed_time, 'seconds') best_chromosome, best_fitness, best_info = ga_cl.get_the_best() print('Best Fitness: %f' % (best_fitness)) print('1 ~ 7 units are maintained at: ' + ', '.join(str(g.dna) for g in best_info.genes))
def run(num_chromosomes, generations): value_ranges = [10, 20, 50, 150, 250, 300, 250, 150, 50, 20, 10] sample = SimpleChromosome( [SimpleGene(0, list(range(v))) for v in value_ranges]) algebra_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) ocl_kernels = os.path.realpath( os.path.join(algebra_path, '..', '..', 'kernel')) algebra_kernels = os.path.join(algebra_path, 'kernel') f = open(os.path.join(algebra_kernels, ''), 'r') fstr = ''.join(f.readlines()) f.close() import threading evt = threading.Event() evt.clear() def state_changed(state): if 'stopped' == state: evt.set() ga_cl = OpenCLGA( { 'sample_chromosome': sample, 'termination': { 'type': 'count', 'count': generations }, 'population': num_chromosomes, 'fitness_kernel_str': fstr, 'fitness_func': 'expansion_fitness', 'extra_include_path': [ocl_kernels], 'opt_for_max': 'min', 'generation_callback': show_generation_info }, action_callbacks={'state': state_changed}) ga_cl.prepare() prob_mutate = 0.1 prob_cross = 0.8, prob_cross) evt.wait() utils.plot_ga_result(ga_cl.get_statistics()) print('run took', ga_cl.elapsed_time, 'seconds') best_chromosome, best_fitness, best_info = ga_cl.get_the_best() print('Best Fitness: %f' % (best_fitness)) print('Expansion of (x + y)^10 is: ' + ' '.join(str(g) for g in best_chromosome))
def get_taiwan_travel_info(): ''' NOTE : Config TaiwanTravel GA parameters in dictionary 'dict_info'. ''' cities, city_info, city_infoX, city_infoY = read_all_cities('TW319_368Addresses-no-far-islands.json') city_ids = list(range(len(cities))) random.seed() tsp_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) tsp_kernels = os.path.join(tsp_path, 'kernel') sample = ShufflerChromosome([SimpleGene(v, cities) for v in city_ids]) f = open(os.path.join(tsp_kernels, ''), 'r') fstr = ''.join(f.readlines()) f.close() # It seems we don't need to use this helper if we enlarge the population size. Please # re-evaluate and remove or uncomment the following line: # sample.use_improving_only_mutation('improving_only_mutation_helper') dict_info = { 'sample_chromosome' : sample, 'termination' : { 'type' : 'count', 'count' : 100 }, 'population' : 10240, 'fitness_kernel_str' : fstr, 'fitness_func' : 'taiwan_fitness', 'fitness_args' : [{ 't' : 'float', 'v' : city_infoX, 'n' : 'x' }, { 't' : 'float', 'v' : city_infoY, 'n' : 'y' }], 'opt_for_max' : 'min', 'saved_filename' : 'test%d%d.pickle', 'prob_mutation' : 0.1, 'prob_crossover' : 0.8, 'extinction' : { 'type' : 'best_avg', 'diff' : 1, 'ratio' : 0.9 }, 'elitism_mode' : { 'every' : 2, 'interval' : 10, 'compress' : False }, 'serializer': serializer} return dict_info
def run(num_chromosomes, generations): random.seed() # Operations and Terminals terminals = [('bid', 0), ('ask', 0), ('0.5', 0), ('bidv', 0), ('askv', 0)] functions1 = [('^2', 1), ('neg', 1)] functions2 = [('+', 2), ('-', 2), ('*', 2), ('/', 2)] # Depth of the tree min_depth = 4 max_depth = 8 depth = random.randint(min_depth, max_depth) # Tree Initialization (should not require modification if the data structure is not changed) i = 0 j = 0 n = 1 formula = [] setList = [] temp = [] tempSetList = [] numNodes = n for i in range(depth): while 1: tmp_choice = random.randint(0, 2) if tmp_choice == 0: k = random.randint(0, len(terminals) - 1) temp.append((terminals[k], terminals, terminals[k][0])) tempSetList.append(tmp_choice) j += 0 if tmp_choice == 1: k = random.randint(0, len(functions1) - 1) temp.append((functions1[k], functions1, functions1[k][0])) tempSetList.append(tmp_choice) j += 1 if tmp_choice == 2: k = random.randint(0, len(functions2) - 1) temp.append((functions2[k], functions2, functions2[k][0])) tempSetList.append(tmp_choice) j += 2 if len(temp) > n: temp.clear() tempSetList.clear() j = 0 if len(temp) == n: if (j > 0 & i + 1 == depth): temp.clear() tempSetList.clear() j = 0 if (j == 0 & i + 1 < depth): temp.clear() tempSetList.clear() j = 0 else: break formula.extend(temp) setList.extend(tempSetList) temp = [] tempSetList = [] n = j j = 0 numNodes = numNodes + n i += 1 for i in range(0, n): k = random.randint(0, len(terminals) - 1) formula.append((terminals[k], terminals, terminals[k][0])) setList.append(0) #tree_size = numNodes; # GP run # sample chromosome - which defines the format of following generations # first arg - gene, second arg - mutation set sample = SimpleChromosome( [SimpleGene(node[0], node[1], node[2]) for node in formula]) # path of the cl file self_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) f = open(os.path.join(self_path, ''), 'r') fstr = ''.join(f.readlines()) f.close() import threading evt = threading.Event() evt.clear() def state_changed(state): if 'stopped' == state: evt.set() ga_cl = OpenCLGA( { 'sample_chromosome': sample, 'termination': { 'type': 'count', 'count': generations }, 'population': num_chromosomes, 'fitness_kernel_str': fstr, 'fitness_func': 'theo_fitness', # match this with the fitness func name in cl file 'fitness_args': [ { 't': 'float', 'v': theo, 'n': 'theo' }, #change here when have more inputs { 't': 'float', 'v': bid, 'n': 'bid' }, { 't': 'float', 'v': ask, 'n': 'ask' }, { 't': 'float', 'v': bidv, 'n': 'bidv' }, { 't': 'float', 'v': askv, 'n': 'askv' }, { 't': 'int', 'v': data_size, 'n': 'data_size' }, { 't': 'int', 'v': numNodes, 'n': 'tree_size' }, { 't': 'int', 'v': setList, 'n': 'setList' } ], 'opt_for_max': 'min', #'elitism_mode': {'top': 10, # 'every': 10}, 'debug': False, 'generation_callback': show_generation_info }, action_callbacks={'state': state_changed}) ga_cl.prepare() # set up the mutation/crossover probabilities prob_mutate = 0.6 prob_cross = 0.3, prob_cross) evt.wait() print('run took', ga_cl.elapsed_time, 'seconds') best_chromosome, best_fitness, best_info = ga_cl.get_the_best() print(' '.join(str(g.dna) for g in best_info.genes)) print('Fitness: %f' % (best_fitness)) # test data output chunk, can be removed f = open('testdata.txt', 'a') value = str(best_fitness) time = str(ga_cl.elapsed_time) f.write(value + ',' + time + '\n') f.close()
def run(num_chromosomes, generations): num_cities = 20 random.seed() city_ids = list(range(0, num_cities)) city_info = { city_id: (random.random() * 100, random.random() * 100) for city_id in city_ids } sample = ShufflerChromosome([SimpleGene(v, city_ids) for v in city_ids]) tsp_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) tsp_kernels = os.path.join(tsp_path, 'kernel') f = open(os.path.join(tsp_kernels, ''), 'r') fstr = ''.join(f.readlines()) f.close() pointX = [str(city_info[v][0]) for v in city_info] pointY = [str(city_info[v][1]) for v in city_info] import threading evt = threading.Event() evt.clear() def state_changed(state): if 'stopped' == state: evt.set() tsp_ga_cl = OpenCLGA( { 'sample_chromosome': sample, 'termination': { 'type': 'count', 'count': generations }, 'population': num_chromosomes, 'fitness_kernel_str': fstr, 'fitness_func': 'simple_tsp_fitness', 'fitness_args': [{ 't': 'float', 'v': pointX, 'n': 'x' }, { 't': 'float', 'v': pointY, 'n': 'y' }], 'opt_for_max': 'min', 'debug': True, 'generation_callback': show_generation_info }, action_callbacks={'state': state_changed}) tsp_ga_cl.prepare() prob_mutate = 0.1 prob_cross = 0.8, prob_cross) evt.wait() utils.plot_ga_result(tsp_ga_cl.get_statistics()) print('run took', tsp_ga_cl.elapsed_time, 'seconds') best_chromosome, best_fitness, best_info = tsp_ga_cl.get_the_best() print('Best Fitness: %f' % (best_fitness)) print('Shortest Path: ' + ' => '.join(str(g) for g in best_chromosome)) utils.plot_tsp_result(city_info, best_chromosome)
def run(num_chromosomes, generations): random.seed() # The number of points randomly generated num_points = 100 random.seed() point_ids = list(range(0, num_points)) point_info = { point_id: (random.random() * 100, random.random() * 100) for point_id in point_ids } pointX = [str(point_info[v][0]) for v in point_info] pointY = [str(point_info[v][1]) for v in point_info] # The number of group you want to divide. numOfGroups = 10 group_id_set = list(range(0, numOfGroups)) group_ids = [random.randint(0, numOfGroups - 1) for x in range(num_points)] sample = SimpleChromosome( [SimpleGene(groupd_id, group_id_set) for groupd_id in group_ids]) self_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) f = open(os.path.join(self_path, ''), 'r') fstr = ''.join(f.readlines()) f.close() import threading evt = threading.Event() evt.clear() def state_changed(state): if 'stopped' == state: evt.set() ga_cl = OpenCLGA( { 'sample_chromosome': sample, 'termination': { 'type': 'count', 'count': generations }, 'population': num_chromosomes, 'fitness_kernel_str': fstr, 'fitness_func': 'grouping_fitness', 'fitness_args': [{ 't': 'int', 'v': numOfGroups, 'n': 'numOfGroups' }, { 't': 'float', 'v': pointX, 'n': 'x' }, { 't': 'float', 'v': pointY, 'n': 'y' }], 'opt_for_max': 'min', 'debug': True, 'generation_callback': show_generation_info }, action_callbacks={'state': state_changed}) ga_cl.prepare() prob_mutate = 0.1 prob_cross = 0.8, prob_cross) evt.wait() print('run took', ga_cl.elapsed_time, 'seconds') best_chromosome, best_fitness, best_info = ga_cl.get_the_best() print(best_chromosome) utils.plot_grouping_result(group_id_set, best_chromosome, point_info)