Esempio n. 1
    def measureVector(self, p0, p1):
        '''Returns a 2-tuple (float, Vector2), which is the length and direction of the
        vector pointing from p0 to p1 in screen space.'''

        projMat = glGetDoublev(GL_PROJECTION_MATRIX)
        viewport = glGetIntegerv(GL_VIEWPORT)
        modelMat = glGetDoublev(GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX)
        u0, v0, w0 = gluProject(p0[0], p0[1], p0[2], modelMat, projMat,
        u1, v1, w1 = gluProject(p1[0], p1[1], p1[2], modelMat, projMat,
        v = Vector2(u1 - u0, v1 - v0)
        length = v.length()
        return length, v / length
Esempio n. 2
    def screenAxis(self, axis, camControl):
        '''Reports the screen-space 2d vector of the given vector.

        @param:     axis        The axis to determine (x-, y-, or z-axis).
        @param:     camControl  The scene's camera control for this event.
        @returns:   A Vector2 - the vector direction and magnitude of that vector in
                    screen space (size in pixels).
        projMat = glGetDoublev(GL_PROJECTION_MATRIX)
        viewport = glGetIntegerv(GL_VIEWPORT)
        modelMat = glGetDoublev(GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX)
        u, v, w = gluProject(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, modelMat, projMat, viewport)
        ux, vx, wx = gluProject(axis[0], axis[1], axis[2], modelMat, projMat,
        return Vector2(ux - u, vx - v)
Esempio n. 3
 def test_distances(self):
     """Test distance calculation function
     Originally was using gluProject, we check to be sure 
     that we return the same value as gluProject used to 
     glu = gluProject(0, 0, 0, self.mvMatrix, self.pMatrix,
     expected = glu[2]
     d = distances(
         array([[0, 0, 0, 1]], 'f'),
     assert allclose(d[0], expected), (d, expected)
    def display_screen(self):

        glColor3f(1, 1, 1)

        # Projection
        gluPerspective (self.fov,float(self.width)/float(self.height),self.clippingplanes[0],self.clippingplanes[1])

        # Initialize ModelView matrix

        # View transformation
        mat = se3.homogeneous(
        cols = zip(*mat)
        pack = sum((list(c) for c in cols),[])

        labels = dict([ (k, T[1]) for (k, T) in vantage_point_xforms.items() ])
        for (k, v) in labels.items():
                labels[k] = gluProject(*v)
                labels[k] = None


        for (s, p) in labels.items():
            if p:
                glRasterPos3f(p[0], self.height - p[1], p[2])
                gldraw.glutBitmapString(GLUT_BITMAP_HELVETICA_12, s)
    def renderTextAtPosition(self,
                             textColor = black,
                             textFont = None,
                             fontSize = 11,
        Renders the text at the specified position (x, y, z coordinates)
        @param position: The x, y, z coordinates of the object at which the 
        text needs to be rendered. 
        @type position: B{A}
        @param textString:  the text to be rendered at the specified position.
        @type textString : str
        @see: self.renderTextNearCursor() This method is different than that 
        method. That method uses QPoint (the current cursor position) to 
        render the text (thus needs integers x and y) whereas this method
        uses the actual object coordinates        
        @see: MultiplednaSegment_GraphicsMode._drawDnaRubberbandLine() [obsolete class name, what is correct one?]
        @see: QGLWidget.renderText()

        @TODO: refactor to move the common code in this method and
        if textFont is not None:
            font = textFont
            font = self._getFontForTextNearCursor(fontSize = fontSize, 
                                                  isBold = True)
        x = position[0]
        y = position[1]
        z = position[2]

        #Convert the object coordinates to the window coordinates.
        wX, wY, wZ = gluProject(x, y, z)
        halo_color = getTextHaloColor(textColor)
        offset_val = 1
        bg_z_offset = 0
        fg_z_offset = -1e-7

        render_positions = (( offset_val,  offset_val, bg_z_offset, halo_color), 
                            (-offset_val, -offset_val, bg_z_offset, halo_color), 
                            (-offset_val,  offset_val, bg_z_offset, halo_color), 
                            ( offset_val, -offset_val, bg_z_offset, halo_color),
                            (          0,           0, fg_z_offset, textColor))

        for dx, dy, dz, color in render_positions:
            x1, y1, z1 = gluUnProject(wX + dx, wY + dy, wZ + dz)

            self.renderText(x1, y1, z1,
##            self.qglClearColor(RGBf_to_QColor(color))
##            # question: is this related to glClearColor? [bruce 071214 question]
##            # -- yes [Ninad 2008-08-20]

Esempio n. 6
def drawfont2(glpane,
    Draws a rect of chars (dimensions given as char counts: charwidth x

    [#e those args are misnamed] using vv's font texture
    [later 061113: assumed currently bound, i think -- see
    ensure_courierfile_loaded()], in a klugy way;

    msg gives the chars to draw (lines must be shorter than charwidth or they
    will be truncated)
    # adjust these guessed params (about the specific font image we're using as
    # a texture) until they work right:
    # (tex_origin_chars appears lower down, since it is revised there)
    tex_size = (128, 128)  # tex size in pixels
    tex_nx = 16  # number of chars in a row, in the tex image
    tex_ny = 8  # number of chars in a column

    if msg is None:
        msg = "(redraw %d)" % env.redraw_counter
        charwidth = tex_nx
        charheight = tex_ny + 1

    lines = msg.split('\n')  # tab not supported

    if charwidth is None:
        charwidth = 14  # could be max linelength plus 1
    if charheight is None:
        charheight = len(lines)

    if not testpattern:
        while len(lines) < charheight:

    # draw individual chars from font-texture,
    # but first, try to position it so they look perfect (which worked for a
    # while, but broke sometime before 060728)

    ## glTranslatef( 0, pixelheight / 2, 0 ) # perfect!
    # (Ortho mode, home view, a certain window size -- not sure if that
    # matters but it might)
    # restoring last-saved window position (782, 44) and size (891, 749)

    ## gap = 2 # in pixels - good for debugging
    # good for looking nice! but note that idlehack uses one extra pixel of
    # vspace, and that does probably look better.
    gap = 0
    # to do that efficiently i'd want another image to start from.
    # (or to modify this one to make the texture, by moving pixrects around)
    pixfactor = 1
    # try *2... now i can see some fuzz... what if i start at origin, to draw?
    # Did that, got it tolerable for pixfactor 2, then back to 1 and i've lost
    # the niceness! Is it no longer starting at origin?

    ##pixelwidth = pixelheight = 0.05 * 2/3

    #070124 revisions, general comment... current caveats/bugs: ####
    # - Only tested in Ortho mode.
    # - Working well but the bugs depend on whether we add "1 or" before
    #     "pixelwidth is None" in if statement below:
    #   Bugs when it computes pixelwidth here (even when passed, as always in
    #   these tests):
    #   - Textlabel for "current redraw" (in exprs/ bottom_left_corner)
    #       disappears during highlighting.
    #   Bugs when it doesn't [usual state & state I'll leave it in]:
    #   - Not tested with displists off, maybe. ###
    #   - Fuzzy text in testexpr_18 [not yet understood.]
    #   - [fixed] Fuzzy text in "current redraw" textlabel during anything's
    #       highlighting. [Fixed by removing DisplayListChunk from that.]
    #   - [No bug in clarity of text in highlighted checkbox prefs themselves.]
    # - Works with displists on or off now.
    # - Is disable_translate helping?? Not sure (only matters when it computes
    #     pixelwidth here -- not now.)
    #   - ##e Use direct drawing_phase test instead? doesn't seem to be needed
    #         anymore, from remaining bugs listed above.
    disable_translate = False  #070124
    #061211 permit caller to pass it [note: the exprs module usually or always
    #  passes it, acc'd to test 070124]
    if pixelwidth is None:
        p1junk, p2a = mymousepoints(glpane, 10, 10)
        p1junk, p2b = mymousepoints(glpane, 11, 10)
        px, py, pz = vec = p2b - p2a  # should be DX * pixelwidth
        ## print px,py,pz
        ### 0.0313971755382 0.0 0.0 (in Ortho mode, near but not at home view,
        ### also at it (??))
        # 0.0313971755382 0.0 0.0 home ortho
        # 0.03139613018 0.0 0.0 home perspective -- still looks good (looks
        # the same) (with false "smoother textures")
        ## pixelwidth = pixelheight = px * pixfactor
        # 061211 Work better for rotated text (still not good unless
        # screen-parallel.)
        pixelwidth = pixelheight = vlen(vec) * pixfactor
        # print "pixelwidth",pixelwidth
        ####@@@@ can be one of:
        #    0.0319194157846
        # or 0.0313961295259
        # or 0.00013878006302
        if pixelwidth < 0.01:
            # print "low pixelwidth:",pixelwidth, glpane.drawing_phase
            # e.g. 0.000154639183832 glselect
            pixelwidth = 0.0319194157846
            ### kluge, in case you didn't notice [guess: formula is wrong during
            # highlighting] but this failed to fix the bug in which a TextRect
            # doesn't notice clicks unless you slide onto it from a Rect
            # ####@@@@
            # Q 070124: when this happens (presumably due to small window in
            # glSelect) should we disable glTranslatef below?
            # I guess yes, so try it. Not that it'll help when we re-disable
            # always using this case.
            disable_translate = True
            # I'll leave this in since it seems right, but it's not obviously
            # helping by test.
        pixelheight = pixelwidth

    tex_origin_chars = V(3, 64)  # revised 070124

    #070124 -- note that disable_translate is never set given if statements
    #above --
    if 1 and not disable_translate:
        ##e Use glpane.drawing_phase == 'glselect' instead? doesn't seem to
        ##  be needed anymore, from remaining bugs listed above.
        # Translate slightly to make characters clearer (since we're still too
        #   lazy to use glDrawPixels or whatever it's called).
        # Caveats:
        # - Assumes we're either not in a displist, or it's always drawn in the
        #     same place.
        # - Will only work if we're drawing at correct depth for pixelwidth, I
        #     presume -- and of course, parallel to screen.
        x, y, depth = gluProject(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
        # Where we'd draw without any correction (ORIGIN).

        # Change x and y to a better place to draw (in pixel coords on screen.)
        # (note: This int(x+0.5) was compared by test to int(x) and int(x)+0.5
        # -- this is best, as one might guess; not same for y...)
        ## if we need a "boldface kluge", using int(x)+0.5 here would be one...
        x = int(x + 0.5)
        ### NOT UNDERSTOOD: Why x & y differ, in whether it's best to add this
        ### 0.5.
        y = int(y + 0.5) + 0.5
        # [btw I'd guessed y+0.5 in int() should be (y-0.5)+0.5 due to outer
        #  +0.5, but that looks worse in checkbox_pref centering; I don't know
        #  why.]
        # [later, 080521: could it be +0.5 effect differing for x & y due to
        # different sign, since int() rounds towards zero rather than
        # towards neginf? ### REVIEW: fix this using intRound?]
        # Adding outer 0.5 to y became best after I fixed a bug of
        # translating before glu*Project (just before this if-statement),
        # which fails inside displists since the translate effect doesn't
        # show up in glu*Project then.
        # I wonder if the x/y difference could be related to the use of
        # CenterY around TextRect inside displists, which ought to produce a
        # similar bug if the shift is not by an exact number of pixels
        # (which is surely the case since the caller is guessing pixelwidth
        # as a hardcoded constant, IIRC). So the guess is that caller's
        # pixelwidth is wrong and/or CenterY shifts by an odd number of
        # halfpixels, inside displist and not seen by this glu*Project,
        # causing a bug which this +0.5 sometimes compensates for, but not
        # always due to pixelwidth being wrong.  It's not worth
        # understanding this compared to switching over to glDrawPixels or
        # whatever it's called. ###DO THAT SOMETIME.
        p1 = A(gluUnProject(x, y, depth))  # where we'd like to draw (p1)
        # Test following code -- with this line, it should make us draw
        # noticeably higher up the screen -- works.
        ## p1 += DY
        glTranslatef(p1[0], p1[1], p1[2])
        # fyi: NameError if we try glTranslatefv or glTranslatev -- didn't
        # look for other variants or in gl doc.

    tex_dx = V(tex_width, 0)  # in pixels
    tex_dy = V(0, tex_height)

    # Using those guesses, come up with tex-rects for each char as triples of
    # 2-vectors (tex_origin, tex_dx, tex_dy).

    # i for y, j or x (is that order normal??), still starting at bottom left
    def ff(i, j):
        Which char to draw at this position? i is y, going up, -1 is lowest line
        nlines = len(lines)
        bottom = -1  # Change this api sometime.
        # This one too -- caller ought to be able to use 0 or 1 for the top
        # (first) line.
        abovethat = i - bottom
        if abovethat < nlines:
            # Draw chars from lines.
            test = lines[nlines - 1 - abovethat]
            # Few-day(?)-old comment [as of 060728], not sure why it's
            # exactly here, maybe since this tells when we redraw, but it
            # might be correct other than that: this shows that mouseover of
            # objects (pixels) w/o glnames causes redraws! I understand
            # glselect ones, but they should not be counted, and should not
            # show up on the screen, so I don't understand any good reason
            # for these visible ones to happen.
            #e To try to find out, we could also record compact_stack of the
            #  first gl_update that caused this redraw...
            if j < len(test):
                # Replace i,j with new ones so as to draw those chars instead.
                ch1 = ord(test[j]) - 32
                j = ch1 % tex_nx
                i = 5 - (ch1 / tex_nx)
                # Draw a blank instead.
                ch1 = 32 - 32
                j = ch1 % tex_nx
                i = 5 - (ch1 / tex_nx)
            # Use i,j to index the texture, meaning, draw test chars, perhaps
            # the entire thing.
        return tex_origin_chars + i * tex_dy + j * tex_dx, tex_dx, tex_dy

    # Now think about where to draw all this... use a gap, but otherwise the
    # same layout.
    charwidth1 = tex_width * pixelwidth
    charheight1 = tex_height * pixelheight
    char_dx = (tex_width + gap) * pixelwidth
    char_dy = (tex_height + gap) * pixelheight

    def gg(i, j):
        return (ORIGIN + j * char_dx * DX + (i + 1) * char_dy * DY,
                charwidth1 * DX, charheight1 * DY)

    # Now draw them.

    if 1:  #### for n in range(65): # Simulate delay of a whole page of chars.
        # Note, this is significantly slow even if we just draw 5x as many
        # chars!  (range was -1,tex_ny == 8, length 9) - Note, increasing i goes
        # up on screen, not down!
        for i in range(-1, charheight - 1):
            for j in range(charwidth):  # Was tex_nx == 16
                origin, dx, dy = gg(i, j)  # Where to draw this char ###k
                # Still in pixel ints. # What tex coords to use to find it?
                tex_origin, ltex_dx, ltex_dy = ff(i, j)
                # Kluge until i look up how to use pixels directly.
                tex_origin, ltex_dx, ltex_dy = 1.0/tex_size[0] \
                                               * V(tex_origin, ltex_dx, ltex_dy)
                #print (origin, dx, dy, tex_origin, tex_dx, tex_dy)
                # Cool bug effect bfr 'l's here.
                draw_textured_rect(origin, dx, dy, tex_origin, ltex_dx,

    # draw some other ones? done above, with test string inside ff function.
    # Interesting q -- if i use vertex arrays or displist-index arrays, can
    # drawing 10k chars be fast? (guess: yes.)
    # Some facts: this window now has 70 lines, about 135 columns... of course
    # it's mostly blank, and in fact just now it has about 3714 chars, not 70 *
    # 135 = 9450 as if it was nowhere blank.
    # Above we draw 9 * 16 = 144, so ratio is 3714 / 144 = 25, or 9450 / 144 =
    # 65.
    # Try 65 redundant loops above & see what happens. It takes it a couple
    # seconds! Too slow! Of course it's mostly the py code.
    # Anyway, it means we *will* have to do one of those optims mentioned, or
    # some other one like not clearing/redrawing the entire screen during most
    # text editing, or having per-line display lists.


    return  #drawfont2 #e rename, clean up
Esempio n. 7
 def world_to_window(self, x, y, z):
     x, y, z = gluProject(x, y, z)
     y = self._height - y
     return x, y
Esempio n. 8
  def draw(self, performance):
    W, H = glfwGetWindowSize()

    scale = gameglobals.fontScale
    nameScoreList = []

    #draw players scores
    player = self.players['Player']
    text = 'Player: ' + str(self.scoreBoard['Player'][0])
    x = 10.0
    y = self.font_aa.getSize(text)[1] * scale
    nameScoreList.append([text, x, y, player.color])

    playerName = 'Player_Red'
    player = self.players[playerName]
    text = playerName + ': ' + str(self.scoreBoard[playerName][0])
    x = 10.0
    y = H
    nameScoreList.append([text, x, y, player.color])

    playerName = 'Player_Green'    
    player = self.players[playerName]
    text = playerName + ': ' + str(self.scoreBoard[playerName][0])
    x = W - self.font_aa.getSize(text)[0] * scale - 10
    y = H
    nameScoreList.append([text, x, y, player.color])

    playerName = 'Player_Yellow'
    player = self.players[playerName]
    text = playerName + ': ' + str(self.scoreBoard[playerName][0])
    x = W - self.font_aa.getSize(text)[0] * scale - 10
    y = self.font_aa.getSize(text)[1] * scale
    nameScoreList.append([text, x, y, player.color])
    for nameScore in nameScoreList:
      glColor3f(nameScore[3][0], nameScore[3][1], nameScore[3][2])      
      self.font_aa.renderShadowed(nameScore[0], nameScore[1], nameScore[2], (0,0,0), scale)

    #draw "hits" messages
    px = 50
    for hit in self.hitMsgList:
      if hit[1] < px:
        addend = self.msgFlowFunction(hit[1], px)
        hitText = ' HITS!'
        if hit[0] < 2:
          hitText = ' HIT!'
        text = '+' + str(hit[0]) + hitText
        pCoords = hit[2]

        x, y, _ = gluProject(pCoords[0], pCoords[1], pCoords[2])
        y = y + hit[1]
        glColor4f(hit[3][0], hit[3][1], hit[3][2], addend)
        self.font_aa.renderOutlined(text, x, y, (0,0,0), scale)
        hit[1] += 200 * (1.2 - addend) * performance
        self.hitMsgList = self.hitMsgList[1:]

    #draw the faults messages        
    px = 80
    for fault in self.faultMsgList:
      if fault[2] < px:
        addend = self.msgFlowFunction(fault[2], px)
        text = fault[0]
        pts = fault[1]
        x, y = W / 2 - self.font_aa.getSize(text)[0] * scale / 2, H - 50 * scale
        y = y + fault[2]
        glColor4f(1.0, 0.8, 0.0, addend)
        self.font_aa.renderShadowed(text, x, y, (0,0,0), scale)
        if pts:
          glColor4f(0.5, 0.8, 0.1, addend)
          pts = '+' + pts
          x = W / 2 - self.font_aa.getSize(pts)[0] * scale / 2
          y -= self.font_aa.getSize(pts)[1] * scale
          self.font_aa.renderShadowed(pts, x, y, (0,0,0), scale)
        fault[2] += 200 * (1.2 - addend) * performance
        self.faultMsgList = self.faultMsgList[1:]
    #draw the taunts
    px = 100
    for taunt in self.taunts:
      if taunt[1] < px:
        addend = self.msgFlowFunction(taunt[1], px)
        text = taunt[0]

        pCoords = taunt[2]
        x, y, _ = gluProject(pCoords[0], pCoords[1], pCoords[2])
        y = y + taunt[1]
        x = x - self.font_aa.getSize(text)[0] * scale / 2

        c = taunt[3] #players.colorNamesColors[taunt[2]]
        glColor4f(c[0], c[1], c[2], addend)
        self.font_aa.renderShadowed(text, x, y, (0,0,0), scale)
        taunt[1] += 200 * (1.2 - addend) * performance
        self.taunts= self.taunts[1:]

    #draw current total combo
    total = self.scoreBoard.getTotalPoints()
    if total > 1:
      comboScale = scale * 1.25
      totalText = 'Combo ' + str(total) + '!'
      x = W / 2 - self.font_aa.getSize(totalText)[0] * comboScale / 2
      y = 2 * self.font_aa.getSize(totalText)[1] * comboScale
      glColor4f(0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1)
      self.font_aa.renderShadowed(totalText, x, y, (0,0,0), comboScale)
    #draw game over message
    if self.gameOver == True:
      loserMsg, loserColor = self.getLoserNameColor()
      loserMsg += ' lost!'
      msg = 'Game Over'
      loserScale = scale * 1.25
      gOverScale = scale * 2.5
      x0 = W / 2 - self.font_aa.getSize(loserMsg)[0] * loserScale / 2
      y0 = H / 2 + H / 4 -  self.font_aa.getSize(loserMsg)[1] * loserScale / 2

      x1 = W / 2 - self.font_aa.getSize(msg)[0] * gOverScale / 2
      y1 = H / 2 -  self.font_aa.getSize(msg)[1] * gOverScale / 2
      glColor4f(loserColor[0], loserColor[1], loserColor[2], 0.9)
      self.font_aa.render(loserMsg, x0, y0, loserScale)
      glColor4f(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.9)
      self.font_aa.render(msg, x1, y1, gOverScale)
Esempio n. 9
def drawfont2(glpane, msg = None, charwidth = None, charheight = None,
              testpattern = False, pixelwidth = None):
    Draws a rect of chars (dimensions given as char counts: charwidth x

    [#e those args are misnamed] using vv's font texture
    [later 061113: assumed currently bound, i think -- see
    ensure_courierfile_loaded()], in a klugy way;

    msg gives the chars to draw (lines must be shorter than charwidth or they
    will be truncated)
    # adjust these guessed params (about the specific font image we're using as
    # a texture) until they work right:   
    # (tex_origin_chars appears lower down, since it is revised there)
    tex_size = (128,128) # tex size in pixels
    tex_nx = 16 # number of chars in a row, in the tex image
    tex_ny = 8  # number of chars in a column

    if msg is None:
        msg = "(redraw %d)" % env.redraw_counter
        charwidth = tex_nx
        charheight = tex_ny + 1

    lines = msg.split('\n') # tab not supported

    if charwidth is None:
        charwidth = 14 # could be max linelength plus 1
    if charheight is None:
        charheight = len(lines)

    if not testpattern:
        while len(lines) < charheight:
    # draw individual chars from font-texture,
    # but first, try to position it so they look perfect (which worked for a
    # while, but broke sometime before 060728)

    ## glTranslatef( 0, pixelheight / 2, 0 ) # perfect!
        # (Ortho mode, home view, a certain window size -- not sure if that
        # matters but it might)
        # restoring last-saved window position (782, 44) and size (891, 749)
    ## gap = 2 # in pixels - good for debugging
        # good for looking nice! but note that idlehack uses one extra pixel of
        # vspace, and that does probably look better.
    gap = 0
    # to do that efficiently i'd want another image to start from.
      # (or to modify this one to make the texture, by moving pixrects around)
    pixfactor = 1
    # try *2... now i can see some fuzz... what if i start at origin, to draw?
    # Did that, got it tolerable for pixfactor 2, then back to 1 and i've lost
    # the niceness! Is it no longer starting at origin?

    ##pixelwidth = pixelheight = 0.05 * 2/3

    #070124 revisions, general comment... current caveats/bugs: ####
    # - Only tested in Ortho mode.
    # - Working well but the bugs depend on whether we add "1 or" before
    #     "pixelwidth is None" in if statement below:
    #   Bugs when it computes pixelwidth here (even when passed, as always in
    #   these tests):
    #   - Textlabel for "current redraw" (in exprs/ bottom_left_corner)
    #       disappears during highlighting.
    #   Bugs when it doesn't [usual state & state I'll leave it in]:
    #   - Not tested with displists off, maybe. ###
    #   - Fuzzy text in testexpr_18 [not yet understood.]
    #   - [fixed] Fuzzy text in "current redraw" textlabel during anything's
    #       highlighting. [Fixed by removing DisplayListChunk from that.]
    #   - [No bug in clarity of text in highlighted checkbox prefs themselves.]
    # - Works with displists on or off now.
    # - Is disable_translate helping?? Not sure (only matters when it computes
    #     pixelwidth here -- not now.)
    #   - ##e Use direct drawing_phase test instead? doesn't seem to be needed
    #         anymore, from remaining bugs listed above.
    disable_translate = False #070124
    #061211 permit caller to pass it [note: the exprs module usually or always
    #  passes it, acc'd to test 070124]
    if pixelwidth is None:
        p1junk, p2a = mymousepoints(glpane, 10, 10)
        p1junk, p2b = mymousepoints(glpane, 11, 10)
        px,py,pz = vec = p2b - p2a # should be DX * pixelwidth
        ## print px,py,pz
        ### 0.0313971755382 0.0 0.0 (in Ortho mode, near but not at home view,
        ### also at it (??))
            # 0.0313971755382 0.0 0.0 home ortho
            # 0.03139613018 0.0 0.0 home perspective -- still looks good (looks
            # the same) (with false "smoother textures")
        ## pixelwidth = pixelheight = px * pixfactor
            # 061211 Work better for rotated text (still not good unless
            # screen-parallel.)
        pixelwidth = pixelheight = vlen(vec) * pixfactor
        # print "pixelwidth",pixelwidth
            ####@@@@ can be one of:
            #    0.0319194157846
            # or 0.0313961295259
            # or 0.00013878006302
        if pixelwidth < 0.01:
            # print "low pixelwidth:",pixelwidth, glpane.drawing_phase
            # e.g. 0.000154639183832 glselect
            pixelwidth = 0.0319194157846
            ### kluge, in case you didn't notice [guess: formula is wrong during
            # highlighting] but this failed to fix the bug in which a TextRect
            # doesn't notice clicks unless you slide onto it from a Rect
            # ####@@@@
            # Q 070124: when this happens (presumably due to small window in
            # glSelect) should we disable glTranslatef below?
            # I guess yes, so try it. Not that it'll help when we re-disable
            # always using this case.
            disable_translate = True
            # I'll leave this in since it seems right, but it's not obviously
            # helping by test.
        pixelheight = pixelwidth

    tex_origin_chars = V(3, 64) # revised 070124

    #070124 -- note that disable_translate is never set given if statements
    #above --
    if 1 and not disable_translate:
            ##e Use glpane.drawing_phase == 'glselect' instead? doesn't seem to
            ##  be needed anymore, from remaining bugs listed above.
        # Translate slightly to make characters clearer (since we're still too
        #   lazy to use glDrawPixels or whatever it's called).
        # Caveats:
        # - Assumes we're either not in a displist, or it's always drawn in the
        #     same place.
        # - Will only work if we're drawing at correct depth for pixelwidth, I
        #     presume -- and of course, parallel to screen.
        x,y,depth = gluProject(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
        # Where we'd draw without any correction (ORIGIN).

        # Change x and y to a better place to draw (in pixel coords on screen.)
        # (note: This int(x+0.5) was compared by test to int(x) and int(x)+0.5
        # -- this is best, as one might guess; not same for y...)
        ## if we need a "boldface kluge", using int(x)+0.5 here would be one...
        x = int(x+0.5)
        ### NOT UNDERSTOOD: Why x & y differ, in whether it's best to add this
        ### 0.5.
        y = int(y+0.5)+0.5
        # [btw I'd guessed y+0.5 in int() should be (y-0.5)+0.5 due to outer
        #  +0.5, but that looks worse in checkbox_pref centering; I don't know
        #  why.]
            # [later, 080521: could it be +0.5 effect differing for x & y due to
            # different sign, since int() rounds towards zero rather than
            # towards neginf? ### REVIEW: fix this using intRound?]
            # Adding outer 0.5 to y became best after I fixed a bug of
            # translating before glu*Project (just before this if-statement),
            # which fails inside displists since the translate effect doesn't
            # show up in glu*Project then.
            # I wonder if the x/y difference could be related to the use of
            # CenterY around TextRect inside displists, which ought to produce a
            # similar bug if the shift is not by an exact number of pixels
            # (which is surely the case since the caller is guessing pixelwidth
            # as a hardcoded constant, IIRC). So the guess is that caller's
            # pixelwidth is wrong and/or CenterY shifts by an odd number of
            # halfpixels, inside displist and not seen by this glu*Project,
            # causing a bug which this +0.5 sometimes compensates for, but not
            # always due to pixelwidth being wrong.  It's not worth
            # understanding this compared to switching over to glDrawPixels or
            # whatever it's called. ###DO THAT SOMETIME.
        p1 = A(gluUnProject(x, y, depth)) # where we'd like to draw (p1)
        # Test following code -- with this line, it should make us draw
        # noticeably higher up the screen -- works.
        ## p1 += DY
        glTranslatef( p1[0], p1[1], p1[2])
            # fyi: NameError if we try glTranslatefv or glTranslatev -- didn't
            # look for other variants or in gl doc.
    tex_dx = V(tex_width, 0) # in pixels
    tex_dy = V(0, tex_height)
    # Using those guesses, come up with tex-rects for each char as triples of
    # 2-vectors (tex_origin, tex_dx, tex_dy).

    # i for y, j or x (is that order normal??), still starting at bottom left
    def ff(i,j):
        Which char to draw at this position? i is y, going up, -1 is lowest line
        nlines = len(lines)
        bottom = -1 # Change this api sometime.
        # This one too -- caller ought to be able to use 0 or 1 for the top
        # (first) line.
        abovethat = i - bottom
        if abovethat < nlines:
            # Draw chars from lines.
            test = lines[nlines-1 - abovethat]
                # Few-day(?)-old comment [as of 060728], not sure why it's
                # exactly here, maybe since this tells when we redraw, but it
                # might be correct other than that: this shows that mouseover of
                # objects (pixels) w/o glnames causes redraws! I understand
                # glselect ones, but they should not be counted, and should not
                # show up on the screen, so I don't understand any good reason
                # for these visible ones to happen.
                #e To try to find out, we could also record compact_stack of the
                #  first gl_update that caused this redraw...
            if j < len(test):
                # Replace i,j with new ones so as to draw those chars instead.
                ch1 = ord(test[j]) - 32
                j = ch1 % tex_nx
                i = 5 - (ch1 / tex_nx)
                # Draw a blank instead.
                ch1 = 32 - 32
                j = ch1 % tex_nx
                i = 5 - (ch1 / tex_nx)
            # Use i,j to index the texture, meaning, draw test chars, perhaps
            # the entire thing.
        return tex_origin_chars + i * tex_dy + j * tex_dx , tex_dx, tex_dy

    # Now think about where to draw all this... use a gap, but otherwise the
    # same layout.
    charwidth1 = tex_width * pixelwidth
    charheight1 = tex_height * pixelheight
    char_dx = (tex_width + gap) * pixelwidth
    char_dy = (tex_height + gap) * pixelheight

    def gg(i,j):
        return (ORIGIN + j * char_dx * DX + (i + 1) * char_dy * DY,
                charwidth1 * DX, charheight1 * DY)

    # Now draw them.

    if 1: #### for n in range(65): # Simulate delay of a whole page of chars.
        # Note, this is significantly slow even if we just draw 5x as many
        # chars!  (range was -1,tex_ny == 8, length 9) - Note, increasing i goes
        # up on screen, not down!
        for i in range(-1, charheight - 1):
            for j in range(charwidth): # Was tex_nx == 16
                origin, dx, dy = gg(i,j) # Where to draw this char ###k
                # Still in pixel ints. # What tex coords to use to find it?
                tex_origin, ltex_dx, ltex_dy = ff(i,j)
                # Kluge until i look up how to use pixels directly.
                tex_origin, ltex_dx, ltex_dy = 1.0/tex_size[0] \
                                               * V(tex_origin, ltex_dx, ltex_dy)
                #print (origin, dx, dy, tex_origin, tex_dx, tex_dy)
                # Cool bug effect bfr 'l's here.
                draw_textured_rect(origin, dx, dy, tex_origin, ltex_dx, ltex_dy)
    # draw some other ones? done above, with test string inside ff function.
    # Interesting q -- if i use vertex arrays or displist-index arrays, can
    # drawing 10k chars be fast? (guess: yes.)
    # Some facts: this window now has 70 lines, about 135 columns... of course
    # it's mostly blank, and in fact just now it has about 3714 chars, not 70 *
    # 135 = 9450 as if it was nowhere blank.
    # Above we draw 9 * 16 = 144, so ratio is 3714 / 144 = 25, or 9450 / 144 =
    # 65.
    # Try 65 redundant loops above & see what happens. It takes it a couple
    # seconds! Too slow! Of course it's mostly the py code.
    # Anyway, it means we *will* have to do one of those optims mentioned, or
    # some other one like not clearing/redrawing the entire screen during most
    # text editing, or having per-line display lists.

    return #drawfont2 #e rename, clean up
Esempio n. 10
 def world_to_window(self, x, y, z):
     x, y, z = gluProject(x, y, z)
     y = self._height - y
     return x, y
Esempio n. 11
    def save(self):
        glFlush() ##k needed? don't know; works with it. Or try glFinish? not sure it's legal here. Not needed, never tried.
        glpane = self.env.glpane
        image = glpane.grabFrameBuffer() # not sure this is legal during the draw... but it seems to work
            # This is a QGLWidget method. Does it have args? only withalpha, not size (no way to only grab a subimage directly).
            # It returns a QImage.
            # See also QGLWidget::renderPixmap (sounds easy to mess up, so not tried).
            # Or we could use OpenGL to grab raw data (as we now do from depth buffer), then use PIL (or QImage) to output it...
            # maybe best in long run, but grabFrameBuffer works ok for now. #e
            # Note: Return value is a constants.qt.QImage object; for debug prints including dir(image), see cvs rev 1.8            
            #e optim: use GL calls instead -- but that optim won't matter once we stop this from happening on every draw call
        ## print "glpane dims",glpane.width, glpane.height
            # on bruce's g4 now, whole glpane dims 633 573 (plausible; same as image dims); on g5, 690 637, also same in image
        assert glpane.width == image.width()
        assert glpane.height == image.height()
        # figure out where the image of self lies in this image of the entire glpane (in a rect defined by GL window coords x0,x1, y0,y1)
        #### WARNING: this method only works if we're not inside a display list
        thing = self.delegate
        lbox_corners = [(x,y) for x in (-thing.bleft, thing.bright) for y in (-thing.bbottom, thing.btop)]
            # Note, these are in local model coords, with implicit z = 0, NOT pixels.
            #bugfix 061127 133p: those minus signs -- I forgot them, and it took hours to debug this, since in simple examples
            # the affected attrs are 0. Does this indicate a design flaw in the lbox attr meanings? Guess: maybe --
            # it might affect a lot of code, and be worse in some code like Column. Maybe we just need a default lbox_rect formula
            # which includes the proper signs. ###e
        points = [gluProject(x,y,0) for x,y in lbox_corners] # each point is x,y,depth, with x,y in OpenGL GLPane-window coords
        ## print "raw points are",points
            # this shows they are a list of 4 triples, are fractional, and are perfectly rectangular (since view not rotated).
        xs = [p[0] for p in points]
        ys = [p[1] for p in points]
        x0, x1 = min(xs), max(xs)
        y0, y1 = min(ys), max(ys)
        ###e could warn if the points are not a rectangle, i.e. if self is drawn in a rotated view
        # add pixelmargin, but limit by window size (glpane.width, glpane.height)
        # (the reason is to verify this grabs bgcolor from around the image; not sure it will, if pixel coords are pixel-centers)
        pixelmargin = 2 + 0.5 #e make 2 an option, so more easily usable for display of saved images too
            # note: if original points are pixel centers, then 0.5 of this serves to turn them into pixel boundaries,
            # but then we'd also want to round them, differently for low and high values,
            # so to do that, add 1 to high values before int()

            ### REVIEW: should we use intRound to avoid issue of int() rounding towards zero
            # even for negative coordinates (for which adding 0.5 has the wrong effect)? [bruce 080521 Q]
        x0 -= pixelmargin
        x0 = int(x0)
        if x0 < 0: x0 = 0
        y0 -= pixelmargin
        y0 = int(y0)
        if y0 < 0: y0 = 0
        x1 += pixelmargin + 1 # 1 is for rounding (see comment)
        x1 = int(x1)
        if x1 > glpane.width:
            x1 = glpane.width ###k need -1?? are these pixels or pixel-boundaries?? assume boundaries, see comment above
        y1 += pixelmargin + 1
        y1 = int(y1)
        if y1 > glpane.height:
            y1 = glpane.height
        # convert to Qt window coords [note: the other code that does this doesn't use -1 either]
        y0 = glpane.height - y0
        y1 = glpane.height - y1
        y0, y1 = y1, y0

        w = x1-x0
        h = y1-y0
        ## print "subimage dims",w,h
        assert x0 <= x1, "need x0 <= x1, got x0 = %r, x1 = %r" % (x0,x1)
        assert y0 <= y1, "need y0 <= y1, got y0 = %r, y1 = %r" % (y0,y1)
        # trim image, i.e. replace it with a subimage which only shows self.delegate
        image = image.copy(x0, y0, w, h)
            # QImage::copy ( int x, int y, int w, int h, int conversion_flags = 0 ) -- copy a subarea, return a new image
        filename = self.filename
        except OSError: # file doesn't exist
            pass, "JPEG", 85) #e 85->100 for testing, or use "quality" option; option for filetype, or split into helper...
            #e also possible:, "PNG")
            ##e probably better: "If format is omitted, the format is determined from the filename extension, if possible."
            # (Note that's about -- not sure it also applies yet to itself.
            #  It's in .)
            # But I'd need to read up about how the option should be given for other formats.
        if os.path.isfile(filename):
            print "saved image, %d x %d:" % (w,h), filename
            print "save image (%d x %d) didn't work:" % (w,h), filename
Esempio n. 12
    def save(self):
        )  ##k needed? don't know; works with it. Or try glFinish? not sure it's legal here. Not needed, never tried.
        glpane = self.env.glpane
        image = glpane.grabFrameBuffer(
        )  # not sure this is legal during the draw... but it seems to work
        # This is a QGLWidget method. Does it have args? only withalpha, not size (no way to only grab a subimage directly).
        # It returns a QImage.
        # See also QGLWidget::renderPixmap (sounds easy to mess up, so not tried).
        # Or we could use OpenGL to grab raw data (as we now do from depth buffer), then use PIL (or QImage) to output it...
        # maybe best in long run, but grabFrameBuffer works ok for now. #e
        # Note: Return value is a constants.qt.QImage object; for debug prints including dir(image), see cvs rev 1.8
        #e optim: use GL calls instead -- but that optim won't matter once we stop this from happening on every draw call
        ## print "glpane dims",glpane.width, glpane.height
        # on bruce's g4 now, whole glpane dims 633 573 (plausible; same as image dims); on g5, 690 637, also same in image
        assert glpane.width == image.width()
        assert glpane.height == image.height()
        # figure out where the image of self lies in this image of the entire glpane (in a rect defined by GL window coords x0,x1, y0,y1)
        #### WARNING: this method only works if we're not inside a display list
        thing = self.delegate
        lbox_corners = [(x, y) for x in (-thing.bleft, thing.bright)
                        for y in (-thing.bbottom, thing.btop)]
        # Note, these are in local model coords, with implicit z = 0, NOT pixels.
        #bugfix 061127 133p: those minus signs -- I forgot them, and it took hours to debug this, since in simple examples
        # the affected attrs are 0. Does this indicate a design flaw in the lbox attr meanings? Guess: maybe --
        # it might affect a lot of code, and be worse in some code like Column. Maybe we just need a default lbox_rect formula
        # which includes the proper signs. ###e
        points = [
            gluProject(x, y, 0) for x, y in lbox_corners
        ]  # each point is x,y,depth, with x,y in OpenGL GLPane-window coords
        ## print "raw points are",points
        # this shows they are a list of 4 triples, are fractional, and are perfectly rectangular (since view not rotated).

        xs = [p[0] for p in points]
        ys = [p[1] for p in points]
        x0, x1 = min(xs), max(xs)
        y0, y1 = min(ys), max(ys)

        ###e could warn if the points are not a rectangle, i.e. if self is drawn in a rotated view
        # add pixelmargin, but limit by window size (glpane.width, glpane.height)
        # (the reason is to verify this grabs bgcolor from around the image; not sure it will, if pixel coords are pixel-centers)
        pixelmargin = 2 + 0.5  #e make 2 an option, so more easily usable for display of saved images too
        # note: if original points are pixel centers, then 0.5 of this serves to turn them into pixel boundaries,
        # but then we'd also want to round them, differently for low and high values,
        # so to do that, add 1 to high values before int()

        ### REVIEW: should we use intRound to avoid issue of int() rounding towards zero
        # even for negative coordinates (for which adding 0.5 has the wrong effect)? [bruce 080521 Q]

        x0 -= pixelmargin
        x0 = int(x0)
        if x0 < 0: x0 = 0

        y0 -= pixelmargin
        y0 = int(y0)
        if y0 < 0: y0 = 0

        x1 += pixelmargin + 1  # 1 is for rounding (see comment)
        x1 = int(x1)
        if x1 > glpane.width:
            x1 = glpane.width  ###k need -1?? are these pixels or pixel-boundaries?? assume boundaries, see comment above

        y1 += pixelmargin + 1
        y1 = int(y1)
        if y1 > glpane.height:
            y1 = glpane.height

        # convert to Qt window coords [note: the other code that does this doesn't use -1 either]
        y0 = glpane.height - y0
        y1 = glpane.height - y1
        y0, y1 = y1, y0

        w = x1 - x0
        h = y1 - y0
        ## print "subimage dims",w,h

        assert x0 <= x1, "need x0 <= x1, got x0 = %r, x1 = %r" % (x0, x1)
        assert y0 <= y1, "need y0 <= y1, got y0 = %r, y1 = %r" % (y0, y1)

        # trim image, i.e. replace it with a subimage which only shows self.delegate
        image = image.copy(x0, y0, w, h)
        # QImage::copy ( int x, int y, int w, int h, int conversion_flags = 0 ) -- copy a subarea, return a new image

        filename = self.filename
        except OSError:  # file doesn't exist
            filename, "JPEG", 85
        )  #e 85->100 for testing, or use "quality" option; option for filetype, or split into helper...
        #e also possible:, "PNG")
        ##e probably better: "If format is omitted, the format is determined from the filename extension, if possible."
        # (Note that's about -- not sure it also applies yet to itself.
        #  It's in .)
        # But I'd need to read up about how the option should be given for other formats.
        if os.path.isfile(filename):
            print "saved image, %d x %d:" % (w, h), filename
            print "save image (%d x %d) didn't work:" % (w, h), filename
Esempio n. 13
 def model_coords(self,x,y):
     """given an (x,y) coordinate pair on the viewport, returns the
     coordinates in model space"""
     tz = gluProject(self._look_at[0],self._look_at[1],
                     self._look_at[2])[2] # retrieve the depth coordinate
     return array(gluUnProject(x,self.get_view_height()-y,tz))
Esempio n. 14
    def mouseMoveEvent(self, event, camControl, scene):
        '''Handle the mouse move event, returning an EventReport.

        @param:     event       The event.
        @param:     camControl  The scene's camera control for this event.
        @param:     sc      ene       The scene.
        @returns:   An instance of EventReport.
        result = SelectContext.mouseMoveEvent(self, event, camControl, scene)
        if (not result.isHandled and GLOBAL_SELECTION):
            if (self.manipulating):
                if (self.highlight == -1):
                    # screen xform
                    currCanonX = 2.0 * event.x() / camControl.VWIDTH - 1.0
                    currCanonY = 2.0 * event.y() / camControl.VHEIGHT - 1.0
                    ar = float(camControl.VWIDTH) / camControl.VHEIGHT
                    dx = (currCanonX -
                          self.downPoint[0]) * self.transScale * ar
                    dy = -(currCanonY - self.downPoint[1]) * self.transScale
                    disp = * dx + * dy
                    dx = event.x() - self.downScreen[0]
                    dy = self.downScreen[1] - event.y()
                    if (self.highlight == 0):
                        # manip x-axis
                        disp = Vector3(
                            dx * self.manipAxis[0] + dy * self.manipAxis[1],
                            0.0, 0.0)
                    elif (self.highlight == 1):
                        # manip y-axis
                        disp = Vector3(
                            dx * self.manipAxis[0] + dy * self.manipAxis[1],
                    elif (self.highlight == 2):
                        # manip z-axis
                        disp = Vector3(
                            0.0, 0.0,
                            dx * self.manipAxis[0] + dy * self.manipAxis[1])
                self.pivot = self.pivotCache + disp
                for item in GLOBAL_SELECTION:
                result.needsRedraw = True
                # confirm modifiers
                projMat = glGetDoublev(GL_PROJECTION_MATRIX)
                viewport = glGetIntegerv(GL_VIEWPORT)
                modelMat = glGetDoublev(GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX)
                u, v, w = gluProject(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, modelMat, projMat,
                ux, vx, wx = gluProject(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, modelMat, projMat,
                xDistSq = distSqToSegment(
                    Vector2(u, v), Vector2(ux, vx),
                    Vector2(event.x(), camControl.VHEIGHT - event.y()))
                ux, vx, wx = gluProject(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, modelMat, projMat,
                yDistSq = distSqToSegment(
                    Vector2(u, v), Vector2(ux, vx),
                    Vector2(event.x(), camControl.VHEIGHT - event.y()))
                ux, vx, wx = gluProject(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, modelMat, projMat,
                zDistSq = distSqToSegment(
                    Vector2(u, v), Vector2(ux, vx),
                    Vector2(event.x(), camControl.VHEIGHT - event.y()))
                dists = np.array((xDistSq, yDistSq, zDistSq))
                if (dists.min() < 25):
                    h = dists.argmin()
                    result.needsRedraw = self.highlight != h
                    self.highlight = h
                    result.needsRedraw = self.highlight != -1
                    self.highlight = -1

        return result
Esempio n. 15
    def draw(self, performance):
        W, H = glfwGetWindowSize()

        scale = gameglobals.fontScale

        nameScoreList = []

        #draw players scores
        player = self.players['Player']
        text = 'Player: ' + str(self.scoreBoard['Player'][0])
        x = 10.0
        y = self.font_aa.getSize(text)[1] * scale
        nameScoreList.append([text, x, y, player.color])

        playerName = 'Player_Red'
        player = self.players[playerName]
        text = playerName + ': ' + str(self.scoreBoard[playerName][0])
        x = 10.0
        y = H
        nameScoreList.append([text, x, y, player.color])

        playerName = 'Player_Green'
        player = self.players[playerName]
        text = playerName + ': ' + str(self.scoreBoard[playerName][0])
        x = W - self.font_aa.getSize(text)[0] * scale - 10
        y = H
        nameScoreList.append([text, x, y, player.color])

        playerName = 'Player_Yellow'
        player = self.players[playerName]
        text = playerName + ': ' + str(self.scoreBoard[playerName][0])
        x = W - self.font_aa.getSize(text)[0] * scale - 10
        y = self.font_aa.getSize(text)[1] * scale
        nameScoreList.append([text, x, y, player.color])

        for nameScore in nameScoreList:
            glColor3f(nameScore[3][0], nameScore[3][1], nameScore[3][2])
            self.font_aa.renderShadowed(nameScore[0], nameScore[1],
                                        nameScore[2], (0, 0, 0), scale)

        #draw "hits" messages
        px = 50
        for hit in self.hitMsgList:
            if hit[1] < px:
                addend = self.msgFlowFunction(hit[1], px)
                hitText = ' HITS!'
                if hit[0] < 2:
                    hitText = ' HIT!'
                text = '+' + str(hit[0]) + hitText
                pCoords = hit[2]

                x, y, _ = gluProject(pCoords[0], pCoords[1], pCoords[2])
                y = y + hit[1]

                glColor4f(hit[3][0], hit[3][1], hit[3][2], addend)
                self.font_aa.renderOutlined(text, x, y, (0, 0, 0), scale)
                hit[1] += 200 * (1.2 - addend) * performance
                self.hitMsgList = self.hitMsgList[1:]

        #draw the faults messages
        px = 80
        for fault in self.faultMsgList:
            if fault[2] < px:
                addend = self.msgFlowFunction(fault[2], px)
                text = fault[0]
                pts = fault[1]
                x, y = W / 2 - self.font_aa.getSize(
                    text)[0] * scale / 2, H - 50 * scale
                y = y + fault[2]

                glColor4f(1.0, 0.8, 0.0, addend)
                self.font_aa.renderShadowed(text, x, y, (0, 0, 0), scale)
                if pts:
                    glColor4f(0.5, 0.8, 0.1, addend)
                    pts = '+' + pts
                    x = W / 2 - self.font_aa.getSize(pts)[0] * scale / 2
                    y -= self.font_aa.getSize(pts)[1] * scale
                    self.font_aa.renderShadowed(pts, x, y, (0, 0, 0), scale)
                fault[2] += 200 * (1.2 - addend) * performance
                self.faultMsgList = self.faultMsgList[1:]

        #draw the taunts
        px = 100
        for taunt in self.taunts:
            if taunt[1] < px:
                addend = self.msgFlowFunction(taunt[1], px)
                text = taunt[0]

                pCoords = taunt[2]
                x, y, _ = gluProject(pCoords[0], pCoords[1], pCoords[2])
                y = y + taunt[1]
                x = x - self.font_aa.getSize(text)[0] * scale / 2

                c = taunt[3]  #players.colorNamesColors[taunt[2]]

                glColor4f(c[0], c[1], c[2], addend)
                self.font_aa.renderShadowed(text, x, y, (0, 0, 0), scale)
                taunt[1] += 200 * (1.2 - addend) * performance
                self.taunts = self.taunts[1:]

        #draw current total combo
        total = self.scoreBoard.getTotalPoints()
        if total > 1:
            comboScale = scale * 1.25
            totalText = 'Combo ' + str(total) + '!'
            x = W / 2 - self.font_aa.getSize(totalText)[0] * comboScale / 2
            y = 2 * self.font_aa.getSize(totalText)[1] * comboScale

            glColor4f(0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1)
            self.font_aa.renderShadowed(totalText, x, y, (0, 0, 0), comboScale)

        #draw game over message
        if self.gameOver == True:
            loserMsg, loserColor = self.getLoserNameColor()
            loserMsg += ' lost!'
            msg = 'Game Over'
            loserScale = scale * 1.25
            gOverScale = scale * 2.5

            x0 = W / 2 - self.font_aa.getSize(loserMsg)[0] * loserScale / 2
            y0 = H / 2 + H / 4 - self.font_aa.getSize(
                loserMsg)[1] * loserScale / 2

            x1 = W / 2 - self.font_aa.getSize(msg)[0] * gOverScale / 2
            y1 = H / 2 - self.font_aa.getSize(msg)[1] * gOverScale / 2

            glColor4f(loserColor[0], loserColor[1], loserColor[2], 0.9)
            self.font_aa.render(loserMsg, x0, y0, loserScale)
            glColor4f(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.9)
            self.font_aa.render(msg, x1, y1, gOverScale)