def init(self): comp = Computer() for setting in OpenHardwareMonitor.SETTINGS: setattr(comp, setting, getattr(self, setting)) comp.Open() self.__comp = comp
def __init__(self, DLL=""): if DLL: clr.AddReference(DLL) else: clr.AddReference(os.getcwd() + r"\OpenHardwareMonitorLib.dll") from OpenHardwareMonitor.Hardware import Computer = Computer() = True = True = True = True = True self.hardwares = Hardwares(
def TempAware(DL): import clr # the pythonnet module. You might need to install it 'pip install pythonnet' clr.AddReference( 'TempAware\\OpenHardwareMonitorLib.dll') #enter your dll path from OpenHardwareMonitor.Hardware import Computer tempature = 0 colorplusdown = 0 c = Computer() c.CPUEnabled = True # get the Info about CPU c.GPUEnabled = True # get the Info about GPU c.Open() for DName in range(0, len(c.Hardware)): if ("GPU" in str(c.Hardware[DName])) or ("gpu" in str( c.Hardware[DName])): while True: for Sen in range(0, (len(c.Hardware[DName].Sensors))): if "temperature" in str( c.Hardware[1].Sensors[Sen].Identifier): tempature = (c.Hardware[1].Sensors[Sen].get_Value()) print(tempature) c.Hardware[1].Update() if 19 > tempature: for Device in DL: colorplusdown = (tempature) * 255 / 19 Device.set_color( RGBColor(int(0), int(0 + colorplusdown), int(255))) time.sleep(1) elif 38 > tempature >= 19: for Device in DL: colorplusdown = (tempature - 19) * 255 / 19 Device.set_color( RGBColor(int(0), int(255), int(255 - colorplusdown))) time.sleep(1) elif 57 > tempature >= 38: for Device in DL: colorplusdown = (tempature - 38) * 255 / 19 Device.set_color( RGBColor(int(0 + colorplusdown), int(255), int(0))) time.sleep(1) elif 76 >= tempature >= 57: for Device in DL: colorplusdown = (tempature - 57) * 255 / 10 Device.set_color( RGBColor(int(255), int(255 - colorplusdown), int(0))) time.sleep(1)
class Monitor: HardwareType = ["Mainboard", "SuperIO", "CPU", "GpuNvidia", "GpuAti", "TBalancer", "Heatmaster", "HDD"] SensorType = ["Voltage", "Clock", "Temperature", "Load", "Fan", "Flow", "Control", "Level", "Factor", "Power", "Data", "SmallData"] def __init__(self, DLL=""): if DLL: clr.AddReference(DLL) else: clr.AddReference(os.getcwd() + r"\OpenHardwareMonitorLib.dll") from OpenHardwareMonitor.Hardware import Computer = Computer() = True = True = True = True = True self.hardwares = Hardwares( def get(self, hardware_name, _type_name=None): if _type_name is None: return self[hardware_name] try: return self[hardware_name][self.__translate(_type_name, 1)] except TypeError: return None def __getitem__(self, index): self.hardwares.update(self.__translate(index)) return self.hardwares[self.__translate(index)] def __translate(self, name, _type=0): return self.HardwareType.index(name) if not _type else self.SensorType.index(name) def info(self): for hardware in print(hardware.Name, self.HardwareType[hardware.HardwareType]) hardware.Update() for sensor in hardware.Sensors: print(self.SensorType[sensor.get_SensorType()]+":", sensor.Name, sensor.Value)
def HardwareRemoved(hardware): print("Hardware removed!") sensors = [ '/intelcpu/0/temperature/0', '/intelcpu/0/temperature/1', '/intelcpu/0/temperature/2', '/intelcpu/0/temperature/3' ] hardware = ['/intelcpu/0'] __sensors = [] __hw = [] comp = Computer() comp.MainboardEnabled = False comp.RAMEnabled = False comp.CPUEnabled = True comp.GPUEnabled = False comp.HDDEnabled = False comp.Open() for hw in comp.Hardware: print(hw.Identifier, hardware) if str(hw.Identifier) in hardware: __hw.append(hw) hw.Update() for sensor in hw.Sensors:
import time import configparser import smtplib import colorama import os.path import clr from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart from email.mime.text import MIMEText from Classes import MySQL, Send, config_class, Global from colorama import Fore, Style #------------------------------------dll reding------------------------------- clr.AddReference(os.getcwd() + r'\OpenHardwareMonitorLib') from OpenHardwareMonitor.Hardware import Computer c = Computer() c.GPUEnabled = True c.Open() #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ s = Send() db = MySQL() # connecting with database config_class = config_class() Gl = Global() json_data = Gl.language() #--------------------------config-settings------------------------------------- config = configparser.ConfigParser() if os.path.isfile('settings\config.ini') == True:
import time import datetime import wmi if __name__ == "__main__": # w = wmi.WMI(namespace=r"D:\Tools\OpenHardwareMonitor") # # temperature_infos = w.Sensor() # # for sensor in temperature_infos: # if sensor.SensorType == u'Temperature': # print(sensor.Name) # print(sensor.Value) import clr # the pythonnet module. clr.AddReference(r'YourdllPath') # e.g. clr.AddReference(r'OpenHardwareMonitor/OpenHardwareMonitorLib'), without .dll from OpenHardwareMonitor.Hardware import Computer c = Computer() c.CPUEnabled = True # get the Info about CPU c.GPUEnabled = True # get the Info about GPU c.Open() while True: for a in range(0, len(c.Hardware[0].Sensors)): # print(c.Hardware[0].Sensors[a].Identifier) if "/temperature" in str(c.Hardware[0].Sensors[a].Identifier): print(c.Hardware[0].Sensors[a].get_Value()) c.Hardware[0].Update()
from OpenHardwareMonitor.Hardware import Computer # pyinstaller --onefile --windowed --uac-admin #GUI INIT root = Tk() root.title("Info Display Serial Server") S = Scrollbar(root) S.pack(side=RIGHT, fill=Y) T = Text(root, height=50, width=100) S.config(command=T.yview) T.pack() T.config(yscrollcommand=S.set) #Configure Open Hardware Lib c = Computer() c.CPUEnabled = True # get the Info about CPU c.GPUEnabled = True # get the Info about GPU c.MainboardEnabled = True c.FanControllerEnabled = True c.HDDEnabled = True c.RAMEnabled = True c.Open() #Message Send Delay, we could sent multiple commands with same message but we are lazy and only sent one command with every message, this is the time between the messages #crappy com structure but works MsgDelay = 0.15 #Settings for Serial Interface ser = serial.Serial() ser.baudrate = 115200
import sys import time import clr sys.path.append(r"D:\Github\Repositories\arduino\cpuinfo") clr.AddReference("OpenHardwareMonitorLib") from OpenHardwareMonitor.Hardware import Computer computer = Computer() computer.CPUEnabled = True computer.Open() # print(computer.Hardware[0].Identifier) # print(computer.Hardware[0].Sensors) while True: for a in range(0, len(computer.Hardware[0].Sensors)): # print(a) # print(computer.Hardware[0].Sensors[a].Identifier) if str(computer.Hardware[0].Sensors[a].Identifier ) == "/intelcpu/0/temperature/4": print(computer.Hardware[0].Sensors[a].Value) computer.Hardware[0].Update() time.sleep(1) # print("=================")
import clr import time clr.AddReference("C:/Users/63450/Desktop/毕业实习/day1/OpenHardwareMonitorLib.dll" ) #加载C#的库这个库网上可以下载 from OpenHardwareMonitor.Hardware import Computer computer_tmp = Computer() #实例这这个类 computer_tmp.CPUEnabled = True computer_tmp.GPUEnabled = True #获取GPU温度时用 computer_tmp.HDDEnabled = True computer_tmp.RAMEnabled = True #获取内存温度时用 computer_tmp.Open() print(computer_tmp.Hardware[0].Identifier) print(computer_tmp.Hardware[0].Sensors) while True: for a in range(0, len(computer_tmp.Hardware[0].Sensors)): #print computer_tmp.Hardware[0].Sensors[a].Identifier if str(computer_tmp.Hardware[0].Sensors[a].Identifier ) == "/intelcpu/0/temperature/4": print(computer_tmp.Hardware[0].Sensors[a].Value) computer_tmp.Hardware[0].Update() time.sleep(1)