Esempio n. 1
def timed_merge_agent(list_of_input_streams, single_output_stream, call_streams=None):
    This function creates an agent that merges the input streams into a single output
    stream where the timestamps of the output stream are in monotone nondecreasing
    Elements of the input streams are tuples (timestamp, ....); we require the zeroth
    part of the tuple to be a timestamp: a nonnegative number.

    list_of_input_streams: a nonempty list of streams
        Elements of the input streams are tuples in which the zeroth element is a
        timestamp: a nonnegative number
    single_output_stream: a single stream
    call_streams: optional
        call_streams is either None or a list of streams.

         An agent that merges the input streams into an output stream.

    assert isinstance(single_output_stream, Stream)

    def transition(in_lists, last_time):
        input_lists = [v.list[v.start:v.stop] for v in in_lists]
        output, last_time, indices = timed_merge(input_lists, last_time)
        in_lists_start_values = [in_lists[j].start + indices[j]
                                 for j in range(len(in_lists))]
        print 'in_lists_start_values', in_lists_start_values
        return ([output], last_time, in_lists_start_values)
    # Create agent
    last_time = -1
    return Agent(list_of_input_streams, [single_output_stream],
          transition, last_time, call_streams)
Esempio n. 2
def add_heartbeat_to_stream(
        input_stream, output_stream, time_stream, delay, call_streams=None):
    assert isinstance(input_stream, Stream)
    assert isinstance(output_stream, Stream)
    assert isinstance(time_stream, Stream)
    assert (isinstance(delay, int) or isinstance(delay, float))

    def transition(in_lists, last_time):
        # in_lists[0] is the data in_list
        # in_lists[1] is the time in_list
        output = list()
        # data_list is the list of the data tuples: (time, value)
        data_list = in_lists[0].list[in_lists[0].start:in_lists[0].stop]
        # time_list is the list of times that arrived on time_stream
        time_list = in_lists[1].list[in_lists[1].start:in_lists[1].stop]
        #    Process the list of data items.  #   
        # Each data item is a tuple or list
        # where its 0-th value is a timestamp
        if data_list:
            # Sort, in place, the data list by timestamp.
            print 'data_list', data_list
            data_list.sort(key=lambda tup: tup[0])
            # data_list[0][0] is the earliest timestamp in
            # data_list. If the earliest timestamp is at least
            # last_time then all the timestamps in data_list are
            # at least last_time. So put the entire data list 
            # into the output stream and set last_time to the 
            # latest timestamp (i.e., data_list[-1][0]) in
            # data_list.
            if data_list[0][0] >= last_time:
                last_time = data_list[-1][0]
                # If some timestamps are earlier than last_time
                # then place of OutOfOrder objects in the output
                # stream. If a timestamp is at or after last_time
                # then the corresponding item is in time order;
                # so put the item into the output stream.
                for data_item in data_list:
                    if data_item[0] < last_time:
                            OutOfOrder(data_item[0], last_time, data_item))
                # last_time must be greater than or equal to
                # the latest timestamp in data_list.
                last_time = max(last_time, data_list[-1][0])

        # All the items in data_list have been processed. So
        # the agent has read up to the very end of the list,
        # i.e., to in_lists[0].stop.
        data_start_value = in_lists[0].stop

        #    Process the time list            #   
        if time_list:
            # The latest time in time_list is time_list[-1].
            # If no element has arrived in the data list
            # with timestamp in the interval
            # [time_list[-1] - delay , last_time] then
            # no element with a timestamp in this interval
            # is likely to arrive in the future because the
            # (expected) maximum delay for an element to get
            # to this agent is delay.
            # Indicate that there is no non-Null element in
            # this interval by appending:
            # (time_list[-1] - delay, None) to the output stream.
            if time_list[-1] - delay > last_time:
                last_time = time_list[-1] - delay
                output.append((last_time, None))
        time_start_value = in_lists[1].stop

        # Finished transition()
        return ([output], last_time,
                [data_start_value, time_start_value])

    # Create agent
    last_time = -1
    return Agent([input_stream, time_stream],
                 transition, last_time, call_streams)