Esempio n. 1
    def __compute_statistics(self):
        # Since data matrices can of mixed sparsity, we need to compute
        # attributes separately for each of them.
        matrices = [self.__attributes, self.__class_vars, self.__metas]
        # Filter out any matrices with size 0
        matrices = list(filter(lambda tup: tup[1].size, matrices))

        self._variable_types = np.array([type(var) for var in self.variables])
        self._variable_names = np.array(
            [ for var in self.variables])
        self._min = self.__compute_stat(
            discrete_f=lambda x: ut.nanmin(x, axis=0),
            continuous_f=lambda x: ut.nanmin(x, axis=0),
            time_f=lambda x: ut.nanmin(x, axis=0),
        self._dispersion = self.__compute_stat(
        self._missing = self.__compute_stat(
            discrete_f=lambda x: ut.countnans(x, axis=0),
            continuous_f=lambda x: ut.countnans(x, axis=0),
            string_f=lambda x: (x == StringVariable.Unknown).sum(axis=0),
            time_f=lambda x: ut.countnans(x, axis=0),
            default_val=len(matrices[0]) if matrices else 0)
        self._max = self.__compute_stat(
            discrete_f=lambda x: ut.nanmax(x, axis=0),
            continuous_f=lambda x: ut.nanmax(x, axis=0),
            time_f=lambda x: ut.nanmax(x, axis=0),

        # Since scipy apparently can't do mode on sparse matrices, cast it to
        # dense. This can be very inefficient for large matrices, and should
        # be changed
        def __mode(x, *args, **kwargs):
            if sp.issparse(x):
                x = x.todense(order="C")
            # return ss.mode(x, *args, **kwargs)[0]
            # Temporary replacement for scipy
            return ut.nanmode(x, *args, **kwargs)[0]

        self._center = self.__compute_stat(
            continuous_f=lambda x: ut.nanmean(x, axis=0),
            time_f=lambda x: ut.nanmean(x, axis=0),

        self._median = self.__compute_stat(
            discrete_f=lambda x: __mode(x, axis=0),
            continuous_f=lambda x: ut.nanmedian(x, axis=0),
            time_f=lambda x: ut.nanmedian(x, axis=0),
Esempio n. 2
    def __compute_statistics(self):
        # Since data matrices can of mixed sparsity, we need to compute
        # attributes separately for each of them.
        matrices = [self.__attributes, self.__class_vars, self.__metas]
        # Filter out any matrices with size 0
        matrices = list(filter(lambda tup: tup[1].size, matrices))

        self._variable_types = np.array([type(var) for var in self.variables])
        self._variable_names = np.array([ for var in self.variables])
        self._min = self.__compute_stat(
            discrete_f=lambda x: ut.nanmin(x, axis=0),
            continuous_f=lambda x: ut.nanmin(x, axis=0),
            time_f=lambda x: ut.nanmin(x, axis=0),
        self._dispersion = self.__compute_stat(
            continuous_f=lambda x: np.sqrt(ut.nanvar(x, axis=0)) / ut.nanmean(x, axis=0),
        self._missing = self.__compute_stat(
            discrete_f=lambda x: ut.countnans(x, axis=0),
            continuous_f=lambda x: ut.countnans(x, axis=0),
            string_f=lambda x: (x == StringVariable.Unknown).sum(axis=0),
            time_f=lambda x: ut.countnans(x, axis=0),
        self._max = self.__compute_stat(
            discrete_f=lambda x: ut.nanmax(x, axis=0),
            continuous_f=lambda x: ut.nanmax(x, axis=0),
            time_f=lambda x: ut.nanmax(x, axis=0),

        # Since scipy apparently can't do mode on sparse matrices, cast it to
        # dense. This can be very inefficient for large matrices, and should
        # be changed
        def __mode(x, *args, **kwargs):
            if sp.issparse(x):
                x = x.todense(order="C")
            # return ss.mode(x, *args, **kwargs)[0]
            return ut.nanmode(x, *args, **kwargs)[0]  # Temporary replacement for scipy

        self._center = self.__compute_stat(
            discrete_f=lambda x: __mode(x, axis=0),
            continuous_f=lambda x: ut.nanmean(x, axis=0),
            time_f=lambda x: ut.nanmean(x, axis=0),
Esempio n. 3
    def _init_feature_marker_values(self):
        self.feature_marker_values = []
        cls_index = self.target_class_index
        instances = Table(self.domain, self.instances) \
            if self.instances else None
        values = []
        for i, attr in enumerate(self.domain.attributes):
            value, feature_val = 0, None
            if len(self.log_reg_coeffs):
                if attr.is_discrete:
                    ind, n = unique([:, i], return_counts=True)
                    feature_val = np.nan_to_num(ind[np.argmax(n)])
                    feature_val = nanmean([:, i])

            # If data is provided on a separate signal, use the first data
            # instance to position the points instead of the mean
            inst_in_dom = instances and attr in instances.domain
            if inst_in_dom and not np.isnan(instances[0][attr]):
                feature_val = instances[0][attr]

            if feature_val is not None:
                value = (self.points[i][cls_index][int(feature_val)]
                         if attr.is_discrete else
                         self.log_reg_coeffs_orig[i][cls_index][0] * feature_val)
        self.feature_marker_values = np.asarray(values)
Esempio n. 4
    def _get_colors(self):
        """Compute colors for different kinds of histograms."""
        if self.target_var and self.target_var.is_discrete:
            colors = [[QColor(*color)
                       for color in self.target_var.colors]] * self.n_bins

        elif self.target_var and self.target_var.is_continuous:
            palette = ContinuousPaletteGenerator(*self.target_var.colors)

            bins = np.arange(self.n_bins)[:, np.newaxis]
            edges = self.edges if self.attribute.is_discrete else self.edges[
            # Need to digitize on `right` here so the samples will be assigned
            # to the correct bin for coloring
            bin_indices = ut.digitize(self.x, bins=edges, right=True)
            mask = bin_indices == bins

            colors = []
            for bin_idx in range(self.n_bins):
                biny = self.y[mask[bin_idx]]
                if np.isfinite(biny).any():
                    mean = ut.nanmean(biny) / ut.nanmax(self.y)
                    mean = 0  # bin is empty, color does not matter

            colors = [[QColor('#ccc')]] * self.n_bins

        return colors
Esempio n. 5
    def _init_feature_marker_values(self):
        self.feature_marker_values = []
        cls_index = self.target_class_index
        instances = Table(self.domain, self.instances) \
            if self.instances else None
        values = []
        for i, attr in enumerate(self.domain.attributes):
            value, feature_val = 0, None
            if len(self.log_reg_coeffs):
                if attr.is_discrete:
                    ind, n = unique([:, i], return_counts=True)
                    feature_val = np.nan_to_num(ind[np.argmax(n)])
                    feature_val = nanmean([:, i])

            # If data is provided on a separate signal, use the first data
            # instance to position the points instead of the mean
            inst_in_dom = instances and attr in instances.domain
            if inst_in_dom and not np.isnan(instances[0][attr]):
                feature_val = instances[0][attr]

            if feature_val is not None:
                value = (self.points[i][cls_index][int(feature_val)]
                         if attr.is_discrete else
                         self.log_reg_coeffs_orig[i][cls_index][0] * feature_val)
        self.feature_marker_values = np.asarray(values)
    def __call__(self, data: Table) -> Table:
        n_groups = min(self.n_groups, len(data.domain.attributes))
        mean = ut.nanmean(data.X, axis=0)
        variance = ut.nanvar(data.X, axis=0)
        percentiles = [percentileofscore(mean, m) for m in mean]
        _, bins = np.histogram(percentiles, n_groups)
        bin_indices = np.digitize(percentiles, bins, True)
        # Right limit is treated differently in histogram and digitize
        # See
        bin_indices[bin_indices == 0] = 1

        zscores = np.zeros_like(mean)
        for group in range(n_groups):
            group_indices, = np.where(bin_indices == group + 1)
            if self.method == SelectMostVariableGenes.Dispersion:
                group_mean = mean[group_indices]
                group_scores = np.divide(variance[group_indices],
                                         where=group_mean != 0)
            elif self.method == SelectMostVariableGenes.Variance:
                group_scores = variance[group_indices]
            elif self.method == SelectMostVariableGenes.Mean:
                group_scores = mean[group_indices]

            with np.errstate(invalid="ignore"):
                zscores[group_indices] = zscore(group_scores)

        indices = np.argsort(np.nan_to_num(zscores))[-self.n_genes:]
        return self._filter_columns(data, indices)
Esempio n. 7
    def _get_colors(self):
        """Compute colors for different kinds of histograms."""
        target = self.target_var
        if target and target.is_discrete:
            colors = [list(target.palette)[:len(target.values)]] * self.n_bins

        elif self.target_var and self.target_var.is_continuous:
            palette = self.target_var.palette

            bins = np.arange(self.n_bins)[:, np.newaxis]
            edges = self.edges if self.attribute.is_discrete else self.edges[
            bin_indices = ut.digitize(self.x, bins=edges)
            mask = bin_indices == bins

            colors = []
            for bin_idx in range(self.n_bins):
                biny = self.y[mask[bin_idx]]
                if np.isfinite(biny).any():
                    mean = ut.nanmean(biny) / ut.nanmax(self.y)
                    mean = 0  # bin is empty, color does not matter

            colors = [[QColor('#ccc')]] * self.n_bins

        return colors
Esempio n. 8
    def _get_colors(self):
        """Compute colors for different kinds of histograms."""
        if self.target_var and self.target_var.is_discrete:
            colors = [[QColor(*color) for color in self.target_var.colors]] * self.n_bins

        elif self.target_var and self.target_var.is_continuous:
            palette = ContinuousPaletteGenerator(*self.target_var.colors)

            bins = np.arange(self.n_bins)[:, np.newaxis]
            edges = self.edges if self.attribute.is_discrete else self.edges[1:-1]
            # Need to digitize on `right` here so the samples will be assigned
            # to the correct bin for coloring
            bin_indices = ut.digitize(self.x, bins=edges, right=True)
            mask = bin_indices == bins

            colors = []
            for bin_idx in range(self.n_bins):
                biny = self.y[mask[bin_idx]]
                if np.isfinite(biny).any():
                    mean = ut.nanmean(biny) / ut.nanmax(self.y)
                    mean = 0  # bin is empty, color does not matter

            colors = [[QColor('#ccc')]] * self.n_bins

        return colors
 def fit_rows(self, attributes, x, n_vals):
     """Return a model for cosine distances with stored means for imputation
     discrete = n_vals > 0
     x = self.discrete_to_indicators(x, discrete)
     means = util.nanmean(x, axis=0)
     means = np.nan_to_num(means)
     return self.CosineModel(attributes, self.axis, self.impute, discrete,
Esempio n. 10
 def fit_rows(self, attributes, x, n_vals):
     """Return a model for cosine distances with stored means for imputation
     discrete = n_vals > 0
     x = self.discrete_to_indicators(x, discrete)
     means = util.nanmean(x, axis=0)
     means = np.nan_to_num(means)
     return self.CosineModel(attributes, self.axis, self.impute,
                             discrete, means)
Esempio n. 11
    def __compute_statistics(self):
        # Since data matrices can of mixed sparsity, we need to compute
        # attributes separately for each of them.
        matrices = [self.__attributes, self.__class_vars, self.__metas]
        # Filter out any matrices with size 0
        matrices = list(filter(lambda tup: tup[1].size, matrices))

        self._variable_types = np.array([type(var) for var in self.variables])
        self._variable_names = np.array(
            [ for var in self.variables])
        self._min = self.__compute_stat(
            discrete_f=lambda x: ut.nanmin(x, axis=0),
            continuous_f=lambda x: ut.nanmin(x, axis=0),
            time_f=lambda x: ut.nanmin(x, axis=0),
        self._dispersion = self.__compute_stat(
            continuous_f=lambda x: np.sqrt(ut.nanvar(x, axis=0)) / ut.nanmean(
                x, axis=0),
        self._missing = self.__compute_stat(
            discrete_f=lambda x: ut.countnans(x, axis=0),
            continuous_f=lambda x: ut.countnans(x, axis=0),
            string_f=lambda x: (x == StringVariable.Unknown).sum(axis=0),
            time_f=lambda x: ut.countnans(x, axis=0),
        self._max = self.__compute_stat(
            discrete_f=lambda x: ut.nanmax(x, axis=0),
            continuous_f=lambda x: ut.nanmax(x, axis=0),
            time_f=lambda x: ut.nanmax(x, axis=0),
        self._center = self.__compute_stat(
            discrete_f=lambda x: ss.mode(x)[0],
            continuous_f=lambda x: ut.nanmean(x, axis=0),
            time_f=lambda x: ut.nanmean(x, axis=0),
Esempio n. 12
    def __compute_statistics(self):
        # Since data matrices can of mixed sparsity, we need to compute
        # attributes separately for each of them.
        matrices = [self.__attributes, self.__class_vars, self.__metas]
        # Filter out any matrices with size 0
        matrices = list(filter(lambda tup: tup[1].size, matrices))

        self._variable_types = np.array([type(var) for var in self.variables])
        self._variable_names = np.array([ for var in self.variables])
        self._min = self.__compute_stat(
            discrete_f=lambda x: ut.nanmin(x, axis=0),
            continuous_f=lambda x: ut.nanmin(x, axis=0),
            time_f=lambda x: ut.nanmin(x, axis=0),
        self._dispersion = self.__compute_stat(
            continuous_f=lambda x: np.sqrt(ut.nanvar(x, axis=0)) / ut.nanmean(x, axis=0),
        self._missing = self.__compute_stat(
            discrete_f=lambda x: ut.countnans(x, axis=0),
            continuous_f=lambda x: ut.countnans(x, axis=0),
            string_f=lambda x: (x == StringVariable.Unknown).sum(axis=0),
            time_f=lambda x: ut.countnans(x, axis=0),
        self._max = self.__compute_stat(
            discrete_f=lambda x: ut.nanmax(x, axis=0),
            continuous_f=lambda x: ut.nanmax(x, axis=0),
            time_f=lambda x: ut.nanmax(x, axis=0),
        self._center = self.__compute_stat(
            discrete_f=lambda x: ss.mode(x)[0],
            continuous_f=lambda x: ut.nanmean(x, axis=0),
            time_f=lambda x: ut.nanmean(x, axis=0),
    def detection(self, table: AnyArray) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
        with np.errstate(invalid="ignore"):  # comparison can include nans
            mask = table > self.threshold

        if sp.issparse(table):
            A = table.copy()
            A =  # avoid log2(0)
            A.mask = False

        detection_rate = ut.nanmean(mask, axis=0)
        zero_rate = 1 - detection_rate
        detected = detection_rate > 0
        detected_mean = ut.nanmean(A[:, detected], axis=0)

        mean_expr = np.full_like(zero_rate, fill_value=np.nan)
        mean_expr[detected] = detected_mean / detection_rate[detected]

        low_detection = np.array(np.sum(mask, axis=0)).squeeze()
        zero_rate[low_detection < self.at_least] = np.nan
        mean_expr[low_detection < self.at_least] = np.nan
        return zero_rate, mean_expr
Esempio n. 14
 def get_continuous_stats(self, column):
     Return mean, variance and distance betwwen pairs of missing values
     for the given columns. The method is called by inherited `fit_rows`
     to construct a row-distance model
     mean = util.nanmean(column)
     var = util.nanvar(column)
     if self.normalize:
         if var == 0:
             return None
         dist_missing2_cont = 1
         dist_missing2_cont = 2 * var
         if np.isnan(dist_missing2_cont):
             dist_missing2_cont = 0
     return mean, var, dist_missing2_cont
 def get_continuous_stats(self, column):
     Return mean, variance and distance betwwen pairs of missing values
     for the given columns. The method is called by inherited `fit_rows`
     to construct a row-distance model
     mean = util.nanmean(column)
     var = util.nanvar(column)
     if self.normalize:
         if var == 0:
             return None
         dist_missing2_cont = 1
         dist_missing2_cont = 2 * var
         if np.isnan(dist_missing2_cont):
             dist_missing2_cont = 0
     return mean, var, dist_missing2_cont
Esempio n. 16
    def __init__(self, data, indices, color, graph):
        self.x_data = np.arange(1, data.X.shape[1] + 1)
        self.y_data = data.X
        self.indices = indices
        self.ids = data.ids
        self.color = color
        self.graph = graph

        self.profiles_added = False
        self.sub_profiles_added = False
        self.range_added = False
        self.mean_added = False
        self.error_bar_added = False

        self.graph_items = []
        self.__mean = nanmean(self.y_data, axis=0)
Esempio n. 17
    def __init__(self, data, indices, color, graph):
        self.x_data = np.arange(1, data.X.shape[1] + 1)
        self.y_data = data.X
        self.indices = indices
        self.ids = data.ids
        self.color = color
        self.graph = graph

        self.profiles_added = False
        self.sub_profiles_added = False
        self.range_added = False
        self.mean_added = False
        self.error_bar_added = False

        self.graph_items = []
        self.__mean = nanmean(self.y_data, axis=0)
Esempio n. 18
    def _get_colors(self):
        """Compute colors for different kinds of histograms."""
        if self.target_var and self.target_var.is_discrete:
            colors = [[QColor(*color)
                       for color in self.target_var.colors]] * self.n_bins

        elif self.target_var and self.target_var.is_continuous:
            palette = ContinuousPaletteGenerator(*self.target_var.colors)

            bins = np.arange(self.n_bins)[:, np.newaxis]
            edges = self.edges if self.attribute.is_discrete else self.edges[
            bin_indices = ut.digitize(self.x, bins=edges)
            mask = bin_indices == bins

            colors = []
            for bin_idx in range(self.n_bins):
                mean = ut.nanmean(self.y[mask[bin_idx]], axis=0) / self.y.max()

            colors = [[QColor('#ccc')]] * self.n_bins

        return colors
Esempio n. 19
 def test_axis_1(self, array):
     np.testing.assert_almost_equal(np.nanmean(self.x, axis=1),
                                    nanmean(array(self.x), axis=1))
Esempio n. 20
def coefficient_of_variation(x: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
    mu = ut.nanmean(x, axis=0)
    mask = ~np.isclose(mu, 0, atol=1e-12)
    result = np.full_like(mu, fill_value=np.inf)
    result[mask] = np.sqrt(ut.nanvar(x, axis=0)[mask]) / mu[mask]
    return result
    def __compute_statistics(self):
        # We will compute statistics over all data at once
        matrices = [self._data.X, self._data._Y, self._data.metas]

        # Since data matrices can of mixed sparsity, we need to compute
        # attributes separately for each of them.
        matrices = zip([
            self._domain.attributes, self._domain.class_vars, self._domain.metas
        ], matrices)
        # Filter out any matrices with size 0, filter the zipped matrices to 
        # eliminate variables in a single swoop
        matrices = list(filter(lambda tup: tup[1].size, matrices))

        def _apply_to_types(attrs_x_pair, discrete_f=None, continuous_f=None,
                            time_f=None, string_f=None, default_val=np.nan):
            """Apply functions to variable types e.g. discrete_f to discrete 
            variables. Default value is returned if there is no function 
            defined for specific variable types."""
            attrs, x = attrs_x_pair
            result = np.full(len(attrs), default_val)
            disc_var_idx, cont_var_idx, time_var_idx, str_var_idx = self._attr_indices(attrs)
            if discrete_f and x[:, disc_var_idx].size:
                result[disc_var_idx] = discrete_f(x[:, disc_var_idx].astype(np.float64))
            if continuous_f and x[:, cont_var_idx].size:
                result[cont_var_idx] = continuous_f(x[:, cont_var_idx].astype(np.float64))
            if time_f and x[:, time_var_idx].size:
                result[time_var_idx] = time_f(x[:, time_var_idx].astype(np.float64))
            if string_f and x[:, str_var_idx].size:
                result[str_var_idx] = string_f(x[:, str_var_idx].astype(np.object))
            return result

        self._variable_types = [type(var) for var in self._attributes]
        self._variable_names = [ for var in self._attributes]

        # Compute the center
        _center = partial(
            discrete_f=lambda x: ss.mode(x)[0],
            continuous_f=lambda x: ut.nanmean(x, axis=0),
        self._center = np.hstack(map(_center, matrices))

        # Compute the dispersion
        def _entropy(x):
            p = [ut.bincount(row)[0] for row in x.T]
            p = [pk / np.sum(pk) for pk in p]
            return np.fromiter((ss.entropy(pk) for pk in p), dtype=np.float64)
        _dispersion = partial(
            discrete_f=lambda x: _entropy(x),
            continuous_f=lambda x: ut.nanvar(x, axis=0),
        self._dispersion = np.hstack(map(_dispersion, matrices))

        # Compute minimum values
        _max = partial(
            discrete_f=lambda x: ut.nanmax(x, axis=0),
            continuous_f=lambda x: ut.nanmax(x, axis=0),
        self._max = np.hstack(map(_max, matrices))

        # Compute maximum values
        _min = partial(
            discrete_f=lambda x: ut.nanmin(x, axis=0),
            continuous_f=lambda x: ut.nanmin(x, axis=0),
        self._min = np.hstack(map(_min, matrices))

        # Compute # of missing values
        _missing = partial(
            discrete_f=lambda x: ut.countnans(x, axis=0),
            continuous_f=lambda x: ut.countnans(x, axis=0),
            string_f=lambda x: (x == StringVariable.Unknown).sum(axis=0),
            time_f=lambda x: ut.countnans(x, axis=0),
        self._missing = np.hstack(map(_missing, matrices))
Esempio n. 22
 def test_axis_1(self, array):
         np.nanmean(self.x, axis=1), nanmean(array(self.x), axis=1)
Esempio n. 23
 def test_axis_none(self, array):
         np.nanmean(self.x), nanmean(array(self.x))
Esempio n. 24
 def test_nanmean(self):
     for X in
         X_sparse = csr_matrix(X)
Esempio n. 25
def randomized_pca(A, n_components, n_oversamples=10, n_iter="auto",
                   flip_sign=True, random_state=0):
    """Compute the randomized PCA decomposition of a given matrix.

    This method differs from the scikit-learn implementation in that it supports
    and handles sparse matrices well.

    if n_iter == "auto":
        # Checks if the number of iterations is explicitly specified
        # Adjust n_iter. 7 was found a good compromise for PCA. See sklearn #5299
        n_iter = 7 if n_components < .1 * min(A.shape) else 4

    n_samples, n_features = A.shape

    c = np.atleast_2d(ut.nanmean(A, axis=0))

    if n_samples >= n_features:
        Q = random_state.normal(size=(n_features, n_components + n_oversamples))
        if A.dtype.kind == "f":
            Q = Q.astype(A.dtype, copy=False)

        Q = safe_sparse_dot(A, Q) - safe_sparse_dot(c, Q)

        # Normalized power iterations
        for _ in range(n_iter):
            Q = safe_sparse_dot(A.T, Q) - safe_sparse_dot(c.T, Q.sum(axis=0)[None, :])
            Q, _ = lu(Q, permute_l=True)
            Q = safe_sparse_dot(A, Q) - safe_sparse_dot(c, Q)
            Q, _ = lu(Q, permute_l=True)

        Q, _ = qr(Q, mode="economic")

        QA = safe_sparse_dot(A.T, Q) - safe_sparse_dot(c.T, Q.sum(axis=0)[None, :])
        R, s, V = svd(QA.T, full_matrices=False)
        U =

    else:  # n_features > n_samples
        Q = random_state.normal(size=(n_samples, n_components + n_oversamples))
        if A.dtype.kind == "f":
            Q = Q.astype(A.dtype, copy=False)

        Q = safe_sparse_dot(A.T, Q) - safe_sparse_dot(c.T, Q.sum(axis=0)[None, :])

        # Normalized power iterations
        for _ in range(n_iter):
            Q = safe_sparse_dot(A, Q) - safe_sparse_dot(c, Q)
            Q, _ = lu(Q, permute_l=True)
            Q = safe_sparse_dot(A.T, Q) - safe_sparse_dot(c.T, Q.sum(axis=0)[None, :])
            Q, _ = lu(Q, permute_l=True)

        Q, _ = qr(Q, mode="economic")

        QA = safe_sparse_dot(A, Q) - safe_sparse_dot(c, Q)
        U, s, R = svd(QA, full_matrices=False)
        V =

    if flip_sign:
        U, V = svd_flip(U, V)

    return U[:, :n_components], s[:n_components], V[:n_components, :]
Esempio n. 26
 def test_nanmean(self):
     for X in
         X_sparse = csr_matrix(X)
         np.testing.assert_array_equal(nanmean(X_sparse), np.nanmean(X))
Esempio n. 27
 def test_axis_none(self, array):