def __init__(self): object.__init__(self) self.__logger = OrcLog("api.batch.bus.batch_def") self.__model_batch_det = BatchDetMod() self.__bus_case_def = CaseDefBus()
def __init__(self): object.__init__(self) init_log() self.__logger = OrcLog("api.run_time.bus") self.__model_run_time = RunTimeMod()
def __init__(self): object.__init__(self) init_log() self.__logger = OrcLog("api.lib.bus.dict") self.__model_dict = DictMod()
def __init__(self): object.__init__(self) init_log() self.__logger = OrcLog("") self.__model_case_det = CaseDetMod() self.__bus_step_def = StepDefBus()
def __init__(self): object.__init__(self) init_log() self.__logger = OrcLog("") self.__model_case_def = CaseDefMod() self.__bus_case_det = CaseDetBus()
def __init__(self, p_flag, p_model): object.__init__(self) init_log() self._flag = p_flag self._model = p_model() self._logger = OrcLog("resource.%s.bus" % self._flag)
class DictBus(object): """ Dict """ def __init__(self): object.__init__(self) init_log() self.__logger = OrcLog("api.lib.bus.dict") self.__model_dict = DictMod() def bus_delete(self, p_id): """ 删除 :param p_id: :return: """ try: result = self.__model_dict.mod_search(p_id) except Exception: self.__logger.error("Delete dict error, input: %s" % p_id) raise OrcApiModelFailException return result def bus_update(self, p_id, p_cond): """ 更新 :param p_id: :param p_cond: :return: """ print p_cond cond = dict(id=p_id) cond.update(p_cond) print cond try: self.__model_dict.mod_update(cond) except Exception: self.__logger.error("Update dict error, input: %s" % cond) raise OrcApiModelFailException return True def bus_search(self, p_id): """ 查询 :param p_id: :return: """ try: result = self.__model_dict.mod_search(dict(id=p_id)) result = None if not result else result[0] except Exception: self.__logger.error("Update dict error, input: %s" % p_id) raise OrcApiModelFailException return result
class DictListBus(object): """ Dict list """ def __init__(self): object.__init__(self) init_log() self.__logger = OrcLog("api.lib.bus.dicts") self.__model_dict = DictMod() def bus_list_add(self, p_data): """ 新增 :param p_data: :return: """ try: result = self.__model_dict.mod_add(p_data) except Exception: self.__logger.error("Add dict error, input: %s" % p_data) raise OrcApiModelFailException return result def bus_list_delete(self, p_list): """ 删除 :param p_list: :return: """ try: for _id in p_list: self.__model_dict.mod_delete(_id) except Exception: self.__logger.error("Delete dict error, input: %s" % p_list) raise OrcApiModelFailException return True def bus_list_search(self, p_cond): """ 查询 :param p_cond: :return: """ try: result = self.__model_dict.mod_search(p_cond) except Exception: self.__logger.error("Search dict error, input: %s" % p_cond) raise OrcApiModelFailException return result
class RunTimeBus(object): def __init__(self): object.__init__(self) init_log() self.__logger = OrcLog("api.run_time.bus") self.__model_run_time = RunTimeMod() def bus_list_add(self, p_cond): """ 新增 :param p_cond: :return: """ try: result = self.__model_run_time.usr_add(p_cond) except Exception: self.__logger.error("Add run_time error, input: %s" % p_cond) raise OrcApiModelFailException return result def bus_list_delete(self, p_list): """ 删除 list, 调用单个删除函数 :param p_list: :return: """ try: for _id in p_list: self.bus_delete(_id) except Exception: self.__logger.error("Delete run_time error, input: %s" % p_list) raise OrcApiModelFailException return True def bus_list_search(self, p_cond): """ 查询 list :param p_cond: :return: """ try: result = self.__model_run_time.usr_search(p_cond) except Exception: self.__logger.error("Search run_time error, input: %s" % p_cond) raise OrcApiModelFailException return result def bus_update(self, p_id, p_cond): """ 更新一条 :param p_id: :param p_cond: :return: """ cond = dict(id=p_id) cond.update(p_cond) try: self.__model_run_time.usr_update(cond) except Exception: self.__logger.error("Update run_time error, input: %s" % p_cond) raise OrcApiModelFailException return True def bus_delete(self, p_id): """ 删除一条 :param p_id: :return: """ try: self.__model_run_time.usr_delete(p_id) except Exception: self.__logger.error("Delete run_time error, input: %s" % p_id) raise OrcApiModelFailException return True def bus_search(self, p_id): """ 查询一条 :param p_id: :return: """ try: result = self.__model_run_time.usr_search(dict(id=p_id)) result = None if not result else result[0] except Exception: self.__logger.error("Search run_time error, input: %s" % p_id) raise OrcApiModelFailException return result
class CaseDefBus(object): def __init__(self): object.__init__(self) init_log() self.__logger = OrcLog("") self.__model_case_def = CaseDefMod() self.__bus_case_det = CaseDetBus() def bus_list_add(self, p_data): """ 新增 :param p_data: :return: """ try: result = self.__model_case_def.usr_add(p_data) except Exception: self.__logger.error("Add case error, input: %s" % p_data) raise OrcApiModelFailException return result def bus_list_delete(self, p_list): """ 删除 :param p_list: :return: """ try: for _id in p_list: self.bus_delete(_id) except Exception: self.__logger.error("Delete case error, input: %s" % p_list) raise OrcApiModelFailException return True def bus_list_search(self, p_cond): """ 查询 :param p_cond: :return: """ result = [] mode = p_cond["type"] if "type" in p_cond else None case_id = p_cond["id"] if "id" in p_cond else None try: # 查询符合条件的整用例树,至根节点 if "all" == mode: result = self.__model_case_def.usr_search_all(p_cond) # 查询用例及子节点 elif "tree" == mode: if case_id is not None: result = self.__model_case_def.usr_search_tree(case_id) # 查询用例路径 elif "path" == mode and case_id: if case_id is not None: result = self.__model_case_def.usr_search_path(case_id) # 其他情况只查询符合条件的数据 else: result = self.__model_case_def.usr_search(p_cond) except OrcApiModelFailException: self.__logger.error("Search case error, input: %s" % p_cond) raise OrcApiModelFailException return result def bus_delete(self, p_id): """ 删除单个用例 :param p_id: :return: """ # 查询 case 列表, 包含子节点 case_list = self.bus_list_search(dict(type="tree", id=p_id)) case_id_list = [ for item in case_list] # 查询 step 列表 case_det_list = [] for _case_id in case_id_list: case_det_list.extend( self.__bus_case_det.bus_list_search(dict(case_id=_case_id))) case_det_id_list = [ for item in case_det_list] try: # 删除 case_det self.__bus_case_det.bus_list_delete(case_det_id_list) # 删除 case for _id in case_id_list: self.__model_case_def.usr_delete(_id) except Exception: self.__logger.error("Delete batch error, input: %s" % p_id) raise OrcApiModelFailException return True def bus_update(self, p_id, p_cond): """ 更新 :param p_id: :param p_cond: :return: """ cond = dict(id=p_id) cond.update(p_cond) try: self.__model_case_def.usr_update(cond) except Exception: self.__logger.error("Update batch error, input: %s" % cond) raise OrcApiModelFailException def bus_search(self, p_id): """ 查询单个用例 :param p_id: :return: """ try: result = self.__model_case_def.usr_search(dict(id=p_id)) result = None if not result else result[0] except Exception: self.__logger.error("Search batch error, input: %s" % p_id) raise OrcApiModelFailException return result
class CaseDetBus(object): def __init__(self): object.__init__(self) init_log() self.__logger = OrcLog("") self.__model_case_det = CaseDetMod() self.__bus_step_def = StepDefBus() def bus_list_add(self, p_data): """ 查询 :param p_data: :return: """ try: result = self.__model_case_det.usr_add(p_data) except Exception: self.__logger.error("Add batch error, input: %s" % p_data) raise OrcApiModelFailException return result def bus_list_delete(self, p_list): """ 删除 :param p_list: :return: """ try: for _id in p_list: self.bus_delete(_id) except Exception: self.__logger.error("Delete batch error, input: %s" % p_list) raise OrcApiModelFailException return True def bus_list_search(self, p_cond): """ 查询 :param p_cond: :return: """ try: result = self.__model_case_det.usr_search(p_cond) except Exception: self.__logger.error("Search batch error, input: %s" % p_cond) raise OrcApiModelFailException return result def bus_delete(self, p_id): """ 删除 :param p_id: :return: """ try: # case det case_det = self.__model_case_det.usr_search(dict(id=p_id)) # step ids step_ids = [step.step_id for step in case_det] # delete steps self.__bus_step_def.bus_list_delete(step_ids) # delete case det self.__model_case_det.usr_delete(p_id) except Exception: self.__logger.error("Del case from batch error, input: %s" % p_id) raise OrcApiModelFailException return True def bus_update(self, p_id, p_cond): """ 更新 :param p_id: :param p_cond: :return: """ cond = dict(id=p_id) cond.update(p_cond) try: self.__model_case_det.usr_update(cond) except Exception: self.__logger.error("Update case error, input: %s" % cond) raise OrcApiModelFailException return True def bus_search(self, p_id): """ 查询 :param p_id: :return: """ try: result = self.__model_case_det.usr_search(dict(id=p_id)) result = None if not result else result[0] except Exception: self.__logger.error("Search case from batch error, input: %s" % p_id) raise OrcApiModelFailException return result
class OrcBus(object): def __init__(self, p_flag, p_model): object.__init__(self) init_log() self._flag = p_flag self._model = p_model() self._logger = OrcLog("resource.%s.bus" % self._flag) def bus_list_add(self, p_cond): """ 新增 :param p_cond: :return: """ try: result = self._model.usr_add(p_cond) except Exception: self._logger.error("Add %s error, input: %s" % (self._flag, p_cond)) raise OrcApiModelFailException return result def bus_list_delete(self, p_list): """ 删除 list, 调用单个删除函数 :param p_list: :return: """ try: for _id in p_list: self.bus_delete(_id) except Exception: self._logger.error("Delete %s error, input: %s" % (self._flag, p_list)) raise OrcApiModelFailException return True def bus_list_search(self, p_cond): """ 查询 list :param p_cond: :return: """ try: result = self._model.usr_search(p_cond) except Exception: self._logger.error("Search %s error, input: %s" % (self._flag, p_cond)) raise OrcApiModelFailException return result def bus_update(self, p_id, p_cond): """ 更新一条 :param p_id: :param p_cond: :return: """ cond = dict(id=p_id) cond.update(p_cond) try: self._model.usr_update(cond) except Exception: self._logger.error("Update %s error, input: %s" % (self._flag, p_cond)) raise OrcApiModelFailException return True def bus_delete(self, p_id): """ 删除一条 :param p_id: :return: """ try: self._model.usr_delete(p_id) except Exception: self._logger.error("Delete %s error, input: %s" % (self._flag, p_id)) raise OrcApiModelFailException return True def bus_search(self, p_id): """ 查询一条 :param p_id: :return: """ try: result = self._model.usr_search(dict(id=p_id)) result = None if not result else result[0] except Exception: self._logger.error("Search %s error, input: %s" % (self._flag, p_id)) raise OrcApiModelFailException return result
class BatchDetBus(object): def __init__(self): object.__init__(self) self.__logger = OrcLog("api.batch.bus.batch_def") self.__model_batch_det = BatchDetMod() self.__bus_case_def = CaseDefBus() def bus_list_add(self, p_cond): """ 新增 :param p_cond: :return: """ try: result = self.__model_batch_det.usr_add(p_cond) except Exception: self.__logger.error("Add case to batch error, input: %s" % p_cond) raise OrcApiModelFailException return result def bus_list_delete(self, p_cond): """ 删除 list :param p_cond: :return: """ try: for _id in p_cond: self.__model_batch_det.usr_delete(_id) except Exception: self.__logger.error("Del case from batch error, input: %s" % p_cond) raise OrcApiModelFailException return True def bus_list_search(self, p_cond): """ 查询 list :param p_cond: :return: """ try: result = self.__model_batch_det.usr_search(p_cond) except Exception: self.__logger.error("Search batch's case error, input: %s" % p_cond) raise OrcApiModelFailException return result def bus_update(self, p_id, p_cond): """ 更新一条 :param p_id: :param p_cond: :return: """ cond = dict(id=p_id) cond.update(p_cond) try: self.__model_batch_det.usr_update(cond) except Exception: self.__logger.error("Update case of batch error, input: %s" % p_cond) raise OrcApiModelFailException return True def bus_delete(self, p_id): """ 删除一条 :param p_id: :return: """ try: self.__model_batch_det.usr_delete(p_id) except Exception: self.__logger.error("Del case from batch error, input: %s" % p_id) raise OrcApiModelFailException return True def bus_search(self, p_id): """ 查询一条 :param p_id: :return: """ try: result = self.__model_batch_det.usr_search(dict(id=p_id)) result = None if not result else result[0] except Exception: self.__logger.error("Search batch's case error, input: %s" % p_id) raise OrcApiModelFailException return result
class BatchDefBus(object): def __init__(self): object.__init__(self) init_log() self.__logger = OrcLog("api.batch.bus.batch_def") self.__model_batch_def = BatchDefMod() self.__bus_batch_det = BatchDetBus() self.__bus_case_def = CaseDefBus() def bus_list_add(self, p_cond): """ 新增 :param p_cond: :return: """ try: result = self.__model_batch_def.usr_add(p_cond) except Exception: self.__logger.error("Add batch error, input: %s" % p_cond) raise OrcApiModelFailException return result def bus_list_delete(self, p_list): """ 删除 list, 调用单个删除函数 :param p_list: :return: """ try: for _id in p_list: self.bus_delete(_id) except Exception: self.__logger.error("Delete batch error, input: %s" % p_list) raise OrcApiModelFailException return True def bus_list_search(self, p_cond): """ 查询 list :param p_cond: :return: """ result = [] mode = p_cond["type"] if "type" in p_cond else None batch_id = p_cond["id"] if "id" in p_cond else None try: # 查询符合条件的整用例树,至根节点 if "all" == mode: result = self.__model_batch_def.usr_search_all(p_cond) # 查询节点及子节点 elif "tree" == mode: if batch_id is not None: result = self.__model_batch_def.usr_search_tree(batch_id) # 查询节点路径 elif "path" == mode: if batch_id is not None: result = self.__model_batch_def.usr_search_path(batch_id) # 其他情况只查询符合条件的数据 else: result = self.__model_batch_def.usr_search(p_cond) except Exception: self.__logger.error("Search batch error, input: %s" % p_cond) raise OrcApiModelFailException return result def bus_update(self, p_id, p_cond): """ 更新一条 :param p_id: :param p_cond: :return: """ cond = dict(id=p_id) cond.update(p_cond) try: self.__model_batch_def.usr_update(cond) except Exception: self.__logger.error("Update batch error, input: %s" % p_cond) raise OrcApiModelFailException return True def bus_delete(self, p_id): """ 删除一条 :param p_id: :return: """ # 查询 batch 列表, 包含子节点 batch_list = self.bus_list_search(dict(type="tree", id=p_id)) batch_id_list = [ for item in batch_list] # 查询 batch_det 列表 batch_det_list = [] for _batch_id in batch_id_list: batch_det_list.extend( self.__bus_batch_det.bus_list_search(dict(batch_id=_batch_id))) batch_det_id_list = [ for item in batch_det_list] try: # 删除 batch_det self.__bus_batch_det.bus_list_delete(batch_det_id_list) # 删除 batch for _id in batch_id_list: self.__model_batch_def.usr_delete(_id) except Exception: self.__logger.error("Delete batch error, input: %s" % p_id) raise OrcApiModelFailException return True def bus_search(self, p_id): """ 查询一条 :param p_id: :return: """ try: result = self.__model_batch_def.usr_search(dict(id=p_id)) result = None if not result else result[0] except Exception: self.__logger.error("Search batch error, input: %s" % p_id) raise OrcApiModelFailException return result