Esempio n. 1
 def execute(self):
     timer = time.time()
     if self.post_process_tiles:
     timer = time.time() - timer
     print pretty_timer("   Tile generation time:", timer)
Esempio n. 2
 def __init__(self):
     self.after_tile_save = self.collect_tiles
     self.tiles_to_post_process = []
     self.len_tiles_to_post_process = 0
     self.subpixel_precision = 2
     self.use_fingerprint = True
     self.min_tile_file_size = 385  # No transparent tiles
Esempio n. 3
 def __new__(cls, *args):
     # israel_and_palestine polygon defined using
     # with a reduced sea area.
     israel_and_palestine = Polygon(
         (  # Modifications from Geofabrik's poly file:
                 34.65362, 32.08569
             ),  # Closer to the Tel-Aviv Coast. Replaces (34.64563, 32.92073)
             (34.98374, 33.13352),
             (35.15662, 33.09994),
             (35.31781, 33.11463),
             (35.36541, 33.06285),
             (35.46229, 33.09994),
             (35.51741, 33.12652),
             (35.52660, 33.21531),
             (35.53893, 33.25442),
             (35.56446, 33.29690),
             (35.61264, 33.27918),
             (35.67429, 33.30627),
             (35.70785, 33.34269),
             (35.75363, 33.35091),
             (35.81509, 33.33920),
             (35.91531, 32.94060),
             (35.80834, 32.77200),
             (35.77835, 32.72446),
             (35.59491, 32.62828),
             (35.57290, 32.36541),
             (35.59461, 32.21856),
             (35.55452, 32.02901),
             (35.57225, 31.75415),
             (35.48771, 31.41951),
             (35.42090, 31.25116),
             (35.47936, 31.17830),
             (35.42771, 30.95172),
             (35.33210, 30.77107),
             (35.20709, 30.53307),
             (35.17202, 30.11204),
             (35.07514, 29.83713),
             (35.02336, 29.64569),
             (34.93992, 29.39946),
             (34.89517, 29.37711),
             (34.84785, 29.59084),
             (34.69667, 30.10714),
             (34.52423, 30.40912),
             (34.48879, 30.64515),
             (34.15870, 31.35333
              ),  # Closer to the Gaza Coast. Replaces (34.07929, 31.52265)
                 34.65362, 32.08569
             )  # Closer to the Tel-Aviv Coast. Replaces (34.64563, 32.92073)
     cmd = OsmChangeTileGenCommand.__new__(cls, israel_and_palestine, 7, 16)
     return cmd
Esempio n. 4
 def __new__(cls, *args):
     israel_and_palestine = Polygon((  # Modifications from Geofabrik's poly file:
             3.465362E+01, 3.208569E+01
         ),  # Closer to the Tel-Aviv Coast. Replaces (3.464563E+01, 3.292073E+01)
         (3.498374E+01, 3.313352E+01),
         (3.515662E+01, 3.309994E+01),
         (3.531781E+01, 3.311463E+01),
         (3.536541E+01, 3.306285E+01),
         (3.546229E+01, 3.309994E+01),
         (3.551741E+01, 3.312652E+01),
         (3.552660E+01, 3.321531E+01),
         (3.553893E+01, 3.325442E+01),
         (3.556446E+01, 3.329690E+01),
         (3.561264E+01, 3.327918E+01),
         (3.567429E+01, 3.330627E+01),
         (3.570785E+01, 3.334269E+01),
         (3.575363E+01, 3.335091E+01),
         (3.581509E+01, 3.333920E+01),
         (3.591531E+01, 3.294060E+01),
         (3.580834E+01, 3.277200E+01),
         (3.577835E+01, 3.272446E+01),
         (3.559491E+01, 3.262828E+01),
         (3.557290E+01, 3.236541E+01),
         (3.559461E+01, 3.221856E+01),
         (3.555452E+01, 3.202901E+01),
         (3.557225E+01, 3.175415E+01),
         (3.548771E+01, 3.141951E+01),
         (3.542090E+01, 3.125116E+01),
         (3.547936E+01, 3.117830E+01),
         (3.542771E+01, 3.095172E+01),
         (3.533210E+01, 3.077107E+01),
         (3.520709E+01, 3.053307E+01),
         (3.517202E+01, 3.011204E+01),
         (3.507514E+01, 2.983713E+01),
         (3.502336E+01, 2.964569E+01),
         (3.493992E+01, 2.939946E+01),
         (3.489517E+01, 2.937711E+01),
         (3.484785E+01, 2.959084E+01),
         (3.469667E+01, 3.010714E+01),
         (3.452423E+01, 3.040912E+01),
         (3.448879E+01, 3.064515E+01),
             3.415870E+01, 3.135333E+01
         ),  # Closer to the Gaza Coast.  Replaces (3.407929E+01, 3.152265E+01),
             3.465362E+01, 3.208569E+01
         )  # Closer to the Tel-Aviv Coast. Replaces (3.464563E+01, 3.292073E+01)
     cmd = OsmChangeTileGenCommand.__new__(cls, israel_and_palestine, 7, 16)
     return cmd
 def __new__(cls, *args):
     israel_and_palestine = Polygon((  # Modifications from Geofabrik's poly file:
         (3.465362E+01, 3.208569E+01), # Closer to the Tel-Aviv Coast. Replaces (3.464563E+01, 3.292073E+01)
         (3.498374E+01, 3.313352E+01),
         (3.515662E+01, 3.309994E+01),
         (3.531781E+01, 3.311463E+01),
         (3.536541E+01, 3.306285E+01),
         (3.546229E+01, 3.309994E+01),
         (3.551741E+01, 3.312652E+01),
         (3.552660E+01, 3.321531E+01),
         (3.553893E+01, 3.325442E+01),
         (3.556446E+01, 3.329690E+01),
         (3.561264E+01, 3.327918E+01),
         (3.567429E+01, 3.330627E+01),
         (3.570785E+01, 3.334269E+01),
         (3.575363E+01, 3.335091E+01),
         (3.581509E+01, 3.333920E+01),
         (3.591531E+01, 3.294060E+01),
         (3.580834E+01, 3.277200E+01),
         (3.577835E+01, 3.272446E+01),
         (3.559491E+01, 3.262828E+01),
         (3.557290E+01, 3.236541E+01),
         (3.559461E+01, 3.221856E+01),
         (3.555452E+01, 3.202901E+01),
         (3.557225E+01, 3.175415E+01),
         (3.548771E+01, 3.141951E+01),
         (3.542090E+01, 3.125116E+01),
         (3.547936E+01, 3.117830E+01),
         (3.542771E+01, 3.095172E+01),
         (3.533210E+01, 3.077107E+01),
         (3.520709E+01, 3.053307E+01),
         (3.517202E+01, 3.011204E+01),
         (3.507514E+01, 2.983713E+01),
         (3.502336E+01, 2.964569E+01),
         (3.493992E+01, 2.939946E+01),
         (3.489517E+01, 2.937711E+01),
         (3.484785E+01, 2.959084E+01),
         (3.469667E+01, 3.010714E+01),
         (3.452423E+01, 3.040912E+01),
         (3.448879E+01, 3.064515E+01),
         (3.415870E+01, 3.135333E+01), # Closer to the Gaza Coast.  Replaces (3.407929E+01, 3.152265E+01),
         (3.465362E+01, 3.208569E+01)  # Closer to the Tel-Aviv Coast. Replaces (3.464563E+01, 3.292073E+01)
     cmd = OsmChangeTileGenCommand.__new__(cls, israel_and_palestine, 7, 16)
     return cmd
Esempio n. 6
 def osmChangeRead(self, *args):
     timer = time.time()
     OsmChangeTileGenCommand.osmChangeRead(self, *args)
     timer = time.time() - timer
     print pretty_timer("   Osm Change analysis time:", timer)
Esempio n. 7
 def execute(self):
     timer = time.time()
     timer = time.time() - timer
     print pretty_timer("   Tile generation time:", timer)
Esempio n. 8
 def __init__(self):
     self.subpixel_precision = 2
     self.use_fingerprint = True
     self.min_tile_file_size = 385  # No transparent tiles
 def osmChangeRead(self, *args):
     timer = time.time()
     OsmChangeTileGenCommand.osmChangeRead(self, *args)
     timer = time.time() - timer
     self.print_timer("   Osm Change analysis time:", timer)
Esempio n. 10
 def execute(self):
     timer = time.time()
     timer = time.time() - timer
     self.print_timer("   Tile generation time:", timer)
Esempio n. 11
 def __init__(self):
     self.subpixel_precision = 2
     self.use_fingerprint = True
     self.min_tile_file_size = 385  # No transparent tiles