def constructOverlap(bamfile, ah, edge, tolerance):
    qid = ah.query_name
    qs = ah.query_alignment_start
    qe = ah.query_alignment_end
    ql = ah.query_length
    tid = bamfile.getrname(ah.reference_id)
    ts = ah.reference_start
    te = ah.reference_end
    tl = ah.reference_length
    strand = 0
    score = ah.mapping_quality
    if ah.is_reverse:
        strand = 1
    ov = overlap(qid, tid, score, -1, strand, qs, qe, ql, 0, ts, te, tl)
    return ov
#	proc.communicate()

#Make sure you load the from the mrsa_analysis directory
from Overlap import overlap
from Overlap import read_overlaps

blasr_file = "/sc/orga/scratch/webste01/mrsa_analysis/unitig_54_blasr_out"
with open(blasr_file,"r") as bf:
        for l in bf:
                name1, name2, score, pctiden, strand1, start1, end1, len1, strand2, start2, end2, len2 = l.split()[0:12]
		#check to see that the read is in an overhanging read
		if name1 in overhanging_reads_list:
			print "in list"
		o = overlap(name1, name2, score, pctiden, strand1, start1, end1, len1, strand2, start2, end2, len2)
		if o.hasFullOverlap():
			print name1, "overlapping"
		#	print name1, "not full overlap"	
	#		print "non overhanging"

#Check whether the overhanging reads are also overlapping reads

#Check whether the branching reads align to neighbors of the unitig in the graph
Esempio n. 3
            doors = []

        has_door_been_init = True
        door_occup = np.zeros(len(doors), dtype=np.int16)
        print(doors, "\n", door_occup)

    #HOG sliding window is 64x128

    ped = detectors.ped_det(image)  #Ped np array

    if zero_f_exists == False:  #First frame
        ovlp_o = [False] * len(
            doors)  #create empty array to fill in/vector of 1xn
        ct = 0
        for object in doors:
            ovlp_o[ct] = overlap(object, ped, 0.3)
            ct += 1
        ped_len_o = len(ped)
        zero_f_exists = True
        print("Init conditions scanned")

        ct_d = 0
        ped_len_n = len(ped)
        ovlp_n = [False] * len(doors)
        for object in doors:  #Object is door num

            #Please check for errors again
            ovlp_n_v = overlap(object, ped, 0.3)
            ovlp_n[ct_d] = ovlp_n_v