def choose_best(new_database): #### New database should be checked on all the algorithms and the best case efficiency should be taken for furthur uses #print efficiency_PCA efficiency_PCA=PCA_main.main_pca(new_database) efficiency_LPP=0 efficiency_DCT=0 efficiency_histL1=histogram_main_L1.histmain(new_database) efficiency_histL2=histogram_main_L2.histmain(new_database) efficiency=[efficiency_PCA,efficiency_histL1,efficiency_histL2,efficiency_DCT,efficiency_LPP,] max_efficiency=max(efficiency) max_efficiency_index=efficiency.index(max_efficiency) #print "Printing PCA and HBS efficiency" #print efficiency_PCA #print efficiency_hist print "printing max efficiency " print max_efficiency """if(max_efficiency_index==0) : print "PCA" if(max_efficiency_index==1) : print "DCT" if(max_efficiency_index==2) : print "LPP" """ return max_efficiency_index
def decide_algo(input_str): # print input_str wrapper_test_image_names = lslR.get_files(input_str) # Uncomment following 2-lines to print all the image names # print "image names" # print wrapper_test_image_names wrapper_test_image_names.sort() # Sorting the image names no_of_images = len(wrapper_test_image_names) # Getting the length of number of images randomly_selected_image = random.random() * no_of_images # getting the random value in between 0 and no_of_images randomly_selected_image = int(round(randomly_selected_image)) # converting to integer coz index should be a integer # Uncomment following 2 - lines to print the index randomly selected image # print "Index of randomly selected image = %d" %(randomly_selected_image) # print "number of images" # print len(wrapper_test_image_names) #[randomly_selected_image]) # test_image_stat=ImageStat.Stat(wrapper_test_image) # To convert to Imagestat object whcih gives the stat properties of the image ######## We will be doing the decision based on the 16-metrices. ###### Only when the test image (image set) satisfies all the 16 metrices it means that the given test database is actually one of the trained dataset #### If test image fails to meet all the 16-metric criteria, then the wrapper depending on how close the new data set is decides which algorithm to be chosen ## Over time it actually appends the values and maintains the updated metrices of the trained dataset of the new data set ####### We actually test only one image of the entire given test data set ( using the old taught which says one rice grain is often enough to say whether the rice is boiled #### or not, similar we regressively test only one image of the dataset ( given by the user ) ) and choose the algorithm. ####### Image.Stat properties flag = ( 0 ) # Initializing the flag, flag=0 means database not identified, assuming db not identified in the beginning, will be set once db is identified metric = getmetrics.return_metrics( wrapper_test_image_names[randomly_selected_image] ) # Calling the return_metrics of getmetrics which returns 16 metrics as list # break # once if database is identified then we can come out of loop """ ##### We need to get the names of the databases which are previously trained, Rewriting this part with more efficient way fp_for_trained_db = open( "mapping_dataset_algo", "r" ) # Opening trained_databases in "r" mode to read the list of trained db's 0 ) # Not necessary, but still on safer hand its given so fp_for_trained_db points to beginning of the file trained_datasets = pickle.load(fp_for_trained_db) # loading the trained data lists from pickle to trained_datasets for i in range(len(trained_datasets)): # Have to be checked on all the previously trained datasets face_names = lslR.get_files(trained_datasets[i][0]) # Getting the absolute path names of the database face_names.sort() # Sorting the absolute path names no_of_images_in_train = len(face_names) if no_of_images_in_train < randomly_selected_image: continue trained_metric = getmetrics.return_metrics( face_names[randomly_selected_image] ) # Calling the return_metrics of getmetrics which returns 16 metrics as list if metric.__eq__(trained_metric): # Comparing if all the 16 metrics of the image is matching print "Data base identified" print "Identified database is" print trained_datasets[i][0] # printing the identified database name flag = 1 # Setting the flag if database is identified identified_algo_name = trained_datasets[i][1] if identified_algo_name == "PCA": PCA_main.main_pca(trained_datasets[i][0]) if identified_algo_name == "HBSL1": histogram_main_L1.histmain(trained_datasets[i][0]) if identified_algo_name == "HBSL2": histogram_main_L2.histmain(trained_datasets[i][0]) if identified_algo_name == "DCT": print "DCT is to be called" if identified_algo_name == "LPP": print "LPP is to be called" break # once if database is identified then we can come out of loop if flag == 0: # means database not identified ##### Need to extract the trained dataset path trained_data_path = trained_datasets[0][0] # Taking any database path to extract trained database path rindex_ossep = trained_data_path.rindex(os.sep) # Getting the path of the trained databases directory trained_data_path = trained_data_path[0:rindex_ossep] # Getting the path of the trained databases directory src_path = input_str # Getting source directory of new database dest_path = trained_data_path + os.sep # Creating destination directory for taking back up of new database dest_path = dest_path + get_db_name( input_str ) # Creating destination directory for taking back up of new database print "Data base not identifed" print "Adding database to our trained database sets" shutil.copytree( src_path, dest_path ) # creating a copy of the entire database, dynamically updating new database to trained set # add_database.add_db(dest_path) # Adding the new database (which is presently copied to dest_path) to the previously trained list. print "Database added" print dest_path index_best_algo_chosen = compare_with_all.choose_best_algo(dest_path, trained_datasets) best_algo_chosen = algorithms[index_best_algo_chosen] print "Algorithm chosen is " + best_algo_chosen + " bacause it has the more efficiency then other algorithms on this database" new_list_to_append = [] new_list_to_append.append(dest_path) new_list_to_append.append(best_algo_chosen) trained_datasets.append(new_list_to_append) fp_to_update_trained_db = open( "mapping_dataset_algo", "w+" ) # Opening trained_databases in "r" mode to read the list of trained db's 0 ) # Not necessary, but still on safer hand its given so fp_for_trained_db points to beginning of the file pickle.dump(trained_datasets, fp_to_update_trained_db) # updating the mapping_dataset file fp_to_update_trained_db.close() if best_algo_chosen == "PCA": PCA_main.main_pca(dest_path) if best_algo_chosen == "HBSL1": histogram_main_L1.histmain(dest_path) if best_algo_chosen == "HBSL2": histogram_main_L2.histmain(dest_path) if best_algo_chosen == "DCT": print "DCT is to be called" if best_algo_chosen == "LPP": print "LPP is to be called"