class BayesianGridSearchAgent(Agent):

    def __init__(self, tank_index, bay_vis, bay_filter, state):
        self.tank_index = tank_index
        self.state = state
        self.bay_vis = bay_vis
        self.bay_filter = bay_filter

        # the tank should change goals periodically
        self.time_since_goal_change = 0
        self.goal_x = 0
        self.goal_y = 0

        self.pdcontroller = PDController()
        self.pfc = self.setup_potential_fields()

        # these variables are used to check if we're stuck
        self.time_without_moving = 0
        self.prev_x = 0
        self.prev_y = 0

        self.timer_id = Timer.add_task(self.bayesian_grid_search)

    def bayesian_grid_search(self):
        # set up tank
        tank = self.state.mytanks[self.tank_index]
        self.time_since_goal_change += Timer.time_passed
        print Timer.time_passed
        if self.time_since_goal_change.is_integer():
            print self.time_since_goal_change


        # get the vector suggested by the potential field
        pf_vec = self.pfc.potential_fields_calc(tank.x, tank.y)

        # give the vector to the pd controller for actionable speed and angvel
        next_action = self.pdcontroller.get_next_action(tank, pf_vec)

        # act upon the new speed and angvel
        self.prev_x = tank.x
        self.prev_y = tank.y

        # ask the server for current position and update the Grid Filter

    def check_new_direction(self, tank):
        # check if stuck
        if self.is_stuck(tank):
            print "Tank %s stuck, changing direction" % self.tank_index

        # check if tank arrived at goal
        if abs(tank.x - self.goal_x) < 10 and abs(tank.y - self.goal_y) < 10:
            print "Tank %s arrived at goal, changing direction" % self.tank_index

        # check if tank hasn't changed direction in a long time
        if self.time_since_goal_change > 60:
            print "Tank %s timeout, changing direction" % self.tank_index

    def is_stuck(self, tank):
        # check if I've moved recently
        if tank.x == self.prev_x and tank.y == self.prev_y:
            self.time_without_moving += Timer.time_passed

            # check if I'm stuck. Considered "stuck" if I haven't changed position in 1 second.
            if self.time_without_moving > 1:
                self.time_without_moving = 0
                return True

    def new_direction(self):
        found_goal = False
        for i in range (0, 2):
            self.goal_x = random.randint(-400, 400)
            self.goal_y = random.randint(-400, 400)
            if not self.bay_filter.already_explored(self.goal_x, self.goal_y):

        self.time_since_goal_change = 0
        attractive = [AttractiveObject(x=self.goal_x, y=self.goal_y, radius=10, spread=1000000, alpha=1000)]
        self.pfc.update(attractive, self.pfc.repulsive, self.pfc.tangential)
        print "Tank %s new goal (%f,%f)" % (self.tank_index, self.goal_x, self.goal_y)

    def setup_potential_fields(self):
        attractive = []
        repulsive = []
        tangential = []
        self.pfc = PotentialFieldCalculator(attractive, repulsive, tangential)

        return self.pfc

    def update_grid(self):
        x, y, grid = self.state.update_occgrid(self.tank_index)  # ask the server for the occgrid
        #self.bay_filter.test(grid, int(x), int(y))  # run it through the fake bayesian filter
        self.bay_filter.bayesian_grid(grid, int(x), int(y))  # run it through the bayesian filter
        self.bay_vis.update_and_draw_grid(self.bay_filter.model)  # draw it
class PDFlagRetriever(Agent):

    def __init__(self, tank_index, flag_index, state):
        self.tank_index = tank_index
        self.flag_index = flag_index
        self.state = state
        self.timer_id = Timer.add_task(self.potential_fields_move)
        self.pfc = self.setup_potential_fields()
        self.pdcontroller = PDController()
        self.attacking = True
        self.prev_x = 0
        self.prev_y = 0
        self.time_spent_stuck = 0  # stuck for more than 10 seconds, get a new random vector
        self.time_without_moving = 0  # consider ourselves stuck only after 5 seconds
        self.stuck_vector = [0, 0]
        self.stuck = False

    def potential_fields_move(self):

        # set up tank
        tank = self.state.mytanks[self.tank_index]

        # check if I'm stuck and respond appropriately if so

        # check if I just picked up the enemy flag
        if tank.flag != '-' and self.attacking:

        # check if I just returned the enemy flag
        if tank.flag == '-' and not self.attacking:

        if not self.stuck:
            # get the vector suggested by the potential field
            pf_vec = self.pfc.potential_fields_calc(tank.x, tank.y)
            pf_vec = self.stuck_vector

        # give the vector to the pd controller for actionable speed and angvel
        next_action = self.pdcontroller.get_next_action(tank, pf_vec)

        # act upon the new speed and angvel
        self.prev_x = tank.x
        self.prev_y = tank.y

    def check_stuck(self, tank):
        # check if I've moved recently
        if tank.x == self.prev_x and tank.y == self.prev_y:
            self.time_without_moving += Timer.TIME_PER_TICK

            # check if I'm stuck. Considered "stuck" if I haven't changed position in 5 seconds.
            if self.time_without_moving > .5:

                self.stuck = True
                # print "STUCK!"

                # if we just got stuck or we've been stuck for too long, get new random vector and shoot.
                if self.time_spent_stuck == 0:
                    self.stuck_vector = [random.random() * 200 - 100, random.random() * 200 - 100]
                    # print "Generated random vector ", self.stuck_vector

                # add to the stuck timer. If it's longer than 10 seconds, reset to 0.
                self.time_spent_stuck += Timer.TIME_PER_TICK
                if self.time_spent_stuck >= 2.5:
                    self.time_spent_stuck = 0

        elif self.stuck:
            # print "RESETTING!"
            self.time_without_moving = 0
            self.stuck = False
            self.stuck_vector = [0, 0]

    def setup_potential_fields(self):

        flag = self.state.flags[self.flag_index]

        attractive = []
        repulsive = []
        tangential = []

        # attractive. One flag that I chose at random.
        logging.debug("Tank %s is seeking flag %s", self.tank_index, str(flag))

        attractive.append(AttractiveObject(x=flag.x, y=flag.y, radius=10, spread=20, alpha=1),)

        if len(self.state.obstacles) == 4:
            tangential.append(TangentialObject(x=121.2132034355, y=21.2132034356, radius=30, spread=60, alpha=1))

            tangential.append(TangentialObject(x=-78.78679656439999, y=21.2132034356, radius=30, spread=60, alpha=1,

            tangential.append(TangentialObject(x=21.2132034356, y=121.2132034355, radius=30, spread=60, alpha=1))

            tangential.append(TangentialObject(x=21.2132034356, y=-78.78679656439999, radius=30, spread=60, alpha=1))

            # Top Left L
            tangential.append(TangentialObject(x=-90, y=120, radius=30, spread=100, alpha=1))
            tangential.append(TangentialObject(x=-90, y=180, radius=30, spread=100, alpha=1))
            tangential.append(TangentialObject(x=-150, y=120, radius=30, spread=100, alpha=1))

            # Top Right L
            tangential.append(TangentialObject(x=150, y=120, radius=30, spread=100, alpha=1))
            tangential.append(TangentialObject(x=150, y=180, radius=30, spread=100, alpha=1))
            tangential.append(TangentialObject(x=210, y=120, radius=30, spread=100, alpha=1))

            # Bottom Right L
            tangential.append(TangentialObject(x=150, y=-120, radius=30, spread=100, alpha=1))
            tangential.append(TangentialObject(x=210, y=-120, radius=30, spread=100, alpha=1))
            tangential.append(TangentialObject(x=150, y=-180, radius=30, spread=100, alpha=1))

            # Bottom Left L
            tangential.append(TangentialObject(x=-90, y=-120, radius=30, spread=100, alpha=1))
            tangential.append(TangentialObject(x=-90, y=-180, radius=30, spread=100, alpha=1))
            tangential.append(TangentialObject(x=-150, y=-120, radius=30, spread=100, alpha=1))

            # Top Left L
            tangential.append(TangentialObject(x=-90, y=120, radius=30, spread=100, alpha=1))
            tangential.append(TangentialObject(x=-90, y=180, radius=30, spread=100, alpha=1))
            tangential.append(TangentialObject(x=-150, y=120, radius=30, spread=100, alpha=1))

            # Middle Rectangular Obstacle
            tangential.append(TangentialObject(x=0, y=10, radius=60, spread=100, alpha=1))

        return PotentialFieldCalculator(attractive, repulsive, tangential)

    def return_to_base(self):
        self.attacking = False
        base_coords =
        attractive = [AttractiveObject(x=base_coords['x'], y=base_coords['y'], radius=10, spread=20, alpha=1)]
        self.pfc.update(attractive, self.pfc.repulsive, self.pfc.tangential)

    def attack_enemy_flag(self):
        self.attacking = True
        flag = self.state.flags[self.flag_index]
        attractive = [AttractiveObject(x=flag.x, y=flag.y, radius=10, spread=20, alpha=1)]
        self.pfc.update(attractive, self.pfc.repulsive, self.pfc.tangential)
class KalmanAgent(Agents.Agent):

    def __init__(self, tank_index, target_color, state):
        self.state = state
        self.target_color = target_color
        self.tank_index = tank_index
        self.pdc = PDController()
        self.timer_id = Timer.add_task(self.update)
        self.kvis = KalmanVisualizer(800, 800)
        self.kfilter = KalmanFilter()

    def update(self):
        # update state

        tank = self.state.mytanks['0']
        angvel = self.getAngvelToTarget(tank)


    def getAngvelToTarget(self, tank):
        Calculates the vector that we should be facing to kill the target, then uses the PDController to find the
        angular velocity required to face the target.
        This calculation is performed like this:
        1. Use the Kalman Filter to get the predicted location of the target.
        2. Add to that vector the distance that the target will travel while the bullet fires.
        3. Pass the vector into the PDController to find the angular velocity that we need to face the right way
        :return float: the angular velocity that we need in order to correctly face the target.
        # get newest data about target
        target = self.state.othertanks[self.target_color][0]

        # get the angle to the target

        # step 1: Kalman Filter
        ut, width, height = self.kfilter.update(npy.array([[target.x], [target.y]]))
        xpos, xvel, xacc, ypos, yvel, yacc = ut

        # step 2: bullet travel time
        t = math.sqrt((tank.x - target.x) ** 2 + (tank.y - target.y) ** 2) / 100
        hitzone_x = xpos + xvel*t + 0.5  # * xacc * t**2 + 100 * math.cos(tank.x) * t
        hitzone_y = ypos + yvel*t + 0.5  # * yacc * t**2 + 100 * math.sin(tank.y) * t
        self.kvis.update(xpos, ypos, width, target.x, target.y, hitzone_x, hitzone_y)

        # step 3: PDController to find angular velocity
        ang = self.ang(hitzone_x, hitzone_y)
        # print ang
        if abs(math.pi + tank.angle - ang) < 0.1:
        target_vec = [-math.cos(ang), -math.sin(ang)]
        next_action = self.pdc.get_next_action(self.state.mytanks[self.tank_index], target_vec)
        return next_action['angvel']

    def ang(self, x, y):
        tank = self.state.mytanks['0']
        angle = math.atan2(tank.y - y, tank.x - x)
        '''Make any angle be between +/- pi.'''
        angle -= 2 * math.pi * int(angle / (2 * math.pi))
        if angle <= -math.pi:
            angle += 2 * math.pi
        elif angle > math.pi:
            angle -= 2 * math.pi
        return angle