Esempio n. 1
def problem249(): 
    primes = primesUpTo(5000)
    sums = defaultdict(int)
    sums[0] = 1
    for p,total in runningTotal(primes):
        for j in range(total,p-1,-1):
            sums[j] = sums[j] + sums[j-p]
    return sum([sums[k] for k in range(total+1) if isPrime(k)]) % 10**16
Esempio n. 2
def problem77():
    primes = primesUpTo(100)
    for target in count(11):
        ways = [1] + [0] * target
        for prime in primes:
            for j in range(prime, target + 1):
                ways[j] += ways[j - prime]
        if ways[target] > 5000:
            return target
Esempio n. 3
def problem134():
	total = 0
	primes = primesUpTo(1000100)
	for index, p1 in enumerate(primes):
		if p1 == 2 or p1 == 3: continue
		if p1 > 1000000: break
		p2 = primes[index+1]
		total += smallest(p1, p2)
	return total
 def test_order_old(self):
     self.assertEqual(order_old(2, 7), 3)
     self.assertEqual(order_old(3, 50), 20)
     from PE_primes import primesUpTo
     from random import randint
     # Verifying Fermat's little theorem
     primes = primesUpTo(100)
     for p in primes:
         a = randint(1, p - 1)
         self.assertEqual((p - 1) % order_old(a, p), 0)
 def test_order(self):
     self.assertEqual(order(2, 7), 3)
     self.assertEqual(order(3, 50), 20)
     from PE_primes import primesUpTo
     from random import randint
     # Verifying Fermat's little theorem
     primes = primesUpTo(100)
     for p in primes:
         a = randint(1, p - 1)
         self.assertEqual((p - 1) % order(a, p), 0)
Esempio n. 6
def problem214():
	total = 0
	phi = computeAllPhi()
	def lengthOfChain(n,_d={1:1}):
		if n not in _d:
			_d[n] = lengthOfChain(phi[n]) + 1
		return _d[n]
	for p in primesUpTo(40000000):
		if lengthOfChain(p) == 25:
			total += p
	return total
Esempio n. 7
def problem108():
    def update(minimum, n=1, divs=1, index=0, power=50):
        # Worst than what we found so far or used up all the primes
        if n >= minimum or index >= len(primes):
            return minimum
        # We found n with enough divisors
        if divs >= 2*(4*10**6):
            return n
        # the current prime we are looking at
        p = primes[index]
        # All the possible powers
        for e in range(1, power+1):
            minimum = min(minimum, update(minimum, n * p**e, divs * (2*e+1), index+1, e))
        return minimum
    primes = primesUpTo(50)
    minimum = product(primes)        
    return update(minimum)
Esempio n. 8
def problem200():
    primes = primesUpTo(169249+2)
    candidates = []
    # Do not know why I can make this assumption
    # There are other types of primeproof sqube but they 
    # are all much larger
    for p in [2,5]:
        for q in primes:
            if q == 2 or q == 5: continue
            candidates.append((p, q))
            candidates.append((q, p))
    candidates.sort(key=lambda x: x[0]**2 * x[1]**3)
    found = 1
    seen = {200}
    for p, q in candidates:
        if 2 in (p, q) or 5 in (p, q):
            if isPrimeProofsqubeEven(p, q):
                found += 1
            if isPrimeProofsqubeOdd(p, q):
                found += 1
        if found == 200:
            return p ** 2 * q ** 3
    return seen
def test_order(orderFunc):
    primes = primesUpTo(10000)
    for p in primes:
        a = randint(1, p - 1)
        orderFunc(a, p)
 def test_containment(self):
     from PE_primes import primesUpTo
     m = Orderedlist(primesUpTo(1000))
     self.assertTrue(101 in m)
     self.assertRaises(ValueError, lambda x: x in m, 100)
Esempio n. 11
def problem41a():
	from projectEuler import isPandigital
	from PE_primes import primesUpTo
	# can avoid 8 digits and 9 digits as sum(1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8) is divisible by 3 and thus so is the numbers with 9 digits
	return max( p for p in primesUpTo(10**7) if isPandigital(p) )
 def test_containment(self):
     from PE_primes import primesUpTo
     m = Orderedlist(primesUpTo(1000))
     self.assertTrue(101 in m)
     self.assertRaises(ValueError, lambda x: x in m, 100)
Esempio n. 13
def problem204():
    count = 1
    for a in genProducts(10 ** 9, primesUpTo(100)):
        count += 1
 def test_primesUpTo(self):
     self.assertEqual(primesUpTo(10), (2, 3, 5, 7))
 def test_primes(self):
     primes = primesUpTo(10 ** 6)
     for index, p in enumerate(iPrime()):
         self.assertEqual(p, primes[index])
         if index == len(primes) - 1:
 def test_primesUpTo(self):
     self.assertEqual(primesUpTo(10), (2, 3, 5, 7))
 def test_primes(self):
     primes = primesUpTo(10**6)
     for index, p in enumerate(iPrime()):
         self.assertEqual(p, primes[index])
         if index == len(primes) - 1:
Esempio n. 18
def problem266():
    return PSR(primesUpTo(190)) % 10 ** 6