def update(self, model): result = set() all_prey = model.find(lambda item:isinstance(item, Prey)) for item in all_prey: if self.contains(item): result.add(item) self._counter += 1 closest = self.sightDistance existing = all_prey - result for item in existing: if self.distance(item.get_location()) < closest: closest = self.distance(item.get_location()) self.set_angle(math.atan2(item.get_location()[1] - self.get_location()[1], item.get_location()[0] - self.get_location()[0])) if len(result) > 0: self.set_dimension(self.get_dimension()[0] + len(result), self.get_dimension()[1] + len(result)) self._image = PhotoImage('deathstar.gif').convert('RGBA').resize((self.get_dimension()[0], self.get_dimension()[1]), Image.ANTIALIAS)) self.radius = (self._image.height()/2)+((self._image.width()**2)/(8 * self._image.height())) self._counter = 1 if self._counter == 30: self.radius -= 1 self.set_dimension(self.get_dimension()[0] - 1, self.get_dimension()[1] - 1) self._image = PhotoImage('deathstar.gif').convert('RGBA').resize((self.get_dimension()[0], self.get_dimension()[1]), Image.ANTIALIAS)) self.radius = (self._image.height()/2)+((self._image.width()**2)/(8 * self._image.height())) self._counter = 1 self.move() if self.get_dimension() < (Hunter.death,Hunter.death): result.add(self) return result
def make_canvas(self): """ Criação do canvas para edição da máscara de correção """ h = Scrollbar(self.root, orient=HORIZONTAL) v = Scrollbar(self.root, orient=VERTICAL) self.canvas = Canvas(self.root, scrollregion=(0, 0, 1000, 1000), yscrollcommand=v.set, xscrollcommand=h.set) h['command'] = self.canvas.xview v['command'] = self.canvas.yview self.canvas.grid(column=0, row=0, sticky=(N,W,E,S)) h.grid(column=0, row=1, sticky=(W,E)) v.grid(column=1, row=0, sticky=(N,S)) self.root.grid_columnconfigure(0, weight=1) self.root.grid_rowconfigure(0, weight=1) if self.image: imgtk = PhotoImage( # not file=imgpath imgwide = imgtk.width() # size in pixels imghigh = imgtk.height() # same as imgpil.size fullsize = (0, 0, imgwide, imghigh) # scrollable self.canvas.delete('all') # clear prior photo self.canvas.config(height=imgwide, width=imghigh) # viewable window size self.canvas.config(scrollregion=fullsize) # scrollable area size self.imageid=self.canvas.create_image(0, 0, image=imgtk, anchor=NW) self.images.append(imgtk) self.canvas.bind("<Button-1>", self.xy) self.canvas.bind("<B1-Motion>", self.add_rectangle) self.canvas.bind("<B1-ButtonRelease>", self.done_stroke) self.canvas.bind_all('<Button-2>', self.canvas.bind_all('<B2-Motion>', self.on_drag) self.canvas.bind_all("<B2-ButtonRelease>", self.update_item) self.canvas.bind('<Button-3>', self.config_item) self.canvas.bind_all('<Delete>',self.delete_item) self.canvas.focus()
def pil_image_dir(): from PIL.ImageTk import PhotoImage imgdir = 'images' if len(sys.argv) > 1: imgdir = sys.argv[1] imgfiles = os.listdir(imgdir) main = Tk() main.title('Image Viewer') quit = Button( main, text='Quit all', command=main.quit, font=('courier', 25)) quit.pack() savephotos = [] for imgfile in imgfiles: imgpath = os.path.join(imgdir, imgfile) win = Toplevel() win.title(imgfile) try: imgobj = PhotoImage(file=imgpath) Label(win, image=imgobj).pack() print(imgpath, imgobj.width(), imgobj.height()) savephotos.append(imgobj) except Exception: errmsg = 'skipping %s\n%s' % (imgfile, sys.exc_info()[1]) Label(win, text=errmsg).pack() main.mainloop()
def update(self, model): self._explosion =[1]/2 all_swallowed = True if self.get_dimension() >= model.big_bang = None elif self.get_dimension() >= (self._explosion,self._explosion): total = for item in model.items: item.set_location(random.uniform(1,total[0] - 1),random.uniform(1,total[1] - 1)) self.set_dimension(total[0], total[1]) else: for item in model.items: location = item.get_location() location = (int(location[0]),int(location[1])) if location != self._center: all_swallowed = False if location[0] < self._center[0]: new_x = location[0] + 1 elif location[0] > self._center[0]: new_x = location[0] - 1 else: new_x = location[0] if location[1] < self._center[1]: new_y = location[1] + 1 elif location[1] > self._center[1]: new_y = location[1] - 1 else: new_y = location[1] item.set_location(new_x,new_y) else: self.change_dimension(1, 1) self._image = PhotoImage('bigbang.gif').convert('RGBA').resize((self.get_dimension()[0], self.get_dimension()[1]), Image.ANTIALIAS)) if all_swallowed: self.change_dimension(10, 10) self._image = PhotoImage('bigbang.gif').convert('RGBA').resize((self.get_dimension()[0], self.get_dimension()[1]), Image.ANTIALIAS))
def drawImage(self, imgpil, forcesize=()): """ 将图片绘制在窗体的canvas中 """ imgtk = PhotoImage(image=imgpil) # not file=imgpath scrwide, scrhigh = forcesize or self.maxsize() # wm screen size x,y #设置窗口显示的宽高 imgwide = imgtk.width() # size in pixels #图片的宽高 imghigh = imgtk.height() # same as imgpil.size fullsize = (0, 0, imgwide, imghigh) # scrollable #画布总区域 viewwide = min(imgwide, scrwide) # viewable #画布显示区域 viewhigh = min(imghigh, scrhigh) canvas = self.canvas canvas.delete('all') # clear prior photo #删除画布上之前的图像 canvas.config(height=viewhigh, width=viewwide) # viewable window size #设置画布显示的区域大小 canvas.config(scrollregion=fullsize) # scrollable area size #设置画布可滚动区域总大小 canvas.create_image(0, 0, image=imgtk, anchor=NW) #生成并显示图片并设置图片对齐方式 if imgwide <= scrwide and imghigh <= scrhigh: # too big for display? #图片大小比窗体大小小的话则打开窗体大小为普通 self.state('normal') # no: win size per img elif sys.platform[:3] == 'win': # do windows fullscreen#否则若为windows系统则使窗体全屏 self.state('zoomed') # others use geometry() self.saveimage = imgpil #PIL.Image类型 self.savephoto = imgtk # keep reference on me #PIL.ImageTk.PhotoImage,保持图片引用 trace((scrwide, scrhigh), imgpil.size)
def load_next(self): try: img =[self.load_pos]) resize(img, self.thumb_h, self.thumb_w) photo = PhotoImage(img) col, row = self.column, self.row x, y = self.calculate_pos(self.column, self.row) photo.cid = self._canvas.create_image(x, y, image=photo) photo.index = self.load_pos self._canvas.tag_bind(photo.cid, '<Button-1>', lambda e: self.button_callback(e, photo, col, row)) self._canvas.tag_bind(photo.cid, '<Double-Button-1>', self.activate) self._canvas.addtag_withtag('photo', photo.cid) self.column += 1 self.loaded += 1 except OSError:'Could not open %s', self.paths[self.load_pos]) self.load_pos += 1 except Image.DecompressionBombWarning: self.load_pos += 1 if self.column >= self.max_columns: self.row += 1 self.column = 0 if self.load_pos < len(self.paths) - 1 and self.loaded < self.LIMIT: self.load_pos += 1 self.widget.after_idle(self.load_next) elif self.loaded >= self.LIMIT: self.loaded = 0 x, y = self.calculate_pos(self.column, self.row) button = Button(self._canvas, text='Load More', command=self.continue_loading) cid = self._canvas.create_window(x, y, window=button) self._canvas.addtag_withtag('loadbutton', cid) self._canvas['scrollregion'] = self._canvas.bbox('all')
class Black_Hole(Simulton): def __init__(self,x,y): self._image = PhotoImage(file='Black_Hole.gif') Simulton.__init__(self,x,y,self._image.width(),self._image.height()) self.radius = (self._image.height()/2)+((self._image.width()**2)/(8 * self._image.height())) def update(self, model): from hunter import Hunter result = set() for item in model.find(lambda item:isinstance(item, Prey) or isinstance(item,Hunter)): if self.contains(item): result.add(item) return result def contains(self,s): if not isinstance(s,tuple): s = (s.get_location()[0],s.get_location()[1]) return math.sqrt((self.get_location()[0] - s[0])**2 + (self.get_location()[1] - s[1])**2) <= self.radius def display(self,canvas): canvas.create_image(*self.get_location(),image=self._image)
def image_canvas_simple(): win = Tk() img = PhotoImage(file=gifdir+'ora-lp4e.gif') can = Canvas(win) can.pack(fill=BOTH) can.config(width=img.width(), height=img.height()) can.create_image(2, 2, image=img, anchor=NW) win.mainloop()
def __init__(self, imgdir, imgfile): Toplevel.__init__(self) self.title(imgfile) imgpath = os.path.join(imgdir, imgfile) imgobj = PhotoImage(file=imgpath) Label(self, image = imgobj).pack() print(imgpath, imgobj.width(), imgobj.height()) self.savephoto = imgobj #Keep reference on me
class Pulsator(Black_Hole): counter = 30 death = 15 def __init__(self,x,y,size = 30): Black_Hole.__init__(self,x,y) self.set_dimension(size, size) self._image = PhotoImage('space_amoeba.gif').convert('RGBA').resize((size, size), Image.ANTIALIAS)) self.radius = (self._image.height()/2)+((self._image.width()**2)/(8 * self._image.height())) self._counter = 1 def update(self, model): result = Black_Hole.update(self,model) self._counter += 1 if len(result) > 0: self.set_dimension(self.get_dimension()[0] + len(result), self.get_dimension()[1] + len(result)) self._image = PhotoImage('space_amoeba.gif').convert('RGBA').resize((self.get_dimension()[0], self.get_dimension()[1]), Image.ANTIALIAS)) self.radius = (self._image.height()/2)+((self._image.width()**2)/(8 * self._image.height())) self._counter = 1 if self._counter == Pulsator.counter: self.set_dimension(self.get_dimension()[0] - 1, self.get_dimension()[1] - 1) self._image = PhotoImage('space_amoeba.gif').convert('RGBA').resize((self.get_dimension()[0], self.get_dimension()[1]), Image.ANTIALIAS)) self.radius = (self._image.height()/2)+((self._image.width()**2)/(8 * self._image.height())) self._counter = 1 if self.get_dimension() < (Pulsator.death,Pulsator.death): result.add(self) return result
def pil_image_viewer(): from PIL.ImageTk import PhotoImage imgdir = 'images' imgfile = 'florida-2009-1.jpg' if len(sys.argv) > 1: imgfile = sys.argv[1] imgpath = os.path.join(imgdir, imgfile) win = Tk() win.title(imgfile) imgobj = PhotoImage(file=imgpath) Label(win, image=imgobj).pack() win.mainloop() print(imgobj.width(), imgobj.height())
class Special(Simulton): def __init__(self,x,y): self._image = PhotoImage('bigbang.gif').convert('RGBA').resize((20, 20), Image.ANTIALIAS)) Simulton.__init__(self,x,y,self._image.width(),self._image.height()) self._center = (int(x),int(y)) self._explosion = 500 def update(self, model): self._explosion =[1]/2 all_swallowed = True if self.get_dimension() >= model.big_bang = None elif self.get_dimension() >= (self._explosion,self._explosion): total = for item in model.items: item.set_location(random.uniform(1,total[0] - 1),random.uniform(1,total[1] - 1)) self.set_dimension(total[0], total[1]) else: for item in model.items: location = item.get_location() location = (int(location[0]),int(location[1])) if location != self._center: all_swallowed = False if location[0] < self._center[0]: new_x = location[0] + 1 elif location[0] > self._center[0]: new_x = location[0] - 1 else: new_x = location[0] if location[1] < self._center[1]: new_y = location[1] + 1 elif location[1] > self._center[1]: new_y = location[1] - 1 else: new_y = location[1] item.set_location(new_x,new_y) else: self.change_dimension(1, 1) self._image = PhotoImage('bigbang.gif').convert('RGBA').resize((self.get_dimension()[0], self.get_dimension()[1]), Image.ANTIALIAS)) if all_swallowed: self.change_dimension(10, 10) self._image = PhotoImage('bigbang.gif').convert('RGBA').resize((self.get_dimension()[0], self.get_dimension()[1]), Image.ANTIALIAS)) def display(self,canvas): canvas.create_image(*self.get_location(),image=self._image)
class Ball(Prey): radius = 5 def __init__(self,x,y): self._image = PhotoImage(file='asteroid.gif') Prey.__init__(self,x,y,self._image.width(),self._image.height(),random.random()*math.pi*2,5) def update(self,model): self.move() return set() def display(self,canvas): canvas.create_image(*self.get_location(),image=self._image)
class Floater(Prey): def __init__(self,x,y): self._image = PhotoImage(file='ufo.gif') Prey.__init__(self,x,y,self._image.width(),self._image.height(),0,5) self.randomize_angle() def update(self,model): if random() <= .3: new_speed = min(7,max(3,self.get_speed() + random()-.5)) self.set_velocity(new_speed, self.get_angle()+random()-.5) self.move() def display(self,the_canvas): the_canvas.create_image(self._x,self._y,image=self._image)
class Floater(Prey): def __init__(self,x,y): self._image = PhotoImage(file='enterprise.gif') Prey.__init__(self,x,y,self._image.width(),self._image.height(),random.random()*math.pi*2,5) def update(self,model): if random.randint(1,10) <= 3: speed_difference = random.uniform(-0.5, 0.5) if self.get_speed() + speed_difference >= 3 and self.get_speed() + speed_difference <= 7: self.set_speed(self.get_speed() + speed_difference) self.set_angle(self.get_angle() + random.uniform(-0.5, 0.5)) self.move() return set() def display(self,canvas): canvas.create_image(*self.get_location(),image=self._image)
def open_cartel_fix(self): """ Open a CartelFix overlay with the data given by the widgets. Also determines the correct icons to use and calculates the correct position for the CartelFix. """ # If a CartelFix is running, then the CartelFix should be closed, as this callback also provides # functionality for closing an open CartelFix if self.cartelfix: self.cartelfix.listener.stop() self.cartelfix.listener.join() self.cartelfix.destroy() self.cartelfix_button.config(text="Open CartelFix") self.cartelfix = None return # Perform checks to determine if the options entered are valid options = ["Slug Railgun", "Ion Railgun", "Plasma Railgun"] first = self.cartelfix_first.get() second = self.cartelfix_second.get() faction = self.cartelfix_faction.get() if first == second: mb.showerror("Error", "Please choose two different railguns, not two the same railguns.") return if first not in options or second not in options: mb.showerror("Error", "Please select the railguns") raise ValueError("Error", "Unkown railgun found: {0}, {1}".format(first, second)) # Determine the icons for the Railguns gui_profile = GSFInterface(self.cartelfix_gui_profile.get() + ".xml") first = open_icon_pil(CartelFix.generate_icon_path(faction, first)) second = open_icon_pil(CartelFix.generate_icon_path(faction, second)) # Scale the images scale = gui_profile.get_element_scale(gui_profile.get_element_object("FreeFlightShipAmmo")) size = (int(round(45.0 * scale, 0)), int(round(45.0 * scale, 0))) first = PhotoImage(first.resize(size, Image.ANTIALIAS)) second = PhotoImage(second.resize(size, Image.ANTIALIAS)) # Determine coordinates x, y = gui_profile.get_secondary_icon_coordinates() # Open CartelFix self.cartelfix = CartelFix(variables.main_window, first, second, (x, y)) self.cartelfix_button.config(text="Close CartelFix") self.cartelfix.start_listener()
def drawImage(self, imgpil, forcesize=()): imgtk = PhotoImage(image=imgpil) # not file=imgpath scrwide, scrhigh = forcesize or self.maxsize() # wm screen size x,y imgwide = imgtk.width() # size in pixels imghigh = imgtk.height() # same as imgpil.size fullsize = (0, 0, imgwide, imghigh) # scrollable viewwide = min(imgwide, scrwide) # viewable viewhigh = min(imghigh, scrhigh) canvas = self.canvas canvas.delete('all') # clear prior photo canvas.config(height=viewhigh, width=viewwide) # viewable window size canvas.config(scrollregion=fullsize) # scrollable area size canvas.create_image(0, 0, image=imgtk, anchor=NW) if imgwide <= scrwide and imghigh <= scrhigh: # too big for display? self.state('normal') # no: win size per img elif sys.platform[:3] == 'win': # do windows fullscreen self.state('zoomed') # others use geometry() self.saveimage = imgpil self.savephoto = imgtk # keep reference on me trace((scrwide, scrhigh), imgpil.size)
def drawImage(self, imgpil, forcesize=()): imgtk = PhotoImage(image=imgpil) scrwide, scrhigh = forcesize or self.maxsize() imgwide = imgtk.width() imghigh = imgtk.height() fullsize = (0, 0, imgwide, imghigh) viewwide = min(imgwide, scrwide) viewhigh = min(imghigh, scrhigh) canvas = self.canvas canvas.delete('all') canvas.config(height=viewhigh, width=viewwide) canvas.config(scrollregion=fullsize) canvas.create_image(0, 0, anchor=NW, image=imgtk) if imgwide <= scrwide and imghigh <= scrhigh: self.state('normal') elif sys.platform[:3] == 'win': self.state('zoomed') self.saveimage = imgpil self.savephoto =imgtk trace((scrwide, scrhigh), imgpil.size)
def __init__(self, master, cfg={}, **kw): """ See options descriptions from here: """ load_tkhtml(master) if "imagecmd" not in kw: kw["imagecmd"] = master.register(self._fetch_image) tk.Widget.__init__(self, master, 'html', cfg, kw) # make selection and copying possible self._selection_start_node = None self._selection_start_offset = None self._selection_end_node = None self._selection_end_offset = None self.bind("<1>", self._on_click, True) self.bind("<B1-Motion>", self._extend_selection, True) self.bind("<Motion>", self._on_motion) self.bind("<FocusOut>", self._on_focus_out) self.bind("<Leave>", self._on_focus_out) self.bind("<<Copy>>", self.copy_selection_to_clipboard, True) self.bind("<Control-c>", self._ctrl_c, True) self.bind_class('Html', '<Button-5>', lambda e: None) self.bind('Html', '<Button-4>', lambda e: None) self._image_name_prefix = str(id(self)) + "_img_" self._images = set() # to avoid garbage collecting images # self._images.add(PhotoImage(data=IMG_MISSING, name=self._image_name_prefix + 'missing')) self._images.add( PhotoImage(file=IM_IMG_MISSING, name=self._image_name_prefix + 'missing')) self._last_node = None, "handler", "script", "script", self.register(self._on_script)), "handler", "script", "style", self.register(self._on_style))
def viewer(imgdir, kind=Toplevel, cols=None): win = kind() win.title('Viewer: ' + imgdir) thumbs = makeThumbs(imgdir) if not cols: cols = int(math.ceil(math.sqrt(len(thumbs)))) # fixed or N x N savephotos = [] while thumbs: thumbsrow, thumbs = thumbs[:cols], thumbs[cols:] row = Frame(win) row.pack(fill=BOTH) for (imgfile, imgobj) in thumbsrow: size = max(imgobj.size) # width, height photo = PhotoImage(imgobj) link = Button(row, image=photo) handler = lambda savefile=imgfile: ViewOne(imgdir, savefile) link.config(command=handler, width=size, height=size) link.pack(side=LEFT, expand=YES) savephotos.append(photo) Button(win, text='Quit', command=win.quit, bg='beige').pack(fill=X) return win, savephotos
def getPhotoImage(image=None, image_path=None, width=None, height=None, closeAfter=False): """ Retorna um objeto da classe PIL.ImageTk.PhotoImage de uma imagem e as imagens criadas de PIL.Image (photoImage, new, original) @param image: Instância de @param image_path: Diretório da imagem @param width: Largura da imagem @param height: Altura da imagem @param closeAfter: Se True, a imagem será fechada após ser criado um PhotoImage da mesma """ if not image: if not image_path: return # Abre a imagem utilizando o caminho dela image = openImage(image_path) # Será redimesionada a imagem somente se existir um width ou height if not width: width = image.width if not height: height = image.height # Cria uma nova imagem já redimensionada newImage = image.resize([width, height]) # Cria um photoImage photoImage = PhotoImage(newImage) # Se closeAfter for True, ele fecha as imagens if closeAfter: # Fecha a imagem nova newImage.close() newImage = None # Fecha a imagem original image.close() image = None # Retorna o PhotoImage da imagem,a nova imagem que foi utilizada e a imagem original return photoImage, newImage, image
def __init__(self, root, options, name, Text): """ Автор:Сорокин Н.А Конструктор класса :param root:Родительское окно :param options: Опции :param name: Выбор пользователя :param Text: Отображаемые данные """ super().__init__(root) = name w, h = self.winfo_screenwidth(), self.winfo_screenheight() self.geometry("+{}+{}".format(int(w / 2.2), int(h / 2.3))) Path = os.path.abspath(os.curdir) imgicon = PhotoImage(file=Path[:Path.find("Scripts")] + "Graphics/" + "logo3.png")'wm', 'iconphoto', self._w, imgicon) Label(self, text=Text, font="Georgia 8").pack() self.makeWidgets(options) self.focus_set() # принять фокус ввода, self.grab_set() # запретить доступ к др. окнам, пока открыт диалог self.wait_window()
def wallpaper_center(self) -> None: """ place the image at the center of canvas """ self.delete(self.wallpaper_id) # dimension of the cropped image width, height = self.width_and_height() image = self.get_wallpaper_image() cropx = 0 if image.width > width: cropx = (image.width - width) / 2 cropy = 0 if image.height > height: cropy = (image.height - height) / 2 x1 = 0 + cropx y1 = 0 + cropy x2 = image.width - cropx y2 = image.height - cropy cropped = image.crop((x1, y1, x2, y2)) image = PhotoImage(cropped) self.draw_wallpaper(image)
def __init__(self, master): """ create About dialog """ Toplevel.__init__(self, master, class_='Scheduler') self.title(_("About Scheduler")) self.image = PhotoImage(file=ICON48, master=self) Label(self, image=self.image).grid(row=0, columnspan=2, pady=10) Label(self, text="Scheduler %(version)s" % ({"version": __version__})).grid(row=1, columnspan=2) Label(self, text=_("Task scheduling and calendar")).grid(row=2, columnspan=2, padx=10) Label(self, text="Copyright (C) Juliette Monsel 2017-2019").grid(row=3, columnspan=2) Label(self, text="*****@*****.**").grid(row=4, columnspan=2) Button(self, text=_("License"), command=self._license).grid(row=5, column=0, pady=20, padx=4) Button(self, text=_("Close"), command=self.exit).grid(row=5, column=1, pady=20, padx=4) self.initial_focus = self self.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", self.exit) self.resizable(0, 0) self.initial_focus.focus_set() self.wait_window(self)
def viewer(imgdir, kind=Toplevel, cols=None): """ создает окно с миниатюрами для каталога с изображениями: по одной кнопке с миниатюрой для каждого изображения; используйте параметр kind=Tk, чтобы вывести миниатюры в главном окне, или Frame (чтобы прикрепить к фрейму); значение imgfile изменяется в каждой итерации цикла: ссылка на значение должна сохраняться по умолчанию; объекты PhotoImage должны сохраняться: иначе при утилизации изображения будут уничтожены; компонует в ряды фреймов (в противоположность сеткам, фиксированным размерам, холстам); :param imgdir: :param kind: :param cols: :return win, savephotos: """ win = kind() win.title('Viewer:' + imgdir) quit = Button(win, text='Qiut', command=win.quit, bg='beige') quit.pack(fill=X, side=BOTTOM) thumbs = makeThumbs(imgdir) if not cols: cols = int(math.ceil(math.sqrt(len(thumbs)))) savephotos = [] while thumbs: thumbsrow, thumbs = thumbs[:cols], thumbs[cols:] row = Frame(win) row.pack(fill=BOTH) for (imgfile, imgobj) in thumbsrow: size = max(imgobj.size) photo = PhotoImage(imgobj) link = Button(row, image=photo) handler = lambda savefile=imgfile: ViewOne(imgdir, savefile) link.config(command=handler, width=size, height=size) link.pack(side=LEFT, expand=YES) savephotos.append(photo) return win, savephotos
def getPhotoImage(image=None, image_path=None, width=None, height=None, closeAfter=False): if not image: if not image_path: return image = openImage(image_path) if not width: width = image.width if not height: height = image.height newImage = image.resize([width, height]) photoImage = PhotoImage(newImage) if closeAfter: newImage.close() newImage = None image.close() image = None return photoImage, newImage, image
def display_thumbnails(self, browser, urls_photos, columns, size): rows = int(ceil(len(urls_photos) / columns)) self.canvas.config(scrollregion=(0, 0, self.width, rows * size[1])) for row in range(rows): for column in range(columns): photo = PhotoImage(urls_photos[row * columns + column][1]) button = Button(self.canvas, image=photo, command=Instagram_Callable( urls_photos[row * columns + column][0], browser), width=size[0], height=size[1]) button.image = photo button.pack(side=LEFT, expand=YES) self.canvas.create_window(column * size[0], row * size[1], anchor=NW, window=button, width=size[0], height=size[1]) mainloop() browser.close()
def viewer(imgdir, kind=Toplevel, cols=None): win = kind() win.title('Viewer: ' + imgdir) thumbs = makeThumbs(imgdir) if not cols: cols = int(math.ceil(math.sqrt(len(thumbs)))) rownum = 0 savephotos = [] while thumbs: thumbsrow, thumbs = thumbs[:cols], thumbs[cols:] colnum = 0 for (imgfile, imgobj) in thumbsrow: photo = PhotoImage(imgobj) link = Button(win, image=photo) handler = lambda savefile=imgfile: ViewOne(imgdir, savefile) link.config(command=handler) link.grid(row=rownum, column=colnum) savephotos.append(photo) colnum += 1 rownum += 1 Button(win, text='Quit', command=win.quit).grid(columnspan=cols, stick=EW) return win, savephotos
def makeButtons(self, parent): rowpos = 0 while self.thumbs: thumbs, self.thumbs = self.thumbs[:self.cols], self.thumbs[self. cols:] colpos = 0 for (imgfile, imgobject) in thumbs: img = PhotoImage(imgobject) btn = Button( self.canvas, image=img, command=(lambda imgfile=imgfile: self.OnPress(imgfile))) btn.config(width=128, height=128) btn.pack(side=LEFT, expand=YES) self.canvas.create_window(colpos, rowpos, anchor=NW, window=btn, width=128, height=128) colpos += 128 self.saveimages.append(img) rowpos += 128
def _Button(self, text, image_file, toggle, command): if tk.TkVersion >= 8.6: PhotoImage = tk.PhotoImage else: from PIL.ImageTk import PhotoImage image = (PhotoImage(master=self, file=image_file) if image_file is not None else None) if not toggle: b = tk.Button(master=self, text=text, image=image, command=command) else: # There is a bug in tkinter included in some python 3.6 versions # that without this variable, produces a "visual" toggling of # other near checkbuttons # # var = tk.IntVar(master=self) b = tk.Checkbutton( master=self, text=text, image=image, command=command, indicatoron=False, variable=var) b.var = var b._ntimage = image b.pack(side=tk.LEFT) return b
def __init__(self, root): """ Автор:Сорокин Н.А Конструктор класса :param root:Родительское окно """ super().__init__(root) w, h = self.winfo_screenwidth(), self.winfo_screenheight() self.geometry("+{}+{}".format(int(w / 2.2), int(h / 2.3))) Path = os.path.abspath(os.curdir) imgicon = PhotoImage(file=Path[:Path.find("Scripts")] + "Graphics/" + "logo3.png")'wm', 'iconphoto', self._w, imgicon) self.row = [] self.col = [] = [] self.btn = Button(self, text="OK", self.btn.grid(row=3, column=3) self.make_widget() self.focus_set() # принять фокус ввода, self.grab_set() # запретить доступ к др. окнам, пока открыт диалог self.wait_window()
def showImm(self): self.ima =[self.c] + self.file_list[self.c]) self.ima = self.ima.resize((600, 600), Image.ANTIALIAS) self.display_img = PhotoImage(self.ima) self.img1 = Label(self.process_frame, image=self.display_img, width=600, height=600, anchor=CENTER) self.img1.image = self.display_img self.img1.pack(anchor=CENTER) self.counter = Label(self.process_frame, text="Mancano " + str(self.left - self.c) + " immagini", bg="#151719", fg="#f3f3f3") self.counter.configure(font=("Verdana", 15)) self.counter.pack(side=LEFT) self.root.update()
async def _load_worker( self, queue: asyncio.Queue, w: int, h: int, r: int, loop: asyncio.AbstractEventLoop ): # run the worker until cancelled while True: # get the frame from the queue frame, i = await queue.get() # put the frame time into the delays list self.delays.append(["duration"] / 1000) # rotate the frame if r != 0: frame = await loop.run_in_executor( None, lambda: frame.rotate(-90 * r, expand=1) ) # resize the frame to fit within the canvas frame = await loop.run_in_executor( None, lambda: frame.resize((w, h), Image.BILINEAR) ) # convert the frame to the tkinter format photoimage = PhotoImage( image=frame, master=self.canvas, format=f"gif -index {i}" ) # add the frame to the animation self.append(photoimage) # mark the task as finished queue.task_done() # suspend await asyncio.sleep(0)
def spotRefresh(self): """In column 0, place the symbols which represent song, artist, a song playback details, unless no song available. In column 1, place the song details. Refresh every second""" try: spotDetails = Spotify.main(self.token) icons = ("music note", "person", "pause") if spotDetails: for i in range(3): first_step ='images/' + icons[i] + '.png') img = first_step.resize((50, 50), resample=0) my_image = PhotoImage(img) self.spotCells[(i, 0)].configure(image=my_image) self.spotCells[(i, 0)].image = my_image self.track = spotDetails[0] self.spotCells[(0, 1)].configure( text=spotDetails[0][:45]) #limiting name length self.spotCells[(1, 1)].configure(text=spotDetails[1][:55]) self.spotCells[(2, 1)].configure(text=spotDetails[2] + " / " + spotDetails[3]) else: self.spotCells[(0, 0)].configure(image="") self.spotCells[(1, 0)].configure(image="") self.spotCells[(2, 0)].configure(image="") self.spotCells[(0, 1)].configure(text="") self.spotCells[(1, 1)].configure(text="") self.spotCells[(2, 1)].configure(text="") except: pass if self.track == "Hide" or self.track == "Hit Me Baby One More Time": self.switch() self.master.after(1000, self.spotRefresh)
def _set_img(self, graph_img=None): ''' Sets the current graph image. Opens a file dialog if graph_img unspecified. self._set_img(*str) -> None ''' # get image filename if necessary if not graph_img: graph_img = tk.filedialog.askopenfilename( title="Select graph image", filetypes=(("JPEG image", "*.jpg"), ("PNG image", "*.png"), ("All Files", "*.*"))) img = # extract image as PIL Image # scale image to take up the full canvas (stretching is fine) size = (self._graph_canvas.winfo_width(), self._graph_canvas.winfo_height()) resized = img.resize(size, resample=Image.BILINEAR) # convert to tkinter PhotoImage, store externally to make visible self._img = PhotoImage(resized) # add the image to the canvas (modify existing if possible) canvas_image = self._graph_canvas.find_withtag('graph_image') if canvas_image: self._graph_canvas.itemconfig(canvas_image[0], image=self._img) else: self._graph_canvas.create_image(0, 0, image=self._img, anchor=NW, tags='graph_image') # new graph specified, so re-initialise data and view self._clear_data() # clear all data self._reset_def_points() # reset defining points controls
def __init__(self, master): Toplevel.__init__(self, master, class_=APP_NAME) self.title(_("Settings")) self.grab_set() self.columnconfigure(0, weight=1) self.columnconfigure(1, weight=1) self.rowconfigure(0, weight=1) self.resizable(True, True) self.minsize(470, 574) style = Style(self) self._bg = style.lookup('TFrame', 'background') self.notebook = Notebook(self) self._validate = self.register(self._validate_entry_nb) self.img_color = PhotoImage(master=self, file=IM_COLOR) self.lang = StringVar(self, LANGUAGES[CONFIG.get("General", "language")]) self.gui = StringVar(self, CONFIG.get("General", "trayicon").capitalize()) self._init_general() self._init_widget() self.notebook.grid(sticky='ewsn', row=0, column=0, columnspan=2) Button(self, text=_('Ok'), command=self.ok).grid(row=1, column=0, sticky='e', padx=4, pady=10) Button(self, text=_('Cancel'), command=self.destroy).grid(row=1, column=1, sticky='w', padx=4, pady=10)
def image_batch(root): col = 0 row = 0 for k, image_file in enumerate( img_list[current_img_index:current_img_index + display_imgs]): width = 75 height = 75 img =, image_file)) img = img.resize((width, height)) pics[k] = PhotoImage(img) b = Button(root, image=pics[k], width=80, height=80, command=partial(button_press, image_file)) b.grid(column=col, row=row, sticky=(W, E)) col += 1 if (col % 12 == 0): row += 1 col = 0
def __init__(self, master): """Create the About Toplevel.""" Toplevel.__init__(self, master, class_=APP_NAME) self.title(_("About {app_name}").format(app_name=APP_NAME)) self.image = PhotoImage(file=IM_ICON_48, master=self) Label(self, image=self.image).grid(row=0, columnspan=2, pady=10) Label(self, text="{app_name} {version}".format(version=__version__, app_name=APP_NAME)).grid( row=1, columnspan=2) Label( self, text=_( "RSS and Atom feed agregator in desktop widgets + notifications" )).grid(row=2, columnspan=2, padx=10) Label(self, text="Copyright (C) Juliette Monsel 2018-2019").grid( row=3, columnspan=2) Label(self, text="*****@*****.**").grid(row=4, columnspan=2) Button(self, text=_("License"), command=self._license).grid(row=5, column=0, pady=20, padx=4, sticky='e') Button(self, text=_("Close"), command=self.exit).grid(row=5, column=1, pady=20, padx=4, sticky='w') self.initial_focus = self self.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", self.exit) self.resizable(0, 0) self.initial_focus.focus_set() self.wait_window(self)
def openFile(self, name): img = mpimg.imread(name, format='jpg') path_to_json = name.replace('jpg', 'json') if os.path.exists(path_to_json): with open(path_to_json) as json_file: json_get = json.load(json_file) pts_list = [ np.array(pts['points'], np.int32) for pts in json_get['shapes'] ] else: pts_list = [] img = Image.fromarray(img) draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img) for pts in pts_list: pts = [tuple(pt) for pt in pts] draw.polygon(pts, outline=(255, 0, 0)) self.lbl.pimg = PhotoImage(img) self.lbl.config(image=self.lbl.pimg) self.lbl.pack() size = '{0}x{1}'.format(img.size[0], img.size[1]) self.root.geometry(size) self.root.title('{0}/{1} - {2}'.format(self.index + 1, len(self.list), name))
def getPhotoImage(image=None, image_path=None, width=None, height=None, closeAfter=False): """ Retorna um objeto da classe PIL.ImageTk.PhotoImage de uma imagem e as imagens criadas de PIL.Image (photoImage, new, original) @param image: Instância de @param image_path: Diretório da imagem @param width: Largura da imagem @param height: Altura da imagem @param closeAfter: Se True, a imagem será fechada após ser criado um PhotoImage da mesma """ if not image: if not image_path: return image = openImage(image_path) if not width: width = image.width if not height: height = image.height newImage = image.resize([width, height]) photoImage = PhotoImage(newImage) if closeAfter: newImage.close() newImage = None image.close() image = None return photoImage, newImage, image
def update_gui(force_slide=False): global index original = mpimg.imread(images[index]) undisorted, thresholded, transformed, detected_lines, projected, left_curverad, right_curverad, position_of_the_car = process_image( original, sobel_thresh_min=sobel_thresh_min, sobel_thresh_max=sobel_thresh_max, s_thresh_min=s_thresh_min, s_thresh_max=s_thresh_max, force_sliding=force_slide) original = Image.fromarray(resize_image(original)) undisorted = Image.fromarray(resize_image(undisorted)) thresholded = Image.fromarray(resize_image(thresholded)) transformed = Image.fromarray(resize_image(transformed)) detected_lines = Image.fromarray(resize_image(detected_lines)) projected = Image.fromarray(resize_image(projected)) originalPhotoImage = PhotoImage(original) undistortedPhotoImage = PhotoImage(undisorted) binaryPhotoImage = PhotoImage(thresholded) birdViewPhotoImage = PhotoImage(transformed) detectedLinesPhotoImage = PhotoImage(detected_lines) projectedPhotoImage = PhotoImage(projected) window.originalPhotoImage.configure(image=originalPhotoImage) window.originalPhotoImage.image = originalPhotoImage window.undistortedPhotoImage.configure(image=undistortedPhotoImage) window.undistortedPhotoImage.image = undistortedPhotoImage window.binaryPhotoImage.configure(image=binaryPhotoImage) window.binaryPhotoImage.image = binaryPhotoImage window.birdViewPhotoImage.configure(image=birdViewPhotoImage) window.birdViewPhotoImage.image = birdViewPhotoImage window.detectedLinesPhotoImage.configure(image=detectedLinesPhotoImage) window.detectedLinesPhotoImage.image = detectedLinesPhotoImage window.projectedPhotoImage.configure(image=projectedPhotoImage) window.projectedPhotoImage.image = projectedPhotoImage
def launch_details(): global root root = Toplevel() root.geometry("1336x720") m = PanedWindow(root, bd=4, bg="black") m.pack(fill=X, expand=1) try: img_attendance = PhotoImage("MyAttendance.png")) panel_one = Label(m, image=img_attendance) img_bunks = PhotoImage("MyBunks.png")) panel_two = Label(m, image=img_bunks) img_att = PhotoImage("AttendanceDetails.png")) panel_three = Label(m, image=img_att) except: refresh() img_attendance = PhotoImage("MyAttendance.png")) panel_one = Label(m, image=img_attendance) img_bunks = PhotoImage("MyBunks.png")) panel_two = Label(m, image=img_bunks) img_att = PhotoImage("AttendanceDetails.png")) panel_three = Label(m, image=img_att) # m_h = tk.PanedWindow(root, bd=4, bg="black") rf = Button(root, text="Refresh", command=refresh) rf.pack(expand=True, fill=BOTH) m.add(panel_one) m.add(panel_two) m.add(panel_three) root.mainloop()
top = Tk() top.wm_title("garbage classify of scuec") top.geometry(str(window_width) + 'x' + str(window_height)) image2 ='/home/cz/yolov3/label/scuec.png') background_image = ImageTk.PhotoImage(image2) #界面相关 window_width = 1000 window_height = 1000 top.geometry(str(window_width) + 'x' + str(window_height)) background_label = Label(top, image=background_image), y=0, relwidth=1, relheight=1) icon = PhotoImage(file="/home/cz/yolov3/label/scuec.png")'wm', 'iconphoto', top._w, icon) def usb_or_ip(): l.config(text='you have selected' + var.get()) return var.get() def ip_image(): video = "http://" + get_ip() + "/video?dummy=param.mjpg" capture = cv.VideoCapture(video) success, frame = cvimage = cv.cvtColor(frame, cv.COLOR_BGR2RGBA) pilImage = Image.fromarray(cvimage)
#!usr/local/bin/python #coding: utf-8 ''' Created on 2016年3月6日 @author: Calvin Wang ''' from tkinter import * from PIL.ImageTk import PhotoImage import sys,os imgdir = 'F:\Python\images' imgfile = '331018.jpg' if len(sys.argv) > 1: imgdir = sys.argv[1] imgpath = os.path.join(imgdir,imgfile) win = Tk() win.title(imgfile) imgobj = PhotoImage(file=imgpath) Label(win,image=imgobj).pack() print(imgobj.width(),imgobj.height()) win.mainloop()
#!/usr/local/bin/python #coding: utf-8 ''' Created on 2016年3月6日 @author: Calvin Wang ''' from learning.GUI.chapter2.imageButton import jpgdir from sys import argv from tkinter import * from PIL.ImageTk import PhotoImage filename = argv[1] if len(argv) > 1 else jpgdir # filename on cmdline? win = Tk() img = PhotoImage(file=filename) can = Canvas(win) can.pack(fill=BOTH) can.config(width=img.width(),height=img.height()) # set size to img's size can.create_image(2,2,image=img,anchor=NW) win.mainloop()
def __init__(self,x,y): self._image = PhotoImage(file='ufo.gif') Prey.__init__(self,x,y,self._image.width(),self._image.height(),0,5) self.randomize_angle()
""" import os, sys from tkinter import * from PIL.ImageTk import PhotoImage # <== required for JPEGs and others imgdir = 'images' if len(sys.argv) > 1: imgdir = sys.argv[1] imgfiles = os.listdir(imgdir) # does not include directory prefix main = Tk() main.title('Viewer') quit = Button(main, text='Quit all', command=main.quit, font=('courier', 25)) quit.pack() savephotos = [] for imgfile in imgfiles: imgpath = os.path.join(imgdir, imgfile) win = Toplevel() win.title(imgfile) try: imgobj = PhotoImage(file=imgpath) Label(win, image=imgobj).pack() print(imgpath, imgobj.width(), imgobj.height()) # size in pixels savephotos.append(imgobj) # keep a reference except: errmsg = 'skipping %s\n%s' % (imgfile, sys.exc_info()[1]) Label(win, text=errmsg).pack() main.mainloop()
import sys from tkinter import * from PIL.ImageTk import PhotoImage imgdir = "..\Images\\" if len(sys.argv) > 1: imgdir = sys.argv[1] imgfiles = os.listdir(imgdir) # 不包括目录前缀 main = Tk() main.title('Viewer') quit = Button(main, text='Quit all', command=main.quit, font=('courier', 25)) quit.pack() savephotos = [] for imgfile in imgfiles: imgpath = os.path.join(imgdir, imgfile) win = Toplevel() win.title(imgfile) try: imgobj = PhotoImage(file=imgpath) Label(win, image=imgobj).pack() print(imgpath, imgobj.width(), imgobj.height()) savephotos.append(imgobj) except: errmsg = 'skipping %s \n%s' % (imgfile, sys.exc_info()[1]) Label(win, text=errmsg).pack() mainloop()
def __init__(self, master=None): tk.Toplevel.__init__(self, master, class_='Scheduler') self.title(_('Settings')) self.columnconfigure(1, weight=1) self.rowconfigure(0, weight=1) self.minsize(574, 565) self._only_nb = self.register(only_nb) self._im_plus = PhotoImage(master=self, file=IM_ADD) self._im_moins = PhotoImage(master=self, file=IM_DEL) self._im_cleanup = PhotoImage(master=self, file=IM_CLEANUP) self._im_refresh = PhotoImage(master=self, file=IM_REFRESH) frame = ttk.Frame(self, style='border.TFrame', relief='sunken', border=1) self.listbox = tk.Listbox(frame, relief='flat', justify='right', selectmode='browse', highlightthickness=0, activestyle='none') self.listbox.pack(fill='both', expand=True) frame.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky='ns', padx=4, pady=4) # --- tabs cats = [ 'General', 'Reminders', 'Calendar', 'Events', 'Pomodoro', 'Tasks', 'Timer' ] self.frames = {} self.frames[_('General')] = ttk.Frame(self, relief='raised', border=1, padding=10) self.frames[_('Reminders')] = ttk.Frame(self, relief='raised', border=1, padding=10) self.frames[_('Events')] = ttk.Frame(self, relief='raised', border=1, padding=10) self.frames[_('Tasks')] = ttk.Frame(self, relief='raised', border=1, padding=10) self.frames[_('Timer')] = ttk.Frame(self, relief='raised', border=1, padding=10) self.frames[_('Calendar')] = ttk.Notebook(self) self.frames[_('Pomodoro')] = PomodoroParams(self) w = 0 for cat in cats: c = _(cat) + ' ' self.listbox.insert('end', c) w = max(len(c), w) self.frames[_(cat)].grid(row=0, column=1, sticky='ewns', padx=4, pady=4) self.frames[_(cat)].grid_remove() self.__getattribute__('_init_{}'.format(cat.lower()))() self.listbox.configure(width=w) self._current_frame = self.frames[_('General')] self._current_frame.grid() self.listbox.bind('<<ListboxSelect>>', self._on_listbox_select) self.listbox.selection_set(0) # --- buttons frame_btns = ttk.Frame(self) ttk.Button(frame_btns, text=_('Ok'), command=self.ok).pack(side='left', padx=4, pady=10) ttk.Button(frame_btns, text=_('Cancel'), command=self.destroy).pack(side='left', padx=4, pady=10) frame_btns.grid(row=1, columnspan=2)
""" show one image with PIL photo replacement object handles many more image types; install PIL first: placed in Lib\site-packages """ import os, sys from tkinter import * from PIL.ImageTk import PhotoImage # <== use PIL replacement class # rest of code unchanged imgdir = 'images' imgfile = 'florida-2009-1.jpg' # does gif, jpg, png, tiff, etc. if len(sys.argv) > 1: imgfile = sys.argv[1] imgpath = os.path.join(imgdir, imgfile) win = Tk() win.title(imgfile) imgobj = PhotoImage(file=imgpath) # now JPEGs work! Label(win, image=imgobj).pack() win.mainloop() print(imgobj.width(), imgobj.height()) # show size in pixels on exit
def __init__(self,x,y,size = 20): Pulsator.__init__(self,x,y) Mobile_Simulton.__init__(self, x, y, self.radius, self.radius, random.random()*math.pi*2,5) self.set_dimension(size, size) self._image = PhotoImage('deathstar.gif').convert('RGBA').resize((size, size), Image.ANTIALIAS)) self.radius = (self._image.height()/2)+((self._image.width()**2)/(8 * self._image.height()))
def __init__(self,x,y): self._image = PhotoImage('bigbang.gif').convert('RGBA').resize((20, 20), Image.ANTIALIAS)) Simulton.__init__(self,x,y,self._image.width(),self._image.height()) self._center = (int(x),int(y)) self._explosion = 500
from tkinter import * # GIF works, but JPEG requires PIL imgfile1 = 'ora-pp3e.gif' imgfile2 = 'ora-lp4e.jpg' win = Tk() # make root first win.title('%s and %s' % (imgfile1, imgfile2)) imgobj1 = PhotoImage(file=imgfile1) # display standard photo on a Label Label(win, image=imgobj1).pack() print(imgobj1.width(), imgobj1.height()) # show size in pixels before destroyed from PIL.ImageTk import PhotoImage imgobj2 = PhotoImage(file=imgfile2) # display PIL photo on a Label Label(win, image=imgobj2).pack() print(imgobj2.width(), imgobj2.height()) # show size in pixels before destroyed win.mainloop()
def refreshWidget(self) : #print "refresh" self.card_win.pack_forget() import unicodedata #Card window self.card_win = PanedWindow(self.card_win.master, orient=VERTICAL) self.card_win.pack(side=TOP, expand=True, fill=BOTH, pady=2, padx=2) #Create the name zone name_zone=PanedWindow(self.card_win, orient=HORIZONTAL) name = StringVar() name.set( def modifName(*args) : try : assert('"' not in name.get()) name.get().encode('ascii') except Exception as e: print ("error on name") name.set( return old = in Card.blocked_creature if old or in Card.blocked_creature : self.refreshWidget() name.trace("w", modifName) name_wid=Entry(name_zone, width=30,textvariable=name) name_wid.pack() name_zone.add(name_wid) #Create the cost ad star stringvar #print int(floor(self.getCost())) self.cost=StringVar() self.stars=StringVar() cost_wid=Label(None, textvariable=self.cost, background='red',width=5, anchor=W) star_wid=Label(None, textvariable=self.stars, background='blue', anchor=E) self.cost.set(str(int(floor(self.getCost())))) self.stars.set("*"*self.getStars()) #Add them in name zone name_zone.add(cost_wid) name_zone.add(star_wid) #Create an Image Zone image_zone=Button(self.card_win, command=self.choosePhoto) if hasattr(self,"photofile") and self.photofile : print ("Image: ",self.photofile) try : img=PhotoImage(pilImage,master=image_zone) except : decomp=self.photofile.split('/') for i in range(1,6) : try : fname="/".join(decomp[-i:]) print ("try to open",fname) pilImage = img=PhotoImage(pilImage,master=image_zone) self.photofile=fname break except : self.photofile=None if self.photofile : w, h = img.width(), img.height() print('wh',w,h) if h>400 : print("reduction") img=PhotoImage(pilImage.resize((w//2,h//2), Image.ANTIALIAS),master=image_zone) image_zone=Button(self.card_win,image=img, command=self.choosePhoto) image_zone.image=img #image_zone.configure(image=image_zone.image,width=50,height=50,compound=RIGHT) #image_zone.pack() #print "IMAGE CHANGED" else : from os import path" ","_") if path.isfile("Cards/"+fname+".png") : image_zone.config(text='image can be taken from\n'+"Cards/"+fname+".png",background='white',anchor=CENTER) else : image_zone.config(text='clic to choose image',background='white',anchor=CENTER) #image_zone.pack() # POWER ZONE power_zone=PanedWindow(self.card_win, orient=VERTICAL) #fenetre=self.card_win.master def removePowerCreator(px) : def removePower(*args) : #print 'avant',list_pow self.bonus.remove(px) #print 'apres',list_pow #self.card_win.pack_forget() self.refreshWidget() return removePower for p in self.bonus : powline = PanedWindow(self.card_win, orient=HORIZONTAL) pow_wid=p.initWidget(powline) powline.add(pow_wid) removepow=Button(powline, text="X", command=removePowerCreator(p), anchor=E) removepow.pack() powline.add(removepow) power_zone.add(powline) def addPower(*args) : if addBonus.get()!= "add bonus": name=addBonus.get() else: name=add_cost_alteration.get() print ("added :",name) import CardPowers self.bonus+=[eval('CardPowers.'+name+'()')] self.bonus[-1].parent=self.bonus self.bonus[-1].card=self #self.card_win.pack_forget() self.refreshWidget() #Add bonus Option menu addBonus = StringVar(power_zone) addBonus.set("add bonus") # default value if not self.pv: addBonus_wid = Spell.getSpellMenu(power_zone, addBonus) else: addBonus_wid = getBonusMenu(power_zone, addBonus) addBonus.trace('w', addPower) if self.pv>0 or len(self.bonus)==0 or all([b.is_cost_alterator for b in self.bonus]): addBonus_wid.pack() #Add this to power zone power_zone.add(addBonus_wid) #Create save zone save_zone = PanedWindow(self.card_win, orient=HORIZONTAL) if self.monster_type != "all" and not( in Card.blocked_creature) : save_wid = Button(save_zone, text="Save", command=self.postAndSave) elif self.monster_type != "all" : save_wid = Button(save_zone, text="creature in campaign", command=None) else: save_wid = Button(save_zone, text="nead type", command=None) save_wid.pack() #Create the open button save_zone.pack() if Card.monster_list.keys(): self.opening = StringVar(save_zone) self.opening.set("Open") choice = [na for na in Card.monster_list.keys() if na not in Card.blocked_creature] choice.sort() #print all_monsters.keys() open_wid = OptionMenu(save_zone, self.opening,*choice) self.opening.trace('w', self.Open) open_wid.pack() save_zone.add(open_wid) if Card.monster_list.keys(): self.delete = StringVar(save_zone) self.delete.set("Delete") choice = [na for na in Card.monster_list.keys() if na not in Card.blocked_creature] choice.sort() delete_wid = OptionMenu(save_zone, self.delete,*choice) self.delete.trace('w', self.clicDelete) delete_wid.pack() save_zone.add(delete_wid) #Create the type button self.category = StringVar(save_zone) self.category.set(self.monster_type) choice = [file2name(t,"_monsters.sav") for t in glob.glob("CardFiles/*_monsters.sav")] if "recup" in choice: choice.remove("recup") #print all_monsters.keys() category_wid = OptionMenu(save_zone, self.category,*choice) self.category.trace('w', self.setFile) category_wid.pack() #Add it to save zone save_zone.add(save_wid) save_zone.add(category_wid) #Create a new Strength zone for att and pv strength_zone=PanedWindow(self.card_win, orient=HORIZONTAL) att=StringVar() att.set(str(self.att)) pv=StringVar() ; pv.set(str(self.pv)) def modifiedAttPv(*args) : print ("modifiedAttPv") self.pv=int(pv.get()) if self.pv<1 and self.is_spell==False : if len(self.bonus)==0 : self.is_spell=True self.refreshWidget() else : self.pv=1 self.refreshWidget() if self.pv>0 and self.is_spell==True : if len(self.bonus)==0 : self.is_spell=False self.refreshWidget() else : self.pv=0 self.refreshWidget() self.att=int(att.get()) self.getCost() att_wid = Spinbox(strength_zone, from_=0, to=1000,textvariable=att,command=modifiedAttPv) att_wid.pack() strength_zone.add(att_wid) strength_zone.add(Label(strength_zone, text=' ', background='white', anchor=CENTER)) pv_wid = Spinbox(strength_zone, from_=0, to=1000,textvariable=pv,command=modifiedAttPv) pv_wid.pack() strength_zone.add(pv_wid) #Put it all in window self.card_win.add(name_zone) self.card_win.add(image_zone) self.card_win.add(power_zone) self.card_win.add(strength_zone) self.card_win.add(save_zone) self.card_win.pack()
def convert2tk(self, frame): return PhotoImage(fromarray(frame))
def __init__(self,x,y,size = 30): Black_Hole.__init__(self,x,y) self.set_dimension(size, size) self._image = PhotoImage('space_amoeba.gif').convert('RGBA').resize((size, size), Image.ANTIALIAS)) self.radius = (self._image.height()/2)+((self._image.width()**2)/(8 * self._image.height())) self._counter = 1
def __init__(self, x, y): self._image = PhotoImage(file='ufo.gif') self.randomize_angle() Prey.__init__(self, x, y, self._image.width(), self._image.height(), self.get_angle(), 5)
def __init__(self,x,y): self._image = PhotoImage(file='asteroid.gif') Prey.__init__(self,x,y,self._image.width(),self._image.height(),random.random()*math.pi*2,5)
""" отображает изображение с помощью стандартного объекта PhotoImage из библиотеки tkinter; данная реализация может работать с GIF-файлами, но не может обрабатывать изображения в формате JPEG; использует файл с изображением, имя которого указано в командной строке, или файл по умолчанию; используйте Canvas вместо Label, чтобы обеспечить возможность прокрутки, и т.д. """ import os, sys from tkinter import * from PIL.ImageTk import PhotoImage # импорт из PIL, хотя устанавливался Pillow - обертка для PIL !!! PIL устарел imgdir = 'images' imgfile = 'carmel.JPG' if len(sys.argv) > 1: # аргумент командной строки задан? imgfile = sys.argv[1] imgpath = os.path.join(imgdir, imgfile) win = Tk() win.title(imgfile) imgobj = PhotoImage(file=imgpath) Label(win, image=imgobj).pack() # прикрепить к метке Label print(imgobj.width(), imgobj.height()) # вывести размеры в пикселях, win.mainloop() # пока объект не уничтожен
def __init__(self,x,y): self._image = PhotoImage(file='Black_Hole.gif') Simulton.__init__(self,x,y,self._image.width(),self._image.height()) self.radius = (self._image.height()/2)+((self._image.width()**2)/(8 * self._image.height()))