def Single_Shooting_RK4(param, method='IPOPT'):
    if param == 'Social_Distancing':
        from Parameters.Parameters_Social_Distancing import x0, u_min, u_max, f, X_plot, Q_plot, u0
    elif param == 'Vaccination':
        from Parameters.Parameters_Vaccination_Flat import x0, u_min, u_max, f, X_plot, Q_plot, u0
    elif param == 'Isolation':
        from Parameters.Parameters_Isolation import x0, u_min, u_max, f, X_plot, Q_plot, u0

    U = MX.sym('U', N)

    NV = U.shape[0]
    Ng = 0

    Q = f(x0, U)[1]

    prob = {'f': Q, 'x': U, 'g': []}

    CB = Iteration_Callback('Singleshoot_CB', NV, Ng, iter_step)

    if method == 'IPOPT':
        opts_IPOPT['iteration_callback'] = CB
        solver = nlpsol('solver', 'ipopt', prob, opts_IPOPT)
    elif method == 'SQP':

        opts_SQP['iteration_callback'] = CB
        solver = nlpsol('solver', 'sqpmethod', prob, opts_SQP)

    sol = solver(x0=[u0] * N, lbx=[u_min] * N, ubx=[u_max] * N, lbg=[], ubg=[])

    sim_data = {
        'U': CB.x_sols,
        'lam_x': CB.lam_x_sols,
        'lam_g': CB.lam_g_sols,
        'X': [X_plot(x0, u_sol) for u_sol in CB.x_sols],
        'Q': [Q_plot(x0, u_sol) for u_sol in CB.x_sols],
        't': tgrid,
        't_M': tgrid_M,
        'N': N,
        'M': M,
        'f': sol['f'],
        'f_sols': CB.f_sols

    fname = 'Single_Shooting_' + method + '_' + param
    with open(parent + '/data/' + fname + '.pck', 'wb') as file:
        pck.dump(sim_data, file)
    return fname
def Multiple_shooting_PMP(param, is_armaijo=False):

    if param == 'Social_Distancing':
        from Parameters.Parameters_Social_Distancing import u_min, u_max, L, xdot, x, nx, u, M, h, N, x0, u0, f
    elif param == 'Vaccination':
        from Parameters.Parameters_Vaccination_Flat import u_min, u_max, L, xdot, x, nx, u, M, h, N, x0, u0, f
    elif param == 'Isolation':
        from Parameters.Parameters_Isolation import u_min, u_max, L, xdot, x, nx, u, M, h, N, x0, u0, f
    lbd = MX.sym('lbd', (3, 1))
    H = L + lbd.T @ xdot
    s = vertcat(x, lbd)
    s_dot = vertcat(xdot, -jacobian(H, x).T)

    # Functions for minimizing hamiltonian wrt. u
    H_u = Function('H_u', [u, s], [H])
    grad_H_u = Function('grad_H_u', [u, s], [jacobian(H, u)])
    if is_armaijo:
        Gu = lambda u0, s: armaijo_newton(
            grad_H_u, Function('Fu', [u], [jacobian(grad_H_u, u)]), u0)
        Gu = rootfinder('Gu', 'newton', grad_H_u)

    def argmin_u(u0, s):

        u_opt = Gu(u0, s).full()[0][0]
        if u_opt < u_min:
            u_opt = u_min
        elif u_opt > u_max:
            u_opt = u_max
        return u_opt

    F = Function('f', [s, u], [s_dot, L])
    fsk, Sk_plot, Qk_plot = RK4_M_times_plot(F, M, h, nx=2 * nx)
    fs, S_plot, Q_plot = integrator_N_times_plot(fsk,
                                                 nx=2 * nx)

    U = MX.sym('U', N)
    S = MX.sym('S', (2 * nx, N + 1))

    # Constraint setup

    # X0 = x0:
    g = [S[:nx, 0] - x0]
    for i in range(N):
        g.append(S[:, i + 1] - fsk(S[:, i], U[i])[0])
    # Lambda_f = 0:
    g.append(S[nx:, -1])
    g = vertcat(*g)

    # Initial Conditions

    lbd0 = [1, 1, 1]
    traj_initial = True
    S0 = [x0, lbd0]
    X0 = f(x0, u0)[0].full().squeeze()[:-nx]
    for i in range(N):
        if traj_initial:
            S0.append(X0[i:i + nx])
    S0 = np.concatenate(S0)
    trajinit = '_initial'
    Sk = S0
    Sk_diff_norm = diff_tol + 1

    max_iter = 100

    S = S.reshape((-1, 1))
    Fr = Function('Fr', [S, U], [g])
    jac_Fr = Function('Fr', [S, U], [jacobian(g, S)])

    S_sols = []
    U_sols = []
    iter = 0
    uvec = np.linspace(0.5, u_max, 100)
    while (iter < max_iter) and (Sk_diff_norm > diff_tol):
        print('Iteration =  {}, Sk_diff = {}'.format(iter, Sk_diff_norm))
        iter += 1
        # Calculate optimal U:
        U = []
        for i in range(N):
            sk = Sk[2 * nx * i:2 * nx * i + 2 * nx]
            U.append(argmin_u(u0, sk))

        # print(U)
        # Solve newton-iteration:
        Sk_old = Sk
        S_sol = (newton_rhapson(lambda s: Fr(s, U),
                                lambda s: jac_Fr(s, U),
        Sk = S_sol[-1]
        # Sk_diff_norm = norm_1(np.divide(Sk-Sk_old, diff_scaler))
        Sk_diff_norm = norm_1(Sk - Sk_old)
        U_sols.extend([U] * len(S_sol))

    X_sols = [np.reshape(X0, (nx, -1))]
    X_sols_raw = [np.reshape(X0, (nx, -1))]
    U_sols = [np.array([u0] * N)]
    lbd_sols_raw = [np.array([lbd0] * (N + 1))]

    X_sols_raw.append([s.reshape((2 * nx, -1))[:nx, :] for s in S_sols])
        [s.reshape((2 * nx, -1))[nx:, :].full() for s in S_sols])
    S_sols_reconstructed = [
        S_plot(s[:2 * nx], u) for s, u in zip(S_sols, U_sols)
        [s.reshape((2 * nx, -1))[:nx, :-nx] for s in S_sols_reconstructed])
    lbd_sols = [
        s.reshape((2 * nx, -1))[nx:, :-nx].full() for s in S_sols_reconstructed

    Q_sols = [Q_plot(s_sol[:2 * nx], u) for s_sol, u in zip(S_sols, U_sols)]

    a = 1
    sim_data = {
        'U': U_sols,
        'lam_g': lbd_sols_raw,
        'lam_x': lbd_sols_raw,
        'X': X_sols,
        'Q': Q_sols,
        'X_raw': X_sols_raw,
        't_M': tgrid_M,
        't': tgrid,
        'N': N,
        'M': M,
        'f': sum(Q_sols[-1].full()),
        'f_sols': [sum(q.full()) for q in Q_sols]

    fname = 'Multiple_Shooting_PMP' + '_' + param + trajinit
    with open(parent + '/data/' + fname + '.pck', 'wb') as file:
        pck.dump(sim_data, file)

    return fname
def Multiple_Shooting_RK4(param, method='IPOPT', traj_initial=True):
    if param == 'Social_Distancing':
        from Parameters.Parameters_Social_Distancing import x0, u_min, u_max, u0, f, fk, X_plot, Q_plot, N, M, nx, N_pop, tgrid_M, tgrid
    elif param == 'Vaccination':
        from Parameters.Parameters_Vaccination_Flat import x0, u_min, u_max, u0, f, fk, X_plot, Q_plot, N, M, nx, N_pop, tgrid_M, tgrid
    elif param == 'Isolation':
        from Parameters.Parameters_Isolation import x0, u_min, u_max, u0, f, fk, X_plot, Q_plot, N, nx, M, N_pop, tgrid_M, tgrid

    U = MX.sym('U', N)
    X = MX.sym('X', (nx, N))

    # Constraint setup

    Q = 0
    g = [X[:, 0] - x0]
    Xk = x0
    for i in range(N - 1):
        Xk, Qk = fk(Xk, U[i])
        g.append(X[:, i + 1] - Xk)
        Q += Qk
    V = vertcat(U, X.reshape((-1, 1)))
    g = vertcat(*g)
    NV = V.shape[0]
    Ng = g.shape[0]

    Q = f(x0, U)[1]

    prob = {'f': Q, 'x': V, 'g': g}

    CB = Iteration_Callback('Singleshoot_CB', NV, Ng, iter_step)

    if method == 'IPOPT':
        opts_IPOPT['iteration_callback'] = CB
        solver = nlpsol('solver', 'ipopt', prob, opts_IPOPT)
    elif method == 'SQP':
        opts_SQP['iteration_callback'] = CB
        solver = nlpsol('solver', 'sqpmethod', prob, opts_SQP)

    if traj_initial:
        X0 = f(x0, u0)[0].full().squeeze()[:-nx]
        trajinit= '_initial'
        X0 = x0 * N
    U0 = [u0]*N
    V0 = [*U0, *X0]
    ubv = [u_max] * N + [N_pop] * (nx * N)
    lbv = [u_min] * N + [0] * (nx * N)

    sol = solver(x0=V0, lbx=lbv, ubx=ubv, lbg=[0] * Ng, ubg=[0] * Ng)
    U_sols = [U0, *[v_sol[:N] for v_sol in CB.x_sols]]
    sim_data = {'U': U_sols, 'lam_x': CB.lam_x_sols, 'lam_g': CB.lam_g_sols,
                'X': [X_plot(x0, u) for u in U_sols],
                'Q': [Q_plot(x0, u) for u in U_sols],
                'X_raw': [np.vstack([V_sol[N:][::nx],V_sol[N+1:][::nx],V_sol[N+2:][::nx]]) for V_sol in CB.x_sols],
                't_M': tgrid_M, 't': tgrid, 'N': N, 'M': M, 'f': sol['f'], 'f_sols': CB.f_sols}
    fname = 'Multiple_Shooting_' + method + '_' + param + trajinit
    with open(parent + '/data/' + fname + '.pck', 'wb') as file:
        pck.dump(sim_data, file)

    return fname
def Primal_Dual_Multiple_Shooting(param, traj_initial=True):
    if param == 'Social_Distancing':
        from Parameters.Parameters_Social_Distancing import N_pop, f, x0, u_min, u_max, N, fk, nx, Q_plot, X_plot, u0
    if param == 'Vaccination':
        from Parameters.Parameters_Vaccination_Flat import N_pop, f, x0, u_min, u_max, N, fk, nx, Q_plot, X_plot, u0
    if param == 'Isolation':
        from Parameters.Parameters_Isolation import N_pop, f, x0, u_min, u_max, N, fk, nx, Q_plot, X_plot, u0
    method = 'Primal_Dual_Multiple_Shooting'

    U = MX.sym('U', N)
    X = MX.sym('X', (nx, N))

    #Constraint setup

    Q = 0
    g = [X[:, 0] - x0]
    Xk = x0
    for i in range(N - 1):
        Xk, Qk = fk(Xk, U[i])
        g.append(X[:, i + 1] - Xk)
        Q += Qk
    V = vertcat(U, X.reshape((-1, 1)))
    g = vertcat(*g)
    Ng = g.shape[0]

    h = vertcat(u_min - U, U - u_max)
    Nh = h.shape[0]
    grad_Phi = jacobian(Q, V)

    #Primal Dual variables

    s = MX.sym('s', Nh)
    lbd = MX.sym('lbd', Ng)
    mu = MX.sym('mu', Nh)
    tau = MX.sym('tau')

    w = vertcat(V, lbd, mu, s)

    #Primal Dual formulation

    grad_lag = grad_Phi.T + jacobian(g, V).T @ lbd + jacobian(h, V).T @ mu
    r = vertcat(grad_lag, g, h + s, mu * s - tau)

    Fr = Function('r', [w, tau], [r])
    jac_Fr = Function('jac_Fr', [w, tau], [jacobian(r, w)])

    #Initial Values

    tau = 1
    trajinit = ''
    U0 = [u0] * N
    if traj_initial:
        X0 = f(x0, U0)[0].full().squeeze()[:-nx]
        trajinit = '_initial'
        X0 = x0 * N

    lbd0 = [1] * Ng
    mu0 = [1] * Nh
    s0 = [tau / m for m in mu0]
    w0 = np.concatenate([U0, X0, lbd0, mu0, s0]).T

    wk = w0

    jac_Fr0 = jac_Fr(w0, tau)
    init_rank = la.matrix_rank(jac_Fr0)
    assert init_rank == jac_Fr0.shape[
        0], 'Initial rank deficiency: %i' % init_rank + ', should be %i' % jac_Fr0.shape[

    tol = 1e-3
    max_iter = 100
    wk_diff = 1000
    diff_scaler = [u_max - u_min] * N + [N_pop] * (N) * nx + [1
                                                              ] * (Ng + 2 * Nh)
    wk_diff_list = []
    is_armaijo = False
    wk_list = [w0]
    wk_opt_list = [w0]

    def root_fun(wk, tau):
        f = lambda w: Fr(w, tau)
        jac_f = lambda w: jac_Fr(w, tau)
        if is_armaijo:
            return armaijo_newton(f,
            return newton_rhapson(f,

    iter = 0
    wk_diff_norm = 1000
    while wk_diff_norm > diff_tol or (tau > tau_tol) or (iter > max_iter):
        print('tau = {}, norm_1(delta_w) = {}'.format(tau, wk_diff_norm))
        wk_old = wk_opt_list[-1]
        wk_list.extend(root_fun(wk_old, tau))
        wk_diff = wk_old - wk_opt_list[-1]
        wk_diff_norm = norm_1(np.divide(wk_diff, diff_scaler))
        tau *= tau_factor
        iter += 1

    # Format solution data
    separate_w = Function('sep_w', [w], [U, X, lbd, mu, s])
    U_list = []
    X_list = []
    lbd_list = []
    mu_list = []
    s_list = []
    for w_sol in wk_opt_list:
        U_opt, X_opt, lbd_opt, mu_opt, s_opt = separate_w(w_sol)
        _ = [
            for x, y in zip([U_list, X_list, lbd_list, mu_list, s_list],
                            [U_opt, X_opt, lbd_opt, mu_opt, s_opt])

    sim_data = {
        'U': U_list,
        'lam_g': lbd_list,
        'lam_x': mu_list,
        'X': [X_plot(x0, u) for u in U_list],
        'Q': [Q_plot(x0, u) for u in U_list],
        'f_sols': [sum(Q_plot(x0, u).full()) for u in U_list],
        'f': sum(Q_plot(x0, U_list[-1]).full()),
        'X_raw': X_list,
        't_M': tgrid_M,
        't': tgrid,
        'N': N,
        'M': M

    fname = 'Multiple_Shooting_Primal_Dual_' + param + trajinit
    with open(parent + '/data/' + fname + '.pck', 'wb') as file:
        pck.dump(sim_data, file)

    return fname
Esempio n. 5
def Primal_Dual_Single_Shooting(param):
    if param == 'Social_Distancing':
        from Parameters.Parameters_Social_Distancing import u_min, u_max, L, xdot, x, nx, u, M, h, N, x0, u0, f, X_plot, Q_plot
    elif param == 'Vaccination':
        from Parameters.Parameters_Vaccination_Flat import u_min, u_max, L, xdot, x, nx, u, M, h, N, x0, u0, f, X_plot, Q_plot
    elif param == 'Isolation':
        from Parameters.Parameters_Isolation import u_min, u_max, L, xdot, x, nx, u, M, h, N, x0, u0, f, X_plot, Q_plot

    U = MX.sym('U', N)
    X, Q = f(x0, U)
    h = vertcat(u_min - U, U - u_max)
    Nh = h.shape[0]
    s = MX.sym('s', Nh)
    mu = MX.sym('mu', Nh)
    tau = MX.sym('tau')
    w = vertcat(U, mu, s)

    grad_Phi = jacobian(Q, U)

    grad_lag = grad_Phi.T + jacobian(h, U).T @ mu
    r = vertcat(grad_lag, h + s, mu * s - tau)

    Fr = Function('r', [w, tau], [r])
    jac_Fr = Function('jac_Fr', [w, tau], [jacobian(r, w)])

    tau = 1
    U0 = [u0] * N
    mu0 = [1] * Nh
    s0 = [tau / m for m in mu0]
    w0 = np.concatenate([U0, mu0, s0]).T

    G = rootfinder('root_r', 'newton', Fr)

    wk = w0
    tol = .5
    max_iter = 100
    wk_diff = 1000
    wk_diff_list = []
    wk_list = [w0]

    wk_opt = [w0]
    while (wk_diff > diff_tol) or (tau > tau_tol):
        print('tau = {}, norm_1(delta_w) = {}'.format(tau, wk_diff))
        wk_old = wk_opt[-1]
        f = lambda x: Fr(x, tau)
        grad_f = lambda x: jac_Fr(x, tau)

            newton_rhapson(f, grad_f, wk_old, tol=tol, max_iter=max_iter))
        wk_diff = norm_1(wk_old - wk_list[-1])
        tau *= tau_factor

    U_sols = [np.array(w[:N]) for w in wk_opt]
    X_sols = [X_plot(x0, u).full() for u in U_sols]
    Q_sols = [Q_plot(x0, u).full() for u in U_sols]
    mu_sols = [w[N:N + Nh] for w in wk_opt]
    s_sols = [w[N + Nh:N + 2 * Nh] for w in wk_opt]

    sim_data = {
        'U': U_sols,
        'lam_x': mu_sols,
        's': s_sols,
        'X': X_sols,
        'Q': Q_sols,
        'f_sols': [sum(q) for q in Q_sols],
        'f': sum(Q_sols[-1]),
        't_M': tgrid_M,
        'N': N,
        'M': M

    fname = 'Single_Shooting_Primal_Dual_' + param
    with open(parent + '/data/' + fname + '.pck', 'wb') as file:
        pck.dump(sim_data, file)
    return fname