def processPATandTOPTREE(): global workingDir global dbsInst global dataType global doDry global nEventsDBS global workingDir global dataType global nEventsTT global nEventsDBS global topTreeLocation global topCffName global patCffName global ttreeEventContent global options global jobEffPat global jobEffTT global CrabJSON log.output("********** Preparing to produce the PAT-tuple and TopTree in one go **********") startTime = gmtime() # create pat cfg pat = PatProducer(timestamp,workingDir,log); pat.createPatConfig(options.dataset,options.GlobalTag,dataType,options.doGenEvent,options.cmssw_ver,options.cmssw_ver_sample,options.flavourHistoryFilterPath,options.runOnMC,options.pat_config) patCffName = pat.getConfigFileName() # create toptree cfg top = TopTreeProducer(timestamp,workingDir,log) # top.createTopTreeConfig(options.dataset,dataType,options.doGenEvent,options.GlobalTag,options.cmssw_ver,options.cmssw_ver_sample) top.createTopTreeConfig(options.dataset,dataType,options.doGenEvent,options.GlobalTag,options.cmssw_ver,options.cmssw_ver_sample,options.top_config) topCffName = top.getConfigFileName() log.output(" ---> will expand the TopTree config before sending it with crab " ) cmd2 = 'cd '+options.cmssw_ver+'; eval `scramv1 runtime -sh`; cd -; python '+workingDir+'/'+top.getConfigFileName()+'; mv -v '+workingDir+'/' if not workingDir.rfind("CMSSW_5_") == -1: log.output("Expanding TopTree config:: CMSSW_5_X_Y release detected, setting scram arch to slc5_amd64_gcc462") cmd2 = "export SCRAM_ARCH=\"slc5_amd64_gcc462\";"+cmd2 pExe = Popen(cmd2, shell=True, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT, close_fds=True) log.output( # create crab cfg #crab = CRABHandler(timestamp,workingDir,log); crab = CRABHandler(options.toptree_ver,timestamp,workingDir,log); if not dbsInst == "": crab.setDBSInst(dbsInst) log.output(" ---> CRAB will use DBS instance "+dbsInst+" to look for your data.") #crab.nEventsPerJob = "20000" #crab.nEventsPerJob = "500" if not doDry: crab.scaleJobsSize(options.dataset,options.RunSelection,1) # if to much jobs (>2500) we create new cfg with 2500 jobs crab.runTwoConfigs(patCffName,topCffName) crab.AdditionalCrabInput=getAdditionalInputFiles(crab.AdditionalCrabInput) crab.createCRABcfg("crab_"+timestamp+".cfg", options.dataset, pat.getConfigFileName(), top.getOutputFileName(), "TOPTREE", bool(False), options.CEBlacklist, options.RunSelection, options.forceStandAlone) topTreeLocation = crab.getOutputLocation().split("\n")[0] if not doDry: crab.submitJobs() crab.checkJobs() crab.publishDataSet() nEventsDBS = crab.getnEventsDBS() nEventsTT = crab.checkFJR() CrabJSON = crab.getCrabJSON() if doStartFromPAT: nEventsDBS = crab.getnEventsDBS() ttreeEventContent = top.dumpEventContent(topTreeLocation) jobEffPat = crab.getJobEff() # same job-eff for pat & TT in case of duo-jobs jobEffTT = crab.getJobEff() log.output("--> Job Efficiency: "+str(crab.getJobEff())) endTime = gmtime() log.output("--> The TopTree production took "+ str((time.mktime(endTime)-time.mktime(startTime))/3600.0)+" hours.") log.appendToMSG("\n* TopTree production information: \n") if not crab.getOutputLocation() == "": log.appendToMSG("\t-> Data location: "+topTreeLocation+"\n") log.appendToMSG("\t-> Number of events processed: "+str(nEventsTT)) log.appendToMSG("\n Note: This TopTree was created from PAT inside one single job, the PATtuple was not stored")
def processPATandTOPTREE(): global workingDir global dbsInst global dataType global doDry global nEventsDBS global workingDir global dataType global nEventsTT global nEventsDBS global topTreeLocation global topCffName global patCffName global ttreeEventContent global options global jobEffPat global jobEffTT global CrabJSON log.output( "********** Preparing to produce the PAT-tuple and TopTree in one go **********" ) startTime = gmtime() # create pat cfg pat = PatProducer(timestamp, workingDir, log) pat.createPatConfig(options.dataset, options.GlobalTag, dataType, options.doGenEvent, options.cmssw_ver, options.cmssw_ver_sample, options.flavourHistoryFilterPath, options.runOnMC, options.pat_config) patCffName = pat.getConfigFileName() # create toptree cfg top = TopTreeProducer(timestamp, workingDir, log) # top.createTopTreeConfig(options.dataset,dataType,options.doGenEvent,options.GlobalTag,options.cmssw_ver,options.cmssw_ver_sample) top.createTopTreeConfig(options.dataset, dataType, options.doGenEvent, options.GlobalTag, options.cmssw_ver, options.cmssw_ver_sample, options.top_config) topCffName = top.getConfigFileName() log.output( " ---> will expand the TopTree config before sending it with crab ") cmd2 = 'cd ' + options.cmssw_ver + '; eval `scramv1 runtime -sh`; cd -; python ' + workingDir + '/' + top.getConfigFileName( ) + '; mv -v ' + workingDir + '/' if not workingDir.rfind("CMSSW_5_") == -1: log.output( "Expanding TopTree config:: CMSSW_5_X_Y release detected, setting scram arch to slc5_amd64_gcc462" ) cmd2 = "export SCRAM_ARCH=\"slc5_amd64_gcc462\";" + cmd2 pExe = Popen(cmd2, shell=True, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT, close_fds=True) log.output( # create crab cfg #crab = CRABHandler(timestamp,workingDir,log); crab = CRABHandler(options.toptree_ver, timestamp, workingDir, log) if not dbsInst == "": crab.setDBSInst(dbsInst) log.output(" ---> CRAB will use DBS instance " + dbsInst + " to look for your data.") #crab.nEventsPerJob = "20000" #crab.nEventsPerJob = "500" if not doDry: crab.scaleJobsSize( options.dataset, options.RunSelection, 1) # if to much jobs (>2500) we create new cfg with 2500 jobs crab.runTwoConfigs(patCffName, topCffName) crab.AdditionalCrabInput = getAdditionalInputFiles( crab.AdditionalCrabInput) crab.createCRABcfg("crab_" + timestamp + ".cfg", options.dataset, pat.getConfigFileName(), top.getOutputFileName(), "TOPTREE", bool(False), options.CEBlacklist, options.RunSelection, options.forceStandAlone) topTreeLocation = crab.getOutputLocation().split("\n")[0] if not doDry: crab.submitJobs() crab.checkJobs() crab.publishDataSet() nEventsDBS = crab.getnEventsDBS() nEventsTT = crab.checkFJR() CrabJSON = crab.getCrabJSON() if doStartFromPAT: nEventsDBS = crab.getnEventsDBS() ttreeEventContent = top.dumpEventContent(topTreeLocation) jobEffPat = crab.getJobEff( ) # same job-eff for pat & TT in case of duo-jobs jobEffTT = crab.getJobEff() log.output("--> Job Efficiency: " + str(crab.getJobEff())) endTime = gmtime() log.output("--> The TopTree production took " + str((time.mktime(endTime) - time.mktime(startTime)) / 3600.0) + " hours.") log.appendToMSG("\n* TopTree production information: \n") if not crab.getOutputLocation() == "": log.appendToMSG("\t-> Data location: " + topTreeLocation + "\n") log.appendToMSG("\t-> Number of events processed: " + str(nEventsTT)) log.appendToMSG( "\n Note: This TopTree was created from PAT inside one single job, the PATtuple was not stored" )
def processPAT(): global workingDir global dbsInst global dataType global doDry global patPublishName global nEventsPAT global nEventsDBS global patCffName global patLocation global patEventContent global jobEffPat global options global CrabJSON log.output("********** Preparing to produce the PAT-tuple **********") startTime = gmtime() pat = PatProducer(timestamp,workingDir,log); pat.createPatConfig(options.dataset,options.GlobalTag,dataType,options.doGenEvent,options.cmssw_ver,options.cmssw_ver_sample,options.flavourHistoryFilterPath,options.runOnMC,options.pat_config) patCffName = pat.getConfigFileName() #crab = CRABHandler(timestamp,workingDir,log); crab = CRABHandler(options.toptree_ver,timestamp,workingDir,log); #print "**"+crab.baseDir if not dbsInst == "": crab.setDBSInst(dbsInst) log.output(" ---> CRAB will use DBS instance "+dbsInst+" to look for your data.") if not doDry: crab.scaleJobsSize(options.dataset,options.RunSelection,1) # if to much jobs (>2500) we create new cfg with 2500 jobs crab.AdditionalCrabInput=getAdditionalInputFiles(crab.AdditionalCrabInput) crab.createCRABcfg("crab_pat_"+timestamp+".cfg", options.dataset, pat.getConfigFileName(), pat.getOutputFileName(), "PAT", bool(True), options.CEBlacklist, options.RunSelection, options.forceStandAlone) if not doDry: crab.submitJobs() nEventsDBS = crab.getnEventsDBS() crab.checkJobs() time.sleep(60) # to be shure the jobs are in done status patPublishName = crab.publishDataSet() nEventsPAT = crab.checkFJR() patLocation = crab.getOutputLocation() patEventContent = pat.dumpEventContent(patLocation) jobEffPat = crab.getJobEff() log.output("--> Job Efficiency: "+str(crab.getJobEff())) endTime = gmtime() log.output("--> The PAT production took "+ str((time.mktime(endTime)-time.mktime(startTime))/3600.0)+" hours.") log.appendToMSG("\n* PAT production information: ") if not crab.getOutputLocation() == "": log.appendToMSG("\n\t-> Data location: "+patLocation+"\n") log.appendToMSG("\t-> DataSet was published in DBS as: "+patPublishName) log.appendToMSG("\t-> Number of events processed: "+str(nEventsPAT))
def processPAT(): global workingDir global dbsInst global dataType global doDry global patPublishName global nEventsPAT global nEventsDBS global patCffName global patLocation global patEventContent global jobEffPat global options global CrabJSON log.output("********** Preparing to produce the PAT-tuple **********") startTime = gmtime() pat = PatProducer(timestamp, workingDir, log) pat.createPatConfig(options.dataset, options.GlobalTag, dataType, options.doGenEvent, options.cmssw_ver, options.cmssw_ver_sample, options.flavourHistoryFilterPath, options.runOnMC, options.pat_config) patCffName = pat.getConfigFileName() #crab = CRABHandler(timestamp,workingDir,log); crab = CRABHandler(options.toptree_ver, timestamp, workingDir, log) #print "**"+crab.baseDir if not dbsInst == "": crab.setDBSInst(dbsInst) log.output(" ---> CRAB will use DBS instance " + dbsInst + " to look for your data.") if not doDry: crab.scaleJobsSize( options.dataset, options.RunSelection, 1) # if to much jobs (>2500) we create new cfg with 2500 jobs crab.AdditionalCrabInput = getAdditionalInputFiles( crab.AdditionalCrabInput) crab.createCRABcfg("crab_pat_" + timestamp + ".cfg", options.dataset, pat.getConfigFileName(), pat.getOutputFileName(), "PAT", bool(True), options.CEBlacklist, options.RunSelection, options.forceStandAlone) if not doDry: crab.submitJobs() nEventsDBS = crab.getnEventsDBS() crab.checkJobs() time.sleep(60) # to be shure the jobs are in done status patPublishName = crab.publishDataSet() nEventsPAT = crab.checkFJR() patLocation = crab.getOutputLocation() patEventContent = pat.dumpEventContent(patLocation) jobEffPat = crab.getJobEff() log.output("--> Job Efficiency: " + str(crab.getJobEff())) endTime = gmtime() log.output("--> The PAT production took " + str((time.mktime(endTime) - time.mktime(startTime)) / 3600.0) + " hours.") log.appendToMSG("\n* PAT production information: ") if not crab.getOutputLocation() == "": log.appendToMSG("\n\t-> Data location: " + patLocation + "\n") log.appendToMSG("\t-> DataSet was published in DBS as: " + patPublishName) log.appendToMSG("\t-> Number of events processed: " + str(nEventsPAT))